I have to cancel

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs

"I have to cancel." No, that is not a text a stripper sent to me about today's OTC. It is the text I sent to her.

Last night in the club an OTC meeting sounded great. But I was drunk on beer and naked women. This dancer is an attractive brunette with natural C's, but I really want a blonde with D's. And she asked for more money than I usually pay for OTC. But as I said, I was drunk and not thinking straight.

For some reason I feel a little guilty about canceling on her. But strippers have cancelled on me countless times, and usually they don't send a text. They just don't show.


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Sounds like Customer Shit (CS) to me. Or is it PL Shit (PLS)?

avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

I've only not showed up at the club when I said I would.

My first post using my IPhone.

avatar for warhawks
9 yrs ago

Customer shit (CS). I love it!

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago

It happens. I've been in your shoes, agreeing to something during the fuzzy heat of that night that didn't seem so great during the sober light of the next day and I have also canceled in these instances. You don't owe her anything until she does something for it and you were responsible enough to cancel in advance. In my opinion, you have met your obligations.

And yes, strippers cancel and no show all the time. At least you had the decency to reach out and cancel before she got underway. That is more than can be said of how most strippers that I've dealt with who have backed out of planned events.

With all that said, IMO you did the right thing and have nothing to feel bad about.

avatar for Corvus
9 yrs ago

Don't sweat it. I've done it a few times and they are always pissed off. But they've done it too, so, oh well. "Life's a bitch darling"

avatar for rockstar666
9 yrs ago

I've never cancelled an OTC...or even a civi date as far as I can recall. I've had plenty cancel on me. What drives me the most crazy is when THEY set up the date, then stand me up with typical SS excuses. I'm set up for a date today with my ATF in fact after she cancelled Tuesday. I hope she makes it today!

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago


It happens and it seems that you did the best you could given the situation.

I do have 3 questions for you.

  1. Was this to take place in the "d" as in Detroit?
  2. What club does she work at?
  3. What rate did she quote you?

Reason I ask is I club in the D and was wondering what you were paying. I was paying $150 for OTC with a 6. Sometimes I would tip her an extra $40 or $50 because she had a 45min to hour drive each way depending on where I was staying, plus she would not give me a time limit.

Have been trying to find a replacement ever since! Maybe I can take yours since I love brunettes! Lol

avatar for bvino
9 yrs ago

I have had strippers "no-show" on me but never actually cancel by notifying me. You are ahead of the game by notifying and you saved your money and time for better things. Well done.

avatar for chandler
9 yrs ago

Now comes the cancellation survey:

What was the primary reason for canceling your service? O No longer needed it O It didn't meet my needs O Found an alternative O Quality was less than expected O Customer service was less than expected O Sobered up O Other

If other, please specify:

avatar for rockstar666
9 yrs ago

"Sobered up"! LOL Yeah, without the beer goggles she was a pig.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

Shit happens. Did you also tell her you were cancelling b/c her tits were not big enough :)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

Survey: Other

You seemed very attractive when I had a raging hard-on in the club; I no longer have a hard-on and you don't seem as attractive.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

It pisses us off when dancers cancel, or don't show, and I think we as the responsible members of this relationship should not follow their example. Nonetheless, I admit to having reversed a couple of the little heads OTC commitments in the clearer light of the next morning. Shit happens.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

Survey: other

Everything was going fine until SS showed up in the relationship!!!! Lol!!!!

avatar for rockstar666
9 yrs ago

SS is in any dancer realtionship. It's one of the laws of nature.

avatar for bubba267
9 yrs ago

The only way it is a big deal is if she had rented a hotel room. Haven't had that happen, but almost....

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