I am sure that many of u have run into the same things as me where many dancers tell u they are just dancing while going to school to become a nurse. I do know one who actually was telling the truth and did. It just amazes me how some tell me that but when they text me they can't spell easy words. I know the younger ones like to shorten words and abbreviate on texts but when u aren't doing either and u spell words wrong that is scary if u are going to be my nurse unless you are just there to be my HOT nurse and not do anything else to me.
Lol yes we have all heard it but I also know one that did become a cardiac nurse. She also continued to dance for a while for the exercise and she liked to dance. She was the finest dancer I ever met and not for obvious reasons
Lol yes we have all heard it but I also know one that did become a cardiac nurse. She also continued to dance for a while for the exercise and she liked to dance. She was the funest dancer I ever met and not for obvious reasons
The most common I heard are Nurse, Occupational Therapist, Actress, and Lawyer. I know of very few who actually ended up doing what they said they were dancing to make money for. The only ones I can recall actually ended up doing what they were one Dental Hygenist, two Fitness Instructors, a Fashion Designer and one who is a Vice President where I currently work.
I've met three who finished nursing school and are doing well (though one has packed on an extra 75 pounds and another-a gorgeous little Filipina-added about 50 pounds). I met one who did finish law school but decided not to be a lawyer. The last I saw of her she was bar tending.
My favorite story involves a dancer who was in college and intended to be a doctor. One day at the bar she was staring at the stage and motioned at the stripper pole. One thing to keep in mind here, the bar was in an old building with an upstairs that was used as the VIP room. She told the bartender, "Whoever bought this place was wise to choose an old firehouse." Yes, she believed the stripper pole had previously been one of the poles firemen slide down and the VIP room were their sleeping quarters. The bartender laughed so hard she actually peed her pants in front of us.
My current g/f is a nurse, as were two previous ones. All civi's. Why do I hook up with so many nurses? Maybe because I fuck bb and they have cheap access to STD tests and treatments? LOL For the record, I've never had an STD.
JS69 hit the nail on the head - thanks I needed a good laugh.
Everyone is forgetting the other popular major that may even be heard more often than nurse: psychology degree, as well as criminal justice.
My retired ATF turns 40 this month and is still trying to finish her psychology degree that she started when she was 18!!!!
The saddest story I have heard is a stripper who is in her late 30s was saving up to get some sort of certification at a business college to become a medical records transcriber. I asked how long the program was and she said 3 years. I didn't say anything but I was thinking, wtf at my age now and my maturity (compared to when o was in college) I'm willing to bet I could complete any college degree in 3 years if I didn't have to work. I didn't have the heart to tell her she's probably wasting her time and money. On the other hand I guess at least she's planning her "out" after stripper because she was certainly not going to win any awards based on her intelligence.
Who knows how many are telling the truth for sure about being in school; I’d say maybe 10% at most.
Many have probably been thinking about it (often times for years) but have not done it and probably never will – others may have started and either realized they were not the scholastic type or put it off thinking it would be for a short time but the short time quickly becomes years.
OTOH – there is the exception to the rule of the SW girls whom most are either working on their masters or already have it and working on a second one.
I know three strippers, all at the same club, who actually are nurses right now. Two of them have even "taken my temperature" from time to time.
The one I remember most is a girl who spoke intelligently about physics. She and I had a couple of converstations about the feasibility of warp drive engines. Yes, they *are* feasible, if not currently within our capability.
I was a bio-psychology major in college so of course I became commodities trader and musician. Much as I hate my spousal mistake, she passed the bar at 42 years of age and I'm quite proud of her for that. So there's never "too old".
And then there is the TUSCL poster who has kept a number of academically talented but poverty stricken girls from ending up in the brothels by paying for nursing scholarships to university for them in the RP. For a cold blooded heartless psychopath he does some odd things.
At one of my regular clubs in a major university town, at least two of the dancers over the years were working on master's degrees in engineering while stripping to pay the bills. As far as I know, both finished and are now working as engineers. However, such stories are, as they say, the exceptions that prove the rule.
last commentThe VP is the most awkward, of the ones I know.
My favorite story involves a dancer who was in college and intended to be a doctor. One day at the bar she was staring at the stage and motioned at the stripper pole. One thing to keep in mind here, the bar was in an old building with an upstairs that was used as the VIP room. She told the bartender, "Whoever bought this place was wise to choose an old firehouse." Yes, she believed the stripper pole had previously been one of the poles firemen slide down and the VIP room were their sleeping quarters. The bartender laughed so hard she actually peed her pants in front of us.
First visit. I'm in nursing school.
Second visit after asking questions ..... I've applied to nursing school and am starting soon.
Third visit after more questions. I looked at the web site of some nursing schools.
Fourth visit. I can wear a nurse's outfit if you'll do a VIP.
The laws of probability tell us that such unexpected results may occur at any time.
Everyone is forgetting the other popular major that may even be heard more often than nurse: psychology degree, as well as criminal justice.
My retired ATF turns 40 this month and is still trying to finish her psychology degree that she started when she was 18!!!!
The saddest story I have heard is a stripper who is in her late 30s was saving up to get some sort of certification at a business college to become a medical records transcriber. I asked how long the program was and she said 3 years. I didn't say anything but I was thinking, wtf at my age now and my maturity (compared to when o was in college) I'm willing to bet I could complete any college degree in 3 years if I didn't have to work. I didn't have the heart to tell her she's probably wasting her time and money. On the other hand I guess at least she's planning her "out" after stripper because she was certainly not going to win any awards based on her intelligence.
Many have probably been thinking about it (often times for years) but have not done it and probably never will – others may have started and either realized they were not the scholastic type or put it off thinking it would be for a short time but the short time quickly becomes years.
OTOH – there is the exception to the rule of the SW girls whom most are either working on their masters or already have it and working on a second one.
The one I remember most is a girl who spoke intelligently about physics. She and I had a couple of converstations about the feasibility of warp drive engines. Yes, they *are* feasible, if not currently within our capability.