
Comments by Subraman (page 111)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Tipping, in general and strip clubs in particular
    -->"Although I tip almost every stage song regardless of their skills or how much skin they show on the stage, I generally skip the girls that acted like they are entitled for a tip on the stage. That's a big turn off for me. " If for any reason I don't feel like tipping a girl on stage, I leave the stage. I feel like if you sit at the stage, there's an unspoken agreement, you'll tip. So just leave the stage if you don't want to tip. -->"Plus, I generally tip the bouncer/ VIP area security while entering that area so that they don't bother me." I'm aware there are clubs where this is an expected ritual, and if I were a random customer at such a club, I'd do as the natives do and tip the bouncer. As it is, though, I'm a regular at most of the clubs I go to, I almost always have done some bonding with the managers and bouncers over months and years, and they already 1. don't charge me entrance fee, 2. don't bother me during dances, 3. put girls on the schedule when I request they be put on (managers only). Tipping them is only needed if you don't already have the system wired up :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Is Tom Brady the GOAT ?
    I'm a transplant to this area so not a 9ers fan, but up until a few years ago, everyone here KNEW that Montana was the GOAT (rightfully so, IMO, even as a non-fan). Over the past few years that's changed and they tend to get a little panicky around this discussion. They still insist Montana's the GOAT, cite their encyclopedic knowledge of Brady's many misdeeds... but the look on their faces tells me, they realize Brady's probably the GOAT. Still, ain't no one around here going to say that out loud :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Tipping, in general and strip clubs in particular
    I tip every song at the stage. I rarely sit at stage though. I tip for lap or VIP dances only for extraordinary service. Girls who ask for tips get a friendly, direct, polite "no". If a stripper comes by to talk, and I subsequently decide not to do a dance with her: - If I invited her over, I'll tip her commensurate to how long she stayed after the first few songs - If she invited herself over but I did not shoo her away within the first few songs, I'll tip her for how long she stayed after first few songs - If she invited herself over, I shoo'ed her away but she didn't go, but I'm enjoying her company anyway -- believe it or not, this seems to happen somewhat often -- I'll include her in our drink rounds. I may or may not tip her, but often not. I tip the bartender and waitress every time I usually don't tip the bouncer or manager unless they did me a serious solid... which sometimes they do. I sometimes buy them shots to do with us, though
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rough Sex and Roleplay with Strippers?
    Ya, I play -- at least lightly -- with close to 100% of strippers I take to the VIP; the only time I don't is if we get there and I'm just not feeling her for whatever reason. Not uncommon to find strippers who are either much more experienced and are fine with heavier play, or strippers who are not experienced but very enthusiastic about learning
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Decision time after a long chat
    IF you're too much of a pussy to tell her you're not interested and send her on her way within the first few minutes, be a decent person and tip her a little for her time. Consider it a "little bitch" tax for staying quiet. If you were straightforward that you're not getting dances from her and she stayed anyway -- once in a long while they'll stay anyway -- then go with your conscience
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    The dude who never pays for dances.
    -->"Maybe you met IceyLoco, lmao." No way the lonely, miserable troll who animates IceyLoco is going out in public, much less being brave enough to talk to another customer LOL
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Old guys with lots of money
    #OldGuysSaveStripClubs Ironically, the assumptions about the strippers "never going to have sex with him" (unless he pays more than the usual price) are way off, too -- if anything, as a regular, I get YMMV gifts of her time and attention, overall pay significantly less for each minute of her time overall, and don't pay one dollar more for sex. And, if it's a no-extras club, it's many of the youngest guys who can't have sex with her, period, since most young new guys don't know about OTC
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    How do u eskimos do it???
    I have a number of eskimo brothers. I will ask them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SB Meeting Place
    I don't think blackmail, stalking, being set up for robbery/assault happens terribly often -- but it DOES happen. Don't overblow the risk, but don't sleepwalk through life, either.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    Overall, looking at both sections at the moment, I'm surprised how well they're both running -- I could not have predicted that. What happened to Nicole's never-ending vapid posts? Trapbaby and Iceyloco attack posts? Etc? I don't understand why that's all gone. The one thing to look out for is the trolls and local village idiots, doing their troll/idiot thing by trying to make this some us-vs-them -- as if the two rooms are competing or something. Don't fall for their troll tricks. It's as retarded as trying to set up a "reviews vs forum" rivalry -- only the dopiest followers are dancing to the trolls' tune there. Same site, different sections, many of the contributors are in both forums, the reviews, and everywhere else. It's everyone against the trolls, not front room vs VIP. And I am somewhat delighted that the trolls seem to be very frustrated
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Just friends?
    -->"the job is get PLs to visit and tip at the CS, eventually you learn to be on alert because these girls will use you in various ways aside from visits and tips: meals, rides," Cristobal, I think it's good that you have the awareness that some (or all) of this is an extension of her hustle -- build loyalty, get you spending on her ITC, sometimes to give you a little YMMV to make you feel special that does not include sex. On the other hand, I wouldn't go too far: to me, a drinking lunch or dinner with my CF is the epitome of win-win. For me, at least, it's inconceivable that dinner with a gorgeous 22-year-old stripper is anything but out-fucking-rageously fun -- and even spending for a decent restaurant, is probably the cheapest I'll pay for her time. And the loyalty bought goes both ways -- IME, outside lunches and dinners are the best tip off in the world that that stripper knows how to obtain and retain her high-value regulars, and there's no doubt that after an awesome lunch plus shots of Jameson, she'll be spending the next 4 hours with me ITC. And, regarding rides, I had a very popular ATF years ago who used to arrive by ferry; on my way in to the club, I'd time my arrival to pick her up at the ferry building, and we'd drive together to the club. That pretty much cost me nothing, and what it bought me was, one of the most in-demand girls in the club would emerge from the dressing room, walk straight over to me, and hang out with me until I was done. In short, there's a lot of territory between "I think she might want to be my girlfriend" and "she's using me and I'm getting nothing out of it". Meals and bar hopping and even rides CAN BE a pretty win-win activity with strippers, IMO -- especially if they buy you her time and attention ITC, and do not take the place of what you're really after OTC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SB Meeting Place
    I always think it's a good idea to listen to your gut. Unless your gut it being a little neurotic, which in this case it might be. My "dates" with my SB always involve some partying first, then head to a hotel for the sex -- at least for the first month or three. After that, if my gut feels good about her, her background otherwise checks out -- she's a regular girl who needs some help -- I'm fine switching to one of our places (if she's a stripper, it takes much much longer). I do not mind going an extra month or two seeing her at a hotel, if I need it to feel okay; saving the hotel fee isn't worth peace of mind or my safety. Frankly, the main reason to go to her place instead of a hotel is because it's more fun and relaxed, with less logistics; if it'st less fun and less relaxed to be at her place, I'd rather stay with the hotel. In short: don't be neurotic, but also don't be such a short-sighted git that the hotel cost becomes a motivator for less-than-smart behavior.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Giving dancers advice?
    NJ: there are girls who legit can't be bothered with regulars, feel like they do better with a more one-off blitzkrieg hustler, don't want to deal with regular expectations & eventual clinginess, etc. I don't think it's always a slam dunk that lots of regulars is the right way to go all the time, especially on otherwise super-busy shifts; but on slow shifts, it's definitely the girls with regulars who usually make the $$$
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Giving dancers advice?
    More often than not, I'm not going to give her advice, or explain myself. Occasionally, I find a stripper I think has potential but just hadn't quite nailed the "how to catch and keep a regular" thing, so I'll let her know what I'm looking for.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Best Subraman OTC with a dancer that doesn't have a penis.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Worst OTC not involving the dancer having a penis.
    Dancer having a penis = BEST OTC experience. Enjoy your day
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Worst OTC not involving the dancer having a penis.
    Steeldog: if that little princess is still available, shoot me her #! lol ... I have luckily not really had any terrible experiences once we get to the OTC. Lots of flaking before the OTC, but my OTCs have always gone ok. I guess my worst experience is, one stripper got too drunk and passed out, so just blueballed on that one
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Chilled shots = more tolerable to drink bad tequila lol ... I have the shots chilled when I'm drinking the well tequila, or the bottom shelf Cuevo, etc. Don Julio & Patron's Anejos are fine, but I actually think the Centenario I mentioned is better than both, at a lower price. The Tierra Sagrada extra anejo is the tequila equivalent of Macallan 15, Zacapa XO, etc. Something you should experience, and is worth the $, if you really enjoy tequila
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    What else is problematic
    Damnit, I hate forgetting to call no homo!. Just a dumb mistake. Or was it? Enjoy your day.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    What else is problematic
    My new Thai girlfriend assures me that a small penis shouldn't be a problem in a good relationship. I still wish she didn't have one.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    don’t really need any advice but feel free to critique
    My ATATF is a Whoa girl. She is so hot I almost get giddy sometimes. I've kind of expected that at some point, some angry young drunk guys would start shit with me over her, but it's amazingly never happened, in fact nothing even close. Sometimes they drunkenly congratulate me, it's hysterical. Usually, though, I just see guys at a distance mouth "whoooooa!" and grab their friends to physically turn them to see her lol. I'm going to start telling them to enjoy their day.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    What else is problematic
    Non black girls who use the N word is a non-starter for me too, but many of them end up getting kicked out on hood rat grounds. Although in different areas of the country, I suppose it's trailer trash girls instead
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Dancers living in hotels
    Hotels are way too expensive here now; used to hear about that 10-15 years ago
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    don’t really need any advice but feel free to critique
    The "enjoy your day" thing was so fucking annoying I might have nixed her over that. I would not have nixed her over anything else she said, at least without more context -- all I know so far is, smoking hot chick, might be a bit insecure, I probably wouldn't have referenced the GPS. The limit beyond which the chick's hotness doesn't matter: Dushku Limit. Once she's as hot as Eliza Dushku, it isn't meaningful to describe how much hotter she is http://petertips.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-dushku-limit.html Other reference was the crowdsourced hotness scale: level one is a head-turner, level 2 is a wave-maker (you can track her movements in a crowd by a wave of turning heads), level 3 is Whoa (guys say and do stupid shit when they see her, stop their friends to point her out, etc) :) :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    What else is problematic
    Sounding like a hoodrat is an instant deal-killer for me, too