Do we do more damage than good by reviewing clubs with extras?

avatar for impala
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
We all know that LEO isn't stupid, and I'm sure everything we write here is being reviewed by LEO, so I pose a question, do we do more damage than good by being too descriptive reviewing clubs in TUSCL? I mean, if LEO was looking for a club to bust, how hard would it be for them to find out what girls at what club do what by just reading reviews in here? Opinions?


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avatar for bvino
10 years ago
In my area it is not a matter of finding the whores just a matter of whether it is worth it. Politics is more important on this issue than detection.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I think we have an exaggerated sense of importance to think that LE is watching everything we say. I also don't think most LE are that diligent or resourceful. They'd rather just bust in like a pretend army, and make a bunch of bullshit arrests for the sake of publicity. All that matters is that the public think they are being kept safe from perceived dangers, and for LE to keep their funding.

Nevertheless, all sorts of bad things can happen by publicizing the dancers that provide extras. That's why I never disclose such details except in a PM to someone I know, and I think most regulars have this same practice. I also try to keep my references vague mentioning clubs that have extras, although admittedly I don't follow that rule all the time.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
That's why I try to be discreet about writing reviews of places where extras occurred. If I got extras somewhere, I tend to write in vague generalities and I don't write something like "I got a blowjob at this club". OTOH, I don't know how closely they really monitor what happens here. In some jurisdictions, they probably have enough to nail some club without needing to check out TUSCL.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
Last year semi-locally we had a couple of strip clubs that got busted for prostitution. When the DA was interviewed by the local news she said that they were "tipped off" about possible illegal activity going on by social media. With all the other problems in the world going on (drugs, rape, county officials involved with corruption, child porn, home invasions, murder, etc.), it's so nice to know that local law enforcement is devoting precious time and resources to going after 2 consenting adults wanting to have a little fun!
avatar for georgebailey
10 years ago
This is a good reminder. We're here to have a good time.

I enjoy a good read but in some situations the less said the better.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
If you name a dancer who does extras, you may indeed be getting her in trouble. No club owner wants to see things like that even if he already knows. I think it's common knowledge which clubs have extras available, so as far as Uncle Leo goes I doubt it matters.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
Even in private messaging we need to be careful and check out who is asking us questions. I've had "new" members with no reviews and no comments asks for very specific details that had to be LEO posing as a member.

Now, we all know if LEO wants to bust someone they are going to, just hate the thought of doing the leg work for them.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

In my city, LE can't be bothered by small things like strip clubs. The police don't even come out for car accidents or stolen cars or most types of robberies. The police are so undermanned and underfunded that it's all they can do to keep up with the drugs and murders.
So, policing strip clubs is low on the totem pole for them.
However, if some politician wants to make a name for him or herself, they may go on sporadic "raids" to "clean things up".
But they rarely last and it's back to business as usual a short time after.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
It's usually when we get a new DA or if there is something else big going on (like judges or county commissioners involved in corruption or something), almost like they are trying to take attention off the real issues in the area. Strip clubs make an easy target and the uninformed populous are more than willing to condem such "dens of iniquity" instead of demanding that LE actually does their jobs. Bothers me when you watch the evening new and they go on about this unsolved case or that ongoing murder investigation, then say how such club was raided basically to say "look, LE is doing something to make you safe, just not what really matters".
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
In the approximate 20 years that I have been posting on here I have only seen TUSCL mentioned once as a source of information in a news report involving strip clubs. This isn't CNN. I have talked to managers that don't know we exist or care.

The disclaimer at the bottom of the page is no guarantee that some people might believe everything they read on the internet but I have seen so much macho bull shit on here relating to how much guys are getting that I would consider TUSCL a lousy source of information in any investigation.
avatar for georgebailey
10 years ago
Shadow, I agree with almost everything you said. But LE knows these places and they're not stupid.

There's too much bragging sometimes. It's fun until someone gets hurt. Let's keep it fun and be safe, not stupid. Civilized people have done this shit for years. If you don't draw attention people look the other way.
avatar for Jackmd
10 years ago
I personably don't believe TUSCL postings cause the actual raids but like birds circirling over the ocean are a sign of schools of fish below, they can be a guide. In my area where there are extra and non-extra clubs, both types of clubs have been raided. Newly elected DA's and local politicians or unpaid off LE is probably the cause more than anything else.
avatar for metaldude
10 years ago
I find it hard to believe that TUSCL hasn't been used somewhere in the country by LEO to help in identifying potential places to bust. That being said these are local actions and by and large this site goes unnoticed.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
metaldude, that's what they want us to think. LEO wasted hours and resources on the internet just so they know what's going on, they don't always act on it but don't let them kid you, they check
avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago
(The police are so undermanned and underfunded that it's all they can do to keep up with the drugs and murders.)

And that dear gents is exhibit A as to why cops go after strip clubs, strippers, escorts, and johns!
It's light duty and the fines are easy revenue for the coffers.
Backpage and Craislist busts making the local news are fairly common. Under the direction of politicians that want to look like they're getting something done some Northern Ohio strip clubs are frequently visited by the cops looking for an easy bust .

I lead a double life, I visit strip clubs and sometimes pay strippers or escorts for sex but I also know several cops from various departments including some police chiefs. Sometimes when I run into one of them and end up having long conversations with them I discretely ask about a bust that made the news and what they know about it and how they went about doing it. The main answers are they either got tipped off or that they have officers who spend some of their time reading backpage and various forums looking to set stings. The trafficking thing is sometimes mentioned but the real concern is easy revenue for the city.

I was once caught in a sting with a BP escort. There were 2 escorts advertising on BP, I was in the process of fucking one in a back bedroom when the other one let another "customer" who turned out to be an under cover followed by 3 other cops into the apartment. We heard shouts and screaming coming from the living room and before we could get dressed the cops were in the bedroom and had me and the escort standing there naked while I still had the condom on my dick. Because I had a short conversation with the escort before we got down to business and found out that she was a former dancer and we both knew a mutual dancer I was able to use that info as an explanation that we were just getting together for old times and no money was involved. My escort followed my lead and after a couple hours of detainment the cops let us go although they did bust the other escort on drug charges.

Yes that was not a strip club bust but it's proof that the cops check online and follow up on it.

My advice is if you got some extras, be discrete about what you say unless you don't care about possibly blowing your chances on getting those extras again in the future. Most of us don't know each other, what purpose is served by some online lothario bragging about his conquests when none of us even know who the fuck he is?

avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago
A follow up to my previous post regarding light duty. Busting strippers and related people is easier and safer than chasing down violent criminals and drug dealers. The cops' #1 motto is to make it home after their shift. How many cops have you heard about that got hurt or killed while busting a strip club? That's right, you haven't heard it, it's a gravy job that offers up some revenue from fines.
avatar for azdd
10 years ago
Don't forget there are different types of enforcement. The current emphasis in the LE vice world is human trafficking, which is not really a strip club issue. Cops are going after any type of massage or escort agency that can be painted with the brush of forcing underage women (especially foreign girls) into prostitution. I'm not aware of any federal LE grant money to go after strip clubs, so guess where the priorities are!

The other enforcement arm are the liquor control boards in most states that regulate alcohol service and licenses. My guess is that most owners worry a LOT more about losing their liquor license, than a few dancers getting busted for giving BJs in the VIP room.

Of course, as mentioned, politics also drives the enforcement ship. If a bunch of club neighbors complain to their city councilman about club-related crime, used condoms thrown into their yard, or most anything else, there will be increased enforcement, at least until the complaints subside.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
10 years ago
Politicians go after clubs to take the focus off their incompetence. They shout looky here I'm cleaning up your town while I clean out your pockets.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
LE normally has a good idea of what is going on in the streets and also strip clubs – it's not as if all of a sudden they'll say “wow we had no idea what went on in there until we read some reviews on TUSCL”.

As mentioned earlier – SC busts are often more politically motivated the LE motivated – the cops are basically the hinge men – clubs often get in trouble either b/c they are in a neighborhood location (vs an industrial area) and the neighbors may not like the shady characters not the late night carousing or traffic.

Sometimes it is politicians wanting a scape goat and a way to score browny points with the local voters as “being tough on crime”.

And sometimes the super poor management in dives which thru their incompetency and them being douche-bags themselves create conditions for seedy characters to take over a club and cause problems like drugs; fights; shootings; and other nuisances.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I'm often skittish about being too direct in a review and will often try to convey the point w/o being super-specific – but reviews are about conveying information and not just saying “I had a good time” - there's lots of PLs for whom extras are either very important or the sole reason for clubbing; thus solid info is good for them to have to know which spots to hit and not waste their time and $$$ looking for thee places.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
"Anything you say will be used against you." LE certain can use the info on here, but I think preexisting local enforcement attitudes have a larger impact. Areas were LE doesn't tolerate this already have corresponding low mileage reviews. In areas were tolerance is high, LE probably isn't going to bother looking here. You need to be careful of being too specific about an individual dancer. Often times you don't get the full menu right away, until she know you a bit... and she should have the option of turning a real ass down without post on here making her out to be a sure thing. Remember YMMV.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I'm pretty tight lipped about explicit stuff that happens in my strip club reviews, and I rarely mention names associated with specific sex acts. Where I am a bit more concerned in on P4P sites like TER where you have to be very explicit in your reviews, or they won't publish them. And even though it costs $$$ to view the "juicy"'s not like cops don't have credit cards. Hell it's our damned tax dollars paying for Officer Porky to sit on his ass and scroll thru the XXX reviews!
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
^^^^ Yes, TER is the Bible if you want to be safe; an escort with 10+ reviews is unlikely to be Uncle Leo. I'm amazed the less enlightened haven't shut them down as the conservative tenor of politicians tends to frown on the sex trade even when there are tools to make it more efficient.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
^^^ Interesting point by rockstar. There was a San Fransisco area site (redbook?) that got shut down not too long ago.
avatar for rogertex
10 years ago
Founder posted a "how to write a review" page.
Excerpt from the link "You can also go into detail of the private dances. Just be careful not to mention names if it may get your ATF in trouble."

Also bottom of every TUSCL page has this : "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."

Regarding cops - I'd vote to reduce funding for police in my city if they raid stripclubs. There's no taxpayer money of "pussy cops". Only a pussy cop will read TUSCL with the intent of unscruplously fishing for "leads".
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
There are a lot of good comments here. I think TheeOSU is correct when he says clubs are an easy target because they're a safe bet for cops. There's little chance anyone will get hurt. They end up citing a few strippers and the club. It makes for good headlines. The public sees arrests for sex and drugs and since they already have a negative view of dancers and strip clubs they feel the world has been made a better place.

Anyhow, I'll jump off of TheeOSU's point and note that oftentimes only certain clubs get targeted even though the same activities may be going on all over. In NE Ohio, a small handful of clubs always seems to take the brunt of LE attention. Those are the clubs that do the worst job of covering up the extras. For years, Lisa's Cabaret would be hit almost annually with a LEO visit while the other clubs were left untouched. The place was never anything more than a brothel with a stage so it was easy pickings. The cops would make a few arrests and for the next week or two all the clubs in the area would make attempts to demonstrate they were trying to stay "in line." There was less contact in the floor dances, and some clubs would station an employee near the VIP area to give the appearance the VIP rooms were being monitored. Eventually normality would resume. This arrangement seemed to make everyone happy. The cops and the local DA would get a few headlines. The clubs would demonstrate they got the message before returning to business as usual. Lisa's would just hire a few new faces.

In the case of The Nest, a bar on the far west side of Akron, the young DA was able to make the case to close that place down because the owner let the place deteriorate so badly it became a health risk and some of the staff were selling drugs. Easy target. Easy shutdown.

I don't think it's a good idea here to be explicit in the review (mentioning names and acts), but if the cops were following this site closely, they would be able to steadily arrest dancers and harass clubs. I have to believe any information posted here is just secondary info the cops use as justification to target a club.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@mjx01: "'Anything you say will be used against you.' LE certain can use the info on here"

To be clear, LEO *might* use the information on here to give them a clue where to start looking, but the posts and reviews in sites like TUSCL, TER, etc, are considered hearsay, and not admissible in court in and of themselves.

However, there's no bar to LEO using such reviews to figure out where to look.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle on the Naughty Reviews site a year or so ago in Indianapolis, I think. Apparently, LEO got hold of one or more providers' phones, and was using them to set up "dates." Then they got hold of a monger's phone and were posting good reviews of the girls whose phones they had.

At least according to the monger allegedly in question.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
I thought you guys would be a little more realistic and not kid yourselves. Nobody gives a shit what's said on here. If a strip club is offering extras, nobody needs tuscl to find out. I went to a strip club in Indiana one day and just so happened to get fs, without prior knowledge from tuscl or bringing it up. She just unzipped my pants and said "you don't mind do you?", and started sucking. You think I need to browse tuscl reviews to figure other clubs in the vicinity probably offer the same. I think some people on here just want to feel like they have some valuable info to protect, that nobody else knows about. As if whores are that important.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
Something I've mentioned in other threads that seems to be lost here: no cop can bust a SC on his own. The clubs always have a "relationship" with local politicians to ensure some kind of working relationship. If an 'independent' cop did his own bust, he'd be in BIG trouble with his boss because up the line, someone will wonder what happened and not be happy about it.

Busts happen when either the club owner messed up and missed a payment, or someone running for office puts pressure on the higher ups in the local police department because things at the club are getting out of hand.
avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago
(Yes, TER is the Bible)

TER is full of fake shill reviews mainly by guys making up those reviews to get credit so they can get access to read reviews or shill for an escort to get freebies or discounts on service. Sort of like some of TUSCL's reviews but TER has a much higher rate of fake reviews. It has gotten so bad that I let my membership there expire a couple years ago. Great reviews on TER is no guarantee of great service.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
^^^In the eyes of LE it doesn't matter if reviews are bullshit or not.
avatar for stripclublion
10 years ago
Wow... I really started a discussion Huh..not the law at all... and not the first to ask this question about extras on this fucking site... but anywho... the next time I go to follies to meet my itc girl I will give Shadow a holler to let him know.... free private vip with the girl of your choice bud!!! Just got back from Atlanta so shadowcat I will send you a message when I come to Atl for fun agian. On my way to Daytona from South Carolina.... Law enforcement.... Baby jesus!!!!!
avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago
(In the eyes of LE it doesn't matter if reviews are bullshit or not.)

I agree. My point was with all of the fake and shill reviews TER is not the Bible.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
Calling TER "The Bible" was a bit of an over reach....but I would never go with an escort who has zero reviews so it's my main tool for hooking up on the fly. I've never had bad experience from being deceived from inaccurate reviews. You can pretty much figure out what the girl is like if they have 5+ reviews and they are all somewhat similar. TER is the most useful in AVOIDING the ROB's or bait and switch schemes.
avatar for TheeOSU
10 years ago
Fair enough, but I've TOFTT several times over the years sometimes the results were a disaster and other times I found a total sweetheart. I've also seen escorts with consistent good TER reviews and found a bitch, skank, or junkie. Bottom line is always YMMV no matter what others have said.
avatar for stripclublion
10 years ago
If law enforcement really read the reviews on this site... Every club in my area wood be shut down already... Platinum plus was political... Nothing more... I've read many reviews on this site about platinum plus and extras really never mentioned but others in my area with reviews mentioning extras and they are open operating as usual with maybe a few minor tweaks .... I can't ask about extras.... But you guys write reviews discussing bbj in the private room of your reviews... You think cops don't know what bbj or bbjcim mean... Really!!!!
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
^they think its clever but really their not. Newsflash!!! They already know what's going on! you're not hiding confidential military info. You're all just pretending to think you're more important than you really are. If sapphire will fuck you ITC for $100 she will fuck anyone for $100 and they don't need reviews on tuscl to find out sapphire fucks for $100 ITC.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
As I mentioned earlier; I try to not get too explicit about what I do in a club mainly out of concern that somehow the dancer could get in trouble at the club – anyway – there may be some that put their info out there to brag; but most of the time I don't see it that way and I just see it as them sharing and passing along their experience which is what reviews are all about; passing along info that others may benefit from.
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