
Take a number system?

Thursday, October 19, 2017 9:42 PM
I know this would not be popular with the guys that like to lock down their strippers for pointless convo but could there possibly be a market for it? Only place ive heard of implementing it is go go rama in new jersey. And they seem to be doing ok. I know this might make the interactions a bit more "transactional" but aside from the guys hitting on the strippers not spending any money(or otherwise "time-wasters") and the guys that like the useless mostly fake conversation, i dont think many guys would care. I imagine this also keeps the dancers busy and moving especially if they have a line of pl's waiting. Only downside i could see is having to wait for the hottest/most in demand strippers but i think avoiding the busy shifts could negate this(so basically dayshift or sun-wed only). Or you could just wait but queue for a bunch of different of dancers and whoever gets there before you are ready to leave wins. Thoughts? Opinions?


  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    I live in Jersey, and I visited the Go-Go Rama a few times several years ago. Their number system is a pretty good idea. It keeps the line moving efficiently, you always have a rough idea of how long you'll have to wait, etc. In fact, I think the customers should like the system much more than the dancers do, because it strips away the bullshit. When getting a dance with a stripper feels no different than ordering cold cuts at a deli, and when you come to realize that there are a half dozen or more guys just like you waiting in line ahead of you, I think the average PL is less likely to fall in love. (Having said that, I should point out that the Go-Go Rama is probably the most difficult club in the state for getting extras, so I can't recommend it. But that has nothing to do with their number system.)
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    "the guys that like the useless mostly fake conversation" Useless? Fake? I love my conversations with strippers, and it's how I get to know them and convince them to do OTC.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Jack introduces them to his world famous lasagna and the rest is history.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I have interesting conversations with almost everybody. Maybe it's not the dancer's fault if it's "pointless".
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    This kind of system would seem really strange to me. Would it prevent a dancer from being able to spend time and connect with customers of their choosing?
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    It has its pluses and minutes. The main benefit is like @BHF pointed out the PL would have some idea on a Fri or Sat night exactly how long it will take Bubbles to make her way to you. Go Go Rama's take a number might be more egalitarian. The problem is capitalism. Regulars and the '10% of customers who do the 90% of the spending' don't retain as much of their earned market value. Part of what makes the club enticing to those two groups is capitalism.
  • K
    7 years ago
    GGR is the club i visit most. I rarely use the numbers and have no trouble getting dances from the women. I tell them i want a dance or they approach me when they dont have a number waiting. Dancers often sit and chat with me and other customers
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I would guess if youre trying to spend time connecting with dancers that otherwise have a lot of guys waiting, she would try to move quickly and get as much money as possible. Mayve if youre willing to "tip" her you can can get some time. I guess it wouldn't be a problem on a slow shift.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Im guessing this is a non extras club? I just can't imagine a dancer coming out of VIP and calling out, "Number 16, You're next!"
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've read a few reviews in the past and don't recall any complaints w.r.t. the # system. I guess there can be pros and cons - a con could be a dancer not being able to not get with a custy they don't wanna get with (rude, smelly, too-grabby, etc). Some pros I can see with it are dancers not sitting around on the ph not doing shit or hiding in the dressing room - a pro is also one can get with a dancer instead of her being locked down 100% of the time by "her Romeo" - it's not as if she still can't hang with certain custies since she will not be giving dances ALL THE TIME, she can give some dances then come-back to her "strip club husband"; i.e. multiple custies get to enjoy her company vs just one selfish prick - the club AFAIK also has VIP so if "Romeo" wants exclusivity with her then take her to VIP vs milking her time and cock-blocking the rest of the club. IMO there's often too much disorder in SCs and some order often ensures a smoother experience for everyone - this club also plays songs at 5-minutes so it seems they r trying to do some things right/fair.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Lol flag, she doesnt announce it to the club but thats how extras clubs are anyway. Wham bam, thank you ma'am. Also i wouldnt want everyone to know i was getting sloppy 16ths. Lol. No, go go rama is not an mass extras club, according to reviews and burlingtonhofactory.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I wouldn’t find an issue with a number system. It’s more to keep the dancers moving to the next waiting customer. It would probably annoy the dancers. But it would probably push the dancers to make more money because they’d be more efficient.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "con could be a dancer not being able to not get with a custy they don't wanna get with (rude, smelly, too-grabby, etc)." Agreed. I think the dj actually handles all the "numbers" so they may actually have no clue who the customer is until their number is called so it wouldnt be practical to skip numbers but i guess if the dancer was so inclined she could air dance to get the point across.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    The number may actually only be used if the dancer is busy. Otherwise i think you can still get with her the "traditional" way(her approaching you or vice versa).
  • K
    7 years ago
    Chessmaster That is correct. You can always approach her if she has no numbers. A dance still gets locked down. The guy with the number decides when he is done. He can keep saying one more.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Is it true that the GGR dancers lay a baby blanket down then dance on that? Or am I thinking of some other nude club?
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    As someone who is all about the useless conversation, I am outraged. OUTRAGED! :) lol ... so how does this work exactly, there's no set time window, right? That is, if she's with customer #4, she can stay with him for 10 minutes or 3 hours, her choice, before moving on to customer #5? Obviously, for me this wouldn't work, if it meant the dancer was constantly checking her queue and rushing me to get dances so she could go. I'm surprised the strippers like it -- I mean, the girls who either don't bother or lack the skills to develop regulars, they would probably love it, but girls who have bigger-spending regulars, they might have to go through 10 other guys to get to their big spending regular? I don't see why a really hot stripper, who is skilled at developing regulars, would work at a club that so hampers her business model.
  • K
    7 years ago
    There have been some over the years that put a cloth on your lap if you wear something that would be abrasive to their tender parts. Or if it obvious your hygiene is lacking
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I had heard they used a cloth at Hot 22 - so there wasn’t direct contact with the customer. But that was probably 15 years ago.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    It seems like this would go against the independent contractor concept
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    In Bangkok there are places that girls have numbers...but there's no waiting list!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think this system can be beneficial for the dancers - the custies come to them, at least part of the time, vs them having to hustle for every dance - and again they can devote time to their regs except for those regs that require exclusivity for hours on end.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Subraman said "I don't see why a really hot stripper, who is skilled at developing regulars, would work at a club that so hampers her business model." The number system itself doesn't seem to hurt their ability to talk to regulars and to find whales willing to monopolize them for 2 hours. As K said, you can keep her working with you for as long as you want, until she needs a break. It's just that she knows exactly who is next in line when you're done. And having a number doesn't guarantee a customer the right to a dance. If Velvet or Amber or whoever comes in at the start of her shift and gets a whale who keeps her in the back for her entire shift, then everyone else is just shit out of luck. Just like in a regular club. It's up to the dancer and whoever is first in line to call it quits so that she can move onto the next patron. My then-CF left our "home base club" in late 2012/early 2013 and started dancing at Gogo Rama. I checked it out, did a few dances with her, we both knew that she had a long line of PLs waiting behind me, and we mutually agreed that she should service them, so I only did 2 or 3 dances. But it's not like I was chased out or anything. As I've said, what the number system does do is strip the customers of their illusions. When you literally have to take a number, it becomes no different than getting an oil change or ordering a slice of pizza. You're a little less likely to be taken advantage of because the girls will have a harder time pulling certain kinds of SS on you. Having said that, many girls prefer a non-extras environment and Gogo Rama is definitely non-extras. Probably because of this, they always have a large roster of attractive women. Or at least they used to, back when I last visited in 2013. The girls want to be able to pull SS and to not do any extras. That's the ideal arrangement for most strippers. But when they are forced to choose, it's clear which one they prefer. Many will give up the Stripper Shit as long as they don't have to touch your dick.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"@Subraman said "I don't see why a really hot stripper, who is skilled at developing regulars, would work at a club that so hampers her business model." The number system itself doesn't seem to hurt their ability to talk to regulars and to find whales willing to monopolize them for 2 hours. As K said, you can keep her working with you for as long as you want, until she needs a break. It's just that she knows exactly who is next in line when you're done. " B-Ho, what you said seems to exactly mean that she isn't free to pursue her whales. I don't know any whales -- hell, I don't know any sub-whale good regulars -- who will wait around for 2 hours for a girl, just because 8 other guys have gotten there before him, and the rule is, she has to go in order. Even run-of-the-mill regulars get priority over everyone else there. If I come in and she's on #12 and I just pulled #20, I'm switching girls (or just as likely, switching clubs), no way I'm waiting for 8 guys. Right now, my usual protocol, that I've been using for years and years, is: I text her when I'm 30-45 minutes out, she finishes up with her customer and is alone and waiting for me when I walk in. I'm not remotely interested in a club where I can't make an appointment, and might have to wait on 8 guys who she doesn't even know. Of course, all that means is that that particular club may pull less customer like me (high-spending, one-stripper regulars), and less of the type of girls who pull those types of customers (that is, the girls with the combined hottest looks plus charm). They might more than make up for the lost income by pulling non-ATF type customers. Or -- and here's what I'd bet -- the hottest in-demand girls ignore the ticket system when it suits them, and go straight to their great regulars, they only follow the ticket system when it's to their advantage.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Subraman, you may be 100% right. All I know is, these were definitely hotter than average strippers, at least they were when I last visited 4.5 years ago. There have been complaints about diminishing quality since then, but it seemed to be working in 2012 and 2013. The place was always packed whenever I visited. I never go back because I want at least the possibility of extras. And maybe I even like the Stripper Shit, I don't know. I honestly don't know why a whale would be willing to wait for two hours and then not even get any extras. But somehow, they do. Go figure. Besides, there have been times when I'm in a different club (without a number system) and I will actually tell "my stripper" to go make her rounds, handle all her other customers, and then come back to me and we will go have some dances when she's done with them. I'm not the jealous type and I'm rarely in a rush, but I'm probably the exception.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    @BHF, How does a regular lock-down a girl @ GGR; by continuously buying dances or taking her to VIP? i.e. can a girl just sit w/ her regular at a table in the main-room talking while there are guys w/ #s wanting dances - i.e. can she totally blow-off "custies w/ a #" that want dances and choose to sit at a table talking to a reg w/o doing dances or VIP w/ him?
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    B-Ho: if the strippers were hot, my first suspicion is always: the girls use the system when it suits them, but throw it away when a good regular walks in. The other alternative explanation: there are so few non-extras clubs around that the non-extras girls don't have much choice but to take it. But you definitely got to the crux of my confusion, "I honestly don't know why a whale would be willing to wait for two hours". From my experience, true whales don't tolerate that, and even as a mere grouper (much smaller than a whale) I don't tolerate waiting, much less a system that's built-in to make me wait.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    My guess would be the regulars/whales that prefer to lock down their strippers would not frequent a sc with a "take a number" system. The entire premise makes it a "get in, get your dances/get off, get out" experience. Ggr doesnt even serve alcohol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Whales are kinda far and few b/w; compared to the non-whale SCers - i.e. whales can lock-down a dancer in VIP for hours at a large-expense; non-whales wanna lock them down in the main-room - thus the effect of the whale lock-down is less b/c they are less of them - there seem to be far more regulars that do the main-room lock-down and have a far greater effect on "normal SCers" (hee hee hee) - plus whales probably have other options that their whale $$$ can buy and perhaps don't hit the SCs as regularly as most PLs; but that's just an assumption on my part.
  • K
    7 years ago
    What surprises me is everyone seems to argue this as if it is a theoretical. GGR has been using this for decades. If it didn't work I am sure it would be gone. They have outrageous house fees and tips outs and still the women typically leave with 700 on a slow week night and over 1000 on Thursday, Fri, Sat and Sun. Other than one or two that really hustle, most of them spend half their time in the back studying for their nursing exams. It is hard to argue with success. As for extras, it is true there are no extras in the club. Enough said on that topic. A dancer more than makes up for any negatives in this system. if she is in demand she spends no time hustling and instead spends her time doing private dances. A porn star , Amber, worked here until a few years ago and she often had numbers from opening to closing. Out of a 4 pm to 3 Am shift she probably clocked 9 to 10 hours with a few short bio breaks and waiting a few minutes for the PL that was just paged. No stage time. No hustle time. Some of my favorites have three or four numbers as soon as they open for business. If there are 8 guys ahead of you, not uncommon for some of the dancers on a Saturday night, she can count on four half hour dances and four fifteen minute dances. I don't know how losing the half hour or even hour you would give her is more valuable than the three she has booked. Maybe she lost a whale but she still came out ahead. If she doesn't have any numbers she will work the stage every hour or two and is free to walk around doing dollar dances to try to get private dances. Sienna has her regulars that get a number but that girl hustles between numbers . How do I get around the system? A few ways but one is to call ahead to my desired dancer and she gets me a number.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo asked: "How does a regular lock-down a girl @ GGR; by continuously buying dances or taking her to VIP?" Both. When you're back there, you can stay until you can't pay anymore or until she needs a break, no matter how many other guys waiting. At least that's what I recall. "can a girl just sit w/ her regular at a table in the main-room talking while there are guys w/ #s wanting dances" No, unless they changed things recently. She goes through the list of numbers until they are all satisfied. When there are no more guys with numbers, then she can circulate and talk and try to sell dances. From what I remember they also spend a LOT of time on break in the dressing room, even when guys are waiting with numbers.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Good point about the front room lockdown vs vip lockdown. Its true most whales lock down their strippers in vip rooms, which is what the whales at ggr do. Its probably less front room lock down with this system. I dont know why but im slightly more annoyed with front room lockdown.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I've been seated in the living room of a Korean AAMP ( Apartment version of an AMP ), one of three guys waiting, as they only had one girl. The girl was nice looking and quite capable, but not GFE. I did feel funny about the situation. But I went a long with it. "guys that like the useless mostly fake conversation" Well, conversation is how you build rapport with a girl. This is the advantage that strip clubs have over AMPs, AAMPs, and Escorts. As the strip club is a hangout place, you can engage in unstructured fraternizing, and you can also show your appreciation and usually extend this portion of the encounter, by giving your girl money. With this "fake conversation" you can usually get your girl off script and into just being herself, and convert what is likely to ensue from a FemBot session and into mind blowing GFE-FS, and you can likely set it up so that this will be continuing off site. Of course the take a number system depends on how much patronage they are getting, versus how many girls they have. It is always better when a club hires as many girls as possible. Maintaining freedom in the selection process is always best. SJG
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    This system would lend itself to non-whales. It’s more of an assembly line, and that is more for average customers. There are various types of club patrons, and I’d expect whales to go for the full gentlemans club experience. This would be more of a no-frills club experience. I once saw a whale at a rough club - and it was odd. He was the only customer wearing a fancy suit - and his white shirt and tie were out of place. He spent too much money to take a dancer out to his car for a bj. He had parked his 7 series BMW on the street in front of the club - and everyone who left the club got to watch his fat naked ass while he got his bj out in his car!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Subraman said "my first suspicion is always: the girls use the system when it suits them, but throw it away when a good regular walks in." Unless things have changed dramatically, it doesn't work that way at GGR. K's description posted just now sounds very accurate and is exactly as I remember it. "The other alternative explanation: there are so few non-extras clubs around that the non-extras girls don't have much choice but to take it." Now you might have a really good point here. Club 35 is only one or two exits away and it's basically a whore house (2/3 of dancers at 35 are sucking dick, at a bare minimum). The only other option if you are a non-extras girl is this biker bar dump that I recently reviewed called Black Betty's. But apparently some of the girls are doing extras even there. And if you're not into the biker thing, then Gogo Rama might be the only game in town for non-extras girls. Or, as I like to call them, ROBs LOL.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    This system is geared towards high volume and not necessarily a higher amount spent per customer. This allows the dancers less time to try and land whales. However, dancers can spend lots of time with a potential whale - and not land the whale. This would make sense to provide a more steady flow of work.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yes assembly line, when I was one of three guys in the AAMP's living room, waiting for the one girl, that is what it felt like. The advantage of strip clubs is that they are naturally hangout places conducive to unstructured fraternizing. Now I have had girls say that they have to dance for two more people before they come back to me. Just how it works. More dancers the club can hire the better. Best still if they can come and go as they please. But both of these factors make it harder to regulate them. So if you want an anything goes club, hire as many girls as possible, don't really screen them for looks. SJG
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @K, your description sounds like a good roundup of the Go-Go Rama. It's nice to know that nothing has changed. But you also have Club 35 right nearby. So I don't mean to pry, but why do you bother with GGR at all, knowing that you probably won't get extras and that you may not even be able to have a decent conversation with the more popular girls?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    GGR seems to be pretty-popular w/ this system - it has close to 700 reviews which may probably be #2 in the entire state behind Playhouse, but IDK this for sure.
  • K
    7 years ago
    BHF- will reply privately A few points of clarification. The earnings I mention above are the lower limit women. The A listers do much better. Nothing stops you from keeping the dancer once your number has been called. there can be twenty guys waiting but if your dance finishes, you can just tell her to keep going. Whales can and do lock the dancer up for hours. The longest I've heard of was six hours. he asked to have food brought in.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo, Yeah, GGR is an institution in the area. Personally, I hang out at the Playhouse frequently (hence my screenname). I just like the South Jersey clubs better, even though they're an hour away from me, because I like thick, hot white chicks with tattoos, and that's where most of them seem to live (south Jersey). You'll find a few of them at GGR, too, but good luck even getting them to breathe on you during a LD.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    This is just a butthurt post by a guy who ain’t got enough game, or money, to get with the dancer he wanted. Sorry but the dancer has a say in this one if she chooses to stay with one guy that’s her right. Most of the posts of this nature are just buttsoreness.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Most of the time I have always favored the day shift. If I found a strip club so crowded or with such a high customer to dancer ratio that they had to use numbers, I would probably not come back. SJG A specter is haunting Europe [view link]
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "This is just a butthurt post by a guy who ain’t got enough game, or money, to get with the dancer he wanted. Sorry but the dancer has a say in this one if she chooses to stay with one guy that’s her right. Most of the posts of this nature are just buttsoreness" Lol. Hardly. I just hate seeing strippers waste time sitting with old dudes they probably have nothing in common with. Sure if she sits with one guy all night thats her decision but lets not pretend it has anything to do with your game. In reality you probably have this dumb idea shes your girlfriend or some shit and you're too needy and clingy to let her do her job.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Idk why i even responded to that garbage. I dont care that much. I usually do in fact the strippers i want at some point. If i dont i only care until the next one comes along. ;
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Remember FarmerArt. Older stripper sitting with a bunch of young guys. Just talking. He came up and put $20 into the cleavage part of her bikini top. She jumped to her feet. Soon they were in the dance booth making out, and then they were wearing out a mattress all night long. You can't expect the management to deliver dancers for you. You have to go after them yourself. FarmerArt was respectful. He could see that they young guys, his coworkers, were not really interested in her. SJG
  • K
    7 years ago
    In another thread someone mentioned a problem not seen in take a number clubs. A dancer sits with you and blocks the dancer you want to get a dance with from approaching you. . if you have the number for the dancer you want, you have a perfect , non rude reason to leave the dancer you don't want, your number has been called.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I don't think the take a number system is a good idea. SJG
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    K, i can see how this would prevent the sort of cockblocking you mention. Especially those that dont give up.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    subramans experience is not unique. one of my hot providers put me on standby a few weeks ago... said a regular whale was about to arrive... i can't argue or blame her. i am a cheapskate in what i pay her for excellent service. (each and every time she delivers in awesome service.) as it turned out the whale went with another girl... and i got to enjoy my time with my provider.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Chessmaster you need to notice I said game or money. If you really didn’t care all that much how would you know what they might have in common, sorry my slight wasn’t intentional, but you don’t have any idea, what type of a game I might have, or whether or not she is actually a girlfriend sorry but you are just making assumptions you really don’t know.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Do they give you your balls back when you leave for the night? Or do they just throw them in the dumpster since you obviously aren't going to be using them? As for waiting for the "hottest/most in demand" strippers, I don't see that being much of a problem since those types of dancers would never work at a club like this. So why not just go all the way and have the door girl hand you a ticket for the next available stripper as soon as you walk in? I know this might make the interactions a bit more "transactional" but I don't think many guys would care apart from the ones who are hung up on useless stuff like looks, personality or individuality. Pussy is pussy, right? Take a number that gives you a place in a queue, but doesn't even guarantee you a dance? And what if you select multiple dancers and two numbers come up at the same time? How do you even select these dancers? If they're all busy giving dances non-stop, how do you make a choice? From a headshot? How do you find out who has tats, piercings, breast implants, is overweight, or has a bad attitude? This has to be one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard of. No way am I waiting on a number in a queue when I have my car, the locations of four top clubs programmed into my phone, and the phone numbers a dozen top strippers.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Jeez i think you guys are way more butthurt than me. I just wondered what others thought about there being a potential market for it but of course there are still regular strip clubs so you can lock down your strippers. Because i can see how this would absolutely shatter you guys fantasy that these girls are your wife/gf. :)
  • K
    7 years ago
    Shatter the fantasy? Trust me, it doesn't
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Normally you can identify a club as high class, middle class or low class. This club wouldn't even be low class. It's like the Sam's Club of strip clubs.
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    This seems like it takes away from the whole stripper experience... the illusion that the stripper actually likes you.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @mdfmk888 said: "In a sense, strip clubs mimic real life more than we realize (or care to admit)." Truer words than these have never been spoken. At least not on TUSCL.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @anonlvone said: "Do they give you your balls back when you leave for the night? Or do they just throw them in the dumpster since you obviously aren't going to be using them?" LOL. Rofl. "As for waiting for the "hottest/most in demand" strippers, I don't see that being much of a problem since those types of dancers would never work at a club like this." And yet they do. I don't know what it's like now, but back in 2012 and 2013 when I was last there, they were mostly hot. It was a 7-up joint. "And what if you select multiple dancers and two numbers come up at the same time?" I don't know, it's your choice, I guess. When two cars come to an intersection with a four-way stop sign at exactly the same time, they just kind of figure out who is going to turn first. "How do you even select these dancers? If they're all busy giving dances non-stop, how do you make a choice? From a headshot? How do you find out who has tats, piercings, breast implants, is overweight, or has a bad attitude?" They go up on stage at regular intervals to dance. And they also have television monitors hanging on the walls with the dancers' pictures and names in rotation.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Rickberge said: "This seems like it takes away from the whole stripper experience... the illusion that the stripper actually likes you." That was my point in my earlier posts. It's a double-edged sword, because it makes SS harder to pull.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    This seems like it would be perfect for lazy or uptight dancers who don't want to make an effort, and less attractive dancers who can't compete. A top dancer would drive to a better club or hop on a plane and move to another city.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As I mentioned earlier, this seems to be the 2nd-most reviewed club in the state - and the reviews I've read I have not read any complaints w.r.t. the # system. One fairly common-thread from reviews in general that one comes across is custies complaining about not being able to get-dances and leaving the club w/o getting any-dances b/c the girls are glued to the regulars - in a case like this I can see a # system working well b/c unlike how many regulars would like to believe that their dancers prefer them over everyone else, from what I see it's often more of a case of the regular manipulating the situation/dancer; e.g: Dancer: "hey that guy just asked me if can give them a dance, do you mind, I'll come right back and hang w/ you as soon as I give him his dance" Regular - "Sure you can give him a dance - just don't bother coming back" - they'll either tell-her this outright or it's implied I assume there are dancers that prefer to hang w/ the regular rather than hustle other custies, but many dancers don't give dances when their regulars are there even if they want-to b/c the regular will fire them (or be extremely pissed off) - so it's not exactly "her free will" - IMO many would like to be able to give dances here and there and make some extra $$$ besides just what the regular spends. I think the # system is a good/fair compromise - the dancer can be w/ other custies and make additional $$$, also be w/ the regular when not giving dances w/o her getting fired by the regular, and this gives other custies a fair shot - as I mentioned, I've read plenty of review complaints about custies not being able to get any dances b/c of regulars handcuffing their strip-club wife, but have not read any review complaints about the # system (not saying there aren't any complaints b/c I've only read about a dozen+ GGR reviews in the past)
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ^exactly. Because they build this fantasy that the stripper is their gf/wife itc and they dont want to share. To each his own i guess. Hate to burst your bubble anonlove and 25 but truthfully if you let the strippers work the floor i dont think they would reject very many guys even at a strip club. Your not really that special. Only your money is special.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Just asking @chess why do you give a fuck what I do, I can Club with the best of them and I hang out with buddies often in the strip clubs im sure @Papi will confirm the truth of what I say you have the right to enjoy the atmosphere any way you like as long as you keep your self out of someone else’s business and don’t cause trouble your stupid statements about GFs or wives to the contrary my fun is my own, in other words get a fucking life and mind your own business I have no illusions about what it is I am actually doing, but you can say anything no matter how stupid, just for the record I’ll put my mongering cred with anybody any time so leave me out of your butthurt rants.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    What i wanna know is what happens when a stripper has 2 regulars in the club at the same time? Does one of you feel slighted and fire your stripper(butthurt) if she chooses the other guy?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As I stated in previous threads on the matter, I believe a regular should have *priority* but not *exclusivity* in a public club full of custies - in a "perfect world" it would all work itself out but the world is not perfect and neither are SCs of course - regulars rig the system and manipulate the situation for them and only them to come out ahead and the expense of everyone else. Again - no reason a dancer cannot give a custy a 3-minute dance w/o the master-lock getting completely bent out of shape b/c she will not spend every minute w/ him out of his 4-hour visit - that shit does not make sense other than all-out selfishness - it gets so bad that many a regulars' dancer dare not have the gall to actually be w/ another custy when he gets to the club - she has to be there waiting for him w/ "open-arms" like he just came back from the war - so not only can she not be w/ anyone else while he's there, she better not be w/ anyone else when he is *not* there but is on his way - that shit is out of whack - the regs manipulate the situation and the dancers and don't really "give her a choice" other than "YOU'RE FIRED!"
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I dont care. I already said that.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Theres always another. I have no problem moving around or leaving if i dont get what i want. THERE IS ALWAYS ANOTHER!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I have no idea how the strippers handle two regulars TBH nor do I care, I only care how it is that I’m treated I’m sure it a conundrum for the girl involved, and I do agree that there is always another. Just to make point perfectly clear I don’t usually lock them down if you check out Papi’s review of vixens from a while back you’ll notice that this dancer stayed with us by choice I bought her a drink maybe two. We met up at another club recently and both Papi Nd VM will attest to the fact that my old friend my former fav frequent OTC in paid dat and fuck buddy also just wanted to catch up no locking down on my part it was her choice so please don’t lump me in with an asshole like anal IVAN I don’t get confused at all.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ that was frequent,unpaid OTC date and fuck buddy from a few years ago
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Strippers are mostly all interchangeable and replaceable. I think once they become more than that is when you are confused.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^^ Replaceable, yes. Interchangeable, no. There is a reason certain dancers become favs.
  • K
    7 years ago
    I am surprised everyone is arguing what would happen if such a thing as the number system existed. It has been in place at one of the most successful and most reviewed clubs. Why not ask how it is working there instead of making conclusions about why it can't work. The number system does not stop a dancer from hustling. When someone has a number she gives him a dance. When she has no one waiting she goes around hustling. She ends up making more money with less effort. Sienna is a perfect example of this. When she comes off stage she usually has two or three numbers. When she is done with her numbers she circulates the club convincing men to take her for a dance. Hot dancers would work somewhere else or get on a plane? There are three nude clubs and six bikini bars within 15 minutes of GGR. They have a choice yet they choose here and in general the women here are better looking than the other clubs. Women fly in from Miami, St Louis, Boston and Vegas and others drive in from Buffalo, Toronto, Baltimore and Pittsburgh to work here. Those are just the ones I know of. What happens when a guy has two numbers? He goes with the first one available and when he is done with her he tells the DJ he missed his turn with the other and he goes to the top of her list. How do you choose the dancer? They do stage sets unless they are locked down all night in the VIP area. Those are women that have a devoted following. There is also a TV showing a photo of the women. When they are done with the stage set or a VIP, most of the women do circulate providing dollar dances at your seat in an attempt to get you to take them into the VIP area. I am sure they lose some guys that hate the number system but it isn't hard to work around. I refuse to get a number and I always get dances with the women of my choice. I spend much more in other cubs to get the same level of attention I do here.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ of course IMO it works for dancers - they can hustle custies on their own and also get dances handed to them per se w/o them having to go look for who may be interested in them or ready to spend - this system would only hurt those custies that expect/insist on a dancer not moving from their table the whole time they are there
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @K - What I want to know is does it stop dancers from fighting over customers? I've never had a problem with a dancer spending time with a whale. That's what cell phones are for. My problem is having two or more dancers trying to lay claim to me. That shit drives me up the wall. All those whining sackless wonders complaining about customers locking down dancers don't have a clue. The real problem is dancers trying to lock down customers because they don't want them spending money elsewhere. I understand the system exists at the Go Go Rama. Whether it's successful or not is something I can't comment on as I've never been there and have no intention of ever visiting. Sounds like something I would thoroughly hate.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "I am surprised everyone is arguing what would happen if such a thing as the number system existed." Why are you surprised? Haven't you noticed that we all think we know everything about everything, and most posters seem to enjoy arguing more than having sex.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    LOL. You're wrong.
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