OT: Dating after 35/40

avatar for GACA
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.

I read an article that was slightly depressing, about the hell it is dating after 35/40. I know a lot of you are over 40. What is the biggest change you notice dating after the "young dumb full of cum" years are gone?


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avatar for Dougster
9 yrs ago

Aren't you supposed to be married and have a family by then?

avatar for warhawks
9 yrs ago

I've dated and fucked more girls after I was 40 than I ever did when I was in my 20's. It's not even close.

Girls/women now are MUCH more open to sex in my experience than it was back in the 80's and 90's. Don't get me wrong. I had lots of sex before I got married. But I've had so much more sex after getting divorced it's unreal. Both from girls in the SC's and civilians. Women just seem to be more open and eager to have sex now. At least that's been my experience.

avatar for Dougster
9 yrs ago

Must be really bad for women over 40.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Warhawks I so hope you are right. I will hopefully be able to answer this question in the next 6-12 months.

avatar for rockstar666
9 yrs ago

OMG 19 of my 20 best dates were all over 40. I feel confident, wise, incisive and with chemical enhancers a stud in bed.In my 20's I didn't need chemicals but I was a complete idiot; with age I'm now only a partial idiot. Life is good!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

The older we get the more baggage we accumulate and the less we want to put up w/ any bullshit – often times by our mid-30s we are pretty esbablished and have our way of doing things and often have less patience for anything bringing us any kind of drama.

avatar for Dain
9 yrs ago

Before stripper sex, I did about 60 girls. Once the economy went downhill in 2008, stripper girls have been much more available. Hence, I get an OTC or ITC occasionally--about 10 or 12 the past few years. And all the strippers after retirement!

avatar for carolynne
9 yrs ago

i prefer dating older men. they are less likely to be assholes, they have more money, and they act pretty grateful. i just love blowing their... minds!

avatar for Subraman
9 yrs ago

One downside is a far smaller dating pool -- and some of the women who ARE in the dating pool, are there because they were unable to keep a marriage together, because of their own behavior (of course, sometimes it was him, not her, often it was the dynamics between both, etc. I don't want to make a complex situation too simple -- just pointing out the challenge of the dating pool size). The other downside is exactly what Papi described -- I put up with less, I'm more set in my ways, and sometimes I feel like the Seinfeld gang, breaking up with women for the smallest dumbest reasons.

On the very upside, I would echo that I personally am far more confident, and find that getting women into bed is far far easier. And I don't just think it's a "women are more open nowadays" thing -- older women aren't protecting any reputation from backbiting frenemies, and just have come to realize what we all know when we get older, that sex isn't that big a deal. I do not have any trouble meeting women, although if the internet weren't invented, it would be 1000x worse.

avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

I don't date civilians. I'd have to cruise the nursing homes to find any women my age. I could date women in their 40's but they come with a lot of baggage.

So I just stick to P4P with strippers ITC and OTC when I can.

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

"I'd have to cruise the nursing homes to find any women my age" Lol. Classic.

I'm at the age where I'm a little too old for the 18 year olds, but some of the 21 year olds still want me. So basically I'm not quite to the old stage yet.

avatar for PhantomGeek
9 yrs ago

I'm 53 and I stopped even trying to date 12 years ago. After years of frustration in the Friend Zone, I just stopped seeing the point of even trying. It's all just a waste of time, money, and energy for me, hence the rentals, however rare they may be nowadays.

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago

I am in my mid 40s, on my second marriage and have 3 children. I was tired of the dating scene even back when I met my wife. If she ever left me (I will never leave the mother of my children), I don't think I would date civilians anymore. As I can attest from countless attempts in my 30s at having simple NSA arrangements, the whole notion is a myth. Civilian pussy always comes with drama attached, even if a girl hides it well in the early rounds. Sooner or later, the drama rears its ugly head.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Two opposite ends of the spectrum on the same question--one extreme from Warhawks, the other from phantom geek. Interesting. We shall see. At least with strippers available my sex life doesn't depend upon success at dating.

avatar for bvino
9 yrs ago
 I married (1st time)  at 38years old and I had my share and then some. After 14 years of that grind I divorced and started dating at  52. At 5'9" and 150 lbs I only look 40 so It was great. After 4 years of running wild I have settled down again but not for lack of opportunity. Hot women are available at all age and price points. Dating has been the least of my problems over the years. One ,slightly ,older woman once told me I give good date. Being handsome helps.
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