
OT: Congrats to David Cameron and the Brits!

Friday, May 8, 2015 4:30 AM
Good to see these results. One of my favorite politicians.


  • Josh43
    9 years ago
    So the Labour Party got slammed despite five years of austerity (under Cameron) that most likely slowed down the British recovery. But voters don't really give a shit about cause and effect, only what they hear on the media (right Dougster?) and whether things seem to be getting better near election time.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Not only the labour party but the Liberal Democrats as well, what a bunch of tossers they are. I am so pleased the tories won, at last a government with a clear mandate. Coalitions are shite. Especially pleased the shadow chancellor lost his seat - jumped up piece of shit ! Josh, we've had the highest growth in the G7 thanks to austerity. Labour just tax and spend, they never change. They are the party of envy and always fuck up the U.K. economy.
  • Josh43
    9 years ago
    ^^^How much of that growth is due to the fact that you borrow in your own currency? I'm wondered how closely the Tories would match up to American conservatives? For example, would the Tories want to dismantle the NHS the way the GOP wants to get rid of Obamacare? Are the Tories in love with guns the way the GOP loves the NRA? Clearly, form the British election, government spending is blamed for nearly everything (just like the GOP). Maybe the British election foreshadows what will happen here in 2016. Scott Walker, anyone?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    A lot of people are just deeply attached to hierarchy. SJG
  • IanSmith
    9 years ago
    @londonguy. Congratulations to you and all Brits of sound mind. If I were a punter, and I am, I would go long the British £, which I did. Good to see that the UK isn’t going to get pulled down with the € and Euro socialist trash. As soon as Merkel authorizes a shadow D-Mark, Hollande and the rest of the left will have their arses handed to them. @Josh43. It almost sounds as if you think the NHS is a good thing. If so then I would say you are writing cheques your brain and experience can't cash.
  • Josh43
    9 years ago
    "@Josh43. It almost sounds as if you think the NHS is a good thing." --------------------- That's what I hear, Pikey. The NHS is probably the best healthcare system in the world, covering the most people, with the best results, at the highest efficiency. @LondonGuy: Rereading your post, I see you are comparing to other G7 economies and not other Eurozone economies. So my comment about "borrowing in your own currency" doesn't apply.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Josh43, I'm not sure how much I'd listen to pikey_bastard about anything! If I remember correctly he's got some sort of hard on for attacking Fabian Socialists and he believes he's Mad Mad! He almost got into it with the guy that like Che Guevara! If he's accurately representing himself he's living a non-brilliant life! :( Or he's trolling us with an elaborate joke! If so, that's brilliant! ;)
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    I am no expert but I'd say the NHS is the best healthcare system in the world, the only 'problem' is that too many people take a trip to the U.K. to use it without having paid a penny in U.K. tax and fucking off back home again.
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