I know most of you hate lawyers but ....

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high

At first I thought this was going to be the typical teacher fucks student and gets charged with a crime story. But this one is different.


First, I admire the guy's taste in young women. Second, I greatly admire his lawyer's legal strategy. To use 4got's fav word, it really is a brilliant strategy. The guy will now walk free.

I know most everybody here professes to hate lawyers. However, if any of you ever get in legal trouble with a stripper ( say she falsely accused you of rape, for example), you will be singing the praises of any lawyer who can get you out of it like this guy did for this client.


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
9 yrs ago

just read the entire thing

i agree the girl is cute. i feel sorry for his first wife though. seems like she had no idea what was going on and this came right out of the-blue.

pretty wild story!

avatar for mikeya02
9 yrs ago

That's not a great reason to get married. What a sleaze. I feel sorry for the little girl.

avatar for JamesSD
9 yrs ago

Everyone hates lawyers until they need one.

I'm personally on the fence regarding the ability of a 16 or 17 year old to give consent. Some of you live in states where the age of consent is 16. Alabama used to be 14, although that may have changed.

That said, I do frown on teacher - student relationships. I'm not saying I never fucked a former student when I was a TA. But I waited until final grades were submitted to avoid any impropriety. The guy is a sleazeball, but perhaps not a criminal sleaze. His son reminds me of Ted from Bill and Teds excellent adevnture.

avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

Oh Great. Just what I need. An attorney that wants me to marry a stripper. :)

avatar for rh48hr
9 yrs ago

Many high school girls can look hot and are built. But as a teacher you have to be professional and not do or say anything that can be misconstrued as inappropriate. As bad as things could be for a boss sexually harassing a underling, your life is over if you mess with an underage student. This guy found a loophole but he may not be out of the woods.

avatar for jackslash
9 yrs ago

This should not be illegal to begin with. It's not like the guy had sex with a 10 year old. The girl was 18 and the relationship was consensual. Now they have married. How would putting the guy in jail help anyone?

avatar for mikeya02
9 yrs ago

^^^I'm pretty sure most parents do not want their daughters to have sex with the teacher. It's wrong.

avatar for EarlTee
9 yrs ago

"I know most everybody here professes to hate lawyers." I'm pretty sure there's no evidence to back that up. (In general, TUSCL members don't subscribe to wild generalizations like "All strippers are whores" or "All lawyers are whores" or "All lawyers suck" or "All stripper suck lawyers.") Nor is there evidence to back up the assumption that the lawyer came up with the genius idea of the marriage. Lots of people know that in most jurisdictions one can't be forced to testify against one's spouse.

avatar for farmerart
9 yrs ago

I will make a slight amendment to my oft voiced disgust for lawyers. I have led my life (so far) with no need for the services of a criminal lawyer so I must, in fairness, exclude criminal lawyers from all feelings that I have previously expressed about lawyers.

However, I will not change a single word of anything that I have expressed about the lawyers that I have dealt with in my long business career. Taxation, contracts, wills, estates, property transactions, insurance, oil leases, employment, family matters, etc. In all instances of any civil matter where I have been involved with a lawyer I have been poorly served, leaving me dissatisfied and often aggrieved.

I have said before that I am a big fan of the 'final offer' system of arbitration for settling disputes and I have used it whenever it has been available to me. I have had disputes settled by a single arbitrator and by a three-personal panel of arbitrators. Interestingly, only one of the arbitrators that I have faced has been a lawyer. The two most diligent arbitrators that I have ever faced were an interesting pair. One was an ex-shop steward from a postal workers union and the other was a retired university physics professor.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

WTF - someone tell that girl ASAP she could make more money stripping!!!!!

avatar for rh48hr
9 yrs ago

Jack - doesn't matter if they are 18, from a school perspective they are off limits while they are still a student. Also, it doesn't state when she turned 18 so this relationship may have started before she turned 18. Once they are out of school, dynamics change.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Well farmerart I'm not going to overcome the impressions created by your experiences I don't think. However, like every profession, there are good and bad lawyers. The good ones cost a fortune but are worth it if you have a lot at stake.

Earl, obviously I can't definitively prove that a lawyer came up with this strategy. But I know enough about the law to be pretty confident that a lawyer likely came up with the strategy or at least endorsed it. As for attitudes about lawyers on tuscl, all I can comment on is what I read. Lawyers are almost universally referred to on tuscl as being on the same level as ROBs, except not as honest.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

rh48hr (weird name by the way) is correct as a legal matter but philosophically I agree with Jack.

avatar for jester214
9 yrs ago

Was she 18 when they first got together?

Regardless, a highschool teacher shouldn't fuck their student no matter what the ages are. If we require laws to keep that from happening so be it.

avatar for motorhead
9 yrs ago

I don't hate ALL lawyers. Some of them make great shark bait when you cut them up into little pieces for chum.

avatar for bvino
9 yrs ago

18 is okay by me but Braces? No way! I got head ,on the side, once from a girl with braves and I had so ripped up I had to fake a cover story of getting my dick caught in my zipper while I was drunk. Didn't need a lawyer for that one .

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