
Comments by Subraman (page 140)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancer Ratings 1-10
    -->"Personality has no affect on my numerical rating scale, which is based strictly on looks" I agree that's the ideal, and it can be achieved when you're rating a girl you've never met. But it's a fact that understanding affects perceptions, and I'd bet for all of us, girls become hotter or notter based on how much we desire her; some guys might be better than others at minimizing it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancer Ratings 1-10
    1-10 is supposed to be about pure beauty. That said, once you get to know how, much you like her (or dislike her) will always affect your perception of her beauty to some extent. The things that impact whether I'll spend time with her: Beauty Sexiness -- that je nais sai quoi that makes her ultra desirable Personality I honestly think my crowdsourced rating system is the best one! It's actually how I mentally categorize the girls I OTC with (so I can get the crowd's impression)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to get rid of the lingering dancers?
    I go straight to "it was fun talking to you, but I'm not going to be buying any dances from you and don't want to waste your time", or some spin on that . Those are the magic words: "I"m not going to be buying any dances" that gets them to skidaddle right away.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Perfect Size Girl
    Petite, slim dancer's body, in-proportion all over Say 5'1", 105 pounds, in-proportion heart-shaped ass w/ projection & back dimples, perfectly-shaped gravity-defying Bs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    -->"I don't think the question leads to what she does with others, technically I guess it does but I have never got the reaction that it was taken that way. " You're definitely right; many guys on tuscl use that line, and if the girls have any bad feelings about it, they're holding it in, I don't think anyone has reported any "none of your business" responses. The girls know what you're getting at, obviously. I just don't like that wording on principal; just a mindset and attitude thing I guess
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    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    In the spirit of many of hte recent threads, someone should start a "things guys with little dicks say". We'd get nearly full tuscl participation :)
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    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    -->"Do you ever see anyone outside the club ?" A bunch of guys here use this line, and they're successful with it, so obviously it's fine. But just for the sake of starting an argument :) My own feeling is: It's none of my fucking business what she does with other customers, or what she does with other customers outside the club. So I don't ask. On top of that, asking in this way gives her an easy out, "No, I don't meet customers outside the club". It doesn't feel personal because she's just telling you her general rule -- which I imagine is why guys word it that way, because they're afraid of being personally rejected? I go the opposite route, I make this as absolutely personal as possible: "Will you meet me outside the club" or some variant -- I want her to know this is about me personally, I want her very aware that a "no" threatens our stripper/regular relationship. And it doesn't hurt my feelings if she says no -- I'd rather hear that immediately so I know to move on. So, why ask if she meets customers outside the club, if you can just ask if she'll meet you outside the club? Again, a lot of guys use that line about the other customers, so I suppose it works fine. Maybe it's just a personal style thing: I like to be direct and leading the conversation
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    Ya, it's easy for me. I just leave out the fact that it's as thick as a pencil
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    Here are some things I do that may or may not work for you: - Get her number the first time you meet her. If she says no, move on, no reason to invest any more time. - "Would you be interested in meeting me outside the club?" or some variation. - Don't be awkward :) Really, if you're lucky enough to find a girl that's interested, being perceived as creepy or poor at the two ways to get disqualified
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    md_guy: 0-for-2, no reason to panic yet. When you're 0-for-8 or something like that, it's time to completely re-vamp your approach. Agree with papi that there's no one right way to do things, and if you're already awkward, doing things my way might come off super unnatural and even more awkward. Because there definitely ARE wrong ways to do things, like come off creepy, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    Hmmm... You do pretty much what I do -- multiple trips, including VIP sessions and decent spending, so that she knows I'm a decent customer and that I know I'm still wild about her. Then I pop the question -->"I'll put it out there that they could make more money if they wanted too" Hmmm... the way you worded it is pretty cringeworthy to me, but I doubt the wording makes much difference. Well, unless you're using such passive-aggressive and somewhat scaredycat wording and your body language and countenance is matching it, then maybe you're giving off creepy vibes? But as long as your body language and attitude isn't so passive agressive, I suppose the wording isn't a big deal either way. Note that flaking, getting a phone number but she doesn't text back, etc., is pretty much par for the course. If you only had two failures, that's not really a big deal. Just move on quickly -- girls who won't give me their # are instantly fired, and same if she doesn't return texts once we've exchanged numbers. It could be you just need to keep asking and playing the numbers; I suppose it could be the way you're asking, or maybe the way you're wording it when you are assuring them that you're not looking to be their boyfriend (why even bring that up? That could be weird in itself, I imagine -- especially if you're having all these discussions with the passive aggressive wording)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Advice on getting OTC
    lol perhaps it would be helpful if you describe what you're doing, how long you know them before you ask, what you're saying, etc., instead of us writing pagesful to guess at what you're doing wrong (other than just bad luck, which happens)? We can tune you right up
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Lap dances equated to prostitution
    -->"That's not kosher." In general, I think this forum under-appreciates when the first response to a topic nails it. We need some way to automatically give some tuscl acknowledgement when this happens. The forum software should allow us to give the first response a virtual LDK or something lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Escorts that ask for a copy of your ID
    Assuming this is real: you need your fucking head examined if you're thinking of showing her your ID
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Types of Dancers
    The Crisis Counselor: "My rent is due tomorrow and my ex-boyfriend just stole all my cash, can I get $400?" "My car broke down! Can you paypal me $200?"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How many would skip NFL in favor of clubbing.
    Watch the game at the strip club! I love clubbing on football sundays
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Platonic Relationship
    Yep, to repeat -- I have no problem with platonic relationships with a stripper. Strippers are fun. But if you're this guy https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/231624-friendzone-johnny then it can get to meme-level pathetic. It's that word "settle", that indicates that you badly want to sleep with her, but will settle for being friendzoned, that can lead to a lot of frustration or misery -- even if you're getting a little temporary high when she deigns to give you attention.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Platonic Relationship
    Something romantic isn't the same thing as something sexual... if you're talking about a platonic relationship, you mean something sexual can't exist between you, too, right?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    The relentless pursuit of favoritism...
    It's not even the craps table story that's unbelievable, that was like her training wheels hustle for what she's doing now. But there are definitely not just escorts but strippers on patrol (SOPs! lol) out at those tables
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    The relentless pursuit of favoritism...
    My ATATF's story is so unbelievable I dont' even bother posting it here, but in her early days in Vegas, she and her friends would dress to kill, head to the casino, find the big spenders at the craps tables (always the craps tables), and just start playing with little stakes next to them, starting up casual conversations. VERY often, the big spender would slide her $1000 to bet with, she'd surreptitiously pocket $400 of it, bet with the rest, keep any winnings she had, then go party with him the rest of the night for a fee. If he wanted to hang out the next day -- and he almost always did -- well "I'm working at the strip club tomorrow but you can buy me out for $X000". Craps table is a good place to be if you're rich and want the hotties to come to you :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Forgive me but.....
    lol bastard!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    The relentless pursuit of favoritism...
    ^^ I always roll my eyes at the guys who have to add in, "Oh, I'm only 29 and really in shape, and some girls say I'm handsome" -- as if this is the critical missing piece that makes their "does the stripper really love me" story more plausible than the other zillions. Plus, okay, you're so young and handsome that you can pull 23-year-old 9s at will, that's why you're choosing a stripper instead of a civilian, right?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Forgive me but.....
    Laziest vice cop ever
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    From the birthplace of money and women
    Do you do anything extra for a CF if she's special?
    -->"@Papi_Chupa - Good summary, but you forgot Subraman's advice to aim no higher than a 7.5 (and even that may be a stretch for most of the PLs here)." Ouch! Damn two_bits, just as I was starting to like you ... I'm pretty sure I didn't say "aim no higher than a 7.5" in that thread you're referencing . I think I was mentioning that (or 7?) as the bottom floor. Obviously, get the hottest chick, man! Otherwise, Papi has Subrasystem down :) Except that I don't think I've ever actually said to a stripper "and you're only allowed to be with me the entire time", just taken action if she's playing the field, and moving on to the next fave (possibly permanently). The vast majority of the time, there's no discussion of anythng needed -- strippers whose business runs on regulars know the expectations of good regulars.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    The relentless pursuit of favoritism...
    I'm all about the faves, love the experience they provide. For that reason, faced with the choice of, head to Phoenix for a couple of days for SC fun, or stick around at the shittier local cclubs with a fave (or trying to find a new fave), I always choose the latter. I do sometimes SC when I'm traveling, but I just think of it as some light fun drinking beer with girls in lingerie around :) Also have no use whatsoever for traveling dancers. I agree with the advice above that having a few faves is best. Not only does it give you options when your fave isn't around, but keeps you from getting too wrapped around the axle over one girl. Respectfully disagree with DC -- the girls can fake chemistry and connection, it's their job and they are *professionals* at it. I'm sure it's harder with a customer they dislike vs one they like, and there may be genuine connection sometime, but most assuredly, a good professional stripper makes every guy feel like he's got a connection with her. It isn't that she might not genuinely like you as a customer -- it's that I am not smart enough to tell which is which, unless she's giving it away for free. That's why I think it's so important to follow the code instead of your gut, she can fool your gut, but even if your gut is fooled, the "no, don't gift her $300 for whatever random bill she claims she can't pay" rule is not