
Comments by rockstar666 (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I was thinking of taking the homophobe crew off ignore just to see if they're reformed, but judging from this thread I think that would be pointless.
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    7 years ago
    Anthony Weiner - 21 Mo Sentence Too Harsh or Too Soft?
    Dirk, if you're sexting with a minor, apparently so.
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    7 years ago
    Lifespan of PL-CF "relationship"
    My ATF relationship was about 4 years; she's retires but we just texted a couple days ago. My longest regular was about 15 years. She also retired and I haven't talked/seen her since.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Customer Rating
    I think Bj99's opinion that going for the PL that seems to like you the most is typical for the vast majority of dancers. The veterans all say that their best customers money wise have nothing in common with shoes, watches etc. and it's pointless to discriminate that way, but the common thing they share is they ALL like them a lot. Obviously....who would be a whale for a dancer they DON'T like a lot?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any of you guys ever have a stripper offer you a massage in the club?
    My first ever trip to a club had a dancer offer me a massage. I said fine, and I tipped her $5. Congrats to the OP for standing up for himself!!! For $30 I'd want a happy ending!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wanna dance?
    Almost my type, but in a club I'd pass and look for someone a little prettier. However, if she showed up as an escort I'd be fine with her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anthony Weiner - 21 Mo Sentence Too Harsh or Too Soft?
    Too harsh. Since there was no porn involved, I'd have suspended the sentence and just had him on probation. Granted it's inappropriate what he did, but I don't think he's a threat to the community after the conviction so let's put a goddam pot smoker in his cell instead.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Take my money please!
    She's really pretty but I admit the recent big ass trend isn't my thing. If she had a normal ass I'd rate her higher.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Customer Rating
    I know my regulars over the years have liked me in varying degrees. I know the one who liked me more because they'd hang out with me (for free) when they were bored or tired. The ones who liked me less hang with other PL's...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    LDK eyes only...LDQ for sure
    Living dead girl.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    May be on the west side of Chicago next month.
    My main club is Heavenly Bodies, and for out of towners the contact is pretty one way because that's the kind of club it is, but for regulars with the right dancer you get a lot more contact that what one might expect from its reputation. If you're in the Harvey area though as it seems you will be, it's probably not worth the trip. You'll get better mileage from the regular Harvey's area clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Girls Getting off on you
    My ATF came once ITC as a joke to a too loud couple near by, and an old CF came on 2 separate occasions from humping my leg. Both times the room ended up smelling like pussy! LOL But out of the hundreds of lap dances I've had, that likely the only 3 times a girl actually came with me ITC. Most of my dancers don't fake orgasms...it's not necessary. I guess some do it as part of the show but I prefer they just pretend I'm as entertaining as I think I am, and leave it at that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Shadow cat must have been busy today. Porn ‘public health crisis’ in Florida
    Will Obamacare or the supposed GOP replacement for it cover my porn costs? If porn is a health care issue, I should be able to at least get a co-pay right?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Text messages with CF
    When I used to text with my ex-ATF almost daily, we had some funny exchanges too, except she never asked for money. Just pot. She had a VERY annoying habit of not ending conversations though. Like she'd ask me to stop by her apt. to smoke (etc.) and I'd say sure, when should I come by? Then I wouldn't hear for her for a day and she'd forget she even asked.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: Media Vilifying North Korea
    I don't agree the media is "vilifying" NK any more than usual, but there's a lot more reporting on them since Trump is threatening WW III as often as NK does these days. I do see media blurbs on how poor, repressed and hungry NK is; that's just telling the truth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    RANDOMMEMBER: 10 Questions Resurrected
    1. What do to you do for a living? Lumber trader/musician 2. You're obviously on a strip club forum but you talk about sugar babies a lot and you've explained your reasoning why you've switched from strippers to sugar babies. Do you still go to strip club on a regular basis? If yes, how many times do you go in an average month? N/A; I don't have a sugar baby. I club 2-4 times a month. 3. Have you ever met someone from TUSCL in person? Is there anyone you'd want to meet and if so, why that person? No, and just some of the women here like Pole Dancer... 4. Do you have any hobbies? Golf, bowling and my various music ventures. 5. It's the weekend, you're not with your significant other, you're not with your sugar baby, you're not working and you're not in a strip club. What would you be doing then? Playing in my band. 6. What have you learned about strip clubs and strippers since joining the TUSCL discussion forum? OMG...I could write an article from what I learned here! Mainly that dancers may "like" you as in a favored customer but when she quits dancing or you run out of money, she didn't like you as you hoped. I also learned that while OTC is fun, actually dating a dancer is never a good idea. One always has to end it and that's never pretty. 7. TUSCL member that annoys you the most? Everyone I have on ignore: mainly homophobic trolls. I also wish SJG would post shorter posts because I NEVER read the long ones. 8. If someone handed you the keys to a new car (your choice) that you would be driving everyday, what would it be? Everyday is tough as I tend to like vintage exotics (I have a 1972 Lotus Europa). Probably the new Hybrid BMW; I forget the name. It has the gull wing doors. 9. What is your favorite food? Sashimi/Sushi!!!! 10. Favorite musical group/artist? Besides Midnight Leftovers and Next Position Pleaze (my bands)....hard to pick one. From classic rock it's Led Zeppelin. For current bands, Babymetal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Revisiting Hooters Girls becoming Strippers
    What costs more, OTC with a dancer or a girl working at Hooters? Not counting all the money one spends ITC...just the date itself.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hottest Women In Large Volumes....The BMW PGA Event In Lake Forest Last Weekend
    LDK82: Funny you should say that as I was by the tee box and all of a sudden a ball goes whizzing by me! An errant shot from the adjacent hole...missed me by less than 10 yards.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hottest Women In Large Volumes....The BMW PGA Event In Lake Forest Last Weekend
    WW, yeah there are 10x the amount of people at the Phoenix event from what I'm told. I had a blast following 4-5 pairings. The biggest crowd was Michelson/Speith but I still was able to get pretty close to them at various times. I also followed Day and Fowler, and then the leaders. I think a PGA event challenges the Kentucky Derby for all time hottest women at an event.
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    7 years ago
    Somewhere between her legs
    Worst or best or most unique song you've seen a stripper dance to.
    Best I ever saw was a dancer pole dancing to Darling Nikki by Prince. True talent!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    I got dumped by a stripper ITC
    Agree with GoVikings. I go in the early afternoon a lot because the girls will take more time with you. And if you have a daytime regular, she'll go the extra mile. At night it's all about volume and PL's are a commodity.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: going to a breastraunt alone
    People think a lot less about you than you imagine. Just go and have fun.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Nightmare Scenario
    I was snipped years ago, and I usually go BB anyway. Never caught an STD, but then I only fuck low volume women. Usually. In your case, don't fuck the wife until your blood test comes back. The biggest danger actually is HPV since it's not even tested for in men, but is in women. If your wife is clean and then gets a positive, you're in trouble if she's not also fooling around. I haven't fucked my wife in 10 years...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Bonobo Handshake
    I thinking that the title suggested primates feeling each other up...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Women who dress like strippers in public
    If she were wearing leggings they would have kicked her off.