Just friends?
^ You are an ass hole
One girl frequently suggests things we can do OTC but they seem more like things you would do with a friend, not a potential client.
A while back I agreed to hang out after the club closed. I wasn’t looking for P4P, and she didn’t bring it up. We just went and ate and then parted ways. She actually paid for my food.
It was fun, but it’s hard not to wonder if she has ulterior motives.
A while back I agreed to hang out after the club closed. I wasn’t looking for P4P, and she didn’t bring it up. We just went and ate and then parted ways. She actually paid for my food.
It was fun, but it’s hard not to wonder if she has ulterior motives.
If you're having fun, then keep on keeping on. Just stay alert and know what you want.
I have no idea if she has an ulterior motive or not. Usually they do, but maybe you've met the unicorn who does not. The safe bet would be to assume she does. These girls are conditioned to think of guys as income sources, especially the ones that they meet in clubs.
But what I do know is that using a stripper to fill some void in your life is always a bad idea. Remember that if she is out of your league in a regular bar, then she is out of your league regardless of where you met her, so there is probably no chance where this turns into a legit romance story. So there is zero upside and lots of potential downside in seeing her in some confused OTC situation, including the likely risk that she is running some type of game. If you want a friend, you'd be much better of getting a dog or a dating app or both. ;)
I've said this before: I think our analysis of strippers is far too one-dimension -- underneath all that maybelline, they are people, kinda sorta, and will often have multiple reasons for doing something, just like other people. They can accomplish multiple things at once, for example:
- She can give the illusion of closeness and romance, since obviously people with a REAL CONNECTION are who go to dinner together. This is an extension of her hustle, and makes you more loyal to her without her doing anything sexual. It's a pretty brilliant, low-risk investment for her
- She can get you to buy her a fancy dinner she wouldn't have otherwise bought herself. If she's not revolted by you, this is no-lose for her. I've met any number of strippers through the years who are happy to go to dinner with any regular that doesn't creep her out. In her low 20s, my ATATF had already been to Nobu and other high-end restaurants, probably as many times as I have in my life. This isn't romantic interest, but you had to pass some (minimal) bar for the invitation to be there
She’s not my CF at that club, and I’m not looking to change that. I guess it’s possible that my CF has heard about this by now. Maybe she’s looking to stir up some drama.
Not that I would really know. I’m still new to this.
These are civvies but still the job is get PLs to visit and tip at the CS, eventually you learn to be on alert because these girls will use you in various ways aside from visits and tips: meals, rides, I even had a girl ask me to help get an apartment (I didn't).
So when I became a PL at SCs, I was leary of any OTC offer and turned down a few because it just didn't feel right.
The point is you can do what you want as long as you don't do it blindly.
"In the simplest of terms, if one has to ask/wonder if they're getting played, they likely are" - This is an excellent advice in general!
Sub, my eyes have been opened! I have now come to realize that they are people too. ;)
Seriously though, I don't think that this is a really big problem around here. If anything, I think the preponderance of seasoned posters here in the VIP section are more prone to seek them out for company than they are to view them through a one dimensional lens. I am just in a different situation than some here as my cup already overfloweth with daily female interaction. When I deal with strippers, I just want to be entertained.
At the end of the day, I think that there are pros and cons to either approach. Some guys who share my views tend to take it to the extreme and completely dehumanize these girls, which is not good. Those who seek these girls out for company sometimes go too far the other way and get too emotional over girls that will never return those affections. For every guy like you who can keep balance there is probably a lonely PL who loses his perspective.
Anyway, just my random thoughts on this fwiw.
Cristobal, I think it's good that you have the awareness that some (or all) of this is an extension of her hustle -- build loyalty, get you spending on her ITC, sometimes to give you a little YMMV to make you feel special that does not include sex. On the other hand, I wouldn't go too far: to me, a drinking lunch or dinner with my CF is the epitome of win-win. For me, at least, it's inconceivable that dinner with a gorgeous 22-year-old stripper is anything but out-fucking-rageously fun -- and even spending for a decent restaurant, is probably the cheapest I'll pay for her time. And the loyalty bought goes both ways -- IME, outside lunches and dinners are the best tip off in the world that that stripper knows how to obtain and retain her high-value regulars, and there's no doubt that after an awesome lunch plus shots of Jameson, she'll be spending the next 4 hours with me ITC. And, regarding rides, I had a very popular ATF years ago who used to arrive by ferry; on my way in to the club, I'd time my arrival to pick her up at the ferry building, and we'd drive together to the club. That pretty much cost me nothing, and what it bought me was, one of the most in-demand girls in the club would emerge from the dressing room, walk straight over to me, and hang out with me until I was done.
In short, there's a lot of territory between "I think she might want to be my girlfriend" and "she's using me and I'm getting nothing out of it". Meals and bar hopping and even rides CAN BE a pretty win-win activity with strippers, IMO -- especially if they buy you her time and attention ITC, and do not take the place of what you're really after OTC.
Take it one step at a time. If she doesn't give you a reason to doubt, don't doubt. If you start doubting she'll sense your insecurity and you'll kill whatever potential there could have been.
If she starts asking for money or to meet her at the club, well, you'll get your answer.
But til then, enjoy the ride.
Now if the answer to any of these questions is yes then maybe you have made a true friend. But for the most part a "friendship" with a dancer you meet in a club will last about as long as your spending on her does. First and foremost, we are sources of income.
I don’t need to worry about p4p unless she brings it up. If that happens I’ll be disappointed.
Nashman, many are lonely.... among other things.
But hey, to each his own. If you like seeing her for coffee every so often then so be it, but if I were you I'd still be waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I used to define friendship as someone who would help you move. But we're all so old and brittle these days it's better to hire someone.
To me, when it comes to female friends, you know she's a friend when she trusts you enough to fall asleep with you. That's a big step with any girl, whether she's just a friend or your bitch.
To me an acquaintance is someone you keep formalities with. A friend is someone who farts in front of you and eats off your plate without asking, gives you weed and takes care of you when you're drunk.