
Something happens to you: what then?

Car key and wallet dating your sister
Wednesday, February 3, 2016 8:47 PM
Inspired by ... ta da! ... Stripperweb: Kirakonstantin--------------> I saw my regular on Thursday and it was a pretty normal session. He wasn't sure about this week, so we agreed that we would talk on Monday and make plans. He also called me after he got home, just to tell me that he loves that he could still smell my perfume. I called him yesterday and left a message. He's usually really good about returning my calls but... Nothing. He hasn't called the club either. I called him today and... No answer. I'm worried. He's in his late 60's, has a drinking problem (he's brought it up several times) and isn't in the best of health. He's been my regular for the better part of a year and I've grown to genuinely care about him. It could be that he's just not interested anymore and doesn't know how to tell me that. But, given his health concerns, I really fear that something happened to him. What do I do, besides wait and hope that he's ok? --------------------> Kirakonstantin is routinely one of the cuntiest girls on SW, and that's saying something. So you can imagine that you could have knocked me over with a feather while reading this post. I'm not shocked a stripper actually likes a client, I reckon most strippers who have any semblance of decency left find a customer they like now and then. I'm more shocked that she'd admit it on SW. Annnnnnyyyyway, that got me thinking. You have your CF, ATF, ATATF, DSes of various roman numerals. You kick the bucket (I'm betting autoerotic asphyxiation, you sick fuck; that, or death by snu snu). Is she ever going to find out, or do you just disappear? As totally fucking pathetic as it sounds when I say it out loud, my best buddy and best SC wingman has the names and phone #s of any strippers I care about enough that I want him to let them know. Right now, it's a list of 1, but some years it's pretty long. What about you? Just gone and that's it, and she wonders forever (or until she just forgets about you next week) what happened?


  • shaiyln
    8 years ago
    Niggr buffet
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    DS I and II would find out what happened. They know all of my personal information so they could just google me and find an obituary pretty easily. And even if they don't love me, they love my money enough to be curious what happened if I stopped showing up. GingerBread and Free girl would quickly forget about me . Video girl would wonder what happened for a long time, and she'd do everything she could to get me back out of the grave to start paying her again. But while she did an amazing job in our video tonight, truly outstanding, I still don't trust her enough to let her know my full identity.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I keep in contact with several TUSCL members that know who my currents favorites are. I'm sure that one of them will post it on TUSCL if/when some thing happens to me and will let my favorite dancers know too.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    But I'm not ready to die yet. I've got MILFS to fuck.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    shadowcat: yeah, aside from my buddy's list, I'm sure he would continue to make SC trips without me, so he coudl eventually tell my faves in person... at least my faves who are at the particular club he likes. JS: Death by snu snu knows no age range :) Hopefully we'll all be around to see plenty more strippers
  • shaiyln
    8 years ago
    Just come get some finger lickin ball kickin chicken at my local niggr buffet!!!!
  • thaJuicelayer
    8 years ago
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    My ATF would easily know via a mutual friend. Not long ago I thought an old TUSCL friend might have gone to the big SC in heaven, or where it might be located. Happily, not the case. I guess farmerart might fall into that category.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Remember everyone: Don't feed the trolls. How do you flag them to get blocked or booted?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    This is a depressing thread
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Remember everyone: Don't feed the trolls. How do you flag them to get blocked or booted? " The only guys feeding the trolls are the other trolls. And I"m pretty sure they're all the same person lol No way to get them blocked or booted, but you can block them yourself so you don't see their responses, by hitting the microphone under their name.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    None of my stripper friends would know. Most of them probably don't remember much about me anyway. "Oh he's that guy that comes in town once ever two months and talks me into meeting him at his hotel. Sometimes we go out to eat." I think that sums me up pretty well.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Yep, if you're not the type to do long-term ATFs, I figure it's pretty much just shrugging shoulders
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    When I die I will this community know. Wouldn't want anyone to worry.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I wrote---->"Kirakonstantin is routinely one of the cuntiest girls on SW, and that's saying something." Actually, when I made that "cuntiest girls on SW comment", I think I might have been confusing Kirskonstantin with Kaninchen. I'm sure you guys don't care if I insulted the wrong girl, but my OCD compels me to clarify that I *think* I got the two confused.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    thaJuicelayer --> Ignore
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    In the "cuntiest" contest, they are all winners over there.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I think at least one or more dancers or former dancers might read an obituary if I passed away since they know my name and possibly the city where I live. If you identified someone on Facebook, then one of their friends who has everything on share all mode may post messages about whomever. If you have everything on share with everyone, then everyone can read friends posts on your Facebook page if they identified you via news reports due to an accident or whatever.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I've looked at a dancers Facebook page after she died in an accident because the news didn't show enough of her to help me remember if I knew her or not. I had talked to her and met her and had met some of her friends. Without Facebook to clue me in with a better pic than the real quick newsStory, I wouldn't have known or remembered who was involved in the wreck. I saw nothing wrong with looking at Facebook because if you share with everyone, I assume you don't care if anyone looks and they can if they hear your name in the news. I heard you can look anonymously without logging into Facebook.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    My ATF follows my real Facebook page. I don't know about the MILF; as far as I know, she doesn't know who I really am. But I told the MILF the same thing I told my ATF, if something happens to me *while* we're together, use *my* phone to call 911, and then bug out.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    None of my dancer friends reached out when I had my brain tumor surgery in early January, so I think I have my answer. I posted about it on my FB page.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    RS, didn't know you had surgery. Hope you're doing ok.
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