What makes you unique?

The view from the other side of the room
Vs just odd or special.
Every person* on this board is a bit odd - compared to society in general – in that we’ve decided it’s acceptable to fondle boobs of someone we just met (assuming certain basic conditions have been met), in exchange for a dime a second or so (or whatever the default rate is in your market). (*Ladies here need but change of few words above, for it apply to them).
But what makes you unique? Can you list 5 characteristics, facts, or attributes about yourself that (you think) no one else on this list can match? I suspect so, everyone is special some way.
Here’s what I got:
- Married a long time (in my case, 40 years).
- My wife is ok with me strip clubbing (with limits).
- 38 ½ years passed between 1st tip in a g-string, and getting a lap dance. (I’m trying to write an article to explain how the hell that happened.)
- Have successfully navigated class 5 whitewater.
- I have 2 dads (this one needs explanation – though I learned of a biological dad when I was 17, it was about 40 years later that I found and met him, to much delight.)
last commentGreat thread, though I've navigated Class V whitewater too.
Er...what’s the difference between unique, odd, and special? 😅
I get the impression that I’m an oddball of a person. If I knew what exactly “unique” was—I could be more specific.
Scientific fact all snowflakes are unique
Nicespice, I just meant 5 unusual things that- taken together - you're sure no one can match. Tetradon matched me on class 5 whitewater, but not the others. I'm still unique.
We are all odd and unique in some way/combination. And special.
OK, I'll play. All of these statements are true:
I used to run 10K road races barefoot.
I have played softball on the same team with football great Jim Brown and actor James Caan, as well as another team with Peter Frampton.
Even though I worked for a Republican congressman years ago, I convonced the staff (and eventually him) to vote for the MLK holiday.
Jackson Browne once wanted to pick a fight with me.
The only joint I ever smoked was with father, in Big Sur, when I was 18. After that, we both nailed two sisters who were camping near us.
I could do this all day.
Not unique. Just another nameless customer IRL. That's the goal at least. Interesting thread, though.
This isn’t easy.
Ok. Let’s play.
I have practiced divorce law for almost 38 years without a single client ever filing a com plaint against me; as I approach 31 years with my wife I look back on our life and would change nothing, not even the bad; I still ski bumps avidly 1t almost 63; I have the ability to hit a par five in two and never 2 putt for birdie; I can smoke weed to the max and no one can tell whether I am stoned;
I like taking the greyhound to random small towns in the then move on to another. Thats my me time and an eacape for me.
Ive had people assume im an NFL player.
Strippers like feeling me up. Kissing my stomach and chest. At one club a bouncer has to remind them they can't.
Im addicted to space documentaries.
I love working on old cars.
@gsteph, ah sounds good
Back in 2006, I engaged in trolling when I was seeing if I could lucky guess the password to another individual’s account, and I succeeded. Did a little bit of posting on that account and had fun. That very niche corner of the internet made a big deal of it and somebody actually not-too-long ago followed my activity from that site and found my handle on another website and a month ago somebody messaged me there about it wanting to ask me questions. I hadn’t been on that site in YEARS.
There was a book series I enjoyed at a child/young teenager. Even though the author is from the UK, I’ve managed to meet him twice. Once at a bookstore in Austin when I was 17 and another time at a library conference (non-librarians were allowed to attend as well). He actually remembered me the second time I saw him and asked small questions. It was awesome.
I suspect that as a dancer, I’ve met more individuals from this site than anybody else.
(So I’ve been told by others) I have a super laid-back personality and don’t get riled up very easily. My posting history on this site probably isn’t the best indication though. But hey, want to throw a tampon at me and do a back-and-fourth thing of just tossing it? Sure. Want to discuss the possibility of the octopi eventually evolving and overtaking humans as the dominant intelligent species? Yes I’ll go along with whatever wackiness somebody has.
I prefer a nomadic lifestyle over a stationary one and looking forward to getting back to that again.
1 I da best shit truck driver ever
2 I love mt job
3 I love dumping loads in basements of dipshits so dey got a swimming pool to take a dip in
5 I da best shit truck driver ever
I am hesitant to reveal too much info for fear of compromising my identity, but:
I used to own a casino.
On occasion, I take too much beta carotene which can effect my skin color.
My hair style is an architectural wonder. The flying buttress of come overs.
I have slept with Stormy Daniels.
I am a stable genius.
There is much much more because I live my life bigly, but again I don't want to give my identity away.
Bonus: *6. I am a Pathetic Loser.
My father was 60 when I was born. People who saw us together assumed he was my grandfather. As a consequence, my sensibilities are closer to those of the generation before mine. I have gotten more liberal with age. I'm kind of a renaissance man. I've had some original ideas. By now I realize that this is extremely rare.
"Jackson Browne once wanted to pick a fight with me."
if if was after 1979 then you should have clocked him and made him see stars. it might have given given some sparks to write better songs because after 1979 all he's really been doing since is been running on empty.
While I would love to share its just not a wise thing to do as some of my unique facts are too easy to cross reference. Someday when I retire and don't GAF then maybe...
@Scrub, read this slowly so it might sink in. NiceSpice is a girl. We still don't have an edit button. My post was a joke, not a political statement. Covfefe and the horse you rode in on.
Do I really need 4 more unique qualifiers? ;P
Scrub and Justin, when the left turns on each other, LOL.
I started this, but I’m gonna take another turn.
Flew a hang glider once. Not too far, but OMG
Flew a bicycle once, Evil Knievel style, I was probably 13 or 14. Steep street, level side street, steep street again. I came flying down the hill, thru the intersection, and lifted off. Three thoughts occurred: ‘I fucked up’. ‘Three cars could fit driving up the hill under me.’ ‘I must stick the landing.’ Mostly did, 2 spokes broke, and I had 1 sore testicle and ankle.
Fell off a motorcycle at 60mph. Not recommended.
I grow most of the cannabis we consume.
Up until this pandemic break, have been Contra dancing over 20 years; many a woman has told me I’m smooth in the swing.
OK I'll try.... the Golf version:
Guess I spend too much time golfing....
^ No such thing as too much time spent golfing 🏌️♂️🏌️🏌️♀️🏌️♂️⛳️
I once made 8 takeoff and landings in one day while riding in the cockpit observers seat of a B737. Los Angeles, Los Vegas, Salt Lake city, Pocatello, Idaho Falls, Helena, Butte. Great Falls & Billings.
I fell out of an airplane with no parachute and lived. It was only 10 feet off the ground so maybe not that hard. And I was drunk.
I’ve eaten more sand than anyone on here.
I’ve probably seen more of other people’s blood than anyone on here. If muj count as people anyway. Maybe no.
I don’t find Kevin Hart funny. And he’s from Philly so I see him on TV, in the news a lot. No wit. I love comics. My adult sons think he’s hilarious . Go figure
I was in the local news for doing something heroic. The situation fell in my lap and I reacted. If I had had time to think I wouldn’t have done what I did. It may be cliche to say, but I’m no hero.
What makes me odd? My disability. I have spina bifida
I have RCS (restless cock syndrome).
I have a small dick, and I'm fine with it.
I would bet I'm the only one here who's done meth but never tried marijuana.
It's a long story.
Sure, one more time:
Desertscrub said "JUSTIN TOLOOK (above) is such a fucking genius that he cannot spell COMB OVER correctly"
^^^ ooooh, now I get what you were asking me 😉, you were asking if you could CUM OVER that one day... I thought you were insinuating something about my hair. Got you bro...😉🍆🍒