Show Me An "8"

avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.

With the "Shameless Plug" below I think it's interesting how we are all over the place when it comes to rating strippers. My 8 is someone's 10, and my 8 may also be someones 6.

I think agreeing on who is a 10 and who is a 4 and below is easy, but the numbers in between are very murky.

So here's my challenge: Post a link to a photo of someone you think is an "8." Prefer someone that isn't an A-list celebrity, but finding photos on the internet of people that aren't celebrities can be complicated so that's okay. You don't necessarily have to explain your pick just post the link.

8 All Day. She is actually an amateur model that has done work for Playboy. I know, way too old for JS69.

9 (for comparison). This is a somewhat well-known escort in Vegas. Looks beautiful in this photo (and many others) but I have met her in person and she is not nearly as hot.


last comment
avatar for chessmaster
9 yrs ago

sorry. your 8 is a 6 to me, if that. i like your 9s tits although i can see how that photo makes her look better than she actually looks.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

Lol it's all over the place, melody jai to me is a 6 and jenna shea is a 7. I can certainly see where my 8 would be lower to others.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it appears you like a girl with more of a figure where I like smaller, thin girls.

BTW - thanks for taking the time to find some photos.

avatar for ButterMan
9 yrs ago

rl27 I'd give your first one a 9 and the second is spot on an 8.

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

I'm familiar with Jenna Shea. Her body is banging, but she's got a butter face. I'd give her a 7.

avatar for Mr_O
9 yrs ago

A very solid 8+. Not an A-list. And an older photo, but always a favorite.

avatar for jackslash
9 yrs ago

I used to think that every guy wanted a busty blonde bimbo, because that's what I want. TUSCL has taught me that guys like a wide variety--spinners, Asians, black girls with big asses, red heads, Klingons. And this is a good thing. If every guy preferred the same type, that would drive up the price and leave us poorer and less satisfied.

avatar for motorhead
9 yrs ago

Ok,,.this thread is not gonna go well. We all have different tastes and ratings. But I've not seen ANYTHING REMOTELY CLOSE TO AN 8.

I'll shut up now. Lol.

avatar for ATACdawg
9 yrs ago

OK, moto. Just to calibrate, how would you rate the following? Sophia Vergara Kim Basinger (in her prime) Christy Brinkley (pretty much anytime) Sandra Bullock Jennifer Garner Hannah (without her horse) And Roseanne Barr Arnold

avatar for chessmaster
9 yrs ago

^i generally like white women, but sophia vergara is a 10.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

I think of the few examples we have seen, rl27s "8" Cassidy Cole is a pretty good example of a benchmark "8." Pretty face nice body, although many on here would say her boobs are too small.

Motörhead - show me your 8!!!! I'm betting my 8 would be your 10. I have never seen a 10 in a Detroit club, and I've only seen a handful of 9s. In all my years of clubbing I have only seen a 10 at babydolls Dallas, a lower end club (diamonds) in Toronto and at bourbon street in Phoenix.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

^^^ got it backwards - "your 8 would be my 10"

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

I agree that your first one is an 8. she doesn't look old to me.

The second one (your 9) is a 7 to me. Too fake looking, not really my type, but a pretty face.

avatar for ButterMan
9 yrs ago

Yea this thread isn't going to go well..LOL We all have different taste so I'll add another wrinkle to it. I think sometimes it depends on what club they are working in actually. A girl that I might consider a 7 in a upscale club with plenty of competition might look a whole lot like a 9 to me in a dive SC...No doubt!

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago

I would have given Cassidy Cole a 9, but I like smaller tits if they are proportionate.

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago

Melody Jai i would have tagged with a 7 - her ass is kinda flat and I don't find her all that pretty either.

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago

^ Or rather, her ass is oddly shaped - not in that very pleasing rounded way.

avatar for 4got2wipe
9 yrs ago

"I agree that your first one is an 8. she doesn't look old to me.

The second one (your 9) is a 7 to me. Too fake looking, not really my type, but a pretty face."

I have to go with JohnSmith69's opinion on those girls! I tend to like girls that look natural! Natural = brilliant! ;)

avatar for bvino
9 yrs ago

At my age they all look good to me. Your numbers will change just you wait. Clubs are dark for a reason.

avatar for chessmaster
9 yrs ago

Never heard of cassidy Cole but her face makes up for her small(er) tits. Probably an 8.

avatar for Subraman
9 yrs ago

I had a feeling people would be competing to have the hottest 8s, so they could be crowned most-discriminating. Among my crew I'm one of the tougher graders, and some of those 8s above are 9+ to me.

Of course, as pointed out, different guys are looking for different things. I don't care about tits at all, I almost never knock a grade down for small ones, the only thing I knock down for is out-of-proportion clown boobs. The tittie-oriented guys may be knocking girls down a full 1-2 points just for small titties, and I could be thinking the same girl is easily a 9+. Similarly, I like small to average frames, so will knock a girl down a point or more for an ass that could be at home in a rap video

avatar for Diva1975
9 yrs ago

Interesting thread shailynn. I think your 8 is an 8.5, maybe a 9, and your 9 is a 10. And I agree with tlkdo: where you see the girl can influence rating. I'm going to prove to js again that I'm a woman by saying there is beauty to be found in ALL women;)

avatar for PhantomGeek
9 yrs ago

I'd have to put India Summer and Venus (both porn stars, natch) at solid 8s.

avatar for Dancer_
9 yrs ago

Jenna's face is kinda silly. Turn offff! I agree with Diva that shailynn's 9 is a 10. Your 8 is pretty but where are her tits and waist? Dunno, I can't really judge looks of girl until I see her boobs. Is it just me or really really really nice natural breasts are so hard to find? They are either too small or not perky enough.

avatar for GoVikings
9 yrs ago

Yeah, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. I had an experience yesterday that really exemflied this. I asked a buddy his opinion on a girl and he gave her a 5. And I think she's a 9. Drastic difference.

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