Comments by bvino (page 24)
discussion comment
9 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Strippers ,especially, ONLINE strippers , use a lot of wireless technology. He could have been a lot more creative with this scam. The sex toy excuse is classic.
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9 years ago
I rarely think about my shoes when I go clubbing. I never take them off in a club and it is too dark to see what is on my feet anyway. Probably black wingtips or loafers.
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9 years ago
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
I married (1st time) at 38years old and I had my share and then some. After 14 years of that grind I divorced and started dating at 52. At 5'9" and 150 lbs I only look 40 so It was great. After 4 years of running wild I have settled down again but not for lack of opportunity. Hot women are available at all age and price points. Dating has been the least of my problems over the years. One ,slightly ,older woman once told me I give good date. Being handsome helps.
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9 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
I have had strippers "no-show" on me but never actually cancel by notifying me. You are ahead of the game by notifying and you saved your money and time for better things. Well done.
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9 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
At my age they all look good to me. Your numbers will change just you wait. Clubs are dark for a reason.
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9 years ago
Trump-Bigger fish-Much bigger pond.
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9 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I prefer T-Roll.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
18 is okay by me but Braces? No way! I got head ,on the side, once from a girl with braves and I had so ripped up I had to fake a cover story of getting my dick caught in my zipper while I was drunk. Didn't need a lawyer for that one .
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9 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
At the very least the man can write. Moreover he reveals his feelings and that makes it interesting. I don't have children so I don't have a horse in this race but such vitriol -sheesh.
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9 years ago
Atlanta suburb
What the hell? Is "little people" less derogatory. I use midget and dwarf and the hell with modernism.
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9 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
I recently (Friday the 17th) had a similar experience at The Criket in Dearborn/Inkster/Dearborn heights. I was sitting with a dancer and she pointed out another dancer who "has a sugar daddy". I said I could not afford being a sugar daddy as I thought it would be at least $1000.00 a month. She laughed and said that the other guy paid to keep his girl off the stage. I asked how much that cost and my girl said $60.00. She took the $60.00 and gave it to the D.J. Supposedly this kept he out of rotation for her shift. Later on I took her back for a VIP session and I figured I was out $60.00 already towards the tip, No Way! She made it clear she expected the usual and I came reasonably close to that amount. Point is ,for her, these were separate transactions and Shailynns point is well taken. No need to cast aspersions on people you do not know who may not agree with you unless you are laughing at dwarves. I also think looking for kindness and respect in Stripper world is a fools errand.
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9 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Sex doll? Where are the required portals? Crows must not care, maybe deer do?
discussion comment
9 years ago
Daytime is pretty quiet across the board.Landing Strip can be dead until 3o'clock on. likewise for Criket and Flight club. Flight club and Criket are safe at night . Henrys and Bogart's can get a little rowdy and both allow, and get, a lot of smoking. If you are looking for mileage, all the clubs will have someone or some ones. Cheaper at Landing Strip and Crikets than Flight club. Penthouse is the most expensive but you can bargain. Coliseum is further out and comparable to Penthouse. Henrys and Bogart's are also interchangeable.
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9 years ago
This a new "Satanic" group that started a few years ago mainly to put "offensive" images up under the guise of religious freedom. They are mostly a tongue -in cheek group with no" real" Satanists in the mix. Mostly a spoof ,but a good one. There is no state religion in this country and their activities are legitimate. Better if no one fobbed their religion in public areas.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
"He chose one for sex:"(?) what criteria makes one miniature horse sexier than another? This guy gets so much tail he is picky , and willing to travel.
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10 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I am posting this just to repay all the laughs I get out of the foolery on here.
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
People who want to be writers must develop thicker skin. Of course shiny toe nails are useful as well. (still referencing assholes to the last I see. ). It was an anal thread after all.
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
If you get your pedicure with a stripper in attendance it just means you need a beard to get your gay on.
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
I am not that coordinated. I am impressed.
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10 years ago
Smegma Jones
Since you are so interested I can try to explain it. I gave up on escorts ten years ago as the experience was rarely as advertised and sometimes much worse. Dancers are a mixed bag too but generally a lot more consistent and reliable (sort of). As far as the money I am with you on that. I club in the Detroit metro area and $200 gets it done more often than not. That would include valet and door entry. Occasionally I take , and spend, $3-400 and that gets me more dancers around me and a longer just hangin' time. It is till $200 or less for the main event. Of course I am not going to dives so I am not sharing my experience with "a room full of guys" To each his own I suppose and a lot of this depends on the size of your wallet. I like looking the room over instead of a computer screen and I always know I am going back with the girl I saw. Hope this helps.
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10 years ago
In a brilliant place!
We must, we must, develop our bust. No complaints here Mr.Deuce. no fakery involved. I go to the gym four days a week just waiting for this to happen.
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10 years ago
She is no gymnast. All Romanian girls get gymnastics in school. Other than the tits she has no tone.
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10 years ago
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
In my area it is not a matter of finding the whores just a matter of whether it is worth it. Politics is more important on this issue than detection.
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10 years ago
World of difference between laughing at what people have no control over and laughing at what people do to themselves. I was never offend just surprised and disappointed.