Comments by IanSmith
discussion comment
10 years ago
And then there is the TUSCL poster who has kept a number of academically talented but poverty stricken girls from ending up in the brothels by paying for nursing scholarships to university for them in the RP. For a cold blooded heartless psychopath he does some odd things.
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10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Government is nothing more than coercive force - literally. If people did not have to be coerced to act or behave in certain ways, “donate” their money, etc then there would be no excuse what-so-ever for governments. And without the force aspect, up to and including the taking of life, then governments’ ability to coerce would be nil.
Just as a loaded pistol, government in and of itself is nothing until wielded by people. Therein lays the problem. Humans as a species are sick, vile fucks. The worst of them go into government service desiring nothing more than to use that coercive force to bully, steal from and rule over their betters. Thus both the tyrant and the mob are able to hide behind a claim of a righteous virtue for the common good while acting on their base natures.
I fear freedom’s light is fading. Is there no more fight left in you? I mean why haven’t you physically thrown those dirty knickered hooers in DC into the rubbish bin of history?
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10 years ago
There are some long dead Romans and Greeks who would recognise this age. Humanity has all this great genetic stock of conservatives but for some reason the leftist scum are like a resistant strain of bacteria infecting the human race that can’t be eliminated. So its dog eat dog, their rules.
At some point genocide will no longer be a dirty word for leftists to once again utter in public when one of them says "hey, these people are annoying!" and then conservatives will shortly thereafter become an endangered species. Of course it won’t stop there (it never does) because after they get their leftist liberal agenda of "population control" for "environmental" reasoning up and running all the “dirty people” of the Second and Third World who do not believe in reading or contraception should look out (of course they can’t read so they will never know that they were the subject of a debate).
By all means let us use the time we have left as a civilization to celebrate the fruits of drunken couplings between the parasitic leftists and productive conservatives as the ghost ship of humanity wallows in the doldrums between the Isles of Ennui; the self absorbed crew reeking of rum, syphilitic from sodomy and desperately in need of the lash.
discussion comment
10 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
You really don’t get it do you. When you told your wife that her friends were idiots you were calling her an idiot which you acknowledge is what you believed her to be. If you think for one moment that she was unaware of your emotional bullying then you are not only an idiot yourself but a narcissistic jerk. You didn’t want a partner. You wanted a Stepford Wife.
And my failed marriages? Again you aren’t paying attention to the reality that surrounds you. I don’t believe in divorce. I am still married to wife #1 and wife #2 (who is currently with child) and wife #3 (who recently gave birth). All live in different countries and all know of the existence of the others. I take care of all of them as is my duty and I (we) am (are) content with the lives we have chosen to live. It is more than obvious that you cannot say the same.
discussion comment
10 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
@san_jose_guy “@pikey, what you are talking is complete non-sense.”
I disagree. I have 3 wives who stand unquestioning beside me content to be part of my life, a life I find richly rewarding. You OTOH have a bitterness that goes well beyond your failed marriage and is palpable in your writings betraying a vapid, vacuous existence.
You vitually called your wife an idiot to her face and then accuse her of not wanting to be a partner with you. That should be the starting point for anyone who wants to comprehend how you could possibly ramble on about absolute rot the way you do.
discussion comment
10 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
@san_jose_guy. You are the one who said that wives wanting more drives husbands to strippers. Let me explain this to you. The natural role of the male is to protect and to provide. The natural role of the female is to nurture and pop out babies. It is that simple.
If your marriage failed because your wife did not nurture enough or squirt out offspring then you can blame her. If OTOH she wanted more money than you provided, then the failure is yours. As a man if you can’t adequately protect or provide then by nature the female will seek out a mate that is able to do a better job. This is innate and it doesn’t matter if the female has any better prospects or not. Your failure as a man is something that both nature and your wife abhor.
It is that simple.
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10 years ago
@londonguy. Congratulations to you and all Brits of sound mind. If I were a punter, and I am, I would go long the British £, which I did. Good to see that the UK isn’t going to get pulled down with the € and Euro socialist trash. As soon as Merkel authorizes a shadow D-Mark, Hollande and the rest of the left will have their arses handed to them.
@Josh43. It almost sounds as if you think the NHS is a good thing. If so then I would say you are writing cheques your brain and experience can't cash.
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10 years ago
You did the right thing. Never leave any available pussy on the table.
Remember there are millions of horny African kids who have to go to bed each night with no pussy at all.
discussion comment
10 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Perhaps it is an American character trait but I imagine the probability is higher that you chose poorly or more likely that she chose poorly.
In my case wife #1 is French and still living in the bungalow on the beach that we built and where she raised our son. She and I dropped out and she has never had any interest in money. Wife #2 is Thai and after I built her a house her only interest is in having as many children as she is able an endeavor which I am happy to oblige. Wife #3 is my sweet young Kiwi who brought more money to the marriage than I. In addition to children she desires nothing more than companionship through the rest of her life. None of the 3 care to enquire about the details of my chosen profession much less influence my choices.
I frequent bar girls and prostitutes for the same reason as I do airline stewardesses, secretaries and any random crumpet I happen upon. I love women and it isn’t fair that I should deny them of my attentions.
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10 years ago
Piss off ya reffo wank stain. Twenty-nine women in forty-two days of scrogging living on nothing but beer and lumpia says that I’m not old. I’ll still be slotting bush pigs for fun long after you’re in the ground.
Cheers to your mum.
discussion comment
10 years ago
The idea of utopia is a marketing ploy by would be tyrants the same as peace is for pot bellied generals and the misery merchants peddling faux humanitarianism from their Geneva bordellos.
War is and forever will be the natural state for mankind. It is neither 'good' nor 'bad' as these concepts are merely excuses used by men who don’t want to admit that war is what humans live for, what humans love and what humans exist for. That which can kill you is what makes you feel alive and no amount of feminizing, socializing and civilizing the species is going to alter that fact.
Ever since Cain killed Abel men have been trying to beat the living fuck out of each other. Whether it is two men using hands, knees and teeth or twenty men with clubs and stones, or two hundred with machetes or two thousand with bayonets and high-powered automatic weapons, man has and will always try to kill his rivals and take their shite along with their women. These are the men who don’t try to suppress their nature. These are the men who understand truth. Who understand that justice is determined and history written by the victor.
When the West falls, and it will fall as sure as night follows day, these are also the men that will still be standing. Barristers, schoolmasters and dullards of all sorts will be summarily eviscerated. Today’s effeminate ruling puppet masters will be dragged into the light and thrown onto the pyres. Warrior kings will arise once again adorned with battle scars and covered in the blood of the slaughtered. They will be immortalized in the lamentations of their vanquished foes. And these are the men who will define and create the only version of utopia humans will ever know short lived as it will necessarily be.
Without the all powerful Big Brother state to provide sustenance and protection, so called feminists will immediately and forever cease to exist. The little women will all try to latch onto the last available alphas for protection. Those that fail to find an alpha male will fall prey to the feral bands of beta males or will be beaten and stoned to death by the bearded boy fuckers or will be eaten by the godless communist cannibals.
Hey, I don’t feel sorry for the women, fuck them. Yes they got a raw deal being born on the losing end of the gender lottery but tough shite. They can try all they want to fight and win, evolve and adapt but in the end they will all have to depend on men, as they always have or they will perish.
Real men live for war and we are now in a war for survival of the species. The uncaring universe is amoral and therefore completely void of a vested outcome one way or the other. History is nothing but a lie and today is merely tomorrow’s history. Human beings as a species are vile, sick fucks.
I came into the world screaming and covered in blood and gore, I intend on leaving the same way. To my dying breath I will continue to bring wrath and righteous justice to the wicked be they everyday Muslim cutthroats or the worst of the worst, that pestilence most foul, evil incarnate, Fabian Socialists. Fuck them all.
discussion comment
10 years ago
That is an awful lot of internal hostility you have going on there Josh43. Here are the thoughts of another complete waste of time guy for you to dismiss out of hand if you still are harbouring such rage. (Oh and “climate change”? Really? Really? How very passé.):
“The scientists’ religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”
“Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.”
“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”
~ Albert Einstein
discussion comment
10 years ago
"For the scientist that has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance. He is about to conquer the highest peak. As he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greated by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."
~Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomer
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10 years ago
New York
Here's mine
1. Marry early and marry often. The more children the better.
2. Always stay hungry. Even after you’ve made your fortune don’t sit on your arse and get fat. Never act or live like you have money to waste.
3. Never trust anyone.
4. All government is evil and human beings are sick, vile fucks.
5. If you want a friend get a dog.
discussion comment
10 years ago
My mum taught me that there is never an excuse for bad manners. Manners are not limited to those with money because they cost nothing. There are no ethnic, religious or political restrictions on being a decent, well bred, civilized human being who is able to behave properly in the company of fellow human beings.
You should have apologized to the dancer, politely excused yourself and killed the stupid fuck.
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Here's to the New Year. I'm ready to bend this bitch over and do her like I did her older sister.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Customs and immigration officials are extremely perceptive making near instantaneous and accurate evaluations of each of the hundreds of people they see every day. This is true in every country around the world and it is best not to fuck with them because they have the power to fuck up more than just your day. I say this as someone who has crossed countless borders, been denied entry to a few countries and been PNGed from a few others. Doubt what I say at your own peril.
There is usually no need to get too specific with your answers but any deception will flag you for a closer examination. Unless you have done something that would prevent you from crossing into the country, like gone on a child sex tour or have kiddie porn in your camera/computer (international crimes and I hope they take you out and shoot you if you do) or are trying to smuggle drugs or something, you generally have nothing to be concerned with regarding what you did in TJ. Be honest and tell him you went to TJ to drink and party but don’t make up a load of shite or be snarky or comedic no matter how funny you may be down at your local pub. Having a sense of humor is an automatic disqualification for most of these jobs. Lastly if you are in the US as a non-citizen guest, be it on a visa or a green card, then I would recommend you give some long and thorough thought to how far you want to press your luck.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
A. san_jose_guy
Q. Why strippers love bully thug bouncers so much?
discussion comment
10 years ago
Mabuhay. I know that the disclaimer here is “Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction” but you really shouldn’t joke around like this. Hordes of desperate blokes might take you seriously, hop the first available flight and inflate the economy. The truth is that everyone knows there are no whores in the Philippines. Just ugly, frigid women and a horrid climate. And ever since they’ve outlawed alcohol you can’t even get pissed. So it is best not to give false hope to the hopeless IMO.
Where are you Angeles, Olongapo, Manila, Cebu or somewhere else? Have you taken up residency or are you passing through on business or holiday?
discussion comment
10 years ago
@sailmd. Doc, thanks for the diagnosis. I’ll look for a physician of the correct gender (female) and the correct ring size (A ½ or smaller) but I don’t really fancy a buggering. What if I eat nothing but red meat, drink copious amounts of alcohol and engage in a non-stop marathon of sexual intercourse until the pain either goes away or I learn to enjoy it?
discussion comment
10 years ago
@san_jose_guy “One of the basic premises of work, the thing which makes it honorable, is that it serves some social good.”
It serves some social good? Is that the new way of saying “arbeit macht frei”?
How about work as a means to feed yourself, to clothe yourself and to provide for your family so as to never be a burden to others and a parasite on society? That is what honorable men do.
discussion comment
10 years ago
I took a vote inside my head and all of us agree this thread is funny.
discussion comment
10 years ago
A very pleasant 25°C here but I’m confused. I thought you Yanks were never going to see snow ever again what with global warming and all that.
discussion comment
10 years ago
^^^^^Sort of like “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Is that about right?
You really are a daft cunt. Why don’t you go pull a cow's cunt over your head and get a bull to fuck some sense into you?
discussion comment
10 years ago
“What have you got that a man could drink with just a minimum risk of blindness and death?” ?Cormac McCarthy
What’s next? No red meat? A strictly porridge, salt and sugar free diet?
What is the point of living longer if you can’t enjoy life? I guess everyone needs to answer that question for themselves.
Save your liquor and hope that your situation improves so you can return to imbibing in the blessed gift that alcohol is.