
Comments by Subraman (page 216)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Help!!! A Stripper Won't Return My Phone Calls!!!!
    Sorry, her mouth is full. She'll call back in a few
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    7 years ago
    Stacey Poole is a heavy-hootered butterface
    Agree with STL -- she is not pretty. And that is wearing a ton of professionally-applied makeup and very carefully staged photos, something that can easily bring women up two notches. Still would, obvi
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Good, bad and ugly of not cumming in panties
    You say that again, he'll hit you with his purse
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $1,000 and 8 hours with a eight
    NFW. I regularly get super long OTCs for girls 8 & above, for just the price of the OTC. Paying $1k is crazy
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When you sleep with a stripper do you actually sleep with her?
    I do overnights with strippers whenever I can -- but "whenever I can" translates to, very few. I do not pay extra for the length of the date, so what we're really talking about here is: a stripper who will stay with me overnight, for whatever OTC price we've agreed to already. Typically, she's got to be at least as comfortable with me as I am with her, so it's really close ATFs where this happens, for the most part. So it it balances out: I'm not going to be interested in sleeping with her unless I know her super well, and if I know her super well, then I won't be worried about safety either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everywhere. Currently Phoenix
    Help with strategies to not be seen as an ATM/whale.
    Ish: evidently, my reading comprehension *is* in the toilet, since I thought you were LW :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everywhere. Currently Phoenix
    Help with strategies to not be seen as an ATM/whale.
    -->"He's paying $250 for high-contact VIP. " Lonewolf: I don't think so, or my reading comprehension is in the toilet. Here's his exact words: -->"I seem to have already set a precedent that I'm willing to spend $350 on her for just really good high contact dances." He's paying $350, not $250, for high-contact VIP, he's set a precedent at the price (that is, he's given her $250 VIP plus an extra $100 just for high contact in the past). At least, that's how I read that sentence. He's also offering the same amount, $350, for FS. Which seems crazy...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers Are Better Than Escorts/Hookers (Proof Inside)
    Amusing reminder of the dingbatty way so many strippers run their lives lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everywhere. Currently Phoenix
    Help with strategies to not be seen as an ATM/whale.
    -->"She has GPS" I disagree. He trained her to consider $350 the price for high contact dances. She would be a complete idiot to accept the same amount to have sex, given that all indications to her are that she has a live one on her hands, and it's worth the risk to bid him up. This is a lesson-learned moment. Don't pay for a no-extras dance, the exact same amount you want to pay for FS, and then expect to get FS at that price. Cut your losses and move on, and do yourself a favor and don't overpay in a way that will sabotage yourself
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    What's "The Handshake?"
    I would be happy to show you the stripper handshake, but my rule is, I only demonstrate this live. But I guarantee you'll love it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Burner App
    There's a big recent thread on this. TL;DR: there's strengths & weaknesses of burner app vs second phone. For me, burner app works best, I use Sideline
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Potential issues with OTC
    Interesting! Well, at least it had a happy ending, even though there was no happy ending :) Ya, my rule #4 was meant to cover things such as "consider arming yourself, if you're that type", "don't let her near that locked hotel room door, if you can help it (although often, you can't)", etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    City moves to shut strip club after alleged prostitution, violence on premises
    -->"Undercover cop stripper: "I'll give you a BJ for $200" As an aside, have you guys ever heard about an undercover cop who was undercover as a *stripper*? I've always figured that no way would a female officer agree to that. Maybe she was the bartender or waitress?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Potential issues with OTC
    joe, surprised you've never considered this -- some article about a stripper & boyfriend/pimp robbing or killing the PL during an OTC makes the papers a few times a year. That said, typically one look at the girl's picture and I'm not surprised, they're typically lowest-end ghetto or white trash girls doing these things. In addition, this has literally never happened to anyone on any forum I've been on, and it seems like there are reasonable precautions you can take. 1. Don't do it at your house, dummy. (unless you know her really well) 2. Don't go to her house, dummy. (unless you know her really well) 3. When feasible, get the hotel room "live" (that is, she doesn't know what hotel or room you're in, until as late as possible). 4. Stay aware that this is a possibility
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What's with the short OTC?
    Ya, that's a red flag. Also a red flag that Sebastian thinks that, because the meeting is set up ahead of time, that that means a stripper will plan ahead accordingly.
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    7 years ago
    What's with the short OTC?
    Ya, there's no way we can guess what was going on in her head. Based on much too little data, it vaguely sounds like she was worried about being seen for some reason, and/or gmd's explanation that she told someone else that she was somewhere else and needed to get home ASAP, are reasonable. But basically uninformed guesses. You have every right to bring it up with her -- I'd phrase it as a concerned question rather than a complaint, and see what she says
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What would you do?
    As a side benefit to being on snapchat so that you can reach her when she's lost all her contacts, I find snapchat to be a superior dick pic delivery platform.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What would you do?
    Ya, that's what I would have been thinking, too: did I get cut off, or did she change her number and lose all her contact info and would love for me to contact her? Unfortunately, I go with my forum comrades above: don't intrude on her. And next time, get on the girl's snapchat
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    7 years ago
    What would you do?
    Years ago, I had a fave who I know over the course of about 12 years (!!!). She'd occasionally quit stripping and take a civilian job, but we'd still do OTCs during her legit periods to help her make ends meet. Anyway, she was -- and I say this with love in my heart -- a bit of a fartbrain, and she was constantly breaking or losing her phone, and as with most strippers, each time she gets a new one, she 1. gets a new phone number, 2. no longer has access to her contacts, which were on her old lost or broken phone. I would have lost touch with her completely a couple of times over those 12 years, if I hadn't also been on her facebook, and could direct message her if she went radio silent for a while. No such problem with my current and all time ATF (ha ha!), I am on her instagram and snapchat, I have two of her working email addresses, I'm on the snapchat and instagrams of several of her friends, and am on the social media of her mother (who is a decade younger than me). In any case, moral of the story: the girls will lose their phone or change their phone number and lose their contacts, but will never lose access to their social media. If you dig her, best to get on it. If she unfriends you, you know she's cutting ties rather than just a lost phone or personal crisis
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Rate Your ATF!
    Shai, good rating scale. For strippers, I would also add in: Flakiness And maybe a rating for how Manipulative she is
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Rate Your ATF!
    Heh, some of the things they give negative points for, I look at as neutral, or even positives
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    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    Worth noting that WhatsApp, if I recall correctly, uses end-to-end encryption. As the Trump administration loosens up or cancels regulations designed to protect privacy against your mobile provider, the time may be right to more and more strongly favor end-to-end encrypted apps over anything that sends cleartext through your mobile provider
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In search of OTC
    First ITC, then OTC, then she'll be my girlfriend
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    OTC Logistics
    This phrase, "dropping the tailgate around back", could mean all kinds of things. I applaud your sense of adventurousness!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In search of OTC
    ^^^Ya, agree with Ish. If it's OTC you're after (no problem if you are willing to settle for just seeing her ITC, I'm talking about if OTC is a requirement): - Anything except "yes" means "no". And even "yes" is sometimes "no" -- she might say yes to keep you on the hook, then something always comes up to prevent the OTC. - Best to set a rule for yourself on how long you'll wait, and rigidly stick to it. For me, I'll give her a couple more visits, then move on. - To the disbelief of some people here, I *have* experienced girls who waffled on the topic, eventually agreeing. A little extra comfort level, and as I described above, some retreat on my part of the service level expected, can give her that extra push, if she's on the fence. That why I'm willing to do the "couple more visits" waiting period, rather than ending it right there, it has paid off