
Comments by Subraman (page 110)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Follow up to Rick's question about when...
    I only go alone when I can't find anyone else to go -- alone maybe 20%-50% of the time, depending on how busy my group of buddies is that particular month or year. I totally understand why PLs don't want to go out with amateurs -- I barely even consider the "this is our one Boys Night Out this year, titties woooo!" trips to even be SC trips, they're just boys night out trips. But, as documented ad nauseum here, I've had a crew of PLs I've been SCing with for a few decades; the core group of two guys has stayed the same, with other guys coming and leaving the group over the years. I'd never NOT choose this over going alone. I have no real motivation to go alone: I have nothing to be ashamed of at the SC and have no need to hide; also I'm generally social and love hanging out with my buddies anyway. I have lots of motivation to go with a group of PLs: commute there together (fun conversation etc. during the 60-90 minutes it takes to get there), walk through the city together with 2-6 guys (safer), table absolutely full of guys and strippers and never-ending shots is fun as fuck, can have fun just talking to my CF but then re-join the group conversation, when someone wants a stripper we just send one of the strippers from our table to fetch her (she'll sometimes pull that stripper away from other customers, get her from the back, etc), then have guys to swap stories with and compare mileage with on the way home. And if we go and the lineup is just so-so, honestly, an afternoon out drinking with my buddies is always fun anyway. I think the "'I'm there for the girls, so I don't like groups" excuse is often just to cover social awkwardness -- with a bunch of guys, you get MORE access to more girls, not less. SCing with amateurs sucks, but I'll always choose SCing with a group of PLs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    This thread is dropping some serious knowledge. Willy taking you all to school, bitches
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    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Changing of the Guard
    I *have* noticed there are names popping up that I hadn't seen before, some of them with plenty of reviews under their belt, so they were obviously lured in by the kindler, gentler VIP room. Which is the main thing I wanted when I was advocating for a moderator; ignoring trolls does nothing about the issue of scaring away the new blood
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    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Are strip clubs "essential services" during the Arctic Blast in your area?
    Generally speaking, I love going to the SC when the weather is bad. Few customers, and a stripper who bothers to go to the club during terrible weather, is a VERY motivated stripper. It all adds up to a potentially amazing time. Some of my favorite stories, where it ends up with me and 3-4 strippers at my table, all drunk off our asses, are on inclement weather days. However, bad weather for San Francisco is juuuuuust a scooch more mild than bad weather for, say, North Dakota. I imagine I might re-think my attitude entirely if I were in a city that was colder than the north pole
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When do you like to club and why?
    Dayshift, any day of the week, for dayshift's usual advantages: fewer customers per stripper, less hustle, more time for the money spent, more lax rules: overall, just more chiller (as the kids say) When I do nightshift, I like to get there just as it starts (depending on the club, 6pm or 7pm) and staying those first 3 hours or so. Even the nightshift B-team -- that is, the girls who bother to show up before 11pm -- are still as a group far hotter than dayshift, so it can be a decent compromise... although nightshift B-team is still a bit more hustle-y and less chiller than dayshift girls Ironically, my last SC trip was 11pm-4am. Holy fuck are the girls hot. But the hustle level guarantees I won't be doing this often.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    to ban or not to ban
    -->"There is a weird internet subculture that has developed around what is called "gang stalking"" I might believe this could be the case, if the hero of this story weren't so attractive and good looking. I think it is very unlikely a male who is both attractive and good looking could be afflicted by this so-called gang stalking.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    to ban or not to ban
    Your writing style makes me want to smack you upside the head with a can of four loko, then kick you in the balls, then drink the four loko
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Clubs with many East Indian girls
    No clubs around here with many east Indian girls, even though there's an absolutely massive Indian population.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    vibrating cock ring
    I often bring one of those little $10 vibrators into the club, the strippers love them, but can't say I've done a vibrating cock ring
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    6 years ago
    lap dances with two girls
    Twice the cost, a tenth the fun There's nothing remotely appealing about that scenario of them lapping each other. For that matter, even two girl lap dances where they're both ostensibly focused on you tend to blow
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    What constitutes an "Extras Club"?
    "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it" somewhat applies :) Beyond that, to borrow from some of the phrases above: Extras club: there's a reasonable chance a customer can score an extra in that club. Side notes: As with any other human interaction, it's expected newbies might have a little more trouble than someone experienced. If a club is mostly HJ only, I call it a "light extras club"; we have such a club here. Management likely knows about the activity, but approves it or at least is very lazy in enforcing any rules. Non-extras club: Unlikely anyone will get an extra. Side notes: Even in non-extras clubs, someone can occasionally get lucky, and a regular who has worked the system might score extras a bit more often. Management actively looks for and disciplines dancers who do extras.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sugaring article
    -->"To all be sub-categories of the umbrella category of prostitution just like football, basketball, wrestling, skiing, and swimming are all sub-categories of an umbrella category of sports. Obviously, they are all very different ways of conducting prostitution, but what I was saying was that just because there are differences between sugaring and escorting doesn't mean that escorting is prostitution but sugaring is not." DC, was anyone arguing with that? It seems to be downright obvious. That's why I used the metaphor of sports -- wrestling, football, and bodybuilding are completely different sports, but still sports. Contrary to those on here who are obviously stirring shit and have literally no experience with sugaring -- when done in the kinda classic sugarbaby/sugardaddy paradigm, it's a wholly different experience than escorts. Which does not make it "not prostitution", nor does it make it any better or worse. But the only way anyone could come up with the ridiculous reductivist "sugaring is just escorting whitewashed" is if they had never done it, or perhaps are a blowhard troll type who just talks to talk. Hell, on escort forums, even escorts who try sugaring can easily see the difference (and often don't like it since it's often more time for less $, in aggregate, and escorts by definition don't care about the ability to handpick a single or few partners)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Local Dancers on Social Media
    I can see the potential for drama that involves you, I suppose, but it feels like, if you keep your head down, it's worth the risk to get all that g-2. Although, and here rick and I diverge completely, I can dig listening to (or reading about) stripper drama, as long as that drama doesn't involve me. It's a fun diversion; maybe it's what I do instead of watching the soaps.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I fucked a stripper for free last night
    -->"Honestly she picked me up and I just didn't mess up. " Awesome. As I've said a bunch of times, every time I've fucked a stripper for free, I felt pursued ("she picked me up") to some extent. Not that I've fucked a lot of strippers for free, but more than one makes a pattern as far as I'm concerned :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Local Dancers on Social Media
    -->"Is there anyone here who would welcome that kind of participation on FB?" I would do it in a heartbeat. I have, as ish describes, an "air gapped" FB account strictly for SCing. No pics of my face on it (although there have been in the past). I'd be curious what they talk about on the group, I'd raid the membership list for pretty dancers I might want to hook up with at some other time or club, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sugaring article
    It's somehow satisfying that, just like Icey seems to have very little actual experience with strippers, he pontificates as if he knows everything, and then does the same thing with arrangements ... where, by contrast, he seems to have NO experience. It's also always amusing when some blowhard makes a big point about "it's all whores!" as if the rest of us can't figure out OTC and arrangements are prostitution also. Of course, just like wrestling and football are both sports, but perhaps you need to do them both to see that it's totally different to play despite both being sports, you'd need actual experience in an arrangement to see that, yes, prostitution obviously, but feels totally different than escorts in a number of substantive ways. That's why some people who could afford either, strongly veer one way or the other -- they're different. Why not just admit "I've never done either OTC or sugaring, so everything I'm pontificating about is just a guess based on articles I've read"? lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    I declare this to be a failure
    Holy fuck, your chin is sagging to below your belly button now???
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    I declare this to be a failure
    -->"And I still don’t even know which way to point my boner during a lap dance." I thought we'd all agreed that you're supposed to point your boner in whatever direction Follies is
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌ busy being a "psycho bitch" 🀣
    What not to do as a stripper
    lol @ the spelling correction :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Bikini or Lingerie
    "whatever you have that you think makes your ass look best. But if there's a tie, lingerie".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌ busy being a "psycho bitch" 🀣
    What not to do as a stripper
    Damnit, I have just learned that I've reached the level on the crusty old fuck meter where, as soon as I see someone writing u instead of you, I stop reading.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Teen Porn Thoughts? - A Vince Michaels Tribute
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q15cEWaqWcs I'm gonna cum all over this thread
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    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    GPS Unleashed: Tell stories here!
    rick, I hate the term "stripper shit", and don't use it, for vaguely similar reasons ... to me it feels like the most sniveling, victim-centric term for hustle. On the other hand, GPS kinda cracks me up and I use. I also call all my most favorite girls ATFs. So there ya go, a foolish consistency and all that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    God I love this
    -->"So I appreciate the advice I found here that it is not β€œreal”" Next step is to realize that's not quite true. Her lips around your dick -- that part is absolutely real. Her acting like she's enjoying it -- that part is fake. That seems fairly trite, but being able to see this clearly, and internalize it, is what separates the PLs from the RILs ... and believe me, you don't want to be a RIL! I very much enjoy much of the fakery, but I do have requirements about how much of the experience has to be real. Anyway, I've been doing this for decades, and I still find it a thrill. I love the girls, I love being in the strip club. Turns out, you never get sick of being around beautiful young women; if anything, the older you get, the more you appreciate it. I think that "brand newbie thrill" gets a little harder to capture after scores of trips (which, at your rate, will take another 20 years), but even now, I sometimes get it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Decision time after a long chat
    -->"What if the girl expects something like 80 for tips because, as she says, that's what the last guy tipped her for maybe 20-30min of chatting. I guess it'd make me interrupt earlier on to say I'm not interested in getting a dance if that's the norm for that club." I'm skeptical that's the norm for any club. If a girl is asking for $80 for hanging out for 20 minutes uninvited, maybe she's sensing you're weak? Why hadn't you gotten rid of her earlier -- could it be that she could tell you were scared, and she could pressure you into other things, too?