
Copping feels without paying

Thursday, November 2, 2017 9:54 AM
I’ve read reviews where a dancer comes over to talk to a customer, and the customer starts feeling up all over the dancer (ass, tits). They’re not doing dances, the customer is not paying her, they’re just talking. I’m kind of surprised that most of the dancers don’t seem to have a problem with this. Of course they’re gonna want you to eventually buy dances. Do any of you guys do this? I don’t do this to girls I haven’t spent money on in the past, but recently I’ve done it to a couple of my favs, and they don’t seem to mind.


  • joc13
    7 years ago
    If the club allows it, when a girl I know comes up to me, my arm goes around her and my hand eventually ends up on her ass. There are times at Follies where I've been waiting with a girl for an open spot on the couches, or a VIP room. I would at least be grabbing ass and probably tits too while we're waiting.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    If a girl comes up to me - and she hangs with me - I’ll tip her. I will probably let my hands wander a bit - but I won’t go far. I’m guessing that the girls know guys need a feel to decide. It’s like those free cheese samples they have in certain stores. They are tasty - and I’m usually going to buy what I sample (unless it tastes gross).
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    If she is a regular girl of mine, then yes i am much more touchy feely with her usually on my lap, just because of past history and likely future fun, so there is more of a comfort, at least on my end to touch, although it's usually light massage type, maybe some knee or leg caressing, and ass cupping/squeezing/patting/rubbing. Grabbing bra-covered titties does nothing but frustrate me. And no i don't pay anything for it, because it's assumed probably that i will spend money in the very near or immediate future.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I never grope a dancer or even put my hands on-her if I don't intend on spending $$$ on-her - but groping *is* my preferred method of "conversation" - i.e. when a dancer approaches me it's only a few-seconds b/f my hands are on her-ass and eventually on her tits - that gets me turned-on/primed for the dances - having conversation actually makes my dick limp. And it's also kinda a test for me - if she moves my hands or moves-away, I respect her wishes but almost-always pass on dances w/ her b/c she comes across as a prude/no-fun-dancer - I can def understand dancers been wary of custies trying to get feels for free, but IME it seems often times it's the sharks that want to get the mo$t for the least-effort that have an issue w/ being touched prior to dances or VIP.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... I’m kind of surprised that most of the dancers don’t seem to have a problem with this ..." Just b/c the dancers allow-it doesn't mean they don't have a problem w/ it - they know that is what men like (touch/feel/grope) thus they allow-in order to get the sale, or make the sale-possible (since the PL gets horny and will want dances). If dancers could get paid the same w/o being touched/groped, most would prefer that.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I don't let my hands wander on a girl I'm not intending to spend money on. For girls who I do plan to spend money on, well, I go to lower-contact non-extras clubs, and I routinely get more contact sitting at our table, than I would be able to get in a lapdance. The lapdance area is heavily patrolled by bouncers; sitting together in a comfy chair at the table, no one -- not the bouncers, not the eye in the sky -- have any idea where my hand is (her lower back? her ass cheek? two knuckles deep?). But, to emphasize -- that's with a girl I already know, and she knows I'll be spending money on her and that this is part of the quid pro quo. Never with a girl I won't be paying. In the in-between case -- I don't know her, but DO plan to spend money on her -- I'll touch things like her thigh and ass cheek, but won't be trying to slip a finger in or anything.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ Are you SJG's separated twin? Heavy front room action is where it's at and not lap dances... I wouldn't even think of slipping fingers or rubbing nubs in the front room at most of the clubs i go to. Not because of privacy or lack of it, but yeah, most of that type of activity is available in the LD area and most girls wouldn't be down for doing that for potentially free (custy might not pay and girl can do nothing about it), and they definitely don't want other girls and custies (but especially nosy girls) seeing it.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    At some of the clubs in Detroit, it’s the dancers who grope the customers. They don’t call it the “Henry handshake” for nothing....
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    yeah, I don’t go for free feels, because I highly doubt they’ll be receptive of it. Generally speaking, dancers don’t even take the initiative to sit in a PLs lap, so chances are they aren’t open to being groped unless you’re dancing with them The only exception to this is with my CF. I can grab her ass when she’s in my lap. But that’s only because I’ve spent so much on her in the past
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"Are you SJG's separated twin? " I'm actually SJG's non-separated, parasitic twin. My head is jutting out of the side of his neck. I don't think I'm getting "front room action" because SJG requires kissing and making out as a required part of the definition. But the fact is I can get far more contact sitting at the table than I can in a lapdance. If I want to actually touch her, it's either the VIP, or the table, lapdances are useless.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I’m not ballsy enough to try to put the finger in regardless if she’s my ATF or if I just met her. I have definitely seen guys feel up all over the dancers, and not ending up getting dances.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    Nah. I wait and do that during dances.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I don't know about ballsy, but it would seem extremely rude to do something like that and potentially get the girl in trouble or at least uncomfortable when the two of us can do it much more properly and comfortably in the LD area, but yeah, if LDs are overpriced if not worthless, you take what you can get where you can get it...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I have definitely seen guys feel up all over the dancers, and not ending up getting dances." My PL code of ethics does not allow that -->"I’m not ballsy enough to try to put the finger in regardless if she’s my ATF or if I just met her." I should emphasize that I do everything with consent, with girls I know, and with understanding of compensation. With that as the context, this is a no-balls-needed situation. "May I?" If she says yes, you're clear to land. You should not be trying to stick your fingers in orifices without permission, IMO, even with girls you know.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    If I would consider getting dances I allow full gropage. If I know I won't get dances I don't touch at all.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    I'm in the let them move first group. First, I only get dances from those that ask me, unless they are Asian. And if while asking I don't say no right off the bat, I see how they try to convince me to spend money on them. If they get hands on with me, I'll return the favor then get the dances.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "All is fair in love and war" I go as-far w/ a dancer as I would w/ a civvie as long as it's consensual - many on-here at some-point probably have had the experience of getting gropey in public w/ a civvie they are dating, and some on-here have had public-sex w/ civvies - i.e. sex is NATURAL and to be enjoyed - we have been hit over-the-head so much w.r.t "men being pigs for wanting sex" that we not dare do something that is NATURAL *and* TO BE ENJOYED - as long as it's consensual then *IMO* it's a pussy-whipped response to say "oh I would never do 'X'" (b/c of how she may react) - again, it must be consensual - I'll often make the first-move and although FIV is not a must-have for me nor do I try-it w/ every-dancer, I do get the urge if a dancer is somehow presenting the vag to me; in such a case I'll just move-in but do it slowly enough and gently enough for her to know my intentions and either allow me to proceed more "in depth" or pull my PL-hand away.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Papi you talking about FIV during the dance or when you’re talking to her? Subra is talking about FIV when talking to her. Not judging you Subra, I hope to have a relationship with a fav like that one day. I have to say though feeling up on a dancer while talking to her makes the conversation much more fun lol.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I'm only going to start copping an ass feel or a back rub if I intend to get dances. I've already decided if I want a dance prior to that point anyway. So if I intend to get a dance, I'm not going to pay up front but I will tip on top of the later dances for sure, and/or I will buy her a drink if it is going to be a while before dances. With my ATF DS, I usually just buy her a drink and she lets me cop feels on her ass, back, upper chest, and legs, and she sits spoon with me so my dick and balls are rubbing up into her glorious ass cheeks, and I give her a massage too. I get anywhere from 5 min to an hour of this for the cost of, at max, one drink. I also get to use her ass to squeeze on my rock hard dick and balls and keep me rock hard the entire time. Also she frequently wiggles her ass on my dick and balls throughout the time as well. It is a wonderful beyond GFE dick tease that I am totally spoiled with now. It makes my later LDK explosive because I am out of my mind horny for her within 10 minutes. Basically if it is longer than a couple of minutes and she makes sure my dick is teased, absolutely I'm going to tip later on after getting dances. But if I don't want dances, I won't touch her nor will I let her sit on my lap. Pro tip: Learn to give a good massage. If you start with that, it opens the door for copping feels and likely she won't expect anything!
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    “Learn to give a good massage. If you start with that, it opens the door for copping feels and likely she won’t expect anything!” This is very true.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Papi you talking about FIV during the dance or when you’re talking to her ..." It depends on the dancer and the club - I've done it both ways but more often while getting dances - hell, in some ultra-dives I hit I'll take out my dick and she'll be massaging it bare while we are "conversing" - did I say "all is fair in love and war"
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ the bare-dick massage is usually in places w/ UHM/extras-galore
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Clubber does like his Asians. :) I'm a Latina liker. As you guys say, it's a test to touch a dancer sexually and watch her reaction. It helps to determine if I want dances from her.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Wow the bare dick massage while conversing, maybe I need to start hitting up some dives!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Wow the bare dick massage while conversing, maybe I need to start hitting up some dives ..." I feel it helps break the ice - or more like shatter it - LOL
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    I don't do this, but on one visit to a FKK Club I was fingering a girl in the bar area about half an hour or so after we fucked each other silly. She instigated it.
  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    I don't touch a dancer that I don't intend to spend money on. I have had dancers walk up to me, flash their tits and then say "you need to tip me for that". I just say I didn't ask for it, but maybe I'll tip you on stage later. They just walk off all mad.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I once had a black stripper cop a feel of my dick without paying. Im thinking she should have payed me. :)
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ @chessmaster that happened to me too by two Cubans. And since I suffer from GDS (golden dick syndrome) I want a fucking tip!!!
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I know a TUSCL member that tips a dancer on stage while playing with her pussy. Every time he tells me about doing it he asks me "Are we allowed to do that?" :)
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Clubbing on a budget...cant relate
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    No front room feels without paying, no I don't do that. Dancers do not like that. SJG Nothing Dougster likes better than when people make it rain on him: [view link] Big Tits, not much coverage [view link] more [view link] old style burlesque [view link]
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Only time I'll cop feels when a dancer I find physically attractive comes up to me and immediately gets handsy. Like start rubbing your dick standing right where you are within seconds. If she does that then I immediately hug her around the waist and slide my hand down to her ass within seconds. At that point I always get a dance because I love women who are flirty and let your hands wander so fast. Makes me think the dances/VIP will be great. And so far they always are. If she's handsy and I don't find her attractive then I don't reciprocate any contact in hopes that she will get the message that I'm not interested. Some do, and of course some turn up the hard sell even more. Only time I've ever groped boobs in the front room while not in a dance was once in Vegas. It was my second day hitting Rhino and I saw the chick I had spent a good amount of money getting dances and VIP with. She asked for dances but I told her I wanted to try out someone new tonight. So after about an hour I had gotten a bunch of lappers but I didn't like any of them enough to go to VIP. I see the original chick again as I'm standing next to the wall. She comes up squeezes herself in between me and the wall and starts dancing on me. Started working that ass against my dick and after a while I couldn't help myself and reached around front and put my hands inside her bikini top. I was worried about bouncers only for about a second until I just said fuck it, if they warn me they warn me. No resistance from her and not a bouncer in sight. She certainly succeeded in getting dances and VIP from me again. That chick was amazing!
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @TFP All that handsy groping before dances is soooo fucking good. Fuck DFK. Fuck GFE. It's beyond GFE! It's HWFE (Hottie Wants to Fuck Experience)! Feeling her ass, lightly spanking it, rubbing her legs and inner thighs, rubbing her back, caressing her neck, getting up real close to whisper to her in her ear, letting her tits rub your arms and chest by "accident", her rubbing your dick OTP with hands, legs, and/or booty - all of this shit is the BEST just prior to getting dances. It's the ultimate tease and it is so good when you slowly build it on the main floor and then finally go over the top to an explosive climax in VIP or the PD room. It's the ultimate fantasy fulfilled with a hottie. You feel like a king all night. I thought this was all exclusive to my ATF DS spoiling me but recently I parlayed a legit massage to all of the above (aka HWFE) with a stripper on my second night visiting her. It started with her simply sitting down next to me after her stage set, and as I rubbed her back and neck just with one hand, she said it felt good. So then I ask her if she wants a massage and she says she would love one. We then proceed to the very back of the club and I find myself massaging her shoulders as she is wiggling her ass on my hard dick. LMAO she even gets up to let me adjust my dick to go right between her ass cheeks! And then for the next half hour I combine massaging with groping her all over and even take quick feels of her tits over her top. She basically let me give her a pervert massage and all the while she wiggled her ass on my hard dick and I rubbed it up on her pussy through her booty shorts. She was totally into it! And then the best part of all of it was that she offered me a discount for VIP dances @$15ea (normally $25)! So then I get 5 dances and LDK. And I pay her $85 total for all of it and she is perfectly happy and gives me a hug and thanks me for the "massage" (LOL) as I leave with a big smile on my face. All that said, I once made the mistake with my ATF DS of copping a quick feel of her pussy over her thong out on the main floor. She called that shit out right there as not cool and was pissed for a minute. I apologized and promised her that it would never happen again (very true). And wow it was almost a bad situation but it turned out OK. LMAO all that HWFE groping got me carried away!
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    With my fave I will massage her breasts, massage her neck and shoulders and she encourages it. With other dancers I don't know, I'll put my arm around them if I'm getting dances but won't do more than that until the dances start.
  • loper
    7 years ago
    Any New England clubs where front room action is common?
  • beekers
    7 years ago
    If the dancer initiates the contact and doesn't repulse me, I take that as a sign that reciprocating is okay. With an established favorite, a little greeting contact seems to always be welcome, but I would never touch the privates.
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