
Comments by Subraman (page 204)

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    7 years ago
    Follow up on Eve's post
    I'll tell you the two reasons why I would never be without my phone, and then a FRAT (fuck reading all that)-length explanation: 1. It adds (sometimes significantly) to my fun at the club 2. It's an indispensible personal safety tool FUN AT THE CLUB: I get the stripper's number with my phone (I find shadowcat's technique is optimized for getting strippers to not contact you; if I actually want to make contact, I have to get her number). I communicate with CF when I'm on my way to the club, to let her know to start breaking free from her current customer, and sometimes when I've parked to ask her if she wants a coffee. She and I will text each other at the club ("I'm in the back, be out in 10"), and faux-flirt (she'll text me a nudie of her in the back, I'll text her back a picture of a $20 bill, ha ha ha all around). We'll text each other snarky comments about people sitting right next to us at our table. We'll show each other pictures and spicy memes we have on our phones. I use my phone to soundhound songs (I'd say 50+% of songs on my phone, I've heard at the club!) ^^^^ None of this is absolutely required to have fun, but the phone really truly adds a lot of phone to the experience. 2. PERSONAL SAFETY TOOL. For many decades, people didn't wear seatbelts, and the vast majority of them survived being in cars (my entire childhood, my seatbelt was my mom's arm swinging across the car). But now that we know how the small act of putting on a seatbelt could save your life in the unlikely event of an accident -- what kind of dope doesn't put on a seatbelt? Similarly, for all but the past few decades, humanity has survived without phones, and I'm likely to survive a trip to the strip club without having my phone. But given that a cell phone is so useful as a personal safety device, why do it? The ability to call the police if I see something dangerous in the club or outside the club, why would I give that up? What if I have a personal medical emergency? And during a strip club trip, I can easily be gone for 6-8 hours (an hour+ each way to commute, 3-4 hours at the club, an hour grabbing dinner afterwards with my buddies), why be out of touch with my kids for that much time, what if they need me? And, this is CA, earthquakes are a real phenomenon, and we know from past earthquakes that even when power goes down, often the cell phone network stays up, and if it does go down, is often the first service restored. Why wander around without that potential lifeline? I realize most of you will resonate more with the "fun in the club" than "personal safety tool", but for me the 2nd one by itself is enough for me never to be without a phone. Like a seatbelt, it's an act that takes no energy at all but every day proves it can pay itself back in spades, for someone who takes personal responsibility for their safety. Or you can think I'm a paranoid weirdo, which is fine too :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Buying dancers drinks
    Going into broken record mode for me :) ... Yes, I buy the dancers drinks. Partly because I love drinking with the girls, partly because a buzzed (not drunk!) stripper is the most service-oriented stripper. And partly, because buying strippers drinks is the 2nd best deal in the house (best deal is food). I can stretch a single drink out pretty long -- we spend a few minutes talking about it and waiting for the waitress, order drinks and wait 5-10 minutes for waitress to come back, and then the custom is for the stripper to stay with me until the drink is done. All told, this can be easily 30 minutes of her time for under $10, and at the low-touch clubs I go to, that time spent groping and socializing at the table is higher-contact than a lapdance. In short, unless you're against drinking because you personally don't enjoy it, not buying stripper a drink = penny wise, pound foolish. Of course, I have to admit mdfmk is absolutely right that everything I just really depends heavily on the club. At the clubs I go to, there's a stripper culture of "stay until your drink is over" and the drinks cost exactly the same for PL and floozy. While I haven't been to a club that has $20+ dance drinks and the like, at a club like that I imagine nothing I said above applies
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Well my CF finally did it
    I think you have to go with your gut. But, like many of the guys above, if I *did* want to keep seeing her and want to have sex with her, something along georgmicrodong's line, "How about I take you up on that offer instead." She gets her $, you get what you want, win-win. To cut off any further requests, at the end of your OTC, after you've gotten the sex, you somehow organically slip into the conversation, "I really enjoyed this. In general I'm not comfortable lending money, but you can feel free to suggest doing this again, and if I'm free, I'm game". (in other words, let her know you won't be lending her money, don't ask, but proposing OTC is fine). joc13: I've gotten this type of pattern more from SA girls than strippers! Got one just last week, her car broke down (she sent me pics!) and asked for help. Again, part of my outlook on why SA is no panacea.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Follow up on Eve's post
    I don't take extraneous valuables, but would never be without my phone, and I also take my wallet (with all credit cards and ATM card), keys, glasses. No jewelry or the like. I think this is completely dependent on your personality and self control, but for me, keeping my full wallet with credit cards is 100% benefit, 0 risk. I don't use the credit card in the club, nor have I ever just gone full retard over a girl and started charging things because I lost control. And I *do* use my credit card often -- to get coffee for me and my CF before I get to the club, to go out to dinner with CF or my buddies afterwards, to do the occasional after-shift OTC (not my preferred model, but do it occasionally). Am I missing something? How is the credit card anything but all-benefit no-risk, if you take my word for it that I never lose control and start charging things up in the club?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Butt implants
    Butt implant = instant boner killer. Nina made an apt analogy in another thread -- that butt implants can look like a diaper, when the butt and thighs don't match. Papi, the exercises to target and build the posterior chain are very well known -- not only is it not difficult to hit the posterior chain, because these are large muscles, it's not particularly difficult to get this area to grow, as long as one is eating enough calories.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I haven't heard that song "in a minute".
    "In a minute" has been popular among the youngsters for a while. I expect to hear it in a context like: 20-year-old #1: "I haven't been to Club Brain Damage in a minute. But that club is soooo bomb!" 20-year-old #2: "Ewwww, that place is ratchet!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Strippers dancing in civvie outfits
    Dress = instant pass. I do really like the stripper standard uniform, particularly bra w/ g-string, thong, or boy shorts, depending on what works for her body. My one deviation is tight clingy cotton tops, on a spinner with Bs or As ... that is definitely my weakness
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting over an ATF
    We all handle these in our own way. For me, a new ATF is what does it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting over an ATF
    -->"though we never shared last names." Isn't it amazing that you got so emotionally involved with someone who you didn't even share last names with? Crazy, isn't it? From the outside looking in, the normal person's response to this is: "what are you, a fucking idiot?". That said, since I (and I gather most of us) have made the exact same mistake as you, you're in a good place to commiserate :) I just look back on my experience, and the many outrageous interactions and patterns we had, and wonder how I could have ever fallen into it. I think it's a slow build: it is absolutely abnormal psychology to be in love with a prostitute with whom you don't even share last names, but things like this feel normalized if you just ease into it slowly and your brain has time to make up excuses for each small anomaly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Copping feels without paying
    -->"I have definitely seen guys feel up all over the dancers, and not ending up getting dances." My PL code of ethics does not allow that -->"I’m not ballsy enough to try to put the finger in regardless if she’s my ATF or if I just met her." I should emphasize that I do everything with consent, with girls I know, and with understanding of compensation. With that as the context, this is a no-balls-needed situation. "May I?" If she says yes, you're clear to land. You should not be trying to stick your fingers in orifices without permission, IMO, even with girls you know.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Copping feels without paying
    -->"Are you SJG's separated twin? " I'm actually SJG's non-separated, parasitic twin. My head is jutting out of the side of his neck. I don't think I'm getting "front room action" because SJG requires kissing and making out as a required part of the definition. But the fact is I can get far more contact sitting at the table than I can in a lapdance. If I want to actually touch her, it's either the VIP, or the table, lapdances are useless.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much has TUSCL helped you overall?
    When I arrived at tuscl, I lacked self confidence, lived check to check, did not use the oxford comma, and was afraid to talk to women. Now, I am wealthy, women flock to me, I am vibrant and dynamic!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Copping feels without paying
    I don't let my hands wander on a girl I'm not intending to spend money on. For girls who I do plan to spend money on, well, I go to lower-contact non-extras clubs, and I routinely get more contact sitting at our table, than I would be able to get in a lapdance. The lapdance area is heavily patrolled by bouncers; sitting together in a comfy chair at the table, no one -- not the bouncers, not the eye in the sky -- have any idea where my hand is (her lower back? her ass cheek? two knuckles deep?). But, to emphasize -- that's with a girl I already know, and she knows I'll be spending money on her and that this is part of the quid pro quo. Never with a girl I won't be paying. In the in-between case -- I don't know her, but DO plan to spend money on her -- I'll touch things like her thigh and ass cheek, but won't be trying to slip a finger in or anything.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sharing Your ATF/CF
    K: just remember the old adage about how it's possible for two people to keep a secret
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big asses
    -->"It's the pussyfication of America - real men like big asses, it's the way nature intended it to be and it's even in the bible" Juice, could we discuss this in your next bible study thread, and get a ruling on it? Specifically, how long will Papi spend in hell for spreading this seditious libel?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big asses
    -->"When/why did fat pillow-like assessment become the mainstream ideal? Did "Baby Got Back" have that much of an influence?" It's been a thing for a good 15+ years, hasn't it? Obviously, one song did not cause all of this. But you ARE onto something -- this IS a case of urban tastes going mainstream, just like rap. Or, as the famous line goes: "The main difference between a black woman and a white woman is, if a black woman asks you if her ass looks fat, you say YES". As an ass man, this has all been a huge bummer. Previously, the trend was that most strippers were trying to make their ass smaller. Now, an enormous number are trying to make their ass bigger, and don't even get me started on how universally atrocious and ridiculous ass implants invariably look. I'm not sure what to think of it as a trend. Here to stay, like hip hop? Change again in 10 years? It doesn't seem as if giant asses have caught on in most fashion modeling, except for specifically urban brands, so that particular industry is sticking to their traditional model of beauty, so far.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Favorite mix of ethnicities in a stripper?
    -->" I've noticed in many Mexicans, if they've got the big tits, they usually have the flattish asses" Ya ... but you actually have to be around Mexican women to have noticed that, rather than make assumptions based on, say, Cubans or Puerto Ricans :) Regardless of hip size ("fat asses"?), a good subset have flat asses. Most importantly, for the slim little bodies I like, they're 2nd only to Asians in flatness.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sharing Your ATF/CF
    I share her with my buddies when I'm at the club, does that count? Other than that, happy to share an ATF with someone I know and trust won't be a dick to her -- I'm happy to send some $$$ her way, but if I don't know someone, and I don't know how he'll treat her, I'll likely just give general info about the club. But if you're one of my best TUSCL buddies (e.g., Rajesh the packer and mover, the trans stripper, etc.), absolutely I'd share.
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    7 years ago
    Favorite mix of ethnicities in a stripper?
    -->"subra, i also gotta agree with the two posts ninabambina made after your post" Fat asses were a bit of a tangent though. For the slim girls I like, the Asian and Mexican girls tend to be flat, is all I"m saying. Nothing to do with who has the fattest ass
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    7 years ago
    Favorite mix of ethnicities in a stripper?
    -->"As a half white girl, I can tell you that a latin/white girl's curves are almost always from her Latin side, not her white side." Definitely not the case here -- to get into full blown racial generalizations (always my fave!), Mexican women as a group are almost as often flat assed as Asian women, although they often have wider hips. Might not be true of, say, Cubans or Brazilians, who look super curvy, but if a white/latin girl has an ass in this area, it's from the white side, IME
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Favorite mix of ethnicities in a stripper?
    White mixed with latin or Asian tends to most often draw my attention. In general I'm very attracted to white women, and a mix with latin or Asian adds some sexy spice, plus those two ethnicities so often have the silkiest skin. And, especially in the case of Asian but often latin, the white part adds some curve to their ass
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    A fetish thread.
    While I really enjoy BDSM, I don't have any real fetishes. I'm a sucker for a nice ass, but probably not clinically fetish
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Two CFs at the same club
    houjack-->"I've never had issue, because when I have CFs I make appointments to see them" I do exactly the same thing, I never surprise my CF, I want to make sure she's there and has reserved the afternoon for me. That said, if another CF sees me, she'll just assume I popped in, so I do think it's important to just be upfront and natural ... as long as YOU act in control and as if you're not doing anything wrong (which you're not), this can be totally drama free. Just be transparent and honest
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Social Media and ATF
    I have a whole series of sex-industry-only social media (FB, instagram, and especially snapchat) that's only for strippers, SA girls, massage girls, and any of their hot friends i run into :) Nothing but strippers and the like. I enjoy the interaction, I think honeypot social media sites are a must houjack-->"In my very limited experience having social media with strippers isn't as exciting as I thought. Lots of stupid posts about dumb shit. " While I enjoy social media, I can't argue with any of that, and especially on facebook and instagram, very often a completely manufactured facade overlaying their real life. That's among the many reasons why snapchat is my favorite, no text posts or inane comments or thumbs-up, skip past the pics of her eating and just enjoy the hot pics and vids of her and her hot friends partying, and since snapchat gives a false sense of security that your pics and vids eventually disappear, very easy to talk her into sending pics and vids.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Longest-lasting CF
    Damn, I was almost embarrassed about mine, but yours blows me away. But, my longest-running ATF is one of my top-5 ATFs overall. I've never tallied this in my head before, but recreating our ATF/PL history: 5 years at extra club #1: she was on and off a CF over those years 1 year at extra club #1: she became my absolute ATF --- 2 years apart when she got pregnant 2 years at non-extras club #1: she's my ATF, and for a while my one and only ATATF --- 1 year apart, when she quits non-extras club #1, and her bf catches her OTCing with me and forces her to cut off all communication 3 months OTC: we get back in touch, and start OTCing again 1 month at non-extras club #2: she's my ATF 2 years at extras club #2: she's my ATF That should add up to roughly 12 years, it's a little more than that since I rounded up in places.