
Cheap strippers

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Have you guys ever noticed how cheap the dancers as a group tend to be?
I had a weird experience a while ago at a club I used to frequent that illustrates this point. I was sitting at my regular spot at the bar with some guys and girls when I got up to use the facilities I stepped on something that made me stop and check it out. It turned out to be a roll of money wrapped in a garter. there was close to three hundred dollars in small bills I picked it up and stuck it in my other pocket (not where I keep my money because I had no intention of keeping it and I did not want to confuse any issues) went to the bathroom. I then returned to my regular seat and got ahold of the floor manager and told him what I had just found . i did not give it to him to hold, as I felt that I would give it back to the girl who lost it and he might if not steal it outright but slide some of that for his own use. (at that point it was obvious who that person was by her carrying on) Long story short I returned the money to the girl and resumed my normal club activities. The girl seemed happy to get her money back and I didn't think about it for another hour until the same girl who I returned the money to came over to me and thanked me as I was preparing to leave and as I was leaving started to tell me that she was broke, could I buy her a pack of cigarettes. (of course I didn't ) but WTF broke really?
Anyway what do you guys think about this ?


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Happens all the time. Soon after I pay them hundreds of dollars they need something and expect me to buy it for them. It's a combination of (1) why pay for it yourself when you've got PLs who will buy you whatever you want, and (2) they spent it on drugs and other frivolous shit.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I don't think that proper word is cheap. They are just hustlers. Recently I had just paid a stripper for her VIP services including a tip and she asks me for another $5 to get her shoe repaired.

    I did know one that saved coupons. Whenever we went to dinner we always went to a place when she had a coupon for a discount. Is that cheap or just thrifty?
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    Golden pussy syndrome?
  • impala
    9 years ago
    It's all about perception. Some want to make you think that they have no money and get free stuff from you, others want to bleed you dry and if they know you know they have some money your less likely just to throw money at them. When it comes down to it, it's how most do buisness, and as the old statement says "buyer beware".

    Hate to say it, for I have fell before to the ploys of a stripper, but remember, they are not you girlfriend, they are not really even your friend, they are there to make money and most will do whatever it takes to do that (of coarse there are exceptions, but for the most part).
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'll go out on a limb here, but I'm sure many of us on here have a job where we are lucky enough to have an expense budget. I'm sure all of us that do, have been quite liberal with it at times if we can get away with it.

    PLs are strippers expense budget. You may have to document what you spend on yours, they just have to give BJs on theirs. Fixing a shoe, cigarettes, drinks are all things they need (in their minds) to do their job. I'm sure they think why should they have to pay for those things just like I would be offended if my company asked me to start paying for the gas in their company car they let me use. Sure, I'll pay for it if you give me a raise!?!?

    As for the girl that just got back $300 asking for money saying she is "broke," she may have been even though she had money. I've talked to strippers before that would say they had to make "$X" amount of money to break even. In their minds "break even" meant they made enough to cover their fees and maybe to pay their bills and living expenses at home for that week. I don't view my salary that way but most of you probably don't either. Anyway most girls will say they are "broke" until they start making more than what their "$X" is, and then there's the others which will always claim they are broke even after they've made triple over what their "$X" is.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    My point was any normal person who just had a bundle of cash returned, to them against all odds would have been grateful, especially considering how upset she was about loosing the money and she was upset I picked her out of a group of 15 to 25 dancers and right away knew to whom the money belonged . Any of us here would think a normal reaction would be to offer to buy a drink or something like that. Just goes to show that many of these girls are cheap and have no class keep that in mind when you are out there.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    shailynn please your answer is stupid, if someone is kind to you show some class, you sound like a jerk
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Had similar things happen to me also.

    In my town, many of the girls get "drink cards" which the manager hands out at the beginning of a shift as incentive for the girls to show up to their shift on time and be on stage on time. Most times it is for 2 or 3 free drinks that the dancer can give to the bartender and not have to pay for her drinks at the beginning of her shift.

    I can't tell you how many times a girl she sat down next to me right after noon (if I'm at the club for lunch) or at 7pm (after shift change) and asked me to buy them a drink. When I know damn well, they have 2 or 3 free drinks coming to them for being on time for review.

    Oh, and the the "I don't have enough money for my tip out" routine gets old real quick too.

    They are just hustlers and not there to be your friend. They want something from you... Always. As soon as a PL realizes that, the better off they will be with the SC experience.
    And as soon as you say no or stop coming in as much, they find a new target to take advantage of.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I would tell her,"There are needs and wants, and your cigarettes are something you want, and I want a blow job!" Tit for tat...
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    I recently (Friday the 17th) had a similar experience at The Criket in Dearborn/Inkster/Dearborn heights. I was sitting with a dancer and she pointed out another dancer who "has a sugar daddy". I said I could not afford being a sugar daddy as I thought it would be at least $1000.00 a month. She laughed and said that the other guy paid to keep his girl off the stage. I asked how much that cost and my girl said $60.00. She took the $60.00 and gave it to the D.J. Supposedly this kept he out of rotation for her shift. Later on I took her back for a VIP session and I figured I was out $60.00 already towards the tip, No Way! She made it clear she expected the usual and I came reasonably close to that amount. Point is ,for her, these were separate transactions and Shailynns point is well taken. No need to cast aspersions on people you do not know who may not agree with you unless you are laughing at dwarves. I also think looking for kindness and respect in Stripper world is a fools errand.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    twentyfive, money flows one way in strip clubs. The man pays for the woman, not the other way around. I have heard of this mystical unicorn stripper who buys drinks for customers, but I have never encountered this creature myself. In a weird way, it's the same type of dynamic that a guy might have with a stay at home wife. He gives her diamond ear rings during their anniversary and she gives him a tie. ;) In a strip club, you are the hunter/provider.

    As far as the silly hustles go, including ye ol' "I'm broke" routine, it is what it is. I'm not going to hate on a girl who has to take her clothes off and potentially more to earn her living, unless of course she doesn't do what she says she will or outright steals money from my pocket. Of course she is trying to squeeze every dollar she can from it - she doesn't know where her next dollar is coming from or when she'll see it. Also, in my experience, shailynn is right in that many of these girls seem to go to work with immediate bills hanging over their heads. who are already playing catchup.

    Be a man dude. Rather than complaining about a silly hustle or that she didn't show you sufficient gratitude, maybe you should be thinking about how you can use these dynamics to your advantage.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    +1 RBD....don't cry about it, work it to your advantage. Ya.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I routinely tell sob story hustlers "well I hope you can make some money tonight".

    They "love" being coached Soooo much.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I have been hanging out with a retired stripper friend/fuckbuddy, who also has 2 stripper roommates. I've come around to thinking a little differently about this, watching those girls work. The bottom line is, they're hustlers. If you've ever met an amazing sales rep from, well, any company, you might find that they're always on -- I have a buddy who goes into sales mode over things as little as where we're going to eat, he starts selling his choice. I don't even think it's conscious, it's just what he does. Girls who hustle, have the same mindset. They're always angling for money, doesn't matter how much they have. It's not because they have GPS (in fact, they have plenty of self-doubt about themselves), it's not because it's cheap, it's because that's what they do.

    The funny thing is, now that I hang out with these girls as a non-paying friend in civilian bars,etc. I kind of appreciate it. They go through life asking guys for things, and guys give it to them, and that's just the way it is. I can actually see them go into a flirt mode, and there it is. The girl I was with once had her car break down when she stayed over my house, got it towed to the dealer, and -- as I knew she would, if she got a male sales rep -- came home with an amazing quote, and get this: after they fixed her car and she picked it up, he let her also keep her loaner car until that evening, which is fucking unheard of. When the girls go to the clubs, they leave the house with almost no money, and just know they'll get invited to a bottle service table, and from there will get everything they want to eat and drink.

    Anyway, it's a hustler mindset, and many of the girls don't ever turn it off. I love watching the girls do their thing, now that they're not doing it to me :)
  • mark94
    9 years ago
    Hell, I know an entire country that acts this way. Greece. They've gotten billions in support in recent years. Their reaction is to call their benefactors terrorists and demand more money. Stripper attitude has gone national.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    You guys are missing the point I'm not complaining I personally didn't care one way or another that they try to hustle my entire point was very simply that these girls are just cheap listen to their litany of complaints you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see this. The girls that make the most from me are the ones that get in party mode and I can have some fun with like y'all keep point out the girls are there for the money I don't know about you guys but I'm there to have a good time if I wanted to listen to complaints i will stay at home !and if I have a good time they might make some money. don't forget I'm the customer your job is to give me what I want
  • crsm27
    9 years ago
    25.... I get your point. Some dancers just can't turn off the hustle mode or always are thinking someone else will pay so why should they. But sometimes you find greatful ones.

    here is a story that happened to me in vegas. I was at SR with a group of people. We got bottle service and a table. The table next to ours was this guy with a bottle and a dancer. No biggie.... then I saw the guy slap the dancer across the face. I jumped up and lets just say removed the guy not so gentle from the booth and he might have accidently rammed his face into my fist. The bouncers were on the spot and removed me off this guy and the dancer jumped in and told them what happened. The bouncers let me stay as they escorted the other guy out. That dancer invited me to sit with her in the booth and we finished the bottle that other guy paid for together. When the bottle was finished she led me to the VIP area and gave me a very great dance.... for about an hour. Then a bouncer told her she was wanted in another area. I was about to get up and she told me to sit down and she sent in dancer after dancer.... I was in the VIP for over 3 hours. I then got nervous and thought I was going to have an outrageous tab. So I was leaving the VIP when the original dancer stopped me and asked where was I going. I told her I better meet back up with the group I was with. She said OK, gave me her cell number and told me she got off work in about 2 hours... I asked what did I owe for the time in VIP (plus drinks I was having back there) she said nothing it was on her and a thank you for being a stand up guy. Lets just say I called her 2 hours later and she really thanked me.

    So some dancers know how to be grateful. In your experience you think she would have given you a table dance or something on the house.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago

    that's an awesome story
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Two rules to go by when dealing w/ strippers:

    1) Don't fall in-love with them

    2) Don't believe anything they say
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    You will hardly ever get consensus on TUSCL.

    For some; whatever a stripper does is fair game – for others it's different.

    I'm kinda in b/w; I don't condone the SS but then again there is nothing one could really do about it except know when and how to control the purse strings – that is really one's only leverage – one will never change a stripper's ways (the way they think or act); all one can do is get them to comply for the short time b/f you have given them any $$$.

    It's business - we all know that – but we (including me) sometimes are not on our game – being upset at a stripper hustling you/me is like being upset at a car salesman b/c he gave us a bad deal so he could get a bigger commission.

    When dealing w/ strippers – just think car salesman and act accordingly.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I have a bit of a short fuse particularly when someone is trying to fuck me over in some way.

    Although I often let my Hispanic emotions get the best of me; for me personally I think the best way to deal w/ strippers is to play dumb as if you don't know the deal. I let them do their silly games and either send them on their way or use their SS against them – sorta a “don't get mad get even” thing.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the insult 25. My point was to show how the stripper was thinking, because finding any class or goodwill out of a typical stripper is rare.

    If you're someone of good character (like I like to think of myself) and if I was the stripper and a PL brought back my money, I would probably offer him a drink, a few free lap dances or at least flirt with him for a bit... That's how someone with class and dignity would do it like you and most other people would hope for or maybe even expect.

    They only problem is you're in a strip club and 95% of the girls working there only want to drain your wallet with as little effort as possible. I was only trying to show you how she possibly viewed the situation, even though her view is very distorted and wrong.

    Btw why don't you go over to strippweb and post this encounter and see how those bitches over there react. Most of them would probably complain to you that you didn't put additional money in the garter before you returned it to her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I think I see the problem now – has anyone not made twentyfive aware of the The System?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    to papi Well I kind of read the system it seems more than more than I can handle LOL to shailynn I didn't insult I said that your remarks sounded stupid after all you did go out on a limb but when you compare strippers costs for expense accounts it is kind of dumb, considering I gave the poor girl her money back and even prevented her manager from taxing her that is kind of jerky sounds like you think I am a sucker for returning her money if that's your opinion, than that's on you not me, one of the other guys said I ought to man up that's sort of insulting too, anyway my point was simple. Many of the strippers are just plain cheap, and if I go out to have some fun I don't want to be her boyfriend, daddy or psychologist , I'm the customer and if you expect me to spend money I expect to have the good time if they irritate me I will just move on to next until I find one that suits me not the other way around. BTW I have had more good times than bad . one last thing if you don't agree with me that's fine I know that the girls on stripper web will probably rip me a new one but so effing what. My answer to them is simple what if I didn't return the money?
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Never seen "cheap" & "strippers" in the same sentence. Be careful you dont cause a paradox.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    When it comes to strip clubs and strippers; don't expect much and you won't be as disappointed.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Good people seek out other good people for both personal and business relationships. Bad people think good people are fools. She's a bad person. Nothing specifically stripper-related about this situation.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Successful strippers have to hustle in order to be successful. My ATF owed me big time and agreed that we'd dance the horizontal mambo at her apartment for $50.00. On my way to her apartment she asked me to pick up cigarettes and some audacious coffee drink ($15.00). When I arrived she told me that she'd had a very good night dancing the night before when she brought home over $800. (3 vip's - 2 BJ's). I gave her $50.00 and we had a hell of a time. Later in the day we went to lunch ($40.00), she stopped to make a drug buy and didn't have the correct denominations and hit me up for $20. After I left I got a text from her saying her BF had just gotten home and was giving her a ride to detox and wondered if I'd Western Union her $10.00 for gas. It's just part of her every day experience.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Guess I'd be considered stupid too....shailynn nailed it. If you talk to many of these girls, they are keeping score based on the logic he described. Doesn't take away from 25's belief that he's the customer and doesn't want to hear their woes.

    Somebody said it recently....when asked for money to purchase________they simply answer, "I'd rather buy dances from you"
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Strippers are moochers. One dancer asked me to pay for a boob job and she was not even giving me any pussy. They think it never hurts to ask.

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