Dancer means you should dance

avatar for xyzoya
Tired of these minimalist approach to the pole.
Some of th girls pretend it doesn't change a thing to walk on the stage while other improve more and more their skills.
Some of the men don't care, but most of them come to see a show.
Doing this work for four years, I should say I wasn't that good when I began, but I had the will and this is mainly how I get most of my customers. They come back for that.
The stage is your business card. Make it happen to be fun.


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
I don't know. I even going to clubs for 35+ years, and, aside from myself, in all that time, I haven't seen more than a small percentage who pay attention to the *show" at all, and ever fewer who *care* about it enough for it to be make or break. Even *I* don't care *that* much.

I go to see naked women. Walking around the stage, working the pole, sitting on my lap, whatever. Just be naked.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
If you want a good show, you need to tell the girl and start tipping. A few singles tells her you're not a time waster or your not there for the free show. Some of them can do pole tricks but they don't because:

+ They don't make any or much stage money
+ Pole tricks don't tend to lead to dance sales, nor VIP sales, nor tipping for time.
+ They could get injured.

It think most of it has to do with lack of stage money and increased emphasis on dance sales.

It only seems to take a measly 2 or 3 dollar investment to see if she'll up her game. Unfortunately, it seems that clubs these days only really have 1-2 girls who are good at pole work, if that. And only on night shift. Day shift? Forget about it!

I get your rant though.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I've noticed the new girls do all the best tricks. But it takes a toll, so the more veteran girls with lots of regulars don't have to. And they don't miss the bruises!
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
GMD --> "I go to see naked women. Walking around the stage, working the pole, sitting on my lap, whatever. Just be naked."
^Pretty much this. Attractive women in various stages of undress cures what ails 'ya!
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
-->"Some of the men don't care, but most of them come to see a show."

I think you'd have a hard time proving this statement is even in the same universe as the correct.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
@Dominic77, I prefer that *last* stage of undress, myself. :)

And I think the OP is actually a dancer, not a customer.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
These days stripping for the most-part is about grinding and groping and maybe some convo/socializing (and sometimes more); it’s not about the “dancing” – “dancing” is perhaps more for the old go-go bars or burlesque shows.

I’ve never gotten a hard-on from seeing pole tricks or great “dancing skillz” – and I go to a strip-club to get a hard-on not see a dive version of “So you think you can dance”.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
@rockstar666: CF and I saw a dancer get injured back in November or December. The new, younger dancer was at the top of the pole and lost her grip, slid down, right on her tailbone. She tried to finish her stage set, but couldn't, and was carried back to the DR by a bouncer. CF went back to check her out then came back. You could overhear all of the dancers -- gossiping about it.

CF went to check on her 10-15 minutes later, said the young dancer was still crying in the DR, knee, ankles, and tailbone. Then CF said something insensitive : "That dumb hoe doing all that stupid pole work for what? I made more money sitting here talking to you during this time than she made on her whole stage set. Dumb hoe. It's the truth!"
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
GMD --> "And I think the OP is actually a dancer, not a customer. "

ah, that makes more sense. I can see the complaint now. And really she has a point, the stage sets and the quality of the dancers HAS been going down, in my personal opinion. It seems the clubs will almost hire anyone how manages to pay the house fee these days.
TI like to shop from the stage, and I do consider at least some stage work to be vital in deciding if I want to spend more time and $$ on a woman for the evening.

These days the dancer emphasis seems to be on groping, molesting, and/or extras or OTC, since that is what is selling.

GMD --> "I prefer that *last* stage of undress, myself."

So do I. But it appears that I can't get that at my location because the religious right nut jobs have death grip either on the state legislature and/or city council. So no nudity for me. :-( so much for a free country.

avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I think the guys who spend the most care the least about stage show.

I may tip an extra dollar for tricks. But I think the guys who care the most are the ones least interested in VIP.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Who are you talking to? The few dancers that post here?
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Actually, I think I was too glib in my initial response.
I don't know any guys who like it, or find it a turn-on, when it's clear the girl is barely trying. It's not a good advertisement for her, and it can suck the energy out of the room. I think the girls can set the mood in the place by looking happy and energetic, even to the many guys who don't really care much about the show and are mostly there for socializing, dancing, and splooging. Decent dancing can create a fun vibe in a place.

That said, I don't think all the girls need to be super great dancers, for the many guys who are not there for the show, there's a skill level beyond which we don't care at all. If the dancer has energy (or, if she moves slow, has the sensuality to make up for it), smiles, and has moves that show of her body at its best angles, that's all that's needed, I think. If she moves slow, she MUST know how to be super sensual.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I come to see tits and ass, not pole tricks.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ enough said
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I might be in the minority but I go as much for stage show as the lap dances. I love to see some good ole booty clapping and pole tricks myself.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I come to see them naked onstage. As long as they get naked and stand where I can see them, I'm good. I don't care about pole moves, and many of those moves are detrimental because they move so fast that it's hard to see their body parts clearly. If I want acrobatics I go to the circus.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
My own perspective is that they don't need to be great dancers but I hate the ones that just go on stage and stand around for their set, I prefer to see a girl with positive energy who I might ask to join me than the super lazy posing types. Generally no energy equals no fun.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
And I think some guys do go to see strippers on stage. Some of the upscale clubs late at night, especially on weekends, the stage is usually full.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
I actually think more people go for the stage. In the clubs I've been to, the stages were packed, but not too many people were doing lapdances.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
The stage is often full b/c it’s cheap entertainment – i.e. grab a beer and sit there for 2-hours getting up-close views and maybe some touching from the dancers all for a $1 or $2 tip – so to me it’s b/c it’s cheap not b/c it’s better than LDs or VIPs.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
to me I could care less if a girl does pole tricks just from experience I personally have learned not many customers care about them and I can make more money doing floor work. If I'm uncertain I can even ask a customer "what do you like pole tricks? or ass in the face more?" And usually its the latter or they try to be polite and say both so I mix it up but don't get carried away with the tricks unless I see a good bit of tips for the tricks being done.

I don't think its ok for a girl to walk around the club or spin/ twirl around the pole looking like they have no idea what they are doing. This personally drives me nuts and usually its a sign that they are new (but not always) so I usually confront them after they get off stage and give them some pointers and demonstrate a few beginner tricks to them that are simplistic enough.
avatar for SmithWV
9 years ago
"what do you like pole tricks? or ass in the face more?"

I'll have both lol :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago

Some guys don't really want a strip club. They want the brothel of their dreams.

Founder, DB = Dream Brothel

The US has had strip clubs, only because brothels are illegal. But such restrictions are getting harder and harder to enforce, as the girls have turned into brazen sluts.

So in some clubs the girls not only don't dance much on stage, they don't even use the stage at all. They just jump guys as soon as they come in, before their eyes have adjusted to the dark. They go for their cocks or they just start climbing on them. The girls get more money that way, as they cut out the competition.

It is a dangerous world we live in. But so sad that those kinds of clubs are not near me. :(

avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
The guys that come to watch the show don't spend
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
^^^^^ YES

xyzoya, you've just registered, are you a female strip club dancer?

Some clubs are show clubs and they do more dancing in those.

Where I live the clubs are no touching, and so they get most of their money on stage.

Once at the San Jose Pink Poodle I talked with the newly hired 18yo waitress and asked her if she was going to dance. She said she was not comfortable enough yet.

I told her that the other girls seemed to be doing fine, "up on stage showing their stuff."

She said, "Yes, that's what it is, showing."

Is this what you mean?

These girls are up there to get tips.

If you are a female dancer, do you do more showing or more dancing?

And if you are a male customer, don't you like it when the girls come over and give you some personal showing?

avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I watch the dances and tip for pole tricks and good dancing. I also spend a lot of money ."Flagooner" is wrong about that. I do see some guys just stand around and not spend anything so it may be true sometime but not all times. I have been going to club for over 40 years and I still remember the dancing days. "Annette the Monkey was awesome at the old 52nd street show bar but times change.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
^yeah flagooner is generalizing. I see plenty of guys that go for the show and dances and spend money (myself included).
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