Comments by bvino (page 18)
discussion comment
9 years ago
I drive past 2 awful clubs ,2 kind of' awful clubs,1 okay club and 1 "fancy" club to get to my usual. I often think I could go the closer ones (the experience is not that different ). I guess I go out of way to be a regular and don't wish to start the routine all over at a different club. If I had to drive for an hour I would probably change my mind but it is only a 20 minute differential between these options and that is worth it.
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9 years ago
Too much of a good thing is never enough
I did not club while married. I go now for the same reason I eat candy. It is fun, doesn't cost much and isn't particularity good for me.
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9 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
The U.S dollar trades at 1.28 to the Canadian so the difference is worth the trip if you are shopping. Windsor clubs have been deadsville for the last twenty years at least. The old Windsor Ballet is a pleasant memory only.
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9 years ago
I'm 58 years ole. Hell-any of em'
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9 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I actually had two dancers back in the V.I.P. together and it ended somewhat like this. The first girl really got into it with lots of slurpy licking of everything and the deep throating. The other girl got naked and started to play with herself until she looked down at the first girl going to town and said "damn girl!" and then got down on her knees and began to help out. Except for the faces of these two it looked about the same. Good times!
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
I once paid a customer to leave so I get his girl away from him. Custies pimp out for less!
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9 years ago
Cheap red wine-Merlot, usually as it is ,at least, drinkable. Coffee and Jagermeister. If I am making a night of it then it is only top shelf Bourbon with coffee. I gave up on ordering cocktails in strip clubs a long time ago. The Flight club could not make a Manhattan to save their life. Wrong glass, wrong liquor, wrong proportions etc. I gave them five tries and they never got it right.
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9 years ago
When I do this the unfavored girl( spell check wants this to read "unflavored")) usually just pouts. They are cute when they pout. Doesn't bother me-it is all quid pro quo.
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9 years ago
Well I was at my club last night and it was not good. Very few dancers and the bartender had to double onstage to round out the set. The dancers that were there were strung out, large, or amateurish and there was no energy in the house. I had my dinner and a beer , a nice chat with the hot little waitress, one mediocre lap dance with offered extras (no thanks) and left. If your lap dance sucks you won't get the chance to suck at anything else.
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9 years ago
DJ's work where they can play music and servers work where they can make tips (I was bartender for seven years) but managers work at clubs because they can't work anywhere else. Good luck and make money!
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9 years ago
Punched a dishwasher in the face? They should get the death penalty. Job sucks enough as it is without this abuse. Obviously they hit the place as a "cash" business. Maybe clubs will start using drop safes and splitting the money up later.
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9 years ago
Where I go I appreciate the servers as they are cute ,friendly and efficient (kind of). I appreciate the DJ as he keeps the volume down and the patter to the bare minimum. The manger? eh!
discussion comment
9 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
The way that technology constantly turns over your instagram will label you as an old fart by later this year. E-mail is what I use and THAT is old fart territory already.
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9 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Subraman gave a laugh. That is rare on here. Thanks. I have done anal , when asked, with two civvies. It was exciting because it was different and arousing in the heat of the moment. (both girls had GREAT asses). I would not do it in the club as the logistics are too daunting. Anal requires a build up and segue and the wham/bam model of the BJ/HJ/TF or FS does not work for anal. I would worry about too much for this. The only not to worry would to be drunk. If I was drunk I couldn't do it. ergo-No anal in clubs.
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9 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
"That’s already the law in Michigan, but the Legislature wanted to reinforce existing law in response to a recent federal judicial hearing that ruled the state’s law unconstitutional. " This is the quality of law currently coming from the Michigan Senate. It would be funny if I didn't see a State senator in my club once in awhile. Hypocrites and idiots. I vote but I didn't vote for these guys. My wife and I enjoy sodomy but not with animals just with each other. This will not change anything and was just done to make political noise.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
Talk about over analysis. You get older , they get older. They get more desperate. They get less picky.
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9 years ago
The good stuff is always on the top shelf.
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9 years ago
I appreciate being taken at face value but let me explain myself. When smart people write stupid stuff it is funny. When stupid people write stupid stuff it is really funny. When stupid people try to write smart stuff it is not only not funny it is annoying. My technical skills were lagging as I have never felt it necessary to ignore anyone. The recent glut of stupid and unfunny stuff had to go. If you are funny you are not being ignored no matter how stupid it is.
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9 years ago
Thanks! I just discovered that. I use to be ecumenical and read everything but this is too much-and it is not funny.
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9 years ago
I watch the dances and tip for pole tricks and good dancing. I also spend a lot of money ."Flagooner" is wrong about that. I do see some guys just stand around and not spend anything so it may be true sometime but not all times. I have been going to club for over 40 years and I still remember the dancing days. "Annette the Monkey was awesome at the old 52nd street show bar but times change.
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9 years ago
Car key and wallet dating your sister
When I die I will this community know. Wouldn't want anyone to worry.
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9 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
The American dream is often defined by the experience of the dominant demographic group. Since Baby Boomers grew up in the Fifties their American dream is an unrealistic consumers paradise where unskilled people could get middle class wages without investing in education. Although an historical anomaly this era has been a Gold standard for the last twenty years and completely unrealistic for anybody starting out in this economy. High skills demand high wages but the model in everyone's head is "I am worth $25.00 an hour" This will not change for another generation or two but these things do change over time. The old American dream had more to do with personal freedom and its expression but this has been subverted to consumerist attributes and reduced to monetary concerns. In a competitive economy this will only create people who feel they are losers. Too bad we do not have a class system like England does so they would know it is not their fault.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
Last time I saw that behavior in the men's room at a strip club I thought it was a mating dance. Thanks for the clarification. I haven't risked this behavior since I was seventeen.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
casual romps in the civilian world often come with more drama than is desired. These are crazy women and can be fun but use an alias.