We all know that LEO isn't stupid, and I'm sure everything we write here is being reviewed by LEO, so I pose a question, do we do more damage than good by being too descriptive reviewing clubs in TUSCL? I mean, if LEO was looking for a club to bust, how hard would it be for them to find out what girls at what club do what by just reading reviews in here? Opinions?
last commentIn my area it is not a matter of finding the whores just a matter of whether it is worth it. Politics is more important on this issue…
I think we have an exaggerated sense of importance to think that LE is watching everything we say. I also don't think most LE…
That's why I try to be discreet about writing reviews of places where extras occurred. If I got extras somewhere, I tend to write in vague generalities…
Last year semi-locally we had a couple of strip clubs that got busted for prostitution. When the DA was interviewed by the local news she said that…
This is a good reminder. We're here to have a good time.
I enjoy a good read but in some situations the less said the better.…
If you name a dancer who does extras, you may indeed be getting her in trouble. No club owner wants to see things like that even if he…
Even in private messaging we need to be careful and check out who is asking us questions. I've had "new" members with no reviews and no comments…
In my city, LE can't be bothered by small things like strip clubs. The police don't even come out for car accidents or stolen cars or most types…
It's usually when we get a new DA or if there is something else big going on (like judges or county commissioners involved in corruption or something), almost…
In the approximate 20 years that I have been posting on here I have only seen TUSCL mentioned once as a source of information in a news report…
Shadow, I agree with almost everything you said. But LE knows these places and they're not stupid.
There's too much bragging sometimes. It's…
I personably don't believe TUSCL postings cause the actual raids but like birds circirling over the ocean are a sign of schools of fish below, they can be…
I find it hard to believe that TUSCL hasn't been used somewhere in the country by LEO to help in identifying potential places to bust. That being said…
metaldude, that's what they want us to think. LEO wasted hours and resources on the internet just so they know what's going on, they don't always act…
(The police are so undermanned and underfunded that it's all they can do to keep up with the drugs and murders.)
And that dear gents is exhibit A…
A follow up to my previous post regarding light duty. Busting strippers and related people is easier and safer than chasing down violent criminals and drug dealers. The…
Don't forget there are different types of enforcement. The current emphasis in the LE vice world is human trafficking, which is not really a strip club issue.…
Politicians go after clubs to take the focus off their incompetence. They shout looky here I'm cleaning up your town while I clean out your pockets.
LE normally has a good idea of what is going on in the streets and also strip clubs – it's not as if all of a sudden they'll…
I'm often skittish about being too direct in a review and will often try to convey the point w/o being super-specific – but reviews are about conveying information…
"Anything you say will be used against you." LE certain can use the info on here, but I think preexisting local enforcement attitudes have a larger impact.…
I'm pretty tight lipped about explicit stuff that happens in my strip club reviews, and I rarely mention names associated with specific sex acts. Where I am a…
^^^^ Yes, TER is the Bible if you want to be safe; an escort with 10+ reviews is unlikely to be Uncle Leo. I'm amazed the less enlightened…
^^^ Interesting point by rockstar. There was a San Fransisco area site (redbook?) that got shut down not too long ago.
Founder posted a "how to write a review" page. Here: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=602
Excerpt from the link "You can also go into detail of the private dances. Just be careful…
There are a lot of good comments here. I think TheeOSU is correct when he says clubs are an easy target because they're a safe bet for cops.…
@mjx01: "'Anything you say will be used against you.' LE certain can use the info on here"
To be clear, LEO might use the information on here to give…
I thought you guys would be a little more realistic and not kid yourselves. Nobody gives a shit what's said on here. If a strip club is offering…
Something I've mentioned in other threads that seems to be lost here: no cop can bust a SC on his own. The clubs always have a "relationship" with…
(Yes, TER is the Bible)
TER is full of fake shill reviews mainly by guys making up those reviews to get credit so they can get access to…
^^^In the eyes of LE it doesn't matter if reviews are bullshit or not.
Wow... I really started a discussion Huh..not the law at all... and not the first to ask this question about extras on this fucking site... but anywho... the…
(In the eyes of LE it doesn't matter if reviews are bullshit or not.)
I agree. My point was with all of the fake and shill reviews TER…
Calling TER "The Bible" was a bit of an over reach....but I would never go with an escort who has zero reviews so it's my main tool for…
Fair enough, but I've TOFTT several times over the years sometimes the results were a disaster and other times I found a total sweetheart. I've also seen escorts…
If law enforcement really read the reviews on this site... Every club in my area wood be shut down already... Platinum plus was political... Nothing more... I've read…
^they think its clever but really their not. Newsflash!!! They already know what's going on! you're not hiding confidential military info. You're all just pretending…
As I mentioned earlier; I try to not get too explicit about what I do in a club mainly out of concern that somehow the dancer could get…