
VIP cut

Everything written by this member is a fact.
The clubs I go to don't have a VIP room. At my favorite club the tip out for dayshift if they show up for opening is only $20.

If someone pays for a VIP session how much does the club keep. I used to think the dancer got to keep almost all of it, but from this forum it seems the lion's share goes to the club and the dancers rely heavily on tips and upselling. Is that true?

If so...

If my club can stay in business how can clubs with VIP rooms not make a killing?

If allowed by ordnance, I can't understand why clubs wouldn't have a VIP.


  • PutaTester
    6 years ago
    It is all over the map how much the club takes from the VIP. Some clubs zero. I know a Deja Vu club that takes 50%, which has the girls begging for tips.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    6 years ago
    Actually, Deja Vu takes out 40% for freelance girls. For scheduled girls, Deja Vu's tip out rates go down. Their lowest rate is only $5, but it's dependent on how many days the girl agrees to work. That's just their base rent (tip out) and doesn't include the amount taken from Dances or private VIP rooms.
    The tip out at Legends is $65 for scheduled girls during night shift. It goes up every half hour after stage review. If a girl is freelancing, there's an additional $50 freelance fee tacked on to that rate.
    Coliseum, Penthouse, and Flight Club: their tip-out rates begin at around $100-$120 from what I have heard. I worked at Flight Club a few years ago and I remember I had to pay $120 tip out. A friend of mine works at Coliseum and said her tip out starts at $120 also (if on time for review, etc).
    All of those tip-out rates include what many of the clubs around here call a "room fee" or "rent". If a dancer doesn't do any answers though, they don't have to pay that fee and would only pay the DJ and House Mom at that point.
    Clubs get away with charging tip out to the dancers do to a clause in most of the contracts which loosely defines tip out as rent (as in a dancer is renting that space to run her business as an independent contractor).
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    Depends on the club and what "contract" the dancer has. One club I go to a dancer told me she keeps $150 out of a $250/30 minute VIP. She also said that different girls have different contracts.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    At Club Desire the 15 min. fee for a room is $40 to the house and they get it up front. Its $100 to the dancer, plus tip if you feel the inclination. Club gets none of it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The clubs down here in SoFlo have a VIP room fee the PL has to pay the house usually in the order of $100/30-minutes - w/e one pays the dancer for VIP one pays her directly and the club doesn't get any of it - I "think" some of these clubs may even give the dancer a cut of the room-fee as an incentive to sell/push VIP rooms but not sure about that.

    From reading reviews of other areas/states, there are clubs where one has to prepay the club for dances and/or VIP - one pays the club directly then the club gives the dancer a cut - depending on the size of her cut the PL may have to tip her additional $$$ for the wanted-services - hard to know for sure what cut the dancer gets b/c it's in her best interest to say she gets a small-cut to get you to tip her more - I don't like this method of paying the club upfront - seems more convoluted and seems the club ends up getting more $$$.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I believe that at synn coi a girl is going to pay OVER $100 for the privilege to work. minus dancer drinks that she gets credits for. and dancers usually tip the staff too.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    My CF told me she pays $75 a night to work but she can work any time she wants or only once a week. Some of the others pay $20 a night but have to be in the schedule a minimum of 4 shifts. Saint the tip out is minimal.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
  • rl27
    6 years ago
    It's all over the board. At one club the VIP was $250 for a half hour, $450 for an hour. Regular dances were $30 a song and with $12 to the club $18 to the dancer if I recall. Many dancers would offer $200 / half hour specials which was about 8 songs in one of the regular dance cubicles. One even told me why, she made $104 plus tips that way and only $75 in the VIP area for each half hour.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ so she would only get $75 from a $250 VIP?
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    My best guess is that it’s all over the board too. Strange as it may sound, there is one club I go to where the girls try to talk me out if VIP rather than the other way around. They end up netting more money from me for the same amount of time if we stay on the floor. And I pay less. Since it’s a no extras club, I’m fine with that.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    In my area, VIP is flat fee+dancer sets own price.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Different for different clubs, as stated. I'll have to re-confirm, but even different among clubs in the same chain (e.g., among deja vu clubs)

    My regular club take $30 from the $100 VIP
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    In San Francisco, the DV topless clubs take a one third cut of room price. No idea what the cut is from dances
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    —>”In my area, VIP is flat fee+dancer sets own price.”
    That program seems like it could work to the advantage of a valued regular.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Local ordinances and LE interactions, local economics, available floor space, property rental rates vs. earnings per square foot, etc., all factor in. For this reason, practices vary a lot from city to city and sometimes even club to club.

    In my area, which is modest mileage ITC, restrictive local ordinances and LE that raids most clubs about once a year, most clubs just stick to maintaining a big open room for LDs and making most of their money off of bar sales. Only one club even offers a CR option, but it is a joke and I've only seen two out of town suckers do it in the several years that I've been visiting the club. This club owns the building and is rarely at capacity anyway, so it isn't really costing them much extra to have the space available. For a dancer, it is like a lottery score as she, unbeknownst to him, would likely have gone OTC and done much more with him for the same or even less money.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    At my favorite club, the girl gets $20 out of the standard $30 lap dance fee. Wednesdays, w’hich are half price the split is $10/$5. VIP rooms are $60 to the club; the dancer negotiates her own portion, which will typically be between $140 and $200. I think that the girls who charge at the lower end actually do better overall because of increased business. In addition, there are tip-outs due to the bouncers, bartenders and dj, and these vary between night and day shifts. There is also a club fee, again varied from day to night. I do know that on particularly dead days, the club owner has waived the club fee.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    The club I’ve been hitting recently has VIP rooms - but I’ve only seen a room used once (and I’ve been going there for about 4 years).

    Certain shifts offer extras - and HJ’s are generally always available - in the lap dance booths.

    It doesn’t appear that the VIP rooms are encouraged at all.
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