Not in Kansas anymore
Comments by datinman (page 36)
discussion comment
4 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
Trump's doing it too. Begging for money seems to be the only truly bipartisan activity politicians engage in.
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4 years ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
A thread about nothing. Brings up memories of Seinfeld.
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4 years ago
"how to make comments in a non-flirty manner, for when I'm just curious in general?"
I guess I misunderstood your OP. I took it that you were complaining that your interactions with dancers became platonic because you were a) effeminate ie. having feminine characteristics and b) started conversations with compliments about their hair, make-up, and shoes. If you're just curious in general about their smokey eye make-up or hair extensions, I'm afraid I have nothing to contribute to the conversation except to point out that many dancers are willing to sit and talk for cash.
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4 years ago
I only club when I'm on the road, so I never get to regular status with the staff. Still, it is amazing to me how many dancers will remember me months even years later and run up to me as soon as I enter the club. They will remind me of details from previous visits, so it is not just SS.
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4 years ago
Bowie and Prince seemingly did well with the ladies. I think confidence and charisma go a long way. Comments about clothes, shoes, or make-up can still be done in a flirty manner so the dancer knows you are interested in her, and not doing research for your own closet.
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4 years ago
"and is prepared to move therapeutic and prophylactic assets to those facilities as needed."
Does anyone know what that would even mean? If Covid 19 starts running rampant through ALFs, grandma is gonna die. I would assume PPEs are already available. So does DeSantis have a secret stash of remdesivir or is he just talking about body bags?
discussion comment
4 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Trump lost the popular vote by 6 million votes.
Trump lost the electoral college 306 to 232.
Trump has no evidence of massive fraud and is now hoping statistically insignificant "irregularities" will prevent certification.
The Trump strategy in a nutshell: he heard "Possession is 9/10 of the law" and thought I can work with this. History will view Trump as either the biggest sore loser to ever be President or as the first authoritarian leader of America. If he can circumvent the will of the electorate in such a clear defeat, why even have the pretense of elections going forward? Back when our two party system actually worked this nonsense wouldn't even have been given consideration by either party. Trump, McConnell, and Graham(2.0) don't represent the Reagan GOP I have always supported.
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4 years ago
The view from the other side of the room
@Scrub, read this slowly so it might sink in.
NiceSpice is a girl.
We still don't have an edit button.
My post was a joke, not a political statement.
Covfefe and the horse you rode in on.
discussion comment
4 years ago
The view from the other side of the room
I am hesitant to reveal too much info for fear of compromising my identity, but:
1. I used to own a casino.
2. On occasion, I take too much beta carotene which can effect my skin color.
3. My hair style is an architectural wonder. The flying buttress of come overs.
4. I have slept with Stormy Daniels.
5. I am a stable genius.
There is much much more because I live my life bigly, but again I don't want to give my identity away.
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4 years ago
^Not a cliche, a fallacy. Jails are full of sting arrests that think that is true.
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4 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Asking permission is just the polite thing to do. It shows a woman that you respect them. It allows them a safe space in an intimate encounter. It helps prevent there from being any misunderstandings. I always ask.
"Is okay if I cum in your mouth?"
discussion comment
4 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
In 2000, Bush / Gore was a virtual tie. Win FL and you are President. Came down to 537 votes difference when SCOTUS decreed trying to assess voter intent in ballots with depressions, but intact chads, was going too far.
Biden beat Trump. 5 million more popular votes. 50k+ in PA. 150k+ in MI. 10k+ in AZ. Only GA is razor thin and Biden doesn't need it. The only way Trump can win is to convince the courts (and worse the public) that the election was so corrupt, so ripe with fraud, that it should be invalid. He is attacking and weakening the very INSTITUTION of American elections. Think that might embolden our enemies? Is having your favored candidate win worth that damage? I liked a LOT of what has been accomplished in the past 4 years. But Trump is no patriot, he just plays one on TV.
discussion comment
4 years ago
;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
Why give him money? Just explain the difference between FAT and PHAT. Just tell him "She's PHAT and you're FAT. " I'm sure he'll see it was just a misunderstanding. Hell, he'll probably even buy you a drink for the inconvenience.
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4 years ago
I don't believe any bullshit Gates conspiracies.
BUT, vaccine hesitancy is a reasonable response. The Pfizer mRNA vaccine had a phase 3 of 44,000 participants. That is 22k actual non-placebo doses. Extrapolating safety based on 22k doses when applied to 330 million Americans may result in significant unintended consequences. Look at drugs like Vioxx that had full and lengthy testing on the way to FDA approval. It wasn't until mass use that the cardiovascular side effects became apparent and the drug was pulled.
Also, in my mind is an issue of quality control. If there is a safe and effect vaccine, might there still be quality issues as they race to produce tens of millions of doses that require strict tolerances to be viable?
Finally, there are multiple vaccines being developed. As a health care consumer, don't I have the right to wait to pick the one with the best efficacy / least adverse reactions profile?
I would encourage anyone who wants a vaccine to step right up. I (and most of the MDs and DOs I talk to) think it is prudent to wait a bit.
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4 years ago
"Not my president"
It's like deja vu, all over again.
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4 years ago
I heard from a reliable source that she changed her name to Nephrite and now dances at a less posh club across town.
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4 years ago
don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
Jade? Jade? Are you in here?
discussion comment
4 years ago
I think Rick nailed it. Would you tolerate erratic mood swings and rude behavior from your waitress or hair dresser? You are paying for their time and if it's not worth it, bail and find someone worth paying.
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4 years ago
Actually, I have seen some pretty impressive moves over the years, but yeah, my post was meant to be tongue in cheek.
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4 years ago
What do I WANT from a dancer?
The athletic body of a college cheerleader. The dance moves on stage of JLo. If there is a pole, I want some Cirque du Soleil shit. All of this should be done in the nude while making eye contact with a big smile on her face.
Stones said it best, "Can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need."
discussion comment
4 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
"if it can be shown that Biden won legitimately"
No, it is up to Trump to prove this MASSIVE fraud he has been talking about for the past few months. Sure there may be some errors uncovered on audit / recount. Out 145 million votes cast there are bound to be, but I will be surprised if they disproportionately favor either candidate. Biden won the same way Trump won before him,by getting the most votes in the swing States that decide our elections. I think his plan all along has been to bullshit his way into States selecting Electors favoring him while disregarding the outcome of that States voters because of the imaginary "massive fraud".
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4 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
RIP Alex.The show may go on, but it will never be the same.
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4 years ago
indoctrination - the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
Media is now propaganda for an isolated point of view. Balance is no longer available from one source. If you spend an hour at infowars, spend an hour at NPR just to balance things out. Otherwise, you start believing DEMs are satanist pedophiles running an international sex slave trade out of a NJ pizzeria.
discussion comment
4 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
2016 Trump wins 306 electoral college votes and is announced as President Elect.
Liberals whine and cry.
Blame Russian interference.
Trump = Not My President
2020 Biden wins 306 electoral college votes (if GA holds) and is announced as President Elect.
Conservatives whine and cry.
Blame bugging software, extended vote counts, massive systemic fraud, and anything else they can come up with.
Harris/ Biden = ILLEGITIMATE
Meanwhile, moderates/centrists, ie the majority of Americans, shake their heads in disbelief. What ever happened to being a gracious loser?