
Comments by rockstar666 (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Why have a bathroom troll?
    I thought the troll WAS the drug dealer!
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    7 years ago
    Dancer names
    I won't post what it is, but it's mentioned in the initial post.
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    7 years ago
    Dancer names
    My daughter has a stripper name but my wife and I didn't know it at the time. Oh well...she's in medical school now so at least if being a doctor doesn't work out she has the name going for her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Things you've learned in life because you go to strip clubs
    I echo lots of what has been said...I was surprised how nice most dancers are, even if it's not part of a sales pitch. They really look out for their friends, and even some customers. But then the down side of them (in general): Most dancers are complete flakes, many/most are single moms, they all seem to have a pit bull as a pet that they love like a real child, they are incapable of saving/investing money, they don't consider themselves prostitutes even if they'll fuck you for money, and most truly seem to enjoy dancing and making men happy, even if they're lesbians. Most dancers are a little bi in my experience, but many are not. Oh, and the white ones love to talk and act 'ghetto black', at least in my white Chicago 'burb.
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    7 years ago
    a CA group is going to court to nullify Cali's prostitution law
    Trump should like that!
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    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    In Bangkok there are places that girls have numbers...but there's no waiting list!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Turned down a handy from a 9
    ppwh: Great response! That's how to take control. In my club both the dancer and a bouncer know the number of dances before we start, so if we go long (or short) it's always sorted out easily. I'm surprised other clubs don't adopt that policy.
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    7 years ago
    a CA group is going to court to nullify Cali's prostitution law
    TT writes: "lower races" need to be controlled or eliminated for their own good. (blacks, irish, italians, germans, orientals, native americans, all should not be allowed to procreate = planned parenthood was started in immigrant and black neighborhoods) So doesn't it make sense that the white conservatives would be in favor of free, government funded abortion on demand? Or free birth control for poor people? Yet the party of white supremacy seems to be against these things. Oh well...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Turned down a handy from a 9
    I can't believe what some of you guys let dancers get away with. I agree $100 is too much for a HJ but they can ask what they want. But TX then tips her?? WTF. And Sir Lap...how can you have an ATF who's a ROB??? I kick ROBs to the curb no matter how good looking they are. Have you noticed there are lots of pretty girls in a club who won't cheat you? One thing I've learned from being here in TUSCL a while: You have to stand up for yourself in a club or you WILL be a victim.
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    7 years ago
    Them Damn Cubans
    I have a potential regular who doesn't speak a lick of English at all. Normally that would be a minus for me as I like conversation, but she's beautiful, smiles a lot and gives me excellent value. I've only seen her twice though and not recently. She might be Cuban... I did manage to find out she's not Mexican with my rather poor grasp of Spanish. If she come back I'll try and find out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Starters, Fluffers and Closers
    I don't need a fluffer. Seems like a waste of my money. I'd rather spend on the girl I came for in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer that aren't making any money
    There is NO WAY a PL can know who is making money by just watching. Case in point: my ex-ATF almost never worked the room. She had maybe 10 regulars who were all whales, and they showed up often enough to make her a top earner. But to watch her, you'd have said she was lazy and not making money. When a whale wasn't there, she'd just hang with me the whole time because she liked my company and hated working the room. I was the luckiest PL ever! OTOH, an old regular of mine worked the room constantly, but never seemed to make a lot of money because she went for the good looking younger guys and they never have any money. Plus the club was rather dead during W's recession... My CF seems pretty popular. Being in her 30's, she knows what she's doing too. I would guess she's a top earner, but who knows...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    a CA group is going to court to nullify Cali's prostitution law
    Prostitution is a constitutionally protected right IMHO. The right to privacy in particular. As long as you pay your taxes... That being said, I can't see CA legalizing it. They'll make up some lame excuse to beep the laws on the books.
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    7 years ago
    How do I convince strippers i'm not an undercover cop?
    No one has ever asked me if I'm a cop. I don't think I dress well enough.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off topic. Anyone know the best way to confirm and sell a painting that might b
    2k isn't a lot for a well done painting. I'd pay that for art I really liked.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    I have interesting conversations with almost everybody. Maybe it's not the dancer's fault if it's "pointless".
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    7 years ago
    What is your success rate for OTC?
    Oh! I did see a happily married dancer sing at a gig, but that doesn't count either!
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    7 years ago
    What is your success rate for OTC?
    Depends on the club. My club is not extras friendly and not OTC friendly either, but some of that is because I usually go daytime and those girls all are single mothers, so OTC would be a hassle for them.So I really don't ask very often. My ATF asked me so that doesn't count, a past CF turned me down flat, another past CF lied about being available just to string me along, and two said yes so technically I'm 2 for 4 I suppose. But this is only because I was asking girls I've already established a relationship with; 50% is silly high due to the small sample size. If I asked all my regulars for OTC...Hmmm....I'd expect to get a 1-10 at best. I think at other clubs it would be reversed though. If anyone is struggling with OTC, it's probably par for the course so just keep at it.
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    7 years ago
    OTC > ITC in my humble opinion
    I agree with Subraman in recognizing the trip to the club is fun in its own right. That's why I said I wasn't really looking for OTC now, yet I still go clubbing. I like my regulars, the wait staff who all know me, the girls who chat me up. It's fun! I get my sex elsewhere (usually!).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    BIG TITS...
    I used to love B cups at first, but then I had a 10 year period where I got to like the big ones...D to DD or even more. Recently in dancers, I've gone back to the B or C cups. The 2 civies I'm seeing are both big. My FWB is a D, and my soul mate is a DD. (Yes they both know about each other) So to answer the question, I seem to set the midpoint at C, and smaller is smaller and bigger is bigger.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Has a stripper that you used to like ever irritated you ?
    If the question is just physical appearance, I did have one that got a little frumpy looking from gaining weight. But once a dancer is on my regular rotation, only a denial of services would compel me to fire her. Or if she tries a ROB tactic. I like pubic hair anyway.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do east coast liberal really feel bout the races
    Hmm...let's talk about truths that are lost on me: The more guns people have in America, the safer a country we are. Homosexuality is a learned behavior and morally wrong. Anti LGBT laws are actually preserving freedom of religions expression as opposed to discriminating against fellow Americans.. Illegal immigrants are a major source of crime and take jobs from citizens. Healthcare should only be provided to the rich. Expeditionary wars make us safer. I could go on....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do east coast liberal really feel bout the races
    AH, gammu just proved my point! LOL But maybe he doesn't get it...?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC > ITC in my humble opinion
    I don't currently have any girls I'm looking to get OTC from, but I have done it in the past. I already have 2 g/f's and I don't need to hassle of a dancer on top of that, but if my CF were to ask I'd have to consider it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another Tattoo Question
    I usually go for girls with few or no tats, but my new CF has a complete sleeve. She's so much fun and erotic it's no big deal; I'm not looking to actually date her.