
When your girl has another regular in the bar?

New York
If you consistently hobby you will come across this awkward situation. Your favorite girl having another regular in the bar. I have found some girls will try to ignore you and the other regular, only coming to talk if she thinks you will get swept up by another girl. While the pros will often take the guy who finishes quickest (1-2 songs) to then grab a drink with the guy who will do 4-5 songs with tip.

In my early days I used to just wait it out and let the first guy go, but now I just grab her first and let the poor guy wait at the bar. Whats your strategy? Use this as an opportune time to try out more talent?


  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Unlike the rest of the introspective losers on here, I'm not afraid of making certain nonnegotiable demands on my favs, and that includes her breaking away from whatever PL she's with as soon as I walk into the club and then her staying with me as long as I’m there. As to those guys that bitch about my locking down the girl I want, I go to the club for my enjoyment I DGAF about them. If they want what I have let them Up their game, it’s that simple bro.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Last time that happened the poor sap took a swing at me. She saw me come in and she was sitting with him. I got a Woodford and sat down. She came over and asked if I needed to visit and I a said no problem, stop by later if you have time. Just then the PL came over and grabbed her arm to hustle her away. She pulled from him and I told him to take it easy. He puffed up his chest and started talking trash. I leaned back and took a sip and he kicked my chair causing me to spill a precious drop of liquid gold. That did it. I stood up and politely asked him to leave and he threw a punch. I just dodged and laughed, carefully putting my bourbon down. He started toward me again and the bouncer showed up. The dancer was very apologetic as they took the PL out and told me she would make it up to me, which she did.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Just got to wait. Can't bother a girl with a customer or going from one guy to another. Strip clubs only work because of this rule.

    If you like her and know her, should be banging her OTC.

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Many of the master-locks on TUSCL make appointments with the object of their affection and she better be unoccupied when he comes in
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ they make it be known it's them and nobody else or else their ass is fired
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "master-locks on TUSCL make appointments with the object of their affection"

    Guy who sees a girl only OTC? Master-lock?

    He is a RIL, a PL, if he only sees the girl ITC.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Papi are you talking about me ;)
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    She will get done and come over. She is there to take money from guys and she can only get so much from me.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I cant stand douchey guys that think the girl is their property. They are there to make as much money as they can from as maby dudes as they can. This is how things work. Make an appt if she is 'your girl.' If she wants to join you by her own free will, fine.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Would you like it if she did the same if you were interested and chatting up in a new hot dime piece? Thos is rhetorical.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I can’t stand douchey guys that think I care one way or the other what they think. You have no idea what my relationship might or might not be with the girl I’m hogging, she’s free to go dance with you if she wants me to leave and I will if she wants me to. You really don’t know so fuck off.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    My ATF DS and my other faves are all of the clear understanding that as soon as they see me that I'm next. So regardless of the other regular, she comes by to me ASAP as long as she hasn't promised someone else dances. And if she is already with someone, then I'm next. Also she will check in with me and let me know where I stand as soon as I arrive. Although at times I will wait for a fave, more often than not I'm making her other customers wait on me. I'm not a big spender but I'm easy, low maintenance, and consistent so my faves give me priority over others.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Many of the master-locks on TUSCL make appointments with the object of their affection and she better be unoccupied when he comes in"

    Fucking assholes
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^You're first among us assholes
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I was referring to Juice - sometimes he goes as far as to sit on a dancer so she won't leave
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Lol, im in agreement. I want my favorite girl to make as much money as she can on any particular night. Thats why my MO is to show up at the beginning of thier shift and take her back first. Theres no feeling like taking your fav who smells fresh out of the shower for a DFK and high mileage session. Then come back to the bar 20-30 minutes later to see her walk over to some guy who waited for your seconds.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Juice sitting on a dancer reduces those b cups to minus A’s;)
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Then we all have a three way together!

    One time though that was when two of my regulars found out they were gay and then they both stopped seeing me :(
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    I can't be bothered with showing up by appointed time or else I'm inconveniencing her with lost income if I'm late, so I don't make appointments per se (I like to go out drinking before hitting club, or I'm just plain late and want to handle my arrival at my own pace) - so, I just tend to text her saying an approximate time and I roll in give or take 45 min.
    If I'm unwilling to appear at an appointed time, I sure ain't gonna insist she drop everything when I walk in. But if a dancer doesn't cruise over to a regular after she's finished with dude she's with at the time, then the regular's not as valuable to her as the regular might imagine.
    I do get mild satisfaction when a girl I like declines the advances of another PL and comes over to me or stays with me.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    My strategy is never to have any one favorite at a stripclub. That way I can enjoy whichever tasty trollop catches my eye.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    My ATF who collected literally hundreds of thousands of dollars from me, had a whale for a regular customer and despite her many efforts to keep us at different times and on different nights, through the years he and I began to become more and more aware of each other. One night he and I both wanted an hour in the Champagne Room with her. She was panicking and so I walked up to him, introduced myself, and asked if he had any time constraints. I explained that I did and if he could wait, I'd appreciate letting me go first. He agreed and everyone was happy. For about a year she had a third high roller chasing after her and it became clear that all 3 of us were seeing her OTC. I clearly remember one day when she didn't have s driver's license, I picked her up at noon and we went to a high end hotel which she paid for. I spent an hour with her, paid her $500. and gave her $120 for a massage in the spa at the hotel.
    At 3:00, after massage & shower she saw her whale who paid her $650. At 5:30 the third guy spent an hour with her and paid her $700 plus $200 for the hotel. At 8:30 I returned, picked her up and drove her home.
    On several occasions when the whale was buying her something on line, he told me he "didn't do computers", gave me his credit card and had me complete his purchase. He and I will occasionally text regarding our favorite dancer.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    ^ That thinking has led to many sad drives home over the years. While the desire for new club experiences can be fun my recommendation is to search for the club that meets your requirements (types of girls, mileage, atmosphere) and stick with it. Then you pick the hottest girl and build your trust to where you're pretty much guaranteed GFE high mileage dances.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    my comment was for lopaw
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @gawker good MO. In the beginning I would fret and sometimes get a dance from another girl and have a subpar experience. Being straightforward is always the way to go in life.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    NJ Balla said, "While the desire for new club experiences can be fun my recommendation is to search for the club that meets your requirements (types of girls, mileage, atmosphere) and stick with it. Then you pick the hottest girl and build your trust to where you're pretty much guaranteed GFE high mileage dances."

    ^Agreed. I've adopted this practice over course of time as I've become pickier.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    If my dancer has another regular, I wait in the parking lot and pop a cap in his ass at 2AM.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    You know, I’ve been going to strip clubs for 40 years now, and I can’t recall a single, solitary instance of making some lame ass “drop everything and give me all your attention until I leave” ultimatum.

    But for some reason, even though I’m fat, ugly, have a small dick, and don’t spend nearly as much as some others, all of my favorites still somehow manage to find extended periods of time to spend with me chatting, being groped, sucking my dick, or fucking me.

    I wonder why that is?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @NJBalla I like to have a single fave at multiple clubs. That way I can have a consistent and guaranteed high mileage GFE on any given day. When my ATF DS isn't working I go see another fave at a different club. This way I get variety but also I don't create awkward situations where I have two faves competing over me.

    Also from this and by establishing loyalty to each fave, I do get priority service. The only waiting I do is when she is already committed to another customer, and even then she will come over and tell me about how long she'll be tied up. Then once she's with me she is dedicated to me for 1-2 hours while others are having to wait on me for her.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    NJBalla, brow beating a girl into sitting with you doesn't make you a "winner" dude. Just sayin'. ;)

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"You know, I’ve been going to strip clubs for 40 years now, and I can’t recall a single, solitary instance of making some lame ass “drop everything and give me all your attention until I leave” ultimatum."

    Me neither. The girls are making the best choice for them when they stick with a good regular. 'course, I also make an appointment 99% of the time, so no worries about how long I might have to wait.

    These days, I don't have a favorite or even a vaguely regular girl at my fave club, so I'm just like a regular schnook, I walk in and hope the hottest girl is free. Sometimes, she's not, but it wouldn't remotely occur to me to throw a tantrum over the fact that she's staying with some good customer of hers; I just find the next hottest girl. Eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later) I'll find a new CF, and it'll be me sitting with that hot stripper.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    LMFAO papa chilli's
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @rickdugan I never brow beat a girl into sitting with me. In fact my MO is to immediately bring them back for a long LD session. The hottest girl in my most clubs I go to does not make the mistake of sitting down to get drinks unless its an extremely slow night.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I recall Subraman's article a year or so ago about the rules. ( Probably still a good read for this situation if anyone cares to go find it)

    And to it I'll add if you go to clubs with multiple women you are attracted to and if you keep your emotions in check one guy hogging one girl isn't going to impact you.

    Last summer I was frequenting one club in Northeast Ohio the most. I had multiple guys make comments to me, some of them genuine--some of them probably backhanded compliments because I had one of the better looking dancers locked down most Thursdays nights I went there.

    It was her choice to stay with me--not mine. If you have an issue with her decisions either up your game or move on to another dancer or club.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @subraman you described my attitude perfectly even better than I can, but yeah, hell if she stays with me it’s totally up to her, I appreciate loyalty, as one girl said to me one time, there’s always some guy who comes in with a roll to throw around but I know when I see you I’m going to have a good shift, because you treat me decent, and are fair, and I’d hate for some other girl to grab you away from me, plus I enjoy your company, so that counts for a lot.
  • dr_lee
    6 years ago
    I've only had this happen to me a few times and really, only once did I think of the girl as "my girl". Eventually, I got used to it. She told me this guy hated her with other guys when he was in the club, so I was like whatever. The next couple of times it happened with other girls, I was immune to it. There's always other fish in the sea.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    See, that's where I'm different from the rest of you losers. I never "settle" for second-best like you saps (either in my professional or personal life). For me, it's either the hottest dancer in the club, or nothing. My money, my rules - I'll never be a little bitch for any stripper, waiting patiently with my dick in my hand while she finishes with some other customer like you guys. Keep in mind my appearance (I look 10-15 years younger than my age, always dress well, and chicks dig my stylish, custom made back brace) and means are probably very different than yours, and my budget is likely something you can only dream about spending.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Once when I was with my ATF, she excused herself from our table and said she needed to talk to a customer that just walked in. She had a few minutes conversation then returned to our table. The guy was a regular that she was thinking of moving in with. Strange situation, but all handled it well. She did eventually move in with him, but kept dancing. Wasn't a good ending for her.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I like this two_bits character for some reason. He goes after what he wants and is unapologetic about it, which is how this is supposed to be. Adding the back brace to the story was a nice touch. ;)

    In the same spirit, I'll never understand a guy sitting there sweating it out over a favorite and I sure as fuck can't be bothered to get up and try to take her from someone else. Either I am worth it to her or I am not. My favorites know that I am about as loyal as a stud dog surrounded by several bitches in heat. If I get to the club and she is otherwise occupied, then I am likely to turn my attention elsewhere.

    With that said, unlike two_bits, I am not paying a girl enough to demand that she be on lock-down for the whole evening, nor for that matter do i give enough of a shit to even try. So while I won't sit idly by while she chats up other guys for long periods, I am ok if she wishes to take brief breaks to accommodate one-off dance requests.

    As long as I've done this and will continue to do this, I'll probably never understand guys who get so wrapped up in one particular girl that they cannot change course as needed. Sorry, not my gig. If a girl invests the time with me I will show her some consideration in turn, but I don't need any one chick enough that I'm going to wait like some eager besotted fucktard in the hopes of eventually getting her attention and I sure as fuck won't chase after her for it.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    ^Exactly if you can lock down a girl for the night there's usually a reason. Either she's not attractive, the club patron's dont tip/dance much, or you are overpaying. Ive been to many clubs in NJ and my MO is to grab the hottest girl high mileage girl early in her shift and let her make as much money for the rest of the night. I'll add im not a hang out at the club for over 1 hour kind of guy. The only way id spend over an hour with a stripper is if she could suck, FS, and then make me dinner. Actually to think of it that wouldn't be a bad idea for a club. Id have the girls cook the patrons breakfast in an open area kitchen like they do at a diner.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    In the case I mentioned above, our relationship was platonic. We also got together outside the club. We just enjoyed each others company. And if the truth be told, I think I became her father figure. Her family, as it were.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    NJ, you're in a different boat than most of us. I understand your predicament well as I clubbed in the tri-state area extensively for many years and still do now from time to time. One has to get pretty far away from the NYC metro area to find clubs where the hustle is less quick strike and girls spend more time interacting with customers.

    Many of us on here, however, reside in slower areas where the hustle is very different. Girls working in smaller city and countryside clubs often spend more time trying to make connections in order to sell dances. In fact, I am probably ruined for NYC metro area clubs after having enjoyed much more pleasant alternatives for so long now.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    “I like this two_bits character for some reason. He goes after what he wants and is unapologetic about it, which is how this is supposed to be.”

    So you like twentyfive then?
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @rickdugan thanks for explaining. Im not sure if ive been spoiled or missing out. Im sure girls in slower moving areas have to develop a better barside manner. Some of the girls in NJ are so money hungry they can make the experience very transactional. If it wasnt for the FOTB brazilians i would travel out of the area more.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    It’s happening right now :-(
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I just fucking grab her... if she willingly falls Lowes me I'm OK.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    LOL, football season is kicking into high gear so things at strip clubs will get interesting. These days Im pretty pleased if my fav is continuallly taken back to the LD Room or has regulars. It means you have good taste and she's good at her job. I even notice some jealous girls try to bring back guys to the LD room when she's in there to either to learn her tricks.

    Again, the best strategy for popular girls is to come at the beginning of her shift. She needs to pay for school supplies!
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Football season is great. Often, the guys who do show up have their eyes on the game the entire time, and nary a lapdance is sold, except sometimes during halftime. The girls there seem resigned to not make very much during the game (after the game, different story, especially if your team wins, thus proving that people in your city are better than people in that other city).

    All of which means: enjoy an especially low-hustle 3 hours with your ATF. Or, be her PL hero, and buy some VIPs over the course of the game; make her the envy of her frenemies, and raise your stock as a customer so she'll stick with you on days the club is busier
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    If I ran a strip club Id play porn on all the televisions. There was an after club in NJ called sights that would just play porn. Not even softcore. It was hardcore girl creaming on a dick porn. It was kind of a novelty because no other club did it, and it got the dancers and the customers in the right state of mind. Why more nude clubs dont do this is beyond me.
  • dr_lee
    6 years ago
    @two_bits Most times the girl that’s occupied isn’t even the best girl per se, just my type of girl. Every case where it’s happened, there’s always another girl that’s as good or even better. Sometimes, a new hot chick comes out of nowhere and she becomes my fave. I had it happen recently where I got stuck on this one dancer and she kept being occupied by a single customer everyone I visited, and since then I’ve come across 5 or 6 new girls as hot or hotter than her. There’s ALWAYS someone better.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    ^^Uh-uh. That's the sound of someone rationalizing their failure to be an alpha male like me.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    advantage is to have a number of favorites.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    I got to the club one night to find my fave engaged with a whale, buying the most expensive vip session. I waited and caught her on stage. She said she’d see me after freshening up. Next she came out of the dressing room and told me I’d have to wait, an old regular from her former club drove 3 hours to see her. I left immediately and came back the next afternoon. My vip that day was quite good.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    This is why I don’t do the favorite thing anymore.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @3leggedman wow that's patience. She must be good at her job. While I wouldnt have tried to find a another favorite in the bar I Would have left for another bar and not come back for a month or 2.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    Hey Balla, she was JUST THAT GOOD. While initially I was pissed to be blown off for the lame former regular, I knew that the girl was in a no-win situation. And DATY and DFK with her were major reasons for living. I sure wish she was still in my life.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    As to leaving for another bar, the nearest alternative was 40 miles away.
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