
Comments by Subraman (page 141)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Platonic Relationship
    -->"Would any of you guys ever settle for a platonic relationship with any of the girls you meet in the club?" It's the "settling" part that I trip on. It implies I badly want to have sex with her, but instead I'm going to bite my tongue and "settle" for being friendzoned, while pining away for her and fantasizing that she'll change her mind. This is crazytown -- no, out of the question. If you remove the word settle and just ask, would I be friends with a stripper? Sure. Hell, I've even maintained friendships with strippers after they "Retired" and I was no longer interested in them sexually, but we stay in touch over social media, even go out for drinks occasionally. One thing about strippers, they're fun to hang out with and talk to (I realize opinions vary on this point, and some of you would rather get a sharp stick in the eye than just talk with a stripper), so sure, absolutely. Having young, fun, female friends is not a bad thing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Follies does enforce it's dress code.
    Love me a dress code
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    6 years ago
    Advances in bathroom technology!
    Listen, some days I'd be happy if they'd just put a bidet in the strippers' bathroom. If you know what I'm saying.
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    6 years ago
    Nina, Nicespice, Cashman, Nicole, Subraman seen together - shit how did we miss
    -->"But poor Subra, seems like Nina took out some of the anger on him afterwards" Don't feel bad for me, that was my favorite part. As Nina pointed out, she did get back to me, and who doesn't love a little bitch slap and brrrrrrrrronski?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Nina, Nicespice, Cashman, Nicole, Subraman seen together - shit how did we miss
    I'm still pissed bitch interrupted my shot, right at the best part
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    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Describe the worst lap dance you've ever received?
    My worst in recent memory was with a brand new stripper. She's not very good at lap dancing, and has a lot of limits even for this club. All of which is a known risk with baby strippers, but it's a risk I'm always fine taking, because I like baby strippers, and often there can be significant rewards... just not this time. She also started off slightly into the first song, and didn't provide any extra time at the end to make it a full 3 songs. At the end of the dance, she asks for a tip -- this is at a dead dead dead dayshift, where the girls pretty much rarely if ever ask for tips, for all the obvious reasons. I say no, she asks why, I tell her (very low contact even for here, you cut off part of my time). I actually said it with a gentle but confident voice, since she's a baby stripper and the goal wasn't to upset her (I know baby strippers can be delicate), just to let her know why I didn't tip her ... she did get a little upset "I'm just really new"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Fuck Rooms
    Anyway, one of the local clubs, as you walk towards the booths, to the left are the "clean booths" and the right are the "dirty booths". Clean booths are monitored and if a guy takes his pants down, girl gets fired or otherwise disciplined (although the dances are nude high contact). Dirty booths, have at it. Dirty booths cost more
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Stop holding doors for us if you don't want to talk about ending rape culture as
    Holy fuck stop engaging with her and she'll stop trolling her never-ending vapid trolls
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Fuck Rooms
    Heh, I think it's awesome that she was upfront on her limits so you didn't have to waste your time. But wonder if, business-wise, it might not have been smarter to try to string you along a bit, "I'm so new and I'm not comfortable with those yet, maybe in time with a great guy I trust, like you" kinda thing. That line might not work on a battle-hardened PL like gold monger, but I bet would get a run-of-the-mill customer hanging around, either because he thinks she's indicating that she'll do it 'next time", or because he wants to prove what a great guy he is. Too bad for her earnings that she's so angry about the VIPs that she can't keep her mouth shut :) Good for PLs though!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    VIP cut
    Different for different clubs, as stated. I'll have to re-confirm, but even different among clubs in the same chain (e.g., among deja vu clubs) My regular club take $30 from the $100 VIP
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Where do you OTC?
    While I haven't tried them, there are a bunch of dayrate hotell apps these days. No one has tried them? How about AirBnB?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    When your girl has another regular in the bar?
    Football season is great. Often, the guys who do show up have their eyes on the game the entire time, and nary a lapdance is sold, except sometimes during halftime. The girls there seem resigned to not make very much during the game (after the game, different story, especially if your team wins, thus proving that people in your city are better than people in that other city). All of which means: enjoy an especially low-hustle 3 hours with your ATF. Or, be her PL hero, and buy some VIPs over the course of the game; make her the envy of her frenemies, and raise your stock as a customer so she'll stick with you on days the club is busier
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    6 years ago
    If enough perfume gets into fabric, it can easily stay on through a washing. So, even though this wasn't the situation here, it is definitely possible that perfume oils can stay on through a wash
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hey, nothing like a little Victoria Secret Vanilla Heaven to get the ol' juices flowing! lol ... I don't like when anyone overdoes perfume, it can give me a headache ... I'd prefer that I not be able to smell it unless I'm within at most a foot of her, if not closer. But I love it when I'm leaning in to get my face closer to this gorgeous girl's face, and then a little perfume scent hits me too. Sensory overload in a good way
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Pimps in Clubs?
    Definitely strippers around who have pimps, including multiple girls in a club being run by the same pimp... Years ago, when SF made the concerted shift in LE priorities from SCs to street prostitution & "Human trafficking" (codeword for AMPs), there was a huge influx of street prostitutes into what was then the SF-equivalent of Follies. Although by then I didn't go to that club, there was literally no TR that didn't describe the group of pimps all hanging out together in the club, watching their girls I can't imagine any other club here tolerating the pimp being in the club
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    6 years ago
    Dayshift vs Nightshift
    Falling down on the job. Is this like the 4th "dayshift vs nightshift" thread in the past few weeks?
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    6 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Where do you OTC?
    lol .... two_bits may become the 2nd entry into my entertaining trolls list, right behind mamisan. pied-a-terre, good job someone Anyway, until you know her pretty well, don't go to her place, and for the love of all things striply, don't have her over yours. Hotel room or hot tubs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it đź’Ż
    Deja Vu
    SJG, of all people, confirmed that you really are Deja Vu (and with his sky high credibility, I'm buying it :)... which, as I said, is pretty awesome -- and ballsy -- to post here, so thanks for your comments. -->"1. You are 100% right! Deja Vu’s product isn’t always for the aficionados. The target market at many clubs is college kids, one-time bachelor parties, etc. This is a drastically larger market than the “aficionados.”" Yep -- agreed. From the point of view of an aficionado forum, I'm sure you can see that that's not the customer experience we're looking for. A chain that's mostly for college kids, bachelor parties, it's-our-one-boys-night-out-per-year-woooo! style crowd isn't going to have the customer experience we're after. To the extent that this is a zero-sum game -- in SF, for example, DV has all but one club, so our choices are that club, or the corporate DV experience everywhere else -- DV's dominance is not to our advantage. In any case, the feedback link is appreciated. I'm a DV customer, by virtue of being in SF and not having much of a choice, but I've managed to figure out which clubs and shifts cater to me (as a PL, not as twice-a-year customer) at least a little, versus which don't at all.
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    6 years ago
    Keepin' it đź’Ż
    Deja Vu
    Assuming this is really someone from Deja Vu, which we have no reason to believe, but pretty awesome if it is: -->"1. Like any other business, Deja Vu exists to return profit for its shareholders. " -->"Deja Vu is the absolute largest operator by far," -->"You live in capitalist America. Businesses exist to maximize their profits and sometimes that might not be to the guest's advantage." Agree (although this aspect of Deja Vu's business is not under discussion or criticism here -- it's the customer experience that's being discussed). Just like McDonald's (largest fast food chain in the world) and Subway's (largest restaurant operator in the world) goal is to return profit for its shareholders. But, if you go into a "foodie" forum, you'll find no discussion at all about how efficient McDonald's is at returning profits to its shareholders, that's not what food aficionados care about. If they talk about McDonald's and Subways at all, it will (justifiably) be the incredibly poor quality of the product and customer experience, compared to a good restaurant. Hell, in some ways, McDonalds is everything that's wrong with people's relationship with food. This forum may be filled with scalliwags and ne'er-do-wells, but nevertheless it's the strip club version of an aficionado forum. DV's efficiency at generating shareholder value isn't going to trick us into thinking the customer experience is anything but shit, laid consistently out across nearly any DV we go to. Yes, we know that a business's practices might not be to a guest's advantage -- we're pointing out that in DV's case, it never is. It's a shit customer experience. Congrats on turning a McDonald's-like product into money; in retrospect, that's probably predictably the type of product that always wins out. Just don't expect SC aficionados to like it. In reality, I think you probably won't find a McDonald's rep on a foodie or gourmand type forum -- corporatized dumb-down products sell amazing to the broad public, but just aren't a match for what aficionados are looking for. I don't know that Deja Vu would benefit very much from participating here, unless they company made a conscious choice to build a customer experience that's attractive to PLs rather than the occasional SCer
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    not a fetish but.....
    It's a fetish -- doesn't have to be your only or biggest interest to be a fetish. And lol at two_bits ... whoever is behind that persona has been here a long time lol... Feet is one of those things I don't get. But if you like 'em, have at 'em
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it đź’Ż
    Deja Vu
    -->"But then LE strikes" SJG, just to be fair here -- in SF, in no-alcohol clubs, law enforcement does not strike, period, and the DA will not prosecute prostitution arrests from the clubs, period. SJV is responsible and accountable 100% for the state of SF clubs -- and the fact that from the time DJV started buying clubs here, SF went from one of the best SC cities in the country, to one of the worst. You can't say we shouldn't hold DJV accountable -- they are the ONLY ones left to hold accountable. Given the fact that there's a law enforcement free pass, it makes the entire situation more ridiculous. Add in the underhanded tactics they used to obtain ownership of the previous, actual fun clubs (research how they ended up with ownership of LA Gals, for example). And now add into that, the environment for the strippers themselves -- the incredible fine system, the fact that it's an open secret among the strippers that if they step too far out of line, they can't get jobs at any other strip club in the city (except Crazy Horse) They are absolutely the evil empire. At least here in SF.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Summer of TUSCL 2018: Juice vs The Strippers and Faux Strippers
    Juice has so many faux stripper accounts that his web browser scissors itself
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Clubbing Goals
    I'm multiples: A: I don't always go SCing with my buddies, but when I do, some classic male bonding and partying w/ strippers is at least part of the goal D: Good mileage and mutual groping is a must G: Okay, it's not my "sole reason" (see A), but since no extras are available ITC at the clubs I go to, OTC is the only way to have sex with strippers. And I like having sex with strippers. (but wish I were) F: I WISH extras were available and a focus for my ITC SCing, but that became untenable about a decade ago. My current SC M.O. is a result of figuring out how to enjoy SCs without extras.