
Sharing Your ATF/CF

Knight of the Round Table Dance
Wednesday, November 1, 2017 6:11 PM
So do you tell other PLs who your ATF/CF is? For me it's a "Oh hell no!" I work pretty hard on finding and securing an ATF/CF for my own PL needs, so I want to "corner the market" on her as much as I can. The last thing I want is to have to wait even more for my ATF/CF because another PL is moving in on the action. Not that it will change my mind, I'm just curious how other PLs feel about this.


  • Daddillac
    7 years ago
    He'll fucking no.... but it really does not matter she is fucking 25 other guys anyway
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ Amen, but 25 is still < 26.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Why would someone want more competition with someone who is already busy?
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Won't tell anyone the club she works in either. I know there are other guys but I don't want to know about them, and I don't want to add to them. Hell I find myself reading reviews of her club holding my breath hoping I don't read her name or description.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @Doces300 I won't tell her club, name, or any physical details that would ever give her away. The only time I would make an exception is with an old friend from out of town where he isn't competition. And LMAO if he likes her, he still goes after me!
  • CouldBe
    7 years ago
    Nope. ATF/CF is classified info.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    On a related note to this thread, I only tell my friends who I know are big spenders. In exchange for all the scouting work I've done in a club on who's a ROB and who isn't, I send my friends to girls who will give me back 10% of the action. It's usually an extra song or two on top of what I would have spent on her, but it's still free songs for the "work" I've done.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @Liwet LOL that is the 'PL's commish'. Nice! I don't know if I could do that with my ATF DS, but with a CF that would be a definite 'maybe'.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    I have told a fellow TUSCL member or two who a CF of mine is and where she works. But I travel and seldom have the chance to visit her club. And I would not share that info with just anyone.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I assume you’re talking about TUSCLERS? These girls be for everybody. It’s not like she’s my girlfriend. Plus if I really like her, then I would want her to get as much business as she can. I’m not going to tell some TUSCL PL with 0 reviews, but if you’re a cool experienced veteran TUSCLer I don’t mind spreading the love lol.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ I mostly agree with this. When i'm there, i would hope to have a mutual partnership in priority, but i'm not interested in monopolizing her and vice versa. Now i will actually spend more time and money (like hours and several hundreds) on the ATF (as opposed to just a club favorite) that it seems like i'm monopolizing her, but only when we're both there. Of course, once i'm finished, i'm fine with her making more money, developing more regulars, etc. And before that, i'm fine with other's giving her their business and buying her drinks first, as i tend not to ply my favorites with alcohol unless them thirsty chicks ask. Now i don't care to think about all that she is doing before and after me for fantasy purposes. It tends to kill it. There can only be one dick in my fantasies. And really, i'm not so naive not to realize that as much as i like her and as much time and money i spend on her, i'm just one customer out of scores if not hundreds that she sees every month (and she is one of the more if not most popular ones). They're going to get their chance with her no matter what i do, disclose, share, whatever, so i have no say about it as i shouldn't. Now, i'm not sharing one iota of the details that we do for obvious reasons. Discretion is important, but seriously, some people just need to get over themselves.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I share her with my buddies when I'm at the club, does that count? Other than that, happy to share an ATF with someone I know and trust won't be a dick to her -- I'm happy to send some $$$ her way, but if I don't know someone, and I don't know how he'll treat her, I'll likely just give general info about the club. But if you're one of my best TUSCL buddies (e.g., Rajesh the packer and mover, the trans stripper, etc.), absolutely I'd share.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I'm with you Subraman. If I can pimp out my CF to other high-quality PLs that will give her money, then that's less I have to spend on her. My CFs become my CFs because they decide to spend time with me _despite_ the fact that I'm not the biggest spender in the club. More likely, I'm the guy that will buy them drinks or dinner, be kind to them, show some attention to them, and pay attention to their needs as well in VIP.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Sounds like there are more potential downsides than upsides (the guy ends up being a dick to her or goes full RIL and she assigns partial blame to you, she makes goal for the week without you so you don't get to see her when you come in or she always has a queue of customers waiting, etc) I swapped info with the guys from work I would go clubbing with during my teens. That was all good until one day when the other guys at work who never went to the clubs had gotten the full report from our last visit and were critiquing how I spent my money.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I've got no problem sharing who my favs are with guys who I know can act maturely in a SC. Then again I'm not a "lock 'em down" type either. I prefer to spend an hour or so with her and then cut her loose to make more $ while I enjoy a little variety. Or I'll spend my last hour with her. I'm no whale so I don't want to keep her from being able to earn.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "These girls be for everybody. It’s not like she’s my girlfriend." THANK YOU!!!
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m fine with sharing my cf/atf info with others. Of course - if someone has the potential to be a dick - I won’t share with him. I know she’s working to make money - and steering good clients her way is a good thing. I have no worries about sharing her with others. Although I don’t have a cf/atf right now. In the past it worked out quite well for me.
  • Longball300
    7 years ago
    When in club with buds we definitely share feedback on the dancer's.... skill set and enthusiasm level. Wouldn't want friends making a bad investment.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    I share info with someone I trust, but only with someone I trust. Strippers are trying to pay bills just like the rest of us and I wish them well in that respect. Bottom line is I'd rather help, not hurt her biz. So if I trust someone and that person wouldn't be an asshole to the gal, I will share info. I also don't really want any stripper to keep to myself because i would get a girlfriend if I wanted to have someone dependent on me. Realistically, I'm not a stripper's one and only and I don't want to be.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    If anybody wants to know who my ATF is just look up gridget in the TUSCL search box. She has retired and I have not seen or heard from her in over 3 years but she still qualifies as my ATF until if/when she gets replaced which is not likely. Girls that I see OTC , I only tell to my closest buddies. ITC favorites I share with other TUSCL members as long as they are contributors.
  • K
    7 years ago
    I learned a long time ago guys cannot keep their mouth shut. I tell no one other than you guys here. If I tell five guys, one will bring it up every time we are together, one will talk shit about me in the VIP, one will try to go OTC with her, one will tell his wife when he is drunk or they are fighting and the fifth will find the most embarrassing and socially awkward time and place to tell that funny story about K and the stripper.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    K: just remember the old adage about how it's possible for two people to keep a secret
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    For the most-part I feel that what goes on b/w a custy and a particular dancer is b/w them - having said this I would not have a problem if I thought a guy I knew would have a good-time w/ a dancer I know; i.e. I would tell him more or less how she was
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    No. There are a select few others that I share explicit information with, but I tell no one about my ATF, other than that I have one. Besides here, that is.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I've shared my ATF here for years. Now it doesn't matter, she moved down South and retired. While she was working here it was a joy just to see her, she was simply beautiful and nice. I'll never forget giving her orgasms during our sessions. Hope she's doing well, I miss you, Danni.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I have no problem sharing an ATF/CF but posting that she is mine kind of outs her as a girl who does more. See my rule on outing a club girl. Its really the "Dont kiss and tell rule" in effect.
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Hell yea I'll tell someone about my CF. Especially if someone on this board ask. I look at this like Fight Club lol... Maybe I'm in the minority but the whole SC experience is a fantasy to me. I go to have fun and get my dick hard while I'm at it. If I'm having a good time with a stripper(s) I would like for others too.
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