
Revisiting Hooters Girls becoming Strippers

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Was talking with a very extras friendly dancer and she mentioned she used to waitress at Hooters. I said that confirmed a theory I had that Hooters girls become strippers. She said hell yes. She pointed around the room and counted 11 other dancers she knew had worked at Hooters. She had worked with 3 of them herself. I said that was a big difference from just dressing sexy to being naked. She said not really, because she was not above slipping a nipple for a tip at Hooters. They called it the Hooters Oops where she worked.

I asked why there were so many girls from Hooters there. She said the Hooters girls (her words) "that fuck customers on the side" eventually become strippers because it is too hit and miss to find Hooters customers to fuck. I played dumb and said "Hooters girls do that"? She said she used to do it because it doubled her income for that day. She said if you go into a Hooters and see 20 waitresses, guaranteed one or two of them is meeting an out of town customer after her shift ends. Guaranteed. Probably more than one or two. I said I thought that was an exaggeration, but she said if I go to a Hooters, listen to the questions. If the waitress asks where you are from and you say somewhere out of town, she will ask where you are staying are you traveling alone, etc. She said "Wake up out of town guy. That Hooters girl wants to fuck you for money."

So a friend came and sat with us. My dancer told her to tell me where she worked before this club. "Hooters" Then my girl asked her how many guys she dated a week at Hooters. After an "I can't believe you're telling him this" reaction, she said maybe 1-2 a week. My girl said she did that in one night stripping.

So that's the reason Hooters girls become strippers. More efficient marketing of their "assets"!


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Well that sums it up, I’m going to Hooters for dinner tonight instead of TGIFridays!!!!
  • CouldBe
    7 years ago
    i know of a couple strippers who went to work at Hooters and then went back because they made more stripping.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @shailyn I thought the same fucking thing !
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    A very useful post. I would think that basic logic would indicate that hooters girls might cross over to stripping (and vice versa). However, logic doesn't always work with strippers. Its helpful to see that there is cross over.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Some years ago scanning local escorts I recognized the profile of a girl (...on Preferred411) who worked at the local hooters. Heck she was even wearing her hooters top in the pic. Soo...yea not just becoming strippers but already jumping to full escorting.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    What costs more, OTC with a dancer or a girl working at Hooters? Not counting all the money one spends ITC...just the date itself.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    I travel a lot and often alone. This is good confirmation about Hooter's girls but I think I would immediately recognize those questions and take advantage of the opportunity. Any hot waitress asking if I'm from out of town, if I'm alone, etc, my monger radar would light up quickly. Although one should also be careful it's not some kind of set up.

    Good post.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    A month ago I ran into a dancer at Follies that I hadn't seen in 3 years. She said it was that long. She said that she had gotten a college degree but hadn't been able to land a job in that field yet. So she was working at a Waffle House as a cook and had come back to Follies to supplement her income. I imagine that she could do pretty good after hours. :)
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    There was a very hot pretty stripper that did both or at least she worked at Twin Peaks or Tilted Kilt or some other Hooters ripoff. She would work at the breastaurant during weekends and at the strip club (non extras) once or twice a week. She was one of the top earners at both places, but i think she preferred the breastaurant. Eventually, i don't think i ever saw her again at the club. i don't think she went out with customers though.
  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    Tory Lane started at Hooters in FL.. Look at her now.
    The woman I talk about sometimes that hates me. Yep she worked at Hooters at one point the one at Gwinnett Place Mall. Oddly after she got some fake hooters. Yes, I had her before and after she had worked there. I guess that explains why her first husband while she worked at a Hooters wasn't to happy. At the time around 2000, Hooters didn't even pay min wage.

    I am thinking about Hooters for dinner, lunch also.

    I fucking asked you guys almost a year ago about those damn questions.
    1. Hi are you married? For the life of me why would a stripper need to know or care?
    2. Hi are you from out of town? I am just going to go str to creep land and say "Baby I am from where ever you fantasy wants me to be."

    It is never about the weather.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    People have asked where this was. It was at Tattletales. Will post a review when I get a chance. She was $300 well spent!
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I’m on the road and at a Dairty Queen right now and strangely the cute girl cleaning off the tables hasn’t asked me any of the questions yet!?!? WTF!!!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Ask her if she's the Dairy Queen and tell her you want her to make you a milkshake.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    One possible interpretation:
    ... maybe the strippers who said they previously worked at Hooters didn't actually work at Hooters, but figured that saying so would be a good answer. Using the Hooters lie first of all moves away from having to admit to having really worked at somewhere that you might recognize, or at somewhere that is more embarrassing to them, or at nowhere at all which is even more embarrassing since it means that their first ever career choice was to not have a sensible career choice. Also, the Hooters lie moves toward a typical male fantasy, a turn-on for the customer, or so the girls will be thinking. Kind of like saying, whether or not it's true, that she used to do some amateur porn or was a cam-girl, and that she's thinking about getting back into it. Certain sexier than saying she's a dish-scrubber for the elementary school board.

    I don't necessarily think that all Hooters claims by strippers are Hooters lies. I just thought I'd throw out that possibility.

    Another possibility, maybe closer to the truth, is the following. Given, let us presume, that some girls are pretty much destined to be strippers, for reasons such as the lower-class daddy-issues trailer-trash home-lives they grew up in, a few typical high-school-aged choices she made when she was high-school-aged, and a great body and cute face plus a need for ready cash. If these girls are gravitating toward the strip clubs from all their other potential occupations -- whether it's an "occupation" of a work-type situation, or whether it's just "occupation" of her time by doing her nails and texting her BFFs -- then Hooters is simply a quick stop-over. The path is from respectability and brain-work, towards the adult-services industry and looking good. So, of course, good looks become part of the job requirement, and part of the package that the potential employee can offer to the potential employer. They end up for a while at a Hooters or knock-off. However, please note, that doesn't really mean that they were strongly INFLUENCED into choosing stripping, on the basis of waitressing at Hooters. In fact, it may have been all along that the Hooters influences were redirecting her mildly AWAY from stripping but failed to accomplish a full turn sideways in her career trajectory. It may indeed be, that all these strippers who make the Hooters claim did indeed work at Hooters, but only for two weeks or so while getting their shit out of their ex-boyfriends Dodge Dart and moving in with some skank they used to know in Junior High who is stripping, with the intent of going into stripping all along.

    In other words, I feel the Hooters claim can be truthful, but in a variety of manners. Therefore, its prevalence need not suggest to us that working at Hooters necessarily helps CAUSE girls to become strippers (although that is a possible corollary; remember, however, that correlation is not causation, and beware that we are moving close to being guilty of the post-hoc-propter-hoc fallacy, of assuming that if stripping comes after something, then it must have been caused by that thing.) Not that there's anything wrong with that. Also, not that everyone in this thread is necessarily assuming that. I am just mulling the possibilities, taking them out to a bit of a logical extreme. So sue me, I'm a Book sort of Guy. :)

    In fact, the hottest newbie at the club I went to most recently did indeed claim to me that she used to work at Hooters, along with claiming that she had only been working at that strip club for three weeks. I can confirm that her lap-dances were profoundly annoyingly inexperienced, with all the wrong contact at all the wrong points (kind of like the way Paris Hilton moved in a stupid self-involved sway in the leaked blowjob video tape while failing to contact the dick with her mouth) to the point of suggesting that she had indeed only been working as a stripper for three weeks.

    On related subject, I had no idea that there were OTH (Outside The Hooters) opportunities and have, many times, oh so desperately wished there were. Traveling alone, staying nearby, have ready cash to spend, a girl at the end of her shift ... are these experiences of the rushed disappointing and rather sterilized, as though for the hospital sex-services ward, of the manner in which they go in a back room at a strip club? Or can you get some girlsie-boysie satisfaction and kind of play at being her fake-boyfriend for the night, laugh, cuddle, make out? I am in the Tampa Bay area now, home of the original Hooters, and there are several knock-offs. Ker's Wing House, Brew House, Mugs N Jugs, T-Backs (now shut down I think?), etc.. Where should I start my OTH search? :)
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > beware that we are moving close to being guilty of the post-hoc-propter-hoc fallacy

    As long as we grease the bouncer, everything should be cool.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Wow Bookguy, lots of thoughts there. My thinking is that for girls "destined"to be strippers, a place like Hooters is the first baby step. The same Hooters girl that would become a stripper probably would see sex for money as a viable activity.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    LOL @ ppwh XD
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