It's over and I'm saying that as someone who isn't happy about it. NV was one of the handful of states that Hillary won in '16 and MI is almost done reporting. Trump is going to be shy two electoral votes.
The good news is that it looks like the GOP is going to keep the Senate. Thank God. All that talk of court packing and huge tax increases was some alarming stuff.
F, I'm a bit more optimistic. We still have the Senate and most definitely the Supreme Court. They together will check the worst of the left wing's impulses.
Meh. We've been through cycles of civil unrest and culture wars before. Then a different period comes along. Rinse, repeat. We've had many instances throughout our history where a portion of the population and even our leaders seem a bit extreme.
If Trump was not arguably the most unlikable and unstable President that we've had in the modern era, he likely would have won. Enough people split their party votes with Biden and Republican Senators in order to allow the GOP to retain the Senate, which to me says a lot. If Trump had seemed just a bit more Presidential in his behavior then I suspect that he would have won re-election handily given his economic, foreign policy and Supreme Court successes.
It's not over yet, but it doesn't look good for Trump, that being said, as much as I hate to agree, Rick is right about a lot of why he is losing, and honestly Trump is to blame for his rhetoric, and refusal to do any outreach to the other side, obviously he can't actually stand on Fifth Ave and shoot someone without losing any support, he lost because he shot himself in the foot.
Agree with what Rick said. That being so, I do think the US is on a path to some kind of permanent shift. I was doing studying of Cantonese a while ago but quit. Gotta get back to it, cause I’m seriously wondering whether the US will be worth living in about 20-30something years from now. 😅
Pretty surprising he lost Arizona. One of the reasons, among many, is the vile things he said about McCain. Trump would have won if he stayed off twitter.
There will be a period of disappointment followed by a sigh of relief the Trump era is behind us.
The Republicans are lucky the damage wasn't far worse.
Apparently the majority of Americans now vote only on likability without even the slightest understanding of the issues or concern about the type of governance they are voting for. Trump had the same pompous and coarse personality in 2016. Many didn't like it, but Hillary was an even more unlikable nasty bitch. Trump wins, delivers on every promise he made and more, then loses to an affable cartoon character who will promptly be replaced by a socialist dictator that will attempt to squash the principles our Republic was built upon.
@misterorange there's so much to unpack in that rant you so ignorantly let loose, I'm not even going to bother trying, I just want to remind you that it seems that those folks that you don't think understand the issues, seem to have split their vote, leaving the senate with a Republican majority, maybe it's you who are so blind to your hero's faults that doesn't understand the issues.
Spice asked whether the United States will be livable in 20 -30 years and the answer is no. The United States was created from immigration and subsequently killed by it ...... we're nothing more than a collection of little narcissistic communities, not a country.
As I posted in the other thread, politics is a people-business - in several ways Hillary was a more formidable politician than Biden, yet she lost pretty-badly (at least w.r.t. the electoral vote) - perhaps this was due to her not being as suave as old-Joe.
Trump did not lose the electoral vote. It was stolen by the democrat party. Trump was elected in 2016 as a last ditch attempt to shock a failing system into righting itself. The swamp refuses to be drained. With luck, his lawsuits will uncover all the criminal activity by the unelected elites and destroy that system. I don't give a fuck what comes next, but I want this corrupt criminal enterprise to be burned to ashes. Maybe it is better to rule in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
Nobody knows what's going to happen. I still believe in the good ol' US of A. As long as we have our entrepreneur spirit, we'll carry on. That's in spite of not bc of who controls the government.
===> "Gotta get back to it, cause I’m seriously wondering whether the US will be worth living in about 20-30something years from now. 😅"
Nice, IMHO you are taking entirely the wrong messages from this election. With perhaps the notable exception of the Presidency, the loss of which was more a referendum on Trump's absurd behavior than it was on policy, the Democrats were largely punished during this election.
Not only did the Dems not retake the Senate, but it looks like the GOP will flip about 10 House seats. The public overall is not happy with their policies, including their stances on rioting and related social issues. A Socialist agenda and defunding the police were hung around the necks of Dems in tight House races and it hurt them badly. Now Pelosi will not be able to build a Dem coalition in the House without the help of Blue Dog Dems (many of whom did not vote for the Zeroes Act), whose constituents have no interest in far left social or fiscal policies. Proposals are about to become a lot more modest in the House over the next two years.
In California of all places, the voters rejected a Constitutional amendment which would have allowed public and private institutions to use racial diversity as an acceptance criteria. By a wide margin I might add. The voters also approved the treatment of ride sharing employees as "independent contractors."
In IL of all places, the voters rejected the legislature's attempt to remove the 4.95% flat tax in favor of higher taxes "on the rich."
I do not buy for a second that we are undergoing some transformational event. Indeed I think that people are getting fed up with the silly nonsense they are seeing and hearing now and they are expressing their frustration in the voting booths.
The fact that it took Joe Biden to win says more about the opposition candidate than Joe Biden. I view Biden as almost a Steward of the Presidency until we get back to a some sense of a real leader of the American people (all of them).
i heard the old school natives of papua new guinea are looking for some new neighbors. hell if they like you they may even let you live and share their meal with you - a piece of your arm or thigh.
Trump has a good chance of winning Arizona. We’ll know more in a few hours. Add in Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania ( he is comfortably ahead in all three ), and Trump wins.
This is not over. Not by a long shot. Do not trust the media. They lie.
*shrug* I still stand by that within a few decades the US will lose world reserve status, and it won’t be a world power. Which is fine, as plenty of former world powers have “landed” as gracefully one could in that situation and doing well enough. But in the meantime, it’s not too fun and (just my prediction) civil unrest will continue to be a thing. Maybe not Armageddon, but still problems. The middle class American used to have an advantage which doesn’t exist anymore, When is the last time one heard of the *average* family being able to pull off a source of income from only 1 parent and retiring in your 60s still a thing? Sure some of it has to do with increased life expectancy, but that’s not all of it. And general lessening of opportunities due to inflation and national debt stuff and legal system stuff. (Not impossible, but less) The left wants some type of wealth redistribution system to counter that. The right wishes to curb certain things social issues wise in the hopes of bringing us to a different time period. Both sides want an extra powerful leader to be a perceived guide to fix it *for* them, and the federal government is more than happy to increase its own power to accommodate. But at the end, (personal opinion only) there isn’t a way to shift the tide. I wouldn’t necessarily blame the recent election and I think this has been a long gradual thing since the 70s. It’s that things are manifesting more obviously now and will continue to do so.
For quite a while now, with the world economic freedom index (if one believes that sort of thing), Hong Kong and Singapore absolutely dominates those rankings. And places like that will be the area where more things are just going on. It’s far flung and maybe too early to call it on those places but hey, continuing language learning is at least a fun and cheap form of insurance. Which (if nothing else) will make for some fun vacations in the future. 😊
Admittedly, referring to here as “not worth living in” was a bit melodramatic. I guess “even better places to explore during a second phase of my life at some point” would be a better way to phrase it. My bad there.
Georgia seemed solid for Trump last night - tonight it's now looking doubtful as Biden has seriously cut into Trump's lead - this seems to be a theme in multiple states of Trump having a decent lead and it evaporating
It doesn't seem to matter the American electorate is always the loser, the cost of a presidential campaign all but ensures that the buffoons that we are getting is all that we are going to get, if the candidate isn't uber wealthy with an agenda, or a front for deep pockets, also with an agenda,there's absolutely no reason for them to run for the Presidency. In order to run a presidential campaign the amount of money needed is staggering, and no one puts out that kind of money without expecting a dividend.
Agree with F, congrats to Joe. The electoral college did its thing and I am optimistic and wish him luck. Haven’t posted as much of late because of work flow.
Personal musings over this election period:
-Pollsters have their collective heads up their asses.
-Biden was not a desirable candidate. Trump is hated by so many any competent opponent would’ve slaughtered him. To me, the large amount of support Trump was akin to referendum that the American people are sick of the MSM, manipulated headlines and news, a Congress wasting our time and tax dollars with impeachment shenanigans, tired of the SJW and cancel culture etc. They want to ‘drain the swamp’ and I believe much of the vote wasn’t for either candidate as much as It was either anti-Trump or anti-left.
-Trump lost the election more than a Joe won it IMO. It was there for him, he screwed up the debates and failed to eloquate his successes and speak clearly about why he has taken the stands he has against China and immigration policy for GDP, etc.
-It will be fascinating to see what Trump does next. Most ex-presidents fade away. Will he run in 2024? Say what you will but he is full of loss and vigor making a speech at 230 am after campaigning nonstop was impressive, Will he create his own news network? Will he do another reality show? I don’t see him keeping his mouth shut as that is not his style.
-This country is starved for a true, unbiased news network that can talk about issues from multiple sides and commend a president for good things and critique for bad decisions without influence of right and left. It would be nice if some entrepreneur sees as much.
-How long will Joe last?
-Bye Melania. Foxiest First Lady in history.
-Love NiceSpice’s thoughtful opinions. She is on the money. 👍
-I would gladly trade CJ for SJG. CJ = 🤡
Again, best of luck to Joe. I hope Trump steps away gracefully if final results show Biden as the winner.
Nice, the dollar is not going to lose its status as the reserve currency until something viable comes along to replace it. It certainly won't be the Chinese Yuan since China is notorious for manipulating its currency exchange rates. Needless to say I'm not particularly worried about the dollar losing its reserve status anytime soon.
As far as the world economic freedom index, lmao. Singapore? C'mon now. Mass surveillance state? Caning? Executions for drug offenses? Ouch. And Hong Kong is not far behind now that China is tightening its grip.
As far as the rest, while I agree that things have changed as far as a shrinking middle class, thanks in no small part to the loss of manufacturing here in the U.S., name one other country with the mix of economic and personal freedoms that we enjoy here. Name one other country where even the basics like food and fuel are as cheap and plentiful as they are here. There's a reason why we have to fight to keep immigrants from swimming across rivers to slip across our borders. The U.S. is still the economic and military superpower of the World and I don't see that changing anytime soon either.
AZ flipped blue and legalized weed. Idk what other states legalized but I think a few more did.
TX was way closer than I'd imagine.
The country is moving in a new direction regardless of the presidency. NV will put Biden at 270; right now, they're only 8,000 or less votes apart, but NV has been stuck at 75% reporting for a good day. If the rest is mail ins, Biden will win.
Here’s how the math works. Trump leads in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina. Arizona still has hundreds of thousands of ballots to count and they are trending toward Trump. If Trump wins those 4 states, he wins. Period.
What we are seeing is a coordinated effort by the Democrat Party, and its media allies, to convince the nation that Biden won before actual vote tallies prove he didn’t.
That’s actually how it works. You file legal challenges before the vote is certified. It’s not a matter of confidence. It’s a matter of understanding the law.
Face it dudes and dudesses, this great country was founded via extreme turmoil. This is but another bump in the road. About the only way to really take down this country would be a revolution. I do not believe that those that wish such have even close to the capacity to do it!
Incidentally, the Wisconsin vote was absolutely stolen. In 7 Milwaukee precincts, over 100,000 Biden votes mysteriously appeared in the same instant during the dead of night. These precincts had more votes than registered voters.
When the legal challenge is completed, Trump will win Wisconsin.
Something similar happened in Detroit and will be challenged.
There is always a certain level of vote stealing. If it’s kept under 1% of the vote total, it’s difficult to spot. However, this time around, the Dems needed to steal 5% of the votes to defeat Trump. That level of fraud is standing out like a sore thumb.
I voted for trump he lost. he ran on a vote in person platform instead of vote through mail like biden. If you believe we already have vote stealing in US elections, we are living in banana republic and it wont matter if he takes it to court. Once the votes are counted he should concede the race.
The level of ignorance regarding the candidates, the campaigns, and the electoral process around is fucking frightening. Fucking educate yourselves before you speak, post, or vote.
Fox News “called” the House early on Tuesday evening, proclaiming that Democrats would pick up around five seats. Right now, Republicans sit at +6, and that’s with other races still showing Republicans leading in swing districts. We could see an even more significant narrowing of the Democrat majority as the days move forward.
The pollsters, pundits, and media have never been more wrong than in 2020. They are even further off the mark than they were in 2016. They failed most with the assertation that Trump was running against himself, and the election was his to lose. That is wrong. He was running against the swamp, against politics as usual, against a criminally complicit news media, against doomsayers, chicken littles, and power-grabbing dem governors. He was fighting an uphill battle against the safe, "moderate", Joe Biden; and fighting it with a smaller war chest. These dead democrat voters and out of state illegal ballots are part of democrat party business as usual. That's why he must continue fighting, it is inexcusable that it has been tolerated for so long.
I’m hearing that Trumps employees are updating their resumes and many are explaining the 4 year from 2016-2020 gap, to working as a stripper to account for those years of whoring around
She and the rest of her socialist thugs will be running everything anyway. I just want to see a bunch of mindless chaos that will gum up the works like the Dems did to Trump.
I am curious to see if Biden would be allowed to seat a SCOTUS justice at any time during GOP senate control. The election year excuse was clearly just a pretense. If you can not have a hearing for 11 months, why not 24?
"... Impeach Biden and you get Harris, got a feeling Joe's safe ..."
Yeah - that's the reality - and kinda something similar goes for Pelosi and Schumer - as much as I dislike them if they are removed from their leadership positions they may be replaced by someone like AOC or AOC-clone which would def be a step backwards from the non-progressives POV.
"... I am curious to see if Biden would be allowed to seat a SCOTUS justice at any time during GOP senate control. The election year excuse was clearly just a pretense ..."
I'm pretty-sure the same M.O. will occur as in the recent-past - if it's an election year and the GOP has control of the Senate, then it won't happen (and the Dems would do the same thing) - either way the new M.O. means it will be contentious.
w.r.t. the election being challenged - too much blood and treasure has been spent to not look at a close election more closely given the implications; IMO either side has a right to look into possible improprieties when it's that close.
In these current super-divisive/super-partisan times I don't think one can just depend on the "honor system" for lack of a better word - it seems fairly-obvious that a fairly large part the system (political, media, LE/FBI; etc) is strongly against Trump and wants Trump out no-matter the means - IDK if there has been fraud, but if there was a time when it may happen, I think this would be it given all that's happened w.r.t. "never-Trumpism" and OMBS.
At the end of the day, it's better to know for sure nothing nefarious happened, and more important to know if something nefarious did happen - for all the drama that happened in 2000 b/w Gore/Bush, it was the right thing to do to look into it as carefully as possible o/w many would have been pointing to that election as illegitimate.
In Philadelphia a batch of 23,000 ballots came in and every single one was for Biden. The odds of that not being fraud are 0.0000 %. The Republicans got a court order to able to watch the votes counted and they were prevented from entering the building.
Just a few years ago I would think all these claims of corruption would be BS. After what I saw the Dems did to Kavanaugh, Russia gate, the impeachment..I believe they are capable of anything.
"When it comes to the Narcissists and Sociopaths on the political Right, nearly every accusation and criticism…. …is a confession or an admission… — Nick Carmody JD, MS Psych (@Nick_Carmody) August 22, 2020" —…
"... After seeing Biden on TV just now I would be stunned if he made a year in office ..."
About a month ago in a press-briefing Kamala mentioned a Harris/Biden administration - a day or two later Joe said the same thing (Harris/Biden administration) - buy themselves they could have been gaffs/misspeaking but I wonder if they were trying to telepath their intentions.
The cynic in me tells me from the beginning Joe's main drive for being Prez is being Prez for a year or two and step down then cash in more than ever.
Many progressives are belly-aching it wasn't a landslide, and that they didn't take over the Senate - which goes to show that for them it wasn't just abut Trump, but about a complete power-grab to force their utopia and kick America to the curb - IMO the progressives are still gonna be just as hateful post-Trump as they were during Trump and I see a lot of the same issues going forward (if Biden is the Prez) especially if the Dems don't play ball with the Leftists or if the GOP Senate blocks their utopian-dream.
I watched both Trump and Biden before, Trump knows it's over he's just trying to kick up a bunch of dust, I hope Biden is a transitional President, it would be helpful to transition to a kinder time, and to have a president that isn't trying to break all oth the China in the cabinet.
Meanwhile, very quietly, House Republicans have gained 10 seats and lead in 10 of the 18 undecided seats. That’s not enough to take control but it’s within spitting distance. The Dem majority could be down to single digits.
House Dems had a meeting today and the moderates are pissed at the seats there are losing because of the radical left agenda.
If Trump loses ( and, I think it’s 50/50 at this point ), I expect he will start his own media empire. TV, radio, blogs, podcasts. What’s that line from Star Wars about striking down Obi Wan ?
I wonder how these pollsters were so wrong. Maybe it has to do with the fact that if you openly support Trump, you and your family are dragged out of your car and have the living fucking shit beat out of you by a roving street mob. Na that can’t be it.
It's more like 60/40 with Biden looking to seal it. I just miss the good old days where the losing candidate would concede with dignity and pride. I was hoping Trump would surprise us by following that ideal if/when the time comes. What was I thinking, lol.
I don’t recall anyone in American history getting as much incoming-artillery as Trump; so my first thought was that he’d lay-low for a while and regroup – supposedly he’s taken a big hit to his business-interests so I’d assume he’d want to rehabilitate that (if that is possible – the Trump name may be toxic for a large part of the population for years to come) – but then again laying-low is def not Trump’s M.O. so probably more likely he’ll still try to be in the limelight one way or another whether it’s thru media or maybe even politics in some capacity – some have even said he’d try to run again in 2024 but IDK how doable that would be and if he’d want to get in the line-of-fire again (plus he’d be 78 – he’s wealthy and may just want to spend that time playing golf).
I don't get bent out of shape about the polls at all - if the pollsters could call an election w/ specificity then they wouldn't need to be pollsters b/c they'd be so wealthy from betting on it - at the end of the day it's a prediction at best and predictions tend to have high failure-rates - trying to predict how 150+-million people will vote and how they think is mostly a fool's errand
Biden will be a transitional president. He will transition the US back to being China's bitch, like we were under Obama and Clinton.
When there is an opening on the Supreme Court, the president nominates someone to fill the seat. The Senate chooses when and how to consider the candidate, and whether or not to confirm the candidate. It's that simple, the President does not have a say in the process.
I hope that Trump continues to fight the standard corruption and fraud. The status quo has been broken for a while. There have just been too many discrepancies and reliable reporting about the same kind of blatant voter fraud and secret ballot counting. It has to stop. If the ship refuses to be righted, then it should be burned to the waterline.
As far as these vote rigging conspiracies, I don't disagree that some of what has happened smells a little fishy. But truth be told I'm guessing that there is a certain amount of this on both sides of the aisle. This multi-day vote counting crap is nonsense for sure.
But as someone who voted for Trump, I have to concede that it is becoming increasingly obvious that this was not Trump's year. He made surprising inroads into the Latino community, but alienated too many others, including suburban females and Independents who became concerned about his behavior and what he would do once he was no longer constrained by an upcoming election. I just hope that, once it becomes obvious and some of the legal challenges are settled, he concedes graciously. He could damage the Republican Party for years to come if he goes kicking and screaming.
If Trump starts acting in a way that will damage the Republican brand, others in the party will step in to do damage control. At the end of the day, when you strip away his power & media access, Trump is a 74 yr old man and quite easy to control/silence.
The people around Trump are afraid of Trump otherwise this would have been long over at this point Wonder how much fear he continues to inspire in the Republican Party once this sinks in My guess is they all go back to the denunciations they made prior to November 2016
This I don't agree with. Impeaching the President and other never-ending investigations cost them House seats this time around. If Pelosi has a lick of sense she'll steer clear of more of that crap.
With the notable exception of the President, who frankly fucked himself with his behavior, this election was a big win for Republicans in both Congress and in state elections. People have not been happy with the Dems on a number of policy fronts, including COVID lockdown policies, their never-ending fights against school choice for kids in failing schools, and their sharp veer to the left on social policies and chaos. Some of these themes will hang around their necks for years to come. If Trump doesn't fuck up the party's image over the next month or so, IMHO Republicans stand a good chance of completely taking over Congress in the next mid-term election cycle.
And skibum, people under 40 will be happy with their future. I'm sure when you were smoking weed at 25 you had some complaints about the direction the country was headed. Look at you now. Legal weed, loving wife, skiing and golfing when you want. Not too shabby, if you ask me.
Biden did the Republican Party a big favor, now they no longer need to defend the indefensible but they now have a real chance to become the big tent they always claimed to be, which was impossible as long as Trump was in there chasing everyone out that didn’t think he was the second coming of a messiah
@muddy “I wonder how these pollsters were so wrong. Maybe it has to do with the fact that if you openly support Trump, you and your family are dragged out of your car and have the living fucking shit beat out of you by a roving street mob. Na that can’t be it.”
So your theory is that all of the massive rally crowd going, MAGA hat wearing, boat parading, truck and flag waving, yard sign posting and red white and blue t shirt folks are afraid to talk to anonymous pollsters on the phone or fill out an internet survey?
If the fraudulent votes in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Las Vegas are allowed to pick our President, half the people in America will never again trust the election system. If so, that’s the end of our Republic. As Ben Franklin said “ A Republic, if you can keep it”. Our streak may end at 240 years.
@founder "Split Congress and a Swamp Zombie in the oval office."
True. But Republicans don't have the reputation for party loyalty that Democrats do. The thin margins in Congress do not guarantee that a few Repubs won't jump ship and support some radical legislation. Especially if they're spooked about Trump losing they will be more likely to do anything necessary to keep their cushy jobs. I've heard those chairs on Capital Hill feel really good on your ass.
@founder - “Jimmy, it's easy to be a Trump supporter in a literal sea of Trump supporters. I think what Muddy was talking about was a little different.”
I just don’t buy that the supporters who generated all those record enthusiasm statistics in the polls somehow also wouldn’t tell an anonymous pollster that they were voting for trump. The shy trump voter is a myth.
I think the argument that conservatives are less likely to answer an unknown number on their cell phone, like the trafalgar guy said, is a much more reasonable and likely explanation.
The Democrats in the Blue cities did what they always do. They shut down vote counting in the urban area until they knew exactly how many votes they needed to win. Then, in the dead of night, that exact number magically appeared while the poll watchers were out of the building.
This time, they may have gone too far. For example, about 16,000 votes appeared in Milwaukee in one batch and every single vote was for Biden. I look forward to them explaining that to the Judge.
If Trump had won ten million more votes legitimately, I have no doubt the Democrats would have discovered/manufactured 10,000,001 more votes.
It was always going to come down to this. The final battle. If Dems are allowed to get away with this, Trump will be our last Republican President.
The republic has failed. A nation is only as strong as its citizens, and the US is fucked. I'm over it.
The US was the greatest civilation in history, but 50% or more of the population is not interested in liberty, equality, and exceptionalism.
No other country has been as great as the US was, but the US is heading to be less than many other countries already are. We have failed our ancestors and our descendants.
Well , now that pot is legal in Arizona, I may need to return to my college lifestyle and enjoy life until the Democrats liberate my IRA to fund reparations and wind mills.
"Maybe it has to do with the fact that if you openly support Trump, you and your family are dragged out of your car and have the living fucking shit beat out of you by a roving street mob."
ay jonathan999 - i see you've been disliking a lot of viewpoints on this here site, including the above statement. so if you're driving your wife and kid(s) from point a to point (b) and you had some kind of leftist/democratic/anti-trump sign or sticker showing from your vehicle you would be more than ok if a bunch of protestors/rioters pounce on your car, try to drag you out and pounce the living shit of of you?
@mark94- I voted no on the pot referendum not because I'm against legal pot but because the new law comes with so many rules and regulations it will be worse than having it crimminalized.
In Philadelphia Republican poll watchers were not allowed to oversee the count as dictated by law - the Republicans got a court order that stated they'd be let in as per the law - the Philadelphia AG still refused to let Republican poll watchers to oversee the count - there was a video of this where the Philadelphia AG is telling Pam Bondi they will not be let in (as the law states) even with a judge order in hand - I saw the vid on TV but "for w/e reason" seems M.I.A. on social media.
In Michigan, they just discovered a “ software glitch” that gave 6,000 votes intended for Trump to Biden. That’s 33% of the votes in that county. The same software is used in 46 other counties in Michigan.
Just so everyone is aware of the background of the above source:
"ZeroHedge is a far-right financial blog, presenting staff-written articles and aggregating news and opinions from external sources. Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial analysis, including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric that has been associated with the US radical right and a pro-Russian bias.ZeroHedge's non-financial commentary has led to a number of Site bans by various global social media platforms."
Of course - at the end of the day nothing matters unless it can be proved - b/c it's alleged does not mean it's absolutely true but it does not mean it's absolutely false - one would think the software glitch thing is something that would not be that hard to verify either way (as long as the powers to be cooperate and don't erase evidence like the 27 cellphones of the Muller investigation)
Papi, you must agree that the conspiracy theories are running rampant right now by whichever side is losing at the moment. All I'm saying is that folks can't be so desperate for their side to win that they start believing (and perpetuating) all of the rhetoric. People need to stop grasping at far flung and unproven rhetoric and just ride this thing out.
Founder I just don't trust images or video that can easily be doctored, and isn't being reported anywhere else. There are just too many unscrupulous people on both sides with an agenda and an ax to grind against the opposition.
That clip is hardly objective. Surrounded by and delivered by Trump supporters on Fox news makes it highly suspicious to those of us looking for objectivity. If day the same thing if it was delivered with a bunch of Biden fans in the background on MSNBC. It can be argued that there really isn't any true objective news sources, but she are more obviously biased than others.
Trump was claiming election fraud two months ago. It seemly was part of his strategy. This election will likely be scrutinized at a level comparable to the Florida "dangling chad" fiasco. The good news about that is any irregularities should come to light. I have trouble believing wide scale multi-state election fraud exists in America. It goes against the very principles that make our society work, DEM or GOP.
Russian bias. LOL. After 4 years of claiming Russian collusion, have you people no shame ?
Lefties live in a world where news sources aligned with the Democrats are credible and everyone else is Fake News Russian Propagandists. It makes life simple when you don’t need to debate the facts but simply scream “ fake news” when you hear something inconsistent with your world view.
As I posted a day or two ago, it seems obvious how much anti-Trumpism there is (even from a # of Republicans which is practically unheard of for there to be that many defectors from any party) - given a 4-year "Russian collusion" that didn't yield shit and it may have been a hoax all along - given what we've seen on the streets and Dem politicians, and 90% of the media, taking the side of rioters and anarchists over the police and the safety of citizens, all b/c of their hate for Trump, including giving *any* support to whack shit like defunding and even aboliting the police and prisons, all that plus so many anti-American anti-Democratic shit going on; electoral fraud given all that has happened in the last few months does not see as much of a stretch in today's climate.
The Democrat scheme has been obvious for months 1. Implement mail in ballots that put millions of extra, unreliable ballots into the environment 2. Harvest those ballots and warehouse them until Election Day 3. Keep poll watchers away from the vote counting areas. 4. Bring those fraudulent ballets in through the back door in the quantities needed to elect Biden 5. Get your friends in social media and news to block any stories about fraud. 6. The instant the vote counts show Biden in the lead, and before the votes can be scrutinized, have media declare Biden the winner and ridicule anyone who calls the count into question.
We are about to enter stage 6, maybe even later today.
Then, stage 7 takes place
7. Audit the vote counting and ask the courts for mitigation when fraud is found.
I trust that Trump has been planning for stage 7 for months. That’s where the future of America will be determined. Eventually, all of these cases will find their way to the Supreme Court.
Papi, your only telling one side of the story, and it's obvious that it's peppered with emotion. The opposition has their own versions to tell as well, and it's sad that the divide in this country is so extreme. I can't see any healing until we find common ground. That seems a million miles away now.
In most states, it is the responsibility of the state legislature to name the representatives to the Electoral College. It’s within their power, if they believe fraud had taken place, to name representatives pledged to Trump even though the fraudulent vote totals indicate Biden had won. Just saying....
"... your only telling one side of the story, and it's obvious that it's peppered with emotion ..."
Whether it's peppered or not peppered with emotion does not change the facts of what's happened - Hillary, and many of the Dems, have been calling the 2016 election "illegitimate" from the beginning and the Dems have tried to take down Trump even b/f the 2016 election once he became the Republican nominee (including impeachment on what appears to be a hoax from the beginning) - the Dems are all down for calling a Republican win illegitimate but now want Trump "to take the high road' and concede given all the fishy stuff that is going on.
===> "It’s within their power, if they believe fraud had taken place, to name representatives pledged to Trump even though the fraudulent vote totals indicate Biden had won. Just saying...."
Dude you need to back away from the ledge now. You do not want a world where state legislatures start taking election results into their own hands. What goes your way one election could go against you the next.
Those aren't magical overnight turns, Mr Trump poo pooed the vote by mail, as a result all of those true blue Trump followers voted in person, in many of the states that you are claiming magical overnight turns the mail ballots are as a matter of law or practicality counted after the regular vote, as a result all of those Biden votes are in the last batches to be counted. Now we won't even get into the reason that so many voted by mail but let me give y'all a quick heads up, we are still in the middle of a pandemic in case some of you have forgotten and one of the recommendations to avoid Covid-19 was to stay out of crowded rooms, this is a real result of the way Mr. Trump tried to avoid responsibility for his handling of the pandemic, which like it or not was and still is one of the major disputes of this election. Oh yes just a little reminder 120+ Thousand new corona virus infections yesterday.
For much of our history, state legislators selected the US Senators. Direct election of Senators is a modern process. The theory was that legislators, as the people’s representative, were better positioned to select someone who would represent the state.
Mark, since 1914 every U.S. Senator, with the exception of special appointments, has been elected by popular vote. Since 1836 every state has had a popular vote process for determining which Electors would vote for the President. The notion of going back to those times is ludicrous. But even if a state legislature wished to pass laws allowing, it is highly questionable whether any of them could do so retroactively.
If Trump loses but Republicans keep the Senate, this is my best case, optimistic view of the next 4 years. - The Senate blocks attempts to increase taxes or install Socialistic programs. -The Senate investigates Biden/China plus 2020 election fraud - Trump has high visibility and keeps his followers energized - The incompetence of Biden and Kamala is fully revealed - Republicans regain the House and increase Senate seats in 2022. - Mitch freezes every judicial appointment just because he fucking can - We use what we learned in 2020 to win back the Whitehouse in 2024.
Though only passed and ratified early in the 20th century, the argument for the 17th amendment began during the effort to ratify the US Constitution. Broadsheet flyers issued by dissenting delegates to the federal convention, in part, argued for the DIRECT election of senators as well as congressmen. So, hardly, a MODERN idea.
That didn't come to pass until 1912-13 but other amendment arguments resulted in the ten amendments passed by the new congress you know as the Bill of Rights.
Incidentally, having a solid majority of conservatives on the Supreme Court will likely be a bigger influence than anything a Democrat House can do over the next 4 years. They are positioned to roll back decades of progressive court rulings.
If the GOP does successfully keep control of the senate it is a virtual certainty that Mitch and his band of merry senators will re-establish their 2008 Obama strategy: OBSTRUCT, OBSTRUCT, FULMINATE, CONCEAL THEIR UTTER LACK OF 'CONSERVATIVE' PRINCIPLES AND CONSTRUCTIVE IDEAS WITH HARASSING INVESTIGATIONS, and OBSTRUCT.
So yes this will be the strategy to win back power in 2022 and 2024. Showing the same lack of any bipartisanship while vociferously complaining that its the Dems fault. Play to Trump Magats and fuck the rest of us.
In remarks resembling an attack on democratic elections, rather than a presidential speech, President Donald Trump doubled down on his campaign pledge: “The only way we can lose, in my opinion, is massive fraud.”
In his Nov. 5 comments, he offered no evidence for the “illegal votes” that he claimed would need to be counted in order for former Vice President Joe Biden to win the election. He offered several false, misleading and baseless claims instead.
We’ll go through Trump’s claims about voting in several states, beginning with Pennsylvania. But readers can skip ahead by clicking on the links for the other states:
If the GOP can keep the Senate, this will help Biden and the non-leftists Dems be able to keep the leftists Dems somewhat in check - if the Dems get the Senate, the leftists in the party are gonna push to the brink to get all they want (which has been their plan all along and why they are so pissed they were not able to (for now) get the Senate)
The Supreme Court can also serve as a significant check on Biden extremes. Much of what they want to do is not constitutional. One hundred years ago, most of the income redistribution, welfare benefits, and business regulation we now have would have been ruled unconstitutional. An originalist court could really shake things up.
@mark94-you are assuming way too much in an effort to try to salvage something in what is probably going to be a Trump loss. Maybe it's what you need to get you thru this stressful time, but you are really stretching it. Go have a beer and chill out.
Here’s a pretty good synopsis of the election fuckery that is afoot. Biden supporters will want to avoid reading this because it’s not one of your certified news sources.
You can believe what you want but there is no factual basis for your delusions. Trumps allegations are a diversionary tactic to hide his ineptitude in handling the pandemic stimulus etc
Wisconsin House speaker orders immediate review of election results…
I believe that Republicans control the state legislature in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. These legislatures have oversight power of all election procedures in the state plus the responsibility to name appointees to the electoral college.
Could this have been Trumps planned response all along ?
New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has requested the immediate assembly of a political enemies list so the far-left can target Trump supporters. Not surprisingly former President Obama’s data-assembly lead, Michael Simon, affirms the list is already being assembled, calling it the Trump Accountability Project.
George W. Bush’s legal team in the 2000 Florida ballot count Supreme Court case included current Supreme Court justices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Trump has... Rudy Giuliani? Good luck, Donald. 🍿
The Republicans will control the Senate for sure. They will have 50 within the next few days once NC and AK confirm and with 2 runoff elections in GA on Jan 5 that will surely break their way, that number will be 52.
I think it would be a grave mistake for the Senate to start running the same sort of investigation tactics used by the Dems. People are sick of it and it was part of the reason why the Dems lost House seats. Trump did not lose because of investigations, he lost because he behaved erratically.
But the Senate will not be the only check on Biden. Nancy Pelosi is going to have her hands full with a very slim majority with very divergent views. To get anything passed she is absolutely going to need the cooperation of the Blue Dog Dems, who are pissed off right now because they bore the brunt of the House Dem election losses. And if Biden tries to get crazy with Executive Orders, we have a well constructed Supreme Court to put a stop to it.
Wall Street seems just fine with Sleepy Joe,, best week for the market in months Stocks are breathing a sigh of relief soon they won’t be on a hairs edge every time POTUS decides to tweet or retweet some nonsense
The same software that caused the Biden-favoring software glitch in Michigan is used in many of the other swing states. It got an unusual software “upgrade” the day before the election. Could be nothing, but worth looking into.
===> "Wall Street seems just fine with Sleepy Joe,, best week for the market in months"
That week was actually attributed to the Republicans holding the Senate and weakening Dems in the House. The markets were happy because the prospects of huge tax increases, absurd stifling green policies, universal healthcare and other economy killing proposals are essentially DOA now.
^ thats your interpretation not necessarily correct and Wall Street is not sweating the election they actually prefer divided government to this administration
The House could end up with just a 5-10 representative majority for the Democrats. That means it would only take 3-5 switchers to give the majority to Republicans. There are several times that many Pelosi-hating Democrat congressmen.
The election doesn’t need to be certified, at the State level, until December 12. Despite all the news media’s proclamation of Biden as winner, that’s the real deadline. That gives state legislatures and the DOJ a month to dig into election irregularities.
Actually, there is a lot of factual basis being discovered on a daily basis. Your statement might more accurately read “ according to CNN, there is no factual basis for the election theft that clearly took place”
Scott Adams has a unique take on the elections. He’s doing a live stream. I’ll post a link when available. Here are the salient points:
-There is an army of autistics working behind the scenes to identify all anomalies in the election results. If something funny is going on, they will find it.
-Most of the stories we are hearing about election fraud, like dead people voting and fake ballots, are almost certainly false or trivial. No one could sway an election this way without getting caught.
- There is only one way that an election can be stolen without being detected. That requires hacking the election software in some way. The software would be smart enough to nudge the vote in the least-detectable way.
- The software that is used to count ballots in all swing states is provided by Dominion software, a private software company based in Canada.
-Because it’s proprietary software, no one outside Dominion has access to the code. Plus, as is true with any large software system, only 1 or 2 people within Dominion would have a full understanding of the entire system.
-The CIA has hacked election systems in other countries ( code named Hammer ) in the past, so it can be proven that such a thing is possible.
-It is certain that foreign governments will attempt to gain influence over any system that controls elections. It might take them years to do it but, eventually, some interested party will be successful in blackmailing or bribing the company. That’s what intelligence agencies do best.
- It may be impossible to discover whether the Dominion software was hacked or influenced within a matter of weeks.
- The Supreme Court is not technically able to evaluate whether software has been hacked and does not want to pick a President. However, if credible doubts are raised, it is likely to push the decision back to state legislatures. That is how the election system was designed to operate within the Constitution.
-All the state legislatures in the swing states are Republican.
@daveanderson “Harris/ Biden will never have legitimacy. No more legitimacy than Maduro in Venezuela. Thats simply the facts.”
If you’ve been wrapping yourself in the flag and red, white and blue tshirts these last four years you should just burn them. You are undermining democracy. More people will have voted for Biden/Harris than any other ticket. Ever. In one of the highest voter turnout percentage elections in recent history. They will be the most legitimate Pres/VP ever. Sure, go ahead and wait until the votes are certified and your guy runs through all his challenges, but it looks like he’s already lost. Once the bipartisan state governments certify all of the ballots and all this conspiracy shit is put to rest, it will be inescapable that Biden won. If you deny it, you will be as unamerican as you’ve no doubt accused the libs these last four years.
This has been a good election for me. All the state propositions that were important to me, went the way I wanted -- CA shot down affirmative action again (shocking, right?), made gig workers contractors, kept cash bail, looks like it's on its way to not rolling back proposition 13 to increase taxes for corporations.
On the national scene, Trump is out (as a never trumper, I'm fine with that), but Republicans probably keep the senate to keep the progressives from doing much real harm until 2022, when Republicans likely re-take the house as well, unless by some miracle Biden keeps the progressive arm in check. Americans do not want to shut down ice, defund the police, etc., so if he can't keep the lid on that, 2022-2024 see Republicans in both houses.
Fake news CNN just projected Biden as the winner. He’s ahead by 31k votes in PA with 90k votes left to count, most in the philly suburbs and expected to pad the lead. Orange man still has a chance but it’s bleak for him. Btw, it looks like he’s going to play golf today. It is pretty nice here. 30 days of lawsuits should be fun.
And we shot down rent control too. Basically, Californians voted the opposite way that the legislature, governor, and media told us we had to vote, and the way all good progressives are supposed to vote. Really surprising.
FOX just announced the Biden win with 290. Gave both NV and PA to Biden. It is a stretch to think recounts are going to overturn the multiple states needed for Trump. Down to the tin foil hat crowd that thinks solar flares corrupted the software in favor of Biden.
“But it was ok Mark for Trump to declare himself the winner on election night?
Sure. That’s very different than declaring its “official”. Biden is not officially President Elect until the state legislatures certify the vote, name the designers to the electoral college, and the electoral college votes. That’s official. Neither Trump, Biden, nor Wolf Blitzer can make it official through proclamation.
Here's a need flash for you, mark94. You can stay in denial all you want to. The fact is that your candidate lost. Accept it and move on with your life.
I’m not in denial. Maybe the electoral college decides on Trump. Maybe it decides on Biden. I can’t predict. What I can tell you is that all this talk about Biden “officially” winning reveals a deep ignorance about our Constitution.
We'll have to see what happens. There should be a much stronger chance of bipartisanship discussions with Biden than there ever was with Trump. That's what many of us are really hoping for.
Got it Mark. “Your” down to quibbling over grammar and that some guy on a strip club message board said it is “official” based on the projections. Keep hanging onto that thread. That’s why we love you.
As the official spokesman for the pro-Trump Americans, let me tell you that any call from Biden for Bipartisanship after the last 4 years, will be me with a hearty “ Fuck you and the horse you rode in on”.
To be fair Founder, Trump never made an attempt to win over the other side. Indeed, he went out of his way to accentuate the divide and energize his base. The libs to their own disservice just bought into his BS. I truly hope we become more united. That’s why Biden won the nomination and what he is saying he wants to do. With the republicans likely controlling the senate, it hopefully is the logical course for us. It will be nice to be able to go back to fighting Russia Iran N Korea and China and not each other. I didn’t like the tariffs, but I do like that Trump took China head on.
“Trump won a record number of Black, Hispanic, and Muslim votes. By far. He had around double the votes from these groups of any Republican before him.”
I was talking about Democrats. It is telling that you consider “the other side” to be blacks Hispanics and Muslims.
Favorite trumpist tactic. Put words in someone else’s mouth and then argue against that point. Sure, I give him credit for getting those votes. He never reached across the aisle to try and unify the country. Instead, he worked hard to keep us divided. That was and is still my point.
Unifying the country and reaching across the political aisle are not synonymous. Trump pushed criminal justice reform, established economic empowerment zones in urban areas, funded HBCUs, and brought black and Hispanic unemployment down to record lows, pre CoVid. Those are historic unifying acts.
As a result, Pelosi and Schumer declared Trump was a racist. That is not unifying.
Whatever. My post was lots of words talking about the other side being republicans and democrats and my own hope that the senate leads our country to unity. You took the conversation to race. Thanks to the lack of an edit button, our words are there forever. Take from them what you will. I know I can’t convince you that we are all one country.
Government of the people, by the people, and for the people has vanished from the Earth. The second-most corrupt democrat party candidate in history may become the most corrupt person to assume the presidency. We fought the swamp, but the swamp is fighting back for its life.
There are a lot of lies being spread by the democrat party and corrupt mainstream media, so let's set a few things straight. Biden does not have a mandate for climate change, or any made-up bogeyman of systemic racism. He barely won in the swing states. 49% of the country gave him a mandate to work with Republicans.
The democrat party was largely rejected by voters. They have not yet officially won the white house. They have not won the Senate. They lost seats in the house. Two state legislatures flipped to Republican control. Still doubt they have a mandate to work with Republicans.
If Biden is inaugurated, the Republicans will be held to account for holding Biden and the democrat party accountable. The days of weak Republicans like McCain and Paul are over. Republican voters will not forget how liberals behaved the past four years.
Jimmy- mark94 is like one of those glitchy heavily pixilated videos on an endless loop.... kind of like the ones they used to play in clubs back in the 90's. It's useless to try and break thru. But kudos for trying.
Lol. I even gave trump credit for taking on China in that same post. I’ll keep the olive branch out there. I’m a republican and a moderate, though in our board demographic that makes me a dirty lib because I reject trump.
While NV was dilly-dallying as the swing vote, PA stepped up, slipped a benji in the vote's g-string and took it away :P
On serious note, I didn't vote Trump in 2016 and give him credit for doing a better job than anticipated, likewise didn't vote Biden this time around and hope he does a better job than expected. Step one for him: don't die.
@JimmyMcNulty Trump ran with dems for years before switching sides. So it's okay to be a proud republican and reject Trump! He doesn't represent the entire party, and now that he lost it's time to focus on building up another candidate for 2024 that can actually hold two terms.
Well about time this election is over. Trump needs to concede and step away, all he is doing now by pitching the rigged election is suppressing future republucans from voting. on the bright side the dems no longer have trump to blame if their cities continue to burn.
Give it a rest, Mark, and accept the outcome. Democrats are more concerned about Covid and were less likely to vote in person. The mail ins were counted last and were largely democratic, which flipped many states.
As far as MI goes, it was projected blue and acted accordingly. Its biggest counties, for the majority, are left leaning. That is why the blue flip happened "overnight." Mail in ballots from places like Wayne and Oakland county were reported. These are blue areas and some of the more populous in MI. MI has been reliably blue for like 20+ years besides 2016. It makes sense.
It’s 2 months until Inauguration Day. How about we spend a week, or two, or three, finishing the vote count and auditing the results. Right now, half the country doesn’t trust the results. Why is the other half so anxious to declare victory and avoid investigating the accusations ?
Everyone wants unity. Okay, here’s how we get it. Have an audit team check the math. Audit the software that caused glitches in at least 2 states. Do a sampling of the ballots to prove no funny business. Assuming everything is correct, invest a little time and effort to reassure the entire population.
Or, the media could jam this result down the throats of the great unwashed. If so, watch what happens next.
---------------------------- That sounds a lot like a prediction of violence in the streets, but you can correct me if I'm wrong. I've been saying for months that Republicans were oblivious to the polls and ignoring the fact that Trump was likely to lose.
It's impossible to argue with conspiracy theorists. If the Dems were smart enough to rig the presidential vote in their favor, it's a mystery why they didn't also cheat the Senate races and the Senate majority in their favor. What counts is that GOP leaders, especially in the Senate, need to speak out and put an end to questioning the election's validity. That's yet to happen. The longer they wait, the more it gets entrenched with conspiracy-theory nutcases.
Based on past experience and the current margins the odds of anything getting flipped are essentially zero. It was all but over on Thursday but the media showed a ton of restraint not calling it sooner
Ha. How the tables have turned. It was Trump himself saying the nation deserved to know the results on Election Day. Now it’s the media who wants to hurry? He lost. You may not like it. Everyone knows it. Founder asked that the few of us Biden supporters act like we’ve been there after eating all of your shit for four years. You make it so hard.
That sounds a lot like a prediction of violence in the street
If I were a leftie, it probably would be. Have you noticed who has been burning down our cities ? Classic projection to assume Trump supporters would turn to violence. We won’t, no matter how much you’d like that.
If Biden steals the election, Trump will spend the next 4 years firing up, and expanding, his base. Stadium tours. Probably his own TV network. Before he leaves office, he will make public thousands of documents revealing how China bought off Biden.
Republicans will easily take back the House and gain Senate seats in 2022. They’ll gain massively at the State level as well. Turtle will refuse to add any judges as the old liberals die off. No legislation will pass. Trump tax rates will stay in place. No funding for the Green New Deal.
Blue cities will burn while UHauls head to Texas and Florida. The percent of homeless, illegals, and welfare recipients in New York, California, and Illinois will trend toward 100%.
Look guys, I'll say it again: Trump lost because he was simply too erratic and hard for some people to stomach, including some who even liked his positions. Honestly I had to hold my nose to vote for him this time around. Those fucking self promotional Tweets were fucking painful at times.
I say all of this as someone who has never voted Blue in his life and probably never will. While I liked his policies enough to vote for him, I couldn't stand the guy as a human being. In an era where all it takes is a small percentage of Independents and moderates to swing an election, it's not enough to pander to your base, which is what he did. He needed to make himself palatable to people sitting closer to the middle of the road and he failed to do that.
So now we are looking at 4 years of what will likely be an impotent Biden Presidency, especially in the first two. Let the games begin.
If you think Hillary or Trump were bad, wait until you get the real President in place, Kamala Harris. High taxes, freebies all around and best of all.....blowjobs for promotions will be back !!!
Now the demented old man is convinced he is being surveiled by the government. The poor guy needs to be Baker Acted, but then his 27 cats will starve and go feral (again).
Trump is only a few years younger than Biden so there is no indication that he would make it another 4 years either. Some of you guys refuse to see the forest for the trees.
Jimmy when you watch any video of these riots, brawls, which side is the one the getting physically assaulted? We all know the answer and it's not close. I can only think one where it's opposite, in Oregon and they were arrested on the spot. You'd have to have some balls to walk around in LA or NYC with a MAGA hat on. Your dealing with a bunch of children on that side and honestly it's nobodies business who I voted for, I know how vindictive the far left can be. I'm sure other's feel the same way. I don't trust any media.
Joe Biden, presumed the winner of the presidential election according to mainstream media networks, issued a call for “unity” Saturday evening after a bruising campaign in which he had compared President Donald Trump to Nazis, including Adolf Hitler.
Chris Hayes blamed “thousands” of “just normal Republican staffers” for killing Americans through the coronavirus pandemic, even as Joe Biden called for “unity” in a nationally-televised victory address Saturday evening.
This is what we have to look forward to for the next 4 years if Biden is allowed to steal the election. Wrongthink will be a crime prosecuted by the media.
"The Republicans got a court order to able to watch the votes counted and they were prevented from entering the building."
A Trump campaign lawyer admitted before a federal judge on Thursday that observers for the campaign were allowed to watch ballot canvassing in Philadelphia, after they claimed in court and the President's supporters alleged they were being deprived unfairly.
But the federal judge was having none of it, instead asking Philadelphia city officials to confirm Democrats and Republicans were being treated fairly to watch the ballot-counting and that they were allowed to watch the ballot counting in the city from six feet away.
When the judge pressed the Trump campaign lawyer if there were observers in the room from the campaign, the lawyer, Jerome Marcus, said, "There's a non-zero number of people in the room."
The judge, Paul Diamond of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a George W. Bush appointee, also pointed out he believed the President's case appeared to have no reason to be in federal court, and even cracked a joke that the lawyer "shouldn't quit his day job" when the campaign handed the judge a hand-drawn map of the ballot counting room.
After the judge confirmed the parties would have the same number of observers in the room, he dismissed the Trump campaign's request because it was moot.
I was just locked out of Facebook in real time. Anyone who says anything about this "ekevyion" was "free and fair" by basic international standards is full if complete shit.
Yes, Philadelphia was allowing observers in the room. Behind a fence. Twenty five feet from where the votes were being counted. But, oh yes, they were in the room. And, they could observe. Just not very well.
Is that the kind of unity and compassion we can expect from Joe and Kamala. ? For 4 years, 25 has told us how rude Donald Trump was. According to 25, we needed to replace him with someone kinder, better, more enlightened. Someone just like 25. A better class of human being. Now, we see what 25 really wanted. Power !
^ If you'd stop with the bullshit and shut the fuck up at this point it's really enough, funny how you love to dish it out but when you get it back you don't like it, the election is over the votes have been counted don't like it too fucking bad I don't care for your incessant bullshit.You are just a fucking crybaby.
Covid cannot be cured before the inauguration. Why not? 1) Not all results are certified yet. Trump's campaign still has a chance to stop the fraud. 2) A cure now would still be a Trump victory, a Trump adminstration accomplishment. 3) After January 23, ut can be hailed as a Biden first 100 days accomplishment.
Btw, cure is a misnomer. Expect vaccines only, so that drug companies can get that annual revenue forecast to keep buying democrat party lawmakers.
@twentyfive- some here have waaaaay too much time on their hands. But I'm guessing that you realized that already and are just having fun with the stalking now.
25, as the resident intellectual, could you help us ignorant folk find the section of the constitution that gives Wolf Blitzer final say in who is officially president ? Someone once told me that the state legislators select an electoral college to vote on this but, apparently that’s wrong. Also, remind me when Founder gave you authority to determine what thoughts can be shared on this forum and by whom.
I have no problem with most, you on the other hand have just been an asswipe throughout this entire process, most folks just have their own opinion, you just keep pushing pure propaganda over and over, even though you know better. Tell us the truth Mark, do you really believe half of what you say here, if you do you must be a very lonely guy.
So, if we’re doing psych evaluations on each other, here’s my take. You are a bully. You are used to getting your way in the business world. You are just smart enough that you can use aggression to win business.
You are not well liked, at least by your employees. You think they like you because they are afraid to speak up. Behind your back, they call you an asshole. You push around your employees. You never admit a mistake. It’s always someone else’s fault.
You probably have some clients who bring you repeat business. That’s because you will do whatever it takes to keep them happy, including bending the rules. These clients don’t think much of you as a human being but they pretend they do to maintain the business relationship.
You have a high opinion of yourself, at least outwardly. Inside, you fear being discovered for the fraud you are. The clinical term is narcissism.
Your kids either fear you or hate you. As they’ve gotten older,they spend less time with you. You think that’s natural. It’s not.
2016 Trump wins 306 electoral college votes and is announced as President Elect. Liberals whine and cry. Blame Russian interference. Trump = Not My President
2020 Biden wins 306 electoral college votes (if GA holds) and is announced as President Elect. Conservatives whine and cry. Blame bugging software, extended vote counts, massive systemic fraud, and anything else they can come up with. Harris/ Biden = ILLEGITIMATE
Meanwhile, moderates/centrists, ie the majority of Americans, shake their heads in disbelief. What ever happened to being a gracious loser?
Typical of you Mark attack my family because you don't like what I said you are a stupid fuck really, my relationship with my family is just fine actually there are people posting here that know me personally so what you say is just more of the same old shit.
As far as this crap about the election being fraudulent or rigged or deep state controlled, or any of the rest of the stupid allegations let me respond by saying this election was better overall for Republicans and y'all know it, so explain to me how that part is legitimate but the vote to get rid of Trump was rigged was fraudulent GTFOH.
How can anyone be surprised by a Biden win? Have you stepped outside and seen the impact of the Trump regime on people's lives? He ran the country into the ground and enough sane people see it. Even Republicans see it given the strong Republican showings in the elections.
There's no need for conspiracy theories and delusions to explain things. People have just had enough of Trumps ineptitude.
If we're analyzing people on here..... I think someone so sheltered theyre throwing sround paranoid delusions about why Trump lost shouldn't bebdoing it. But might need professional psychological help. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed up.
Here is just one example. Pennsylvania law clearly says that any votes received after Election Day are not to be counted. Philadelphia counted all of them anyway. Justice Scalia has ordered Pennsylvania to keep these ballots separate. There are clearly 5 Justices on the Supreme Court ready to invalidate these ballots. Without them, Trump wins. That brings Biden down to 270.
This isn’t even a close call. It’s a black and white interpretation of the law, with a 6-3 conservative majority ready to interpret it.
There are dozens of other legal issues in half a dozen states that can give Trump victory. No matter how much the media screams, these legal challenges continue.
Scalia Died in 2016, I believe the judge;s name is Alito but thats really a moot point,the ballots returned after election day were segregated, election officials have emphatically stated that there are not enough ballots in the segregated group to alter the results, this is what I mean Mark about you are full of shit, you are deliberately twisting the facts that are known, additionally, the supreme court would not have any reason to rule on this case as it involves state law and unless state law is found unconstitutional the Pa. courts ruling will apply
mark94- of course you are free to believe whatever you want to. But you're not changing anyone's else's mind here. There will always be conspiracy theory believers and they seem to be the most vocal while the rest of the world celebrates and accepts the path we are now on.
The results of the elections really only changed far..on a very small scale. Many of the down ballot votes didn't bring in the big change everyone was talking about. The Senate has a run-off coming up.
Some Republicans picked up seats in the House and many state-wide initiatives were status quo. Party philosophies didn't really gain or lose any ground. The only thing that happened was that No.45 was defeated and won't accept it. He go 70 million votes. His opponent got 75 million. That's not a big change in thinking.
Whether we like it or not, the Framers of The System designed the operation to be Centric instead of "Left" or "Right." An extreme personality on the top doesn't enable the system to function properly. So that personality had to be excised. This country is very traditional-leaning in a lot of ways. But in order for those values to benefit folk, humanity has to take a front seat.
We have to learn to fight fair and realize, in the end, nobody gets everything they want. Until that simple notion is realized, substantial progress won't happen. Like it or not, good politicians have to be good negotiators.
@mark “Pennsylvania law clearly says that any votes received after Election Day are not to be counted. Philadelphia counted all of them anyway. Justice Scalia has ordered Pennsylvania to keep these ballots separate. There are clearly 5 Justices on the Supreme Court ready to invalidate these ballots. Without them, Trump wins. That brings Biden down to 270.“
Everything that’s been reported is that there are about 2k votes that were postmarked before Election Day and received by Friday. Biden is ahead by 41k votes with about 70k left to count. The 2k votes were ordered by the US Supreme Court to be segregated and have not been counted yet This case could go back before the US Supreme Court (it was 4-4 last month). It would be a bit messy since they refused to overturn the PA Supreme Court which made the 3 day rule. You’d have voters who mailed by Election Day based on what the court ruled. Could the US SCT overturn it? Yeah, but it would screw over voters who relied on the law at the time they voted. I think Scalia especially would have a tough time doing that.
===> "There are clearly 5 Justices on the Supreme Court ready to invalidate these ballots. Without them, Trump wins. That brings Biden down to 270."
Umm, Mark, you do realize that with 270 votes, Biden still wins, no? 😀
Dude, he lost. Let it go. It sucks for sure, but a prolonged battle and more hyperbole in fighting the obvious will just hurt the Republican Party in both the GA Senate runoffs and the next general election. Unless he has concrete evidence of mass fraud in multiple states, he would do us all a favor by conceding graciously.
We have to start taking a longer view now. The Dems will no doubt do plenty to fuck themselves in the coming four years. With the extreme elements now holding such influence in the party they just can't help themselves. It would be really nice if we didn't give them our own crazy ass behavior to counter with, especially when the midterms roll around in a couple of years.
Biden might win in the end. But, he hasn’t yet. An audit of the vote and legal challenges are always part of the process. For 240 years, state legislatures have served as a circuit breaker in the event of fraud.
For some reason, this time around, Biden and his allies are very anxious to avoid the scrutiny that is typical. I wonder why.
I believe the vote count for Joe and the Ho is illegitimate. Can I prove it? No... But the crazy Dems couldn't prove Russian collusion either and many people still believed in that BS. Hopefully the Republicans keep the Senate and limit the damage from the liberal idiots.
So, here’s a math perspective. Trump has initiated ten or more lawsuits to invalidate large chunks of ( in my opinion ) invalid votes. All he needs to do is win one lawsuit in a state to win that state. If he wins two lawsuits, he captures the election.
With a conservative Supreme Court ready to overturn lower court opinions, what are the odds that Trump can win 2 out of 10 lawsuits ? The Democrats need to bat over .800 to win. Trump just needs to bat .200.
@mark94- I guess you are to be commended for unwavering commitment, but you have some serious credibility issues, to say nothing of your overly vocal attempts to convince the unconvinable to believe your rhetoric. Or maybe you're just trying to convince yourself. At this point it really doesn't matter.
@Founder. Fundamentally, and practically, I agree with you. The team in power can't use that to rig an election and the blood on the streets would be crazy.
However, if the shoe were on the other foot, the mainstream and social media would be all in for Biden to overturn this. It's very hard to win nationally when your message is limited to a small number of outlets. Still, the groundswell of support for the ideas won't die and will become stronger by the next election.
If Biden stole the election ( and, I’ll admit we don’t know at the moment, but there are many red flags ) and he is allowed to become President, it is literally the end of our Republic. No one would ever trust anyone in authority again. The Rule of Law would end. Everything about our society would change.
At this point, the only outcome that doesn’t cause massive disruption is if it can be shown that Biden won legitimately. For that to happen, a genuine review needs to take place of the many anomalies in the election data. So, let’s not paper over all the questions that have arisen. Time for some sunlight.
"So, here’s a math perspective. Trump has initiated ten or more lawsuits to invalidate large chunks of ( in my opinion ) invalid votes. All he needs to do is win one lawsuit in a state to win that state. If he wins two lawsuits, he captures the election.
With a conservative Supreme Court ready to overturn lower court opinions, what are the odds that Trump can win 2 out of 10 lawsuits ? The Democrats need to bat over .800 to win. Trump just needs to bat .200."
I just noticed that the silent mute jonathan999 disagreed with this message. i guess he doesn't like mathematics and/or baseball.
"if it can be shown that Biden won legitimately" No, it is up to Trump to prove this MASSIVE fraud he has been talking about for the past few months. Sure there may be some errors uncovered on audit / recount. Out 145 million votes cast there are bound to be, but I will be surprised if they disproportionately favor either candidate. Biden won the same way Trump won before him,by getting the most votes in the swing States that decide our elections. I think his plan all along has been to bullshit his way into States selecting Electors favoring him while disregarding the outcome of that States voters because of the imaginary "massive fraud".
Trump Derangement Syndrome = A medical condition afflicting Trump supporters who can't accept the fact that Trump lost bigly and will be leaving the White House shortly. Condition may improve in 4 to 8 years.
“Joe Biden is not our president-elect by any standard. This fiction was created by the media's projection/proclamation Saturday morning of his "victory" in highly-contested Pennsylvania, by celebratory marches in the streets by leftist mobs, and then by NBC and the other networks breaking into otherwise enjoyable football games to air Biden's presumptuous "acceptance" speech.
Fooled again, America. There is no 'president-elect' until December 14th at the earliest, when the electoral college "meets." In 2000, the Supreme Court didn't render their decision on Florida's decisive electoral votes until December 12.
We have no "president-elect" at the moment and anyone who says so is a liar. And anyone who echoes this lie is a fool or a coward. Or worse.”
Incomplete thought above, and I don't give enough of a damn to complete it. I do think that the Nov 3 elections were bungled badly enough that they should be invalidated. The country should move as directed in the Constitution and allow Congress to pick the Pres and VP, in 2020 alone. We need to then focus on a bipartisan and honest, comprehensive investigation, with complete transparency, to understand what happened in 2020.
Both parties are so focused on winning, that they no longer care about how the electorate voted. Am I the only one who sees this as completely contradictory to a democratically elected representative rwpiblic?
Was there voter fraud probably, should trump concede definitely. The dollar was the world currency because the US avoided election drama like this. The longer this drags on the more people lose faith in the dollar, a win for trump is not necessarily a win for America. If Trump was not cheating too is he even trying? Buy bitcoin or something that stores value if you want trump to win.
For 4 years, Democrats did everything and anything to discredit a duly elected President. They called him Hitler and his followers racists and Neo nazis. Then, last week, they carried out what appears to be the most blatant fraud in the history of US elections. In fact, the fraud was so blatant that they have been caught red handed. Evidence is being uncovered, testimony gathered, affidavits signed. We are weeks, maybe just days, away from all of this fraud being exposed and documented.
Now, the Democrats announce that Republicans should stop being partisan. Accept the verdict of the media. Stop asking questions. Stop gathering evidence. Surrender for the good of the country. Sit back and enjoy it.
Mark94, I sincerely hope the days of the GOP bending over for the good of [the democrat voters in] the nation are over. Just as Trump ended the days of the USA bending over and taking it for the good of the "global community."
Donald Trump: Make America Great Again. Keep America Great.
Joe Biden: Make China Great Again. One China, One System. Make Mexico Work More Again. Make Europe the Global Leaders Again. Make America a Bitch Again.
See, 25iq still has no logical arguments to rebut those who disagree with him. All his demented brain has left are ad hominem attacks and insults. Yet, he hates Trump for the same?
25iq, do you realize that by voting democrat as a communist, youbare citing against youself? The Squad, and the democrat party majority, wants BDS to become official foreign and domestic policy? Kissing their butt and swearing fealty isn't going to save you. And you call Trump voters "Nazis". You poor, demented, old fool.
So the big news of the day seems to be that the Republicans could lose the Senate, after having flipped a bunch of House seats. Nothing unusual about that. Everybody votes for a Republican Congressman and a Democrat Senator, especially in the divided political climate we've been experiencing lately.
Oh, and Phizer announces a miracle vaccine, far better and more effective than anyone even hoped for, one day after Biden is declared the winner. Wow, that Joe Biden really gets things done.
This is exactly how things tend to go in a legitimate election, fair and square. Nothing to worry about here. It must be true, because even the media says so.
^How many threads are you going to follow me across little one I know there’s a room available rent free in your head, but sonny I live in a nice neighborhood I have no intention of moving into a slum
You asked and Joe delivered! Not so sleepy after all I guess! Cured Covid ONE DAY after winning the Presidency! And now the economy is gonna skyrocket, all thanks to Joe, not Trump! Thank God for Joe Biden! He's a miracle worker!
Before you guys empty your piggy banks to fund Trump’s righteous litigation against the liberal corruption, make sure you read the fine print where 50%+ of your donations will be used to retire campaign debt. Republicans win some elections. Dems win some elections. The Swamp wins every election.
Itvwas a press release, not a peer reviewex and independantky verified atudy. The immediate efficacy is 90%.
It's too early to determine the long term efficacy and safety of the Pfizer vaccine, nor did the details include which strain(s) it provided protection against. What is clear is that Pfizer was adamant that they did not take any federal money to create the vaccine, they are not part of operation Warp Speed, and therefore are not obligated to provide the vaccine at little or no cost to those who receive it. This is for traders and brokers to consider buying the stock.
@Orange: "You asked and Joe delivered! Not so sleepy after all I guess! Cured Covid ONE DAY after winning the Presidency! " _______________
If I understand correctly, Pfizer is manufacturing the vaccine and primary credit for actually developing the vaccine goes to the German company, BioNTech. We'll call it the Merkel vaccine since she's been the leader of the free world for a while.
Affidavits have been filed by election workers in Michigan and Nevada detailing fraud. These are big issues affecting thousands of ballots. I expect this is just the beginning. The Trump team says they will be submitting evidence of fraud in 7 states. Don’t worry. I’m not going to post this evidence as it comes in. The Biden folks are in denial anyway. Here’s a report on the Michigan affidavit. The tide is turning.
Yeah, just heard about Esper's firing. Could be another Trump temper-tantrum and childish action to settle the score. Or it could be something more ominous -- like preparing to use the military against our citizens. I don't think the latter is overly paranoid. Just look at some of the comments in this thread.
In the midst of this turmoil getting rid of a confirmed cabinet position in favor of an acting (not vetted by the congress) is extremely troubling and makes us look weak to our adversaries, more proof Trump is not behaving rationally especially such a critical cabinet position as secretary of defense is such a dangerous move.
You’ll recall a few months ago, in a mock election drill by the Biden camp, one of the scenarios played out was using the military to remove Trump. Is it all that surprising, then, that Trump would remove a SecDef who is viewed as disloyal.
You’re nuts and I’m through responding to you Really Biden using the military in a drill fuckn how do you expect a private citizen to use the military for a drill just certifiably nuts
Your reading comprehension seems to be failing. I said it was a “ mock election drill” that considered scenarios. I didn’t say Biden drilled with the military. Yeeesh.
My reading comprehension is fine I'm not getting drawn into a discussion with someone who makes shit up out of his ass, and then runs all over the internet to find corroboration with a certified nutcase like Alex Jones, mock election drill what fucked up kind of sick shit is that You make up so much shit, does that come from the voices in your head or is someone feeding this shit to you, either way you are nuts.
Associated Press — Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.
"There are clearly 5 Justices on the Supreme Court ready to invalidate these ballots. Without them, Trump wins. That brings Biden down to 270"
MARK- 270 is what is needed to win the electoral college. Biden would still win in your scenario.
Look. He was projected to win via polls and he did so, accurately. He got like 5M more of the popular vote. When GA finally calls it, he will over 300 electoral votes.
Biden is the president elect and will he sworn in. We anti-trump votes has to swallow that pill. Now it's your turn.
You realize they are still counting votes, right ? You realize that every single Presidential election since Washington required State Legislatures to certify the accuracy of the vote. I’m not asking for Trump to be declared President by Wolf Blitzer, or the members of TUSCL, or anyone else. I’m reminding you that we always count the votes, then review them for accuracy, before declaring a winner in an election. The thing that’s happening now, investigating allegations, bringing legal action, is normal. It’s necessary. It’s how we prove that the results can be trusted. It’s how we keep our Republic.
Why are so many people who support Biden so adamant that no audit be performed of the election results before they are certified ?
Look, the Presidential election doesn’t get certified until mid December. The 12th, I think, That means the next month is going to feel a lot like 2000. Accusations. Rallys. Lawsuits. Rulings. In the end, the Supreme Court will be key.
There are 2 big differences between now and 2000. First, the entire media, including Fox, has taken one candidates side. They will spend the next month reassuring you that Biden deserves to win and that it will be an injustice if he doesn’t. Second, we’ve already had bloody political riots. I’m not worried about violence if Biden wins but I think the same cities will explode if it goes the other way.
Nothing between now and late December will change the outcome. Several judges have thrown out Trump's claims simply because they show no merit. More will do the same. Are all these different judges in on the fraud too? How this country is handling the transition period until the next president takes office is exactly the same as it's been done in modern times. The big difference is that past presidents never made unsubstantiated claims of fraud before in a vain attempt to clog up the works. Trump is simply throwing shit on a wall and hoping some of it sticks. But none of it will.The transition process will play out as it should and for Trump's sake let's hope he wakes up and ultimately accepts the reality of his situation. But I don't think it will happen, despite many of his friends and family now starting to encourage him to do so.
There are 40.000 provisional ballots left to be counted in Arizona. They’ve been running 70/30 Trump. Trump has gone from being down 200,000 to being down 15,000. It’s looking like Arizona will be extremely close.
There was a batch of 150,000 votes that came in after Election Day that only voted for Biden. Whoever filled out the ballots was in such a hurry that they didn’t take the time to vote for Senate. So, no, I think the Senate races were much less influenced by, what shall we call it, irregularities.
Dominion is literally a black box. At this point, unknowable. Which, in itself, is crazy. It’s software that determines our next President and no American has ever seen the code.
take a program like MS excel. if the program has a bug in it then any file(s) you work on will have both rows and columns totally compromised. so if dominion was found to have a bug in it, wouldn't the stats for every single candidate have been affected by this bug? the theory that is being thrown out there is seems is that the only bit of data that was affected would be, using MS as an example, the cell that signified biden's vote total. thus, it's not a bug - it's something that was intentionally pre-programmed. akin to setting up a formula for an MS excel cell.
And congrats to the customers at my vanilla job. For several weeks, it’s been an onslaught of people being jerks and morons. All the way up to Election Day. And then from about 6:30pm on the 3rd and on, the attitudes have WAY improved. Every day,...just people being nice. Some even smile. Yes there are some some unpleasant types still, but the amount of them is WAY less than it has been.
I get it that my area was all for Biden, and voted a Republican senator out of office, and all. But holy heck, either it’s all one heck of a coincidence or people take our corrupt government way too seriously. 😅
^ Everyone in my neck of the woods has been very sociable and happy too. Then again, Jacksonville hasn't ever been known to get loud at a mass scale regardless of what event is happening. (Not compared to places like NY, ATL, or PHL anyway)
Then again, drivers have been driving more aggressively the last couple days. I wonder if that has a link to the election results or if it's just typical Florida drivers.
Trump fired the defense secretary yesterday. There is some word that he’s firing the heads of the FBI and CIA today. This looks like a temper tantrum and combined with delaying the transition team (which can be done while simultaneously pursuing his election litigation) serves no purpose and puts the country at risk. Are we less safe? I hope not. Is Trump taking an unnecessary risk for the country for no reason and zero upside? Yes, he is.
Imagine the chaos? trump flips 1 state, BLM/Antifa start rioting again and they burn all the evidence because the police have been conditioned to stand down. Dems are ruthless
Or, an alternate theory. If Trump believes he will be leaving the Whitehouse, he may want to make public all those documents that the FBI and CIA have been hiding under the guise of national security and classification. The documents that show the true depth of corruption in DC.
Congratulations and best wishes are being conveyed by most nations on earth three notable exceptions China. The Soviet Union, and North Korea, there are a few others but those three are notable for good reasons
Or, Occam’s Razor. Trump spent two days on the golf course over the weekend and his mind wandered to all the people who he thinks betrayed him and he wants to get even for the win by our President-Elect. I think my theory is much more consistent with what we know about our President-Reject.
Giuliani’s first witness in the Philly voter fraud case is a convicted sex offender who exposed himself to two girls, aged 7 and 11. Least surprising news of the day.
That it’s funny? The most important lawsuit in the most important election is relying on the testimony of some dude flashing in a trench coat. We’re in cuckoo town.
I also had on my card “Rudy on film with his hands down his pants” and “campaign press conference next to a sex shop” so I’m 3/5 of the way to MAGA perve bingo!
Here’s more news that I’m sure will set the Trumpublican holdouts insane, kavanaugh and roberts signaling that the affordable care act is going to survive this court challenge I am starting to see these Trumpublican nuts like those handfuls of Japanese soldiers they were finding in the Philippine and other Pacific Ocean islands all the way into the sixties more than 20 years after Japan surrendered
Several soldiers stories cited; this one, in particular, offers some useful advice to bitter Magatards:
"In 1974, Hiroo Onoda, a Japanese army intelligence officer, caused a sensation when he was persuaded to come out of hiding by a former comrade on the Philippine island of Lubang.
Mr Onoda, now 83, wept uncontrollably as he agreed to lay down his rifle, unaware that Japanese forces had surrendered 29 years earlier. He returned to Japan the same year, **but unable to adapt to life in his home country, emigrated to Brazil in 1975."**
Emigrate to Brazil, Jair's your man: detests queers, loves violence [even Trump can't claim to have survived an ACTUAL [not figurative] stab in the back, loves Trump etc. Also Brazil is full of sexy women and beautiful beaches. What more could a Magatard want???
Even if Trump loses, and I’d judge it 50/50 at this point, Democrats have exposed every vote stealing technique in their bag of tricks. There should never again be a claim that voter fraud is a myth. The Democrats have given up on that claim and their claim is now that, sure, some fraud had gone on but it’s not that big a deal.
25, do you realize that half the time your posts attempt to claim the high moral ground, demanding Trump supporters be civil, and the next post you insult half of America by calling “Trumpublicans” a name. Pick a lane, man.
after four years of your slinging around libtard, communist, socialist, etc. you don't think a little payback is coming your way, you poor little snowflake, Trumpublican is kind of gentle, there are many others that use far harsher language.
@twentyfive: Thanks for your service to TUSCL in keeping @mark preoccupied. Without you and his magat buddies mark would be left [!] to stew in the juices of his own paranoid fears.
Consider this aspect of the pathological level of paranoid thinking:
Beneath the surface of mistrust and defensive vigilance for those prone to paranoid thinking lies a current of deep resentment toward others who “have made it.” To them, most people have attained their status unjustly; thus, they are bitter for having been overlooked, treated unfairly, and slighted by the “high and mighty,” “the cheats and the crooks” who dupe the world. Only a thin veil hides these bristling animosities.
Unable to accept their own faults and weaknesses, these people maintain their self-esteem by attributing their shortcomings to others. They repudiate their own failures and ascribe them to someone else. ***They possess a remarkable talent for spotting even the most trifling deficiencies in others. And both subtly and directly they point out and exaggerate, with great pleasure, the minor defects they uncover among those they despise.*** Rarely does their undercurrent of envy and hostility subside; they remain touchy and irascible, ready to humiliate and deprecate anyone whose merits they question, and whose attitudes and demeanor evoke their ire and contempt.
Based on material from: Millon, Theodore, Disorders of Personality: Introducing a DSM / ICD Spectrum From Normal to Abnormal, Third Edition, Wiley, 2011, Chapter 20: Mistrustful Styles, Paranoid Types, Paraphrenic Disorders: The MPP Spectrum
With a Biden lead of 50,000, we now know that 100,000 mail in ballots ( mostly for Biden) in Pennsylvania have a “received by” date that is either earlier than, or the same day as, the “sent on” postmark. If the Republicans can get a judge to disqualify these apparently fabricated ballots, Biden is below 270 ( Arizona is still pending ).
Just one example, out of dozens, where the Republicans can hand re-election to Trump with a single favorable ruling.
Newsguard Assessment The Epoch Times, a conservative newspaper founded by members of a spiritual group persecuted in China, has promoted misleading claims to advance an undisclosed political agenda Score = 49.5 / 100, mostly marked down for lack of credibility Verdict = Proceed with caution: This website fails to adhere to several basic journalistic standards.
To pre-empt predictable but boring response - Liberal extremists pretending to be objective; mark down ANY right-leaning news media because they espouse conservative views
The general idea that the electin isn't final until the popular and electoral votes are certified is correct The use of this fact to raise poorly sourced facts or isolated instances placed in a deceptive context is you being a paranoid.
The electoral college will just certify what we already know. Trump lost fuck him. I will never ally with the GOP again until they can control their elites. Just as bad as the dems.
I’m a calm guy but if you want me to revolt, then openly support and flaunt a “rules for thee but not for me” society. We all know it exists but flaunting it to “own the libs” is horseshit. Now people trying to cry about the Logan Act that shat all over the Hatch Act the last few months
Pence should have taken control long ago. Now he comes across as Trumps weak little bitch to me. I’m not sure who to root for in the GOP anymore.
[parody] This Trump supporter reacts to news Joe Biden has won the election and will become the 46th president of the United States. Using scene from Downfall. The ranting German voice is Hitler's, but the subtitling gives voice to the pure magatard nation thinking.
"The [NY]Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud The president and his allies have baselessly claimed that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. Officials contacted by The Times said that there were no irregularities that affected the outcome."
His employer suspended him without pay. His union refused to back him. There are reports of death threats. I’m surprised he hung in there as long as he did.
Just saw this. Hopkins says he never recanted. Says Federal Agents tried to get him to recant. Hopkins secretly recorded interview. Being revealed by Project Veritas tomorrow.
RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story. Hopkins doubles down...
Agent Strasser: “I am trying to twist you a little bit”
“I am scaring you here”...” we have Senators involved...DOJ involved...reason they called me is to try to harness.”
Biden pleads for unity from Republicans Then this happens
In the surest sign that House Democrats plan a wave of investigations into the Trump administration, leading committee chairs have sent a letter to more than 50 agencies warning that all documents and texts, even on private phones, be preserved.
As a man who has cheated on his GFs, when they would ask my to go through my phone i would say no because i was guilty. with my wife i can go through her phone no questions asked. Biden because he won fair and square should support trump with the audit if he has nothing to hide.
@mark “Even if Trump loses, and I’d judge it 50/50 at this point”
Want to put your money where your mouth is? I’ll bet you even up that Biden is inaugurated on Jan 20. You get Trump. Whoever loses is barred from posting on the board for a month. Bet?
Since I don’t care if you post or not, that bet doesn't really have an upside for me. If Trump wins, I will rub it in everyone’s face. Bigly. If Biden wins, I guarantee I’ll disappear for at least a month. However, by then I’ll have the Trump vaccine and clubs should be more open, so I won’t be suffering. Life is good either way. Trump 2024 !
WE now have an even better incentive to do everything in our power to help Biden win, you'll disappear for at least a month, if I was inclined to cheat, but damn the temptation is now there.LOL
If Trump loses, most of us will simply move on with our lives. A Republican Senate and conservative Supreme Court will minimize the damage that President Kamala can do. Trumpers will be fine. Motivated for 2022 and 2024, but fine. Don’t worry about us
If Trump wins, I suspect the emotional impact will be more severe for some of you. Your media has assured you there is zero chance Trump can win. They lie.
The fraud was limited to a small number of Democrat controlled cities. It appears many of the ballots were for Biden but didn’t bother filling in other races. They had to manufacture thousands of ballots in a few hours to surpass Trump.
There are over 1,000 eye witness affidavits filed describing the fraud. Many of them from Democrat poll workers who were disgusted by what they saw. The fraud is real.
Paranoid Delusion: "There are over 1,000 eye witness affidavits filed describing the fraud. Many of them from Democrat poll workers who were disgusted by what they saw. The fraud is real." 💩💩
Reality: "The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud The president and his allies have baselessly claimed that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. Officials contacted by The Times said that there were no irregularities that affected the outcome." 🏁
@founder: Instead of making up an answer, you might try something actually reading the article ☺️☺️
For some people the election won't be truly over until "Biden sworn in...." headlines in such paragons of journalistic credibility as: zerohedge rt sputnik oan newsmax infowars frontpagemag etc 😃😃
11/10/2020 = AP:EXPLAINER: Trump’s challenges fail to prove election fraud
"A barrage of lawsuits and investigations led by President Donald Trump’s campaign and allies has not come close to proving a multi-state failure that would call into question his loss to President-elect Joe Biden. The campaign has filed at least 17 lawsuits in various state and federal courts. Most make similar claims that have not been proven to have affected any votes, including allegations that Trump election observers didn’t have the access they sought or that mail-in ballots were fraudulently cast."
"The New York Times contacted the offices of the top election officials in every state on Monday and Tuesday to ask whether they suspected or had evidence of illegal voting."
That was their only question, is what I gathered from "reading the article".
Maybe they could ask more direct questions.
Here's two from a guy that's *NOT* a reporter for the NYT:
"Were there 100,000 ballots all for Biden with no other vote marked? If so, is that odd? "
"Why does the President say ballots are dumped at 4 am? Do you receive ballots all night long? Is that usual?"
Just get the answers to those two questions for me. Personally, I don't think there was cheating, but I would expect some harder questions from the NYT.
President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated at noon on Jan. 20. President Trump can thunder incessantly about “this Rigged Election!” and dispatch his lawyers to court. His attorney general can try to generate accusations of voter fraud. Republican senators can act as if the result were not clear.
For those who are filled with dread that this will somehow prevent Biden from taking office: Relax. It won’t.
First, the Trump lawsuits are bogus. Trump hasn’t even made allegations involving enough ballots in enough states to negate Biden’s electoral college victory.
Trump would need to overturn Biden’s apparent victories in three states to take Biden below 270 electoral votes. In Pennsylvania, where Trump’s main claim is about being denied the right to observe the process as closely as his campaign wished, no court is going to invalidate votes for that alleged procedural failure alone.
There would need to be proof of actual unlawful ballots cast as a consequence of the procedural lapse. Moreover, the proof would have to show that the unlawful ballots made a difference in which candidate won. Demonstrating that requires not only more unlawful ballots than Biden’s lead (now nearly 49,000 in Pennsylvania) but enough invalid ballots cast for Biden to erase that lead.
Assuming that invalid ballots favored Biden at an 80-20 ratio, there would need to be almost 85,000 unlawful votes to overcome a 49,000-vote margin. But courts aren’t willing to just make such assumptions. They require actual evidence, which Trump has not produced. [...] Who is Edward B. Foley?
Edward B. Foley, a Washington Post contributing columnist, writes on matters relating to election law and administration. Foley holds the Ebersold Chair in Constitutional Law at Ohio State University, where he heads the university’s election law program.
He also serves as an NBC News election law analyst. In 2016, his book “Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States” was named a finalist for the David J. Langum Sr. Prize in American Legal History; his most recent book, “Presidential Elections and Majority Rule,” explores the conception and evolution of the electoral college, while making the case for reform. Foley clerked for Justice Harry Blackmun at the U.S. Supreme Court in 1987-1988 and Chief Judge Patricia M. Wald of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Distict of Columbia Circuit in 1986-1987. He has also served as state solicitor in the office of Ohio’s attorney general.
Founder, here’s something I would have thought impossible until a few days ago. What if Trump proves fraud and gets the court to order fraudulent ballots be excluded. Then ALL of the media refuses to cover the story but declares Biden “officially” President.
From this thread, it’s clear that the media can, in fact has, redefine reality. We’ll have 70 million voters who know there was fraud proven and 70 million who believe Trump simply refuses to leave.
@founder: "Here's two from a guy that's *NOT* a reporter for the NYT:
"Were there 100,000 ballots all for Biden with no other vote marked? If so, is that odd? "
"Why does the President say ballots are dumped at 4 am? Do you receive ballots all night long? Is that usual?""
Did not see either quoted in NYT article, so sources [citation] please.
Mark provided no citation for his claim: "There are over 1,000 eye witness affidavits filed describing the fraud. Many of them from Democrat poll workers who were disgusted by what they saw. The fraud is real."
+Foley-Post article points out that at this point any fraud would have to be shown to make a material difference in electoral college outcome:
"First, the Trump lawsuits are bogus. Trump hasn’t even made allegations involving enough ballots in enough states to negate Biden’s electoral college victory"
"Trump would need to overturn Biden’s apparent victories in three states to take Biden below 270 electoral votes. In Pennsylvania, where Trump’s main claim is about being denied the right to observe the process as closely as his campaign wished, no court is going to invalidate votes for that alleged procedural failure alone.
There would need to be proof of actual unlawful ballots cast as a consequence of the procedural lapse. Moreover, the proof would have to show that the unlawful ballots made a difference in which candidate won. Demonstrating that requires not only more unlawful ballots than Biden’s lead (now nearly 49,000 in Pennsylvania) but enough invalid ballots cast for Biden to erase that lead"
Interesting perspective found on social media. The man who defeated Napoleon did so by realizing it was more important to keep your army intact than to defend territory
Winning over the army of Deplorables is very important to Biden. They are part of the taxation base he must capture to keep going. Without them he will have little to feed his leftist auxiliaries. So if the Deplorables retire in good order it is problematic.
So far, Trump has kept them unified by fighting against unjust elections. If he can keep them unified, he will win the war, even if he loses the 2020 election battle.
Also, while the Times article simply surveyed for reported irregularities [as you correctly pointed out], the AP routinely does an in-depth collection of vote counts at a county [maybe precinct?] level. AP, since the early part of 20th century, has been gathering detailed vote count and other data. It's why, before the election certification, AP is relied on by most other news for counts and calls.
I can try to find the AP article published before the election which describes how they developed this process.
"What’s more, the voting itself was remarkably smooth. It was only a few months ago that professionals and analysts who monitor election administration were alarmed at how badly unprepared the country was for voting during a pandemic. Some of the primaries were disasters. There were not clear rules in many states for voting by mail or sufficient opportunities for voting early. There was an acute shortage of poll workers. Yet the United States saw unprecedented turnout over the last few weeks. Many states handled voting by mail and early voting impressively and huge numbers of volunteers turned up to work the polls. Large amounts of litigation before the election clarified the rules in every state. And for all the president’s griping about the counting of votes, it has been orderly and apparently without significant incident. The result was that, in the midst of a pandemic that has killed 230,000 Americans, record numbers of Americans voted — and voted by mail — and those votes are almost all counted at this stage.
On the cybersecurity front, there is even more good news. Most significantly, there was no serious effort to target voting infrastructure. After voting concluded, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Chris Krebs, released a statement, saying that “after millions of Americans voted, we have no evidence any foreign adversary was capable of preventing Americans from voting or changing vote tallies.” Krebs pledged to “remain vigilant for any attempts by foreign actors to target or disrupt the ongoing vote counting and final certification of results,” and no reports have emerged of threats to tabulation and certification processes."
Finally, one recent report about one of Trump's complaints and the courts File under reported claims vs proof:
"An attorney for the Trump campaign admitted in court on Tuesday that a lawsuit against the local elections board is not alleging election fraud.
Trump campaign attorney Jonathan S. Goldstein made the statement while arguing that the Montgomery County Board of Elections must halt the counting of 592 mail-in ballots. During the oral arguments, the judge asked Goldstein if the campaign is alleging fraud. “Your Honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” Goldstein said. “And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the Board or the DNC or anybody else involved in this a liar.”
“I am asking you a specific question,” the judge pressed, “and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?” “To my knowledge at present, no,” Goldstein replied. “Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?” the judge asked. “To my knowledge at present, no,” Goldstein conceded.
The National Review, a conservative publication, noted that Trump campaign lawsuits like the one in Montgomery County have been ending “not with a bang, but a whimper.” “It is one thing to fume on Twitter that there is a sinister effort to steal an election; it is another thing to assert that sweeping claim in a court of law, before a judge, under penalty of perjury and/or disbarment,” National Review correspondent Jim Geraghty wrote."
2. Esquire article that provides history of AP's origin and involvement in reporting election results; how it became gold standard AND its prep for 2020 election
Storey, Kate. “How the Associated Press Plans to Determine the Winner of This Year’s Election.” Esquire, Esquire, 29 Oct. 2020,…. Accessed 12 Nov. 2020.
Greetings, folks. I'm back after taking a couple of months off the board. I was busy filling out tens of thousands of absentee ballots for Biden while traveling from Wisconsin to Michigan to Pennsylvania to Georgia to Arizona. I was hoping I could get away with it, but I think they're on to me.
The media hasn’t been providing much coverage of the House races. The Republicans have closed the gap. There are still 13 seats too close call. Republicans lead in 9 of those. If that’s the way it finishes, Democrats will have a razor thin lead of 8 seats. That means it would only take 4 Democrats to switch parties and give the House to Republicans.
Nancy Pelosi reportedly doesn’t have the votes she needs to continue to be speaker. A younger, more radical opponent is likely.
In case anyone cares where this train wreck of a shit show of a volcanic vomitfest is going, here are the current vote counts:
AZ - 11k with 22k left to count GA - Biden leads by 14k, done counting NV - Biden leads by 37k with 64k left to count PA - Biden leads by 53k with 24k left to count
Based on the trends all will hold for Biden with a less than 50% but not impossible chance of AZ, which is getting closer.
And then, Trump goes to court to argue about the 700,000 irregular votes. Dead people. Double voting. No signature. Wrong address. No postmark. Received after Election Day against state law. In every key state, including Michigan and Wisconsin, there are several times the number of irregular votes for Biden than Biden’s apparent margin of error. So, we’ll see.
We’re a month away from a certified vote. Lots can happen.
Mark94 is SJGs twin brother the clues are all there, obsessed with a Trump win, compulsively posting about the same, he’s originally rom San Jose California, Does anyone else see this ?
Going forward, Trump has redefined Republicans as the party of the working class, including the middle class. It is an increasingly racially diverse group.
Democrats are the party of the welfare class, upper middle class, the wealthy, government workers, socialists, anarchists, victim class, Hollywood, Karens, journalists, academia, corporate executives, and people with graduate degrees. It’s a group that is increasingly difficult to hold together.
The Democrats have the levers of power. Trump has the majority of voters.
@mark “We’re a month away from a certified vote. Lots can happen.”
Much sooner than that. GA certifies on Nov 20. PA and MI certify on Nov 23. AZ certifies on Nov 30. WI and NV certify on Dec 1. It’ll seem like a hundred years but we’re basically done on Nov 23 once PA certifies.
If the Republicans keep the Senate, then President McConnell will wield a lot of power. The Democratic controlled House set the bar very high as far as cooperating with the President from another party. I will of course watch the Democrats turn on each other and lose the House in two years. Amazed at how poorly the Democrats did. It seems Americans voted en masse against Trump and the Democratic party's leftward lurch.
Yeah after being called the nasty things the cheating crybabies could imagine for years, and the presumed winners openly compiling enemy lists and advocating kangaroo courts, those calling for unity can kiss the dirtiest part of my ass
I’m trying to figure out how the Democrats pick a Speaker. It takes 218 votes to select a speaker and its looking like they’ll have about 222 seats, including 10 Democrat congressman who voted against Pelosi last time. The Republicans could crossover to vote for the Democrat of their choice, which could really lead to some games.
State certification dates can be pushed back either by the legislature or the courts. Trump lawyers will almost certainly ask the courts for a delay while pursuing legal challenges.
This is a relatively small victory for Trump. Only a couple thousand votes involved. But, it’s a sign that bigger shifts are possible.
“A Pennsylvania appellate court handed President Donald Trump’s campaign a minor victory Thursday, barring counties from including in their final vote tallies a small pool of mail ballots from people who had failed to provide required ID by a Monday deadline.”
Lindsay Graham the incredible shape shifter along with over a dozen pro Trump Republican senators let it be known that they along with several White House insiders urged Mr Trump to cooperate with the transition So fuck yea Mark it’s over move on now.
There was a state court hearing in Detroit today presenting over a thousand affidavits describing Wayne County fraud. The plaintiff asked for a hearing and a delay of certification. By all accounts, the Biden lawyers were totally unprepared. They claimed the affidavits were just hearsay ( they were instead all first party eye witness testimony). A decision is expected Monday or Tuesday.
That’s what happens when your only source of information is Anderson Cooper. You think you’ve already won, when it’s only the third quarter.
And when your only sources of information are conspiracy theory sites you get your hopes up on reports that are either inconsequential or completely false.
Whatever. I’ve waited four years. Another week or two is no problem. By the time this is over Trump will have lost 3 or 4 times as he keeps filing his frivolous lawsuits.
Well reading the news on the piece of shit fake news site called CNN I just read that Biden's covid-19 "expert" says we have enough money (fuck the national debt) to pay everyone to stay home for 4-6 weeks with no businesses at all allowed to open. Buy a lot of ammonium nitrate. Yeah we must believe the liars at liberal news like the NYT and their bullshit 1619 project. Progressives make stupidity into an art form daily.
In 2000, Bush / Gore was a virtual tie. Win FL and you are President. Came down to 537 votes difference when SCOTUS decreed trying to assess voter intent in ballots with depressions, but intact chads, was going too far.
Biden beat Trump. 5 million more popular votes. 50k+ in PA. 150k+ in MI. 10k+ in AZ. Only GA is razor thin and Biden doesn't need it. The only way Trump can win is to convince the courts (and worse the public) that the election was so corrupt, so ripe with fraud, that it should be invalid. He is attacking and weakening the very INSTITUTION of American elections. Think that might embolden our enemies? Is having your favored candidate win worth that damage? I liked a LOT of what has been accomplished in the past 4 years. But Trump is no patriot, he just plays one on TV.
I think the best job in the world isn’t being President of the United States, the actual best job in the world or at least the most lucrative is being a former President of the United States I don’t think that Trump has figured that out yet but I bet once he does he can’t get out of there fast enough
25iq has no original thoughts, has to use ideas that I already introduced, and thinks everything is about him. No surprise there. Everyone calls you a senile old prick for a reason, you know.
So much for acting like they have been here before. Has anyone else been reading the crazy laundry lists of all the groups coming out of the woodwork claiming that they won the victory for Biden? AOC, Fatty Michael More, Black Lies Matter all saying that they rep the voters that voted democrat and they want theirs now. Abolish the police and prisons (how the fuck would that even work?). Executive orders to eliminate the electoral college. New states for DC and PR. Blacklists and tribunals for conservatives and Republicans. A Globalist Agenda reset. Banning of fossil fuels. Confiscation of wealth. Half of these ideas are plainly unconstitutional. The other half are truly the bold, old ideas of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. There is no mandate. Half of Americans, more if the Trump allegations are true, voted against that agenda. Tell me this isn't madness. Prove me wrong.
@mark “Since I don’t care if you post or not, that bet doesn't really have an upside for me.”
If you don’t want to bet on my not posting for a month, how about cash? $100. If Trump stays president after Jan 20 I will donate $100 to his campaign, PAC, the RNC. Anything conservative you choose as long as it’s not a hate group or the like. If Biden is president you donate $100 to his re-election campaign. Bet?
PA also likely done counting and Biden up by 58k votes. None of the PA lawsuits alleges voter fraud of any scale, despite the stack of affidavits waved around by Kayleigh McEnany (soon to be out of work and appearing on a stripper pole near you).
@GammaNut wrote: "Has anyone else been reading the crazy laundry lists of all the groups coming out of the woodwork claiming that they won the victory for Biden?" __________________________
No, I didn't notice. But then I'm not a nutty right-wing reactionary and we probably don't read the same news sources. The exit polling was far more mundane, showing that support for Biden among moderates and independents increased by 12%. That was the single biggest demographic shit compared to 2012.
And support among non-college-educated white men was overwhelmingly for Trump. Again. Trump owes his election in 2012 to that group.
With a moderate Democrat in the executive and a GOP-controlled Senate, I wouldn't worry about us turning into Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Lol, you write some of the goofiest, most hysterical, rants of anyone on TUSCL.
@Mark: I'll take the bet that Biden is in office on Jan 20. If you lose, you agree to ten strip club visits wearing a 24-inch tinfoil hat. And you must post selfies here on TUSCL to verify.
IMO this whole absurd charade is just his way of keeping his core followers on his team post presidency as paying members of his DJT paid programming and events. Some core Republicans support him on this because he secures a voting block they never could attract and expect he could be an ally in future elections and keep those votes. No matter the outcome it will never be settled with him and it will always be about the Illuminati conspiracy or whatever dumb crazy shit he tweets.
Enjoy the daily play-by-play of this absurd drama if thats what you enjoy.
“A state judge in Michigan on Friday denied a bid by a conservative legal group to block the certification of election results and force an independent audit of votes in Detroit, calling the allegations of misconduct and voter fraud ‘incorrect and not credible.’”
At the 2018 annual turkey pardon in DC, Trump then joked that the losing turkey was refusing to concede defeat and was contesting the election results, he then joked that the conclusion was that the result did not change.
I am so glad Trump gave up on endoscopic UV light and injectable sodium hypochlorite and spent the past 8 months in a lab developing multiple different vaccines. He is a shoe in to get the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Domino #1. More are lining up in Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan. But, wait, all the smart people said this was all over. Enjoy your weekend.
“A Pennsylvania judge has ordered the state to temporarily pause further action on certifying its 2020 election results until Friday, when her court will hold a hearing on a lawsuit seeking to declare all mail-in votes in the Keystone State unconstitutional.”
“In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden's win and set an example for other state challenges.”
The Republican-majority legislature passed the expanded voting bill, but will now claim their own legislation was unconstitutional in an effort to change the legitimate outcome. No fraud, just a desperate attempt to overturn the will of the electorate on a long shot technicality. Mark94 are you really okay with making American elections irrelevant as long as your guy wins? How would you feel if the roles were reversed and the DEMs were going to court to erase Trump votes to get an unearned Biden victory?
Its not like 2000 when 8 Democrats and 1 Independent Justice in Florida, at the behest of Al Gore and the Democratic party; un constitutionally changed the laws after the fact to continue cheating, oops I mean counting chads, in a breathtaking display of cheating to get an unearned victory. Wah, said the hypocrites on the left.
The Dems backed trucks up to the counting centers at 3am with thousands of computer generated votes, all for Biden. No signatures. No addresses.No legally required outer envelopes. Plenty of dead people. How’s that for a desperate attempt to overturn an election ?
Domino #3. Members of the Pennsylvania legislature hear testimony from Rudy and his team about the massive fraud and anomalies in the Pennsylvania vote. Enjoy the live feed.
Domino #4. Later today, Sidney Powell will submit extensive evidence to the court describing how the Dominion voting machines changed votes from Trump to Biden. She will also allege kickbacks and bribes were used get states, like Georgia, to purchase the machines. Governor Kemp, she’s naming names.
@sclvr5005 - mark's paranoid M.O. summed up ""Social media polarizes our politics by allowing us all -- no matter how wrong we are about a political issue -- to find a large, enthusiastic group of people who are even wronger." -- P.J. O'Rourke"
after reading the dismissed decsion by the circuit court in PA, the Trump campgain is not claiming voter fraud but discrimination. They feel discriminated because Rep were not allowed to view the vote counting and they want those votes to be invalid. so hes cries on TV claims fraud but in court he says discrimination. They ask guliani if they are alleging fraud, he says no, its discrimination 😅🤣
funny enough the PA judge that dismissed that case was one that that nominated by trump a few years ago.
trump lawyers threw down a a pair of 6's or 2 pairs of whatever - shit hands. probably already knew that they were going to lose thus a fold. the flush draws, straight and royal, are coming out at the supreme court.
ay jon999. i see you disagreed with this post as well. what are you some kind of cum swilling antifa faggot? you don't like poker? brainwashed pawn. if you're in the US pack your shit and head to china or cuba or venezuela.
oh yeah here's an entertaining thought: did u here that trumpy is trying to bring back firing squads and electrocutions for federal crimes? wouldn't that be fun for the leaders and peers of the cause that you so silently believe in? most likely won't happen but ayy the enjoyments of daydreaming.
last commentSmack, ice, coke - WTF?
Shrooms, acid, peyote, LSD - now it's a party. (D.C.)
It's over and I'm saying that as someone who isn't happy about it. NV was one of the handful of states that Hillary won in '16 and MI is almost done reporting. Trump is going to be shy two electoral votes.
The good news is that it looks like the GOP is going to keep the Senate. Thank God. All that talk of court packing and huge tax increases was some alarming stuff.
If Trump was not arguably the most unlikable and unstable President that we've had in the modern era, he likely would have won. Enough people split their party votes with Biden and Republican Senators in order to allow the GOP to retain the Senate, which to me says a lot. If Trump had seemed just a bit more Presidential in his behavior then I suspect that he would have won re-election handily given his economic, foreign policy and Supreme Court successes.
There will be a period of disappointment followed by a sigh of relief the Trump era is behind us.
The Republicans are lucky the damage wasn't far worse.
America has jumped the shark.
lol what that's always been how we vote. At least since FDR probably way before too
there's so much to unpack in that rant you so ignorantly let loose, I'm not even going to bother trying, I just want to remind you that it seems that those folks that you don't think understand the issues, seem to have split their vote, leaving the senate with a Republican majority, maybe it's you who are so blind to your hero's faults that doesn't understand the issues.
Nice, IMHO you are taking entirely the wrong messages from this election. With perhaps the notable exception of the Presidency, the loss of which was more a referendum on Trump's absurd behavior than it was on policy, the Democrats were largely punished during this election.
Not only did the Dems not retake the Senate, but it looks like the GOP will flip about 10 House seats. The public overall is not happy with their policies, including their stances on rioting and related social issues. A Socialist agenda and defunding the police were hung around the necks of Dems in tight House races and it hurt them badly. Now Pelosi will not be able to build a Dem coalition in the House without the help of Blue Dog Dems (many of whom did not vote for the Zeroes Act), whose constituents have no interest in far left social or fiscal policies. Proposals are about to become a lot more modest in the House over the next two years.
In California of all places, the voters rejected a Constitutional amendment which would have allowed public and private institutions to use racial diversity as an acceptance criteria. By a wide margin I might add. The voters also approved the treatment of ride sharing employees as "independent contractors."
In IL of all places, the voters rejected the legislature's attempt to remove the 4.95% flat tax in favor of higher taxes "on the rich."
I do not buy for a second that we are undergoing some transformational event. Indeed I think that people are getting fed up with the silly nonsense they are seeing and hearing now and they are expressing their frustration in the voting booths.
This is not over. Not by a long shot. Do not trust the media. They lie.
For quite a while now, with the world economic freedom index (if one believes that sort of thing), Hong Kong and Singapore absolutely dominates those rankings. And places like that will be the area where more things are just going on. It’s far flung and maybe too early to call it on those places but hey, continuing language learning is at least a fun and cheap form of insurance. Which (if nothing else) will make for some fun vacations in the future. 😊
Admittedly, referring to here as “not worth living in” was a bit melodramatic. I guess “even better places to explore during a second phase of my life at some point” would be a better way to phrase it. My bad there.
Personal musings over this election period:
-Pollsters have their collective heads up their asses.
-Biden was not a desirable candidate. Trump is hated by so many any competent opponent would’ve slaughtered him. To me, the large amount of support Trump was akin to referendum that the American people are sick of the MSM, manipulated headlines and news, a Congress wasting our time and tax dollars with impeachment shenanigans, tired of the SJW and cancel culture etc. They want to ‘drain the swamp’ and I believe much of the vote wasn’t for either candidate as much as It was either anti-Trump or anti-left.
-Trump lost the election more than a Joe won it IMO. It was there for him, he screwed up the debates and failed to eloquate his successes and speak clearly about why he has taken the stands he has against China and immigration policy for GDP, etc.
-It will be fascinating to see what Trump does next. Most ex-presidents fade away. Will he run in 2024? Say what you will but he is full of loss and vigor making a speech at 230 am after campaigning nonstop was impressive, Will he create his own news network? Will he do another reality show? I don’t see him keeping his mouth shut as that is not his style.
-This country is starved for a true, unbiased news network that can talk about issues from multiple sides and commend a president for good things and critique for bad decisions without influence of right and left. It would be nice if some entrepreneur sees as much.
-How long will Joe last?
-Bye Melania. Foxiest First Lady in history.
-Love NiceSpice’s thoughtful opinions. She is on the money. 👍
-I would gladly trade CJ for SJG. CJ = 🤡
Again, best of luck to Joe. I hope Trump steps away gracefully if final results show Biden as the winner.
As far as the world economic freedom index, lmao. Singapore? C'mon now. Mass surveillance state? Caning? Executions for drug offenses? Ouch. And Hong Kong is not far behind now that China is tightening its grip.
As far as the rest, while I agree that things have changed as far as a shrinking middle class, thanks in no small part to the loss of manufacturing here in the U.S., name one other country with the mix of economic and personal freedoms that we enjoy here. Name one other country where even the basics like food and fuel are as cheap and plentiful as they are here. There's a reason why we have to fight to keep immigrants from swimming across rivers to slip across our borders. The U.S. is still the economic and military superpower of the World and I don't see that changing anytime soon either.
AZ flipped blue and legalized weed. Idk what other states legalized but I think a few more did.
TX was way closer than I'd imagine.
The country is moving in a new direction regardless of the presidency. NV will put Biden at 270; right now, they're only 8,000 or less votes apart, but NV has been stuck at 75% reporting for a good day. If the rest is mail ins, Biden will win.
What we are seeing is a coordinated effort by the Democrat Party, and its media allies, to convince the nation that Biden won before actual vote tallies prove he didn’t.
neither could reagan during his last two years at the helm
When the legal challenge is completed, Trump will win Wisconsin.
Something similar happened in Detroit and will be challenged.…
They failed most with the assertation that Trump was running against himself, and the election was his to lose. That is wrong. He was running against the swamp, against politics as usual, against a criminally complicit news media, against doomsayers, chicken littles, and power-grabbing dem governors. He was fighting an uphill battle against the safe, "moderate", Joe Biden; and fighting it with a smaller war chest.
These dead democrat voters and out of state illegal ballots are part of democrat party business as usual. That's why he must continue fighting, it is inexcusable that it has been tolerated for so long.
Trump’s GOP: If they try to steal the election, tear them a new asshole.
Yeah - that's the reality - and kinda something similar goes for Pelosi and Schumer - as much as I dislike them if they are removed from their leadership positions they may be replaced by someone like AOC or AOC-clone which would def be a step backwards from the non-progressives POV.
I'm pretty-sure the same M.O. will occur as in the recent-past - if it's an election year and the GOP has control of the Senate, then it won't happen (and the Dems would do the same thing) - either way the new M.O. means it will be contentious.
In these current super-divisive/super-partisan times I don't think one can just depend on the "honor system" for lack of a better word - it seems fairly-obvious that a fairly large part the system (political, media, LE/FBI; etc) is strongly against Trump and wants Trump out no-matter the means - IDK if there has been fraud, but if there was a time when it may happen, I think this would be it given all that's happened w.r.t. "never-Trumpism" and OMBS.
At the end of the day, it's better to know for sure nothing nefarious happened, and more important to know if something nefarious did happen - for all the drama that happened in 2000 b/w Gore/Bush, it was the right thing to do to look into it as carefully as possible o/w many would have been pointing to that election as illegitimate.
After what I saw the Dems did to Kavanaugh, Russia gate, the impeachment..I believe they are capable of anything.
About a month ago in a press-briefing Kamala mentioned a Harris/Biden administration - a day or two later Joe said the same thing (Harris/Biden administration) - buy themselves they could have been gaffs/misspeaking but I wonder if they were trying to telepath their intentions.
The cynic in me tells me from the beginning Joe's main drive for being Prez is being Prez for a year or two and step down then cash in more than ever.
House Dems had a meeting today and the moderates are pissed at the seats there are losing because of the radical left agenda.
When there is an opening on the Supreme Court, the president nominates someone to fill the seat. The Senate chooses when and how to consider the candidate, and whether or not to confirm the candidate. It's that simple, the President does not have a say in the process.
I hope that Trump continues to fight the standard corruption and fraud. The status quo has been broken for a while. There have just been too many discrepancies and reliable reporting about the same kind of blatant voter fraud and secret ballot counting. It has to stop. If the ship refuses to be righted, then it should be burned to the waterline.
Enough with partisan bickering - let’s move forward and cure this virus - and bring this country back together.
But as someone who voted for Trump, I have to concede that it is becoming increasingly obvious that this was not Trump's year. He made surprising inroads into the Latino community, but alienated too many others, including suburban females and Independents who became concerned about his behavior and what he would do once he was no longer constrained by an upcoming election. I just hope that, once it becomes obvious and some of the legal challenges are settled, he concedes graciously. He could damage the Republican Party for years to come if he goes kicking and screaming.
Wonder how much fear he continues to inspire in the Republican Party once this sinks in
My guess is they all go back to the denunciations they made prior to November 2016
Got it. Goofy voter having a hard time coping with reality. Told you this was coming.
Time to move on. Split Congress and a Swamp Zombie in the oval office. More Washington gridlock. Welcome back to politics as usual.
My predictions moving forward:
Look for coronavirus to leave the headlines. By Jan 21, 2021 it will be something that we treat like the common cold.
2022 will be the most watched and critical midterm election in US history.
Dems will try to impeach ACB
Trump will buy OANN and Parler,
This I don't agree with. Impeaching the President and other never-ending investigations cost them House seats this time around. If Pelosi has a lick of sense she'll steer clear of more of that crap.
With the notable exception of the President, who frankly fucked himself with his behavior, this election was a big win for Republicans in both Congress and in state elections. People have not been happy with the Dems on a number of policy fronts, including COVID lockdown policies, their never-ending fights against school choice for kids in failing schools, and their sharp veer to the left on social policies and chaos. Some of these themes will hang around their necks for years to come. If Trump doesn't fuck up the party's image over the next month or so, IMHO Republicans stand a good chance of completely taking over Congress in the next mid-term election cycle.
And skibum, people under 40 will be happy with their future. I'm sure when you were smoking weed at 25 you had some complaints about the direction the country was headed. Look at you now. Legal weed, loving wife, skiing and golfing when you want. Not too shabby, if you ask me.
Onward mongers, we got some lap dances to get!
So your theory is that all of the massive rally crowd going, MAGA hat wearing, boat parading, truck and flag waving, yard sign posting and red white and blue t shirt folks are afraid to talk to anonymous pollsters on the phone or fill out an internet survey?
"Split Congress and a Swamp Zombie in the oval office."
True. But Republicans don't have the reputation for party loyalty that Democrats do. The thin margins in Congress do not guarantee that a few Repubs won't jump ship and support some radical legislation. Especially if they're spooked about Trump losing they will be more likely to do anything necessary to keep their cushy jobs. I've heard those chairs on Capital Hill feel really good on your ass.
And bottom line... Trump could have toned down the rhetoric without losing any of his base. It was his election to lose.
I just don’t buy that the supporters who generated all those record enthusiasm statistics in the polls somehow also wouldn’t tell an anonymous pollster that they were voting for trump. The shy trump voter is a myth.
I think the argument that conservatives are less likely to answer an unknown number on their cell phone, like the trafalgar guy said, is a much more reasonable and likely explanation.
The Democrats in the Blue cities did what they always do. They shut down vote counting in the urban area until they knew exactly how many votes they needed to win. Then, in the dead of night, that exact number magically appeared while the poll watchers were out of the building.
This time, they may have gone too far. For example, about 16,000 votes appeared in Milwaukee in one batch and every single vote was for Biden. I look forward to them explaining that to the Judge.
If Trump had won ten million more votes legitimately, I have no doubt the Democrats would have discovered/manufactured 10,000,001 more votes.
It was always going to come down to this. The final battle. If Dems are allowed to get away with this, Trump will be our last Republican President.
The US was the greatest civilation in history, but 50% or more of the population is not interested in liberty, equality, and exceptionalism.
No other country has been as great as the US was, but the US is heading to be less than many other countries already are. We have failed our ancestors and our descendants.
Good idea but then where will we get our constitutional legal education from 😋
ay jonathan999 - i see you've been disliking a lot of viewpoints on this here site, including the above statement. so if you're driving your wife and kid(s) from point a to point (b) and you had some kind of leftist/democratic/anti-trump sign or sticker showing from your vehicle you would be more than ok if a bunch of protestors/rioters pounce on your car, try to drag you out and pounce the living shit of of you?
let's see what you type up.
We'll see how it goes.
But the votes coming in the last few hours that are for Trump and causing him to gain in Arizona, those are legit I take it?
"ZeroHedge is a far-right financial blog, presenting staff-written articles and aggregating news and opinions from external sources.
Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial analysis, including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric that has been associated with the US radical right and a pro-Russian bias.ZeroHedge's non-financial commentary has led to a number of Site bans by various global social media platforms."…
Lefties live in a world where news sources aligned with the Democrats are credible and everyone else is Fake News Russian Propagandists. It makes life simple when you don’t need to debate the facts but simply scream “ fake news” when you hear something inconsistent with your world view.
1. Implement mail in ballots that put millions of extra, unreliable ballots into the environment
2. Harvest those ballots and warehouse them until Election Day
3. Keep poll watchers away from the vote counting areas.
4. Bring those fraudulent ballets in through the back door in the quantities needed to elect Biden
5. Get your friends in social media and news to block any stories about fraud.
6. The instant the vote counts show Biden in the lead, and before the votes can be scrutinized, have media declare Biden the winner and ridicule anyone who calls the count into question.
We are about to enter stage 6, maybe even later today.
Then, stage 7 takes place
7. Audit the vote counting and ask the courts for mitigation when fraud is found.
I trust that Trump has been planning for stage 7 for months. That’s where the future of America will be determined. Eventually, all of these cases will find their way to the Supreme Court.…
Whether it's peppered or not peppered with emotion does not change the facts of what's happened - Hillary, and many of the Dems, have been calling the 2016 election "illegitimate" from the beginning and the Dems have tried to take down Trump even b/f the 2016 election once he became the Republican nominee (including impeachment on what appears to be a hoax from the beginning) - the Dems are all down for calling a Republican win illegitimate but now want Trump "to take the high road' and concede given all the fishy stuff that is going on.
Dude you need to back away from the ledge now. You do not want a world where state legislatures start taking election results into their own hands. What goes your way one election could go against you the next.
Now we won't even get into the reason that so many voted by mail but let me give y'all a quick heads up, we are still in the middle of a pandemic in case some of you have forgotten and one of the recommendations to avoid Covid-19 was to stay out of crowded rooms, this is a real result of the way Mr. Trump tried to avoid responsibility for his handling of the pandemic, which like it or not was and still is one of the major disputes of this election.
Oh yes just a little reminder 120+ Thousand new corona virus infections yesterday.
- The Senate blocks attempts to increase taxes or install Socialistic programs.
-The Senate investigates Biden/China plus 2020 election fraud
- Trump has high visibility and keeps his followers energized
- The incompetence of Biden and Kamala is fully revealed
- Republicans regain the House and increase Senate seats in 2022.
- Mitch freezes every judicial appointment just because he fucking can
- We use what we learned in 2020 to win back the Whitehouse in 2024.
That didn't come to pass until 1912-13 but other amendment arguments resulted in the ten amendments passed by the new congress you know as the Bill of Rights.
So yes this will be the strategy to win back power in 2022 and 2024. Showing the same lack of any bipartisanship while vociferously complaining that its the Dems fault. Play to Trump Magats and fuck the rest of us.
Dan Rather
America: Knock, Knock.
Donald Trump: Who's there?
America: The truth.
and more Rather-
Maybe if we explained to Donald Trump that he is “in debt” to the counted ballots in many states, he could better understand the “math.”…
In remarks resembling an attack on democratic elections, rather than a presidential speech, President Donald Trump doubled down on his campaign pledge: “The only way we can lose, in my opinion, is massive fraud.”
In his Nov. 5 comments, he offered no evidence for the “illegal votes” that he claimed would need to be counted in order for former Vice President Joe Biden to win the election. He offered several false, misleading and baseless claims instead.
We’ll go through Trump’s claims about voting in several states, beginning with Pennsylvania. But readers can skip ahead by clicking on the links for the other states:
[click on link to see remainder of article]…
Supreme Court orders separate count of late-arriving Pennsylvania ballots…
Breaking — Michigan Legislature to convene special joint oversight hearing Saturday after software glitches discovered…
Military mail-in ballots found in Georgia dumpster…
I believe that Republicans control the state legislature in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. These legislatures have oversight power of all election procedures in the state plus the responsibility to name appointees to the electoral college.
Could this have been Trumps planned response all along ?
I think it would be a grave mistake for the Senate to start running the same sort of investigation tactics used by the Dems. People are sick of it and it was part of the reason why the Dems lost House seats. Trump did not lose because of investigations, he lost because he behaved erratically.
But the Senate will not be the only check on Biden. Nancy Pelosi is going to have her hands full with a very slim majority with very divergent views. To get anything passed she is absolutely going to need the cooperation of the Blue Dog Dems, who are pissed off right now because they bore the brunt of the House Dem election losses. And if Biden tries to get crazy with Executive Orders, we have a well constructed Supreme Court to put a stop to it.
Stocks are breathing a sigh of relief soon they won’t be on a hairs edge every time POTUS decides to tweet or retweet some nonsense…
That week was actually attributed to the Republicans holding the Senate and weakening Dems in the House. The markets were happy because the prospects of huge tax increases, absurd stifling green policies, universal healthcare and other economy killing proposals are essentially DOA now.
Actually, there is a lot of factual basis being discovered on a daily basis. Your statement might more accurately read “ according to CNN, there is no factual basis for the election theft that clearly took place”
We now have a president who will listen to scientists and doctors about this pandemic instead of his gut. America and the world won.
-There is an army of autistics working behind the scenes to identify all anomalies in the election results. If something funny is going on, they will find it.
-Most of the stories we are hearing about election fraud, like dead people voting and fake ballots, are almost certainly false or trivial. No one could sway an election this way without getting caught.
- There is only one way that an election can be stolen without being detected. That requires hacking the election software in some way. The software would be smart enough to nudge the vote in the least-detectable way.
- The software that is used to count ballots in all swing states is provided by Dominion software, a private software company based in Canada.
-Because it’s proprietary software, no one outside Dominion has access to the code. Plus, as is true with any large software system, only 1 or 2 people within Dominion would have a full understanding of the entire system.
-The CIA has hacked election systems in other countries ( code named Hammer ) in the past, so it can be proven that such a thing is possible.
-It is certain that foreign governments will attempt to gain influence over any system that controls elections. It might take them years to do it but, eventually, some interested party will be successful in blackmailing or bribing the company. That’s what intelligence agencies do best.
- It may be impossible to discover whether the Dominion software was hacked or influenced within a matter of weeks.
- The Supreme Court is not technically able to evaluate whether software has been hacked and does not want to pick a President. However, if credible doubts are raised, it is likely to push the decision back to state legislatures. That is how the election system was designed to operate within the Constitution.
-All the state legislatures in the swing states are Republican.
If you’ve been wrapping yourself in the flag and red, white and blue tshirts these last four years you should just burn them. You are undermining democracy. More people will have voted for Biden/Harris than any other ticket. Ever. In one of the highest voter turnout percentage elections in recent history. They will be the most legitimate Pres/VP ever. Sure, go ahead and wait until the votes are certified and your guy runs through all his challenges, but it looks like he’s already lost. Once the bipartisan state governments certify all of the ballots and all this conspiracy shit is put to rest, it will be inescapable that Biden won. If you deny it, you will be as unamerican as you’ve no doubt accused the libs these last four years.
On the national scene, Trump is out (as a never trumper, I'm fine with that), but Republicans probably keep the senate to keep the progressives from doing much real harm until 2022, when Republicans likely re-take the house as well, unless by some miracle Biden keeps the progressive arm in check. Americans do not want to shut down ice, defund the police, etc., so if he can't keep the lid on that, 2022-2024 see Republicans in both houses.
Eh, could be worse.
“Congrats to the Biden/Harris ticket. I guess it's official now.”
Here’s a news flash. The news media has no official role to pick Presidents under our constitution.
White House phones ringing off the hook now with moving companies looking for work in January.
Sure. That’s very different than declaring its “official”. Biden is not officially President Elect until the state legislatures certify the vote, name the designers to the electoral college, and the electoral college votes. That’s official. Neither Trump, Biden, nor Wolf Blitzer can make it official through proclamation.
Has Biden cured covid yet?
Well, it’s actually “You’re Fired” but, fine, we know what you meant.
#notmypresident ring any bells?
Good luck to Joe if he thinks he has any control over red state governors.
I'm looking at the bright side. We'll have no more bullshit claims of Russian interference, impeachment for nothing,
I'm looking forward to no systemic racism, no more riots,
No more cops killing unarmed black men.
It's all on Joe now. He's got this.
To be fair Founder, Trump never made an attempt to win over the other side. Indeed, he went out of his way to accentuate the divide and energize his base. The libs to their own disservice just bought into his BS. I truly hope we become more united. That’s why Biden won the nomination and what he is saying he wants to do. With the republicans likely controlling the senate, it hopefully is the logical course for us. It will be nice to be able to go back to fighting Russia Iran N Korea and China and not each other. I didn’t like the tariffs, but I do like that Trump took China head on.
Trump won a record number of Black, Hispanic, and Muslim votes. By far. He had around double the votes from these groups of any Republican before him.
I was talking about Democrats. It is telling that you consider “the other side” to be blacks Hispanics and Muslims.
As a result, Pelosi and Schumer declared Trump was a racist. That is not unifying.
There are a lot of lies being spread by the democrat party and corrupt mainstream media, so let's set a few things straight. Biden does not have a mandate for climate change, or any made-up bogeyman of systemic racism. He barely won in the swing states. 49% of the country gave him a mandate to work with Republicans.
The democrat party was largely rejected by voters. They have not yet officially won the white house. They have not won the Senate. They lost seats in the house. Two state legislatures flipped to Republican control. Still doubt they have a mandate to work with Republicans.
If Biden is inaugurated, the Republicans will be held to account for holding Biden and the democrat party accountable. The days of weak Republicans like McCain and Paul are over. Republican voters will not forget how liberals behaved the past four years.
On serious note, I didn't vote Trump in 2016 and give him credit for doing a better job than anticipated, likewise didn't vote Biden this time around and hope he does a better job than expected. Step one for him: don't die.
Does that include dancers?
As far as MI goes, it was projected blue and acted accordingly. Its biggest counties, for the majority, are left leaning. That is why the blue flip happened "overnight." Mail in ballots from places like Wayne and Oakland county were reported. These are blue areas and some of the more populous in MI. MI has been reliably blue for like 20+ years besides 2016. It makes sense.
This is the outcome.
Everyone wants unity. Okay, here’s how we get it. Have an audit team check the math. Audit the software that caused glitches in at least 2 states. Do a sampling of the ballots to prove no funny business. Assuming everything is correct, invest a little time and effort to reassure the entire population.
Or, the media could jam this result down the throats of the great unwashed. If so, watch what happens next.
That sounds a lot like a prediction of violence in the streets, but you can correct me if I'm wrong. I've been saying for months that Republicans were oblivious to the polls and ignoring the fact that Trump was likely to lose.
It's impossible to argue with conspiracy theorists. If the Dems were smart enough to rig the presidential vote in their favor, it's a mystery why they didn't also cheat the Senate races and the Senate majority in their favor. What counts is that GOP leaders, especially in the Senate, need to speak out and put an end to questioning the election's validity. That's yet to happen. The longer they wait, the more it gets entrenched with conspiracy-theory nutcases.
folks that make statements like this need to be Baker Acted for their sake and to protect others
classic symptoms of paranoia and schizophrenia
Oh wait, that's right. Conservatives don't need safe spaces.
So if you want to gloat about a Biden win, feel free, but act fast. I have a feeling he won't be president long.
If I were a leftie, it probably would be. Have you noticed who has been burning down our cities ? Classic projection to assume Trump supporters would turn to violence. We won’t, no matter how much you’d like that.
Republicans will easily take back the House and gain Senate seats in 2022. They’ll gain massively at the State level as well. Turtle will refuse to add any judges as the old liberals die off. No legislation will pass. Trump tax rates will stay in place. No funding for the Green New Deal.
Blue cities will burn while UHauls head to Texas and Florida. The percent of homeless, illegals, and welfare recipients in New York, California, and Illinois will trend toward 100%.
That’s what happens next.
I say all of this as someone who has never voted Blue in his life and probably never will. While I liked his policies enough to vote for him, I couldn't stand the guy as a human being. In an era where all it takes is a small percentage of Independents and moderates to swing an election, it's not enough to pander to your base, which is what he did. He needed to make himself palatable to people sitting closer to the middle of the road and he failed to do that.
So now we are looking at 4 years of what will likely be an impotent Biden Presidency, especially in the first two. Let the games begin.
What are the odds Kamala, sorry, I mean Biden, will continue to keep us out of war ?
This is what we have to look forward to for the next 4 years if Biden is allowed to steal the election. Wrongthink will be a crime prosecuted by the media.
"The Republicans got a court order to able to watch the votes counted and they were prevented from entering the building."
A Trump campaign lawyer admitted before a federal judge on Thursday that observers for the campaign were allowed to watch ballot canvassing in Philadelphia, after they claimed in court and the President's supporters alleged they were being deprived unfairly.
But the federal judge was having none of it, instead asking Philadelphia city officials to confirm Democrats and Republicans were being treated fairly to watch the ballot-counting and that they were allowed to watch the ballot counting in the city from six feet away.
When the judge pressed the Trump campaign lawyer if there were observers in the room from the campaign, the lawyer, Jerome Marcus, said, "There's a non-zero number of people in the room."
The judge, Paul Diamond of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a George W. Bush appointee, also pointed out he believed the President's case appeared to have no reason to be in federal court, and even cracked a joke that the lawyer "shouldn't quit his day job" when the campaign handed the judge a hand-drawn map of the ballot counting room.
After the judge confirmed the parties would have the same number of observers in the room, he dismissed the Trump campaign's request because it was moot.
Harris/ Biden = ILLEGITIMATE…
1) Not all results are certified yet. Trump's campaign still has a chance to stop the fraud.
2) A cure now would still be a Trump victory, a Trump adminstration accomplishment.
3) After January 23, ut can be hailed as a Biden first 100 days accomplishment.
Btw, cure is a misnomer. Expect vaccines only, so that drug companies can get that annual revenue forecast to keep buying democrat party lawmakers.
Tell us the truth Mark, do you really believe half of what you say here, if you do you must be a very lonely guy.
You are not well liked, at least by your employees. You think they like you because they are afraid to speak up. Behind your back, they call you an asshole. You push around your employees. You never admit a mistake. It’s always someone else’s fault.
You probably have some clients who bring you repeat business. That’s because you will do whatever it takes to keep them happy, including bending the rules. These clients don’t think much of you as a human being but they pretend they do to maintain the business relationship.
You have a high opinion of yourself, at least outwardly. Inside, you fear being discovered for the fraud you are. The clinical term is narcissism.
Your kids either fear you or hate you. As they’ve gotten older,they spend less time with you. You think that’s natural. It’s not.
Liberals whine and cry.
Blame Russian interference.
Trump = Not My President
2020 Biden wins 306 electoral college votes (if GA holds) and is announced as President Elect.
Conservatives whine and cry.
Blame bugging software, extended vote counts, massive systemic fraud, and anything else they can come up with.
Harris/ Biden = ILLEGITIMATE
Meanwhile, moderates/centrists, ie the majority of Americans, shake their heads in disbelief. What ever happened to being a gracious loser?
As far as this crap about the election being fraudulent or rigged or deep state controlled, or any of the rest of the stupid allegations let me respond by saying this election was better overall for Republicans and y'all know it, so explain to me how that part is legitimate but the vote to get rid of Trump was rigged was fraudulent GTFOH.
There's no need for conspiracy theories and delusions to explain things. People have just had enough of Trumps ineptitude.
Here is just one example. Pennsylvania law clearly says that any votes received after Election Day are not to be counted. Philadelphia counted all of them anyway. Justice Scalia has ordered Pennsylvania to keep these ballots separate. There are clearly 5 Justices on the Supreme Court ready to invalidate these ballots. Without them, Trump wins. That brings Biden down to 270.
This isn’t even a close call. It’s a black and white interpretation of the law, with a 6-3 conservative majority ready to interpret it.
There are dozens of other legal issues in half a dozen states that can give Trump victory. No matter how much the media screams, these legal challenges continue.
"Making America OK Again"
This is our woke leftist future.
Some Republicans picked up seats in the House and many state-wide initiatives were status quo. Party philosophies didn't really gain or lose any ground. The only thing that happened was that No.45 was defeated and won't accept it. He go 70 million votes. His opponent got 75 million. That's not a big change in thinking.
Whether we like it or not, the Framers of The System designed the operation to be Centric instead of "Left" or "Right." An extreme personality on the top doesn't enable the system to function properly. So that personality had to be excised. This country is very traditional-leaning in a lot of ways. But in order for those values to benefit folk, humanity has to take a front seat.
We have to learn to fight fair and realize, in the end, nobody gets everything they want. Until that simple notion is realized, substantial progress won't happen. Like it or not, good politicians have to be good negotiators.
Everything that’s been reported is that there are about 2k votes that were postmarked before Election Day and received by Friday. Biden is ahead by 41k votes with about 70k left to count. The 2k votes were ordered by the US Supreme Court to be segregated and have not been counted yet This case could go back before the US Supreme Court (it was 4-4 last month). It would be a bit messy since they refused to overturn the PA Supreme Court which made the 3 day rule. You’d have voters who mailed by Election Day based on what the court ruled. Could the US SCT overturn it? Yeah, but it would screw over voters who relied on the law at the time they voted. I think Scalia especially would have a tough time doing that.
Jimmy FTW
Umm, Mark, you do realize that with 270 votes, Biden still wins, no? 😀
Dude, he lost. Let it go. It sucks for sure, but a prolonged battle and more hyperbole in fighting the obvious will just hurt the Republican Party in both the GA Senate runoffs and the next general election. Unless he has concrete evidence of mass fraud in multiple states, he would do us all a favor by conceding graciously.
We have to start taking a longer view now. The Dems will no doubt do plenty to fuck themselves in the coming four years. With the extreme elements now holding such influence in the party they just can't help themselves. It would be really nice if we didn't give them our own crazy ass behavior to counter with, especially when the midterms roll around in a couple of years.
Did I say that?
Yes, I did.
For some reason, this time around, Biden and his allies are very anxious to avoid the scrutiny that is typical. I wonder why.
We're all still so covid fucked
You gonna put "The Kennedy Room" to use while The Big Guy tours the rest of the high school kids in the Oval Office?
But the crazy Dems couldn't prove Russian collusion either and many people still believed in that BS.
Hopefully the Republicans keep the Senate and limit the damage from the liberal idiots.
With a conservative Supreme Court ready to overturn lower court opinions, what are the odds that Trump can win 2 out of 10 lawsuits ? The Democrats need to bat over .800 to win. Trump just needs to bat .200.
However, if the shoe were on the other foot, the mainstream and social media would be all in for Biden to overturn this. It's very hard to win nationally when your message is limited to a small number of outlets. Still, the groundswell of support for the ideas won't die and will become stronger by the next election.
At this point, the only outcome that doesn’t cause massive disruption is if it can be shown that Biden won legitimately. For that to happen, a genuine review needs to take place of the many anomalies in the election data. So, let’s not paper over all the questions that have arisen. Time for some sunlight.
With a conservative Supreme Court ready to overturn lower court opinions, what are the odds that Trump can win 2 out of 10 lawsuits ? The Democrats need to bat over .800 to win. Trump just needs to bat .200."
I just noticed that the silent mute jonathan999 disagreed with this message. i guess he doesn't like mathematics and/or baseball.
No, it is up to Trump to prove this MASSIVE fraud he has been talking about for the past few months. Sure there may be some errors uncovered on audit / recount. Out 145 million votes cast there are bound to be, but I will be surprised if they disproportionately favor either candidate. Biden won the same way Trump won before him,by getting the most votes in the swing States that decide our elections. I think his plan all along has been to bullshit his way into States selecting Electors favoring him while disregarding the outcome of that States voters because of the imaginary "massive fraud".
“Joe Biden is not our president-elect by any standard. This fiction was created by the media's projection/proclamation Saturday morning of his "victory" in highly-contested Pennsylvania, by celebratory marches in the streets by leftist mobs, and then by NBC and the other networks breaking into otherwise enjoyable football games to air Biden's presumptuous "acceptance" speech.
Fooled again, America. There is no 'president-elect' until December 14th at the earliest, when the electoral college "meets." In 2000, the Supreme Court didn't render their decision on Florida's decisive electoral votes until December 12.
We have no "president-elect" at the moment and anyone who says so is a liar. And anyone who echoes this lie is a fool or a coward. Or worse.”…
Both parties are so focused on winning, that they no longer care about how the electorate voted. Am I the only one who sees this as completely contradictory to a democratically elected representative rwpiblic?
Now, the Democrats announce that Republicans should stop being partisan. Accept the verdict of the media. Stop asking questions. Stop gathering evidence. Surrender for the good of the country. Sit back and enjoy it.
Joe Biden: Make China Great Again. One China, One System. Make Mexico Work More Again. Make Europe the Global Leaders Again. Make America a Bitch Again.
25iq, do you realize that by voting democrat as a communist, youbare citing against youself? The Squad, and the democrat party majority, wants BDS to become official foreign and domestic policy? Kissing their butt and swearing fealty isn't going to save you. And you call Trump voters "Nazis". You poor, demented, old fool.
Oh, and Phizer announces a miracle vaccine, far better and more effective than anyone even hoped for, one day after Biden is declared the winner. Wow, that Joe Biden really gets things done.
This is exactly how things tend to go in a legitimate election, fair and square. Nothing to worry about here. It must be true, because even the media says so.
You asked and Joe delivered! Not so sleepy after all I guess! Cured Covid ONE DAY after winning the Presidency! And now the economy is gonna skyrocket, all thanks to Joe, not Trump! Thank God for Joe Biden! He's a miracle worker!…
The immediate efficacy is 90%.
It's too early to determine the long term efficacy and safety of the Pfizer vaccine, nor did the details include which strain(s) it provided protection against. What is clear is that Pfizer was adamant that they did not take any federal money to create the vaccine, they are not part of operation Warp Speed, and therefore are not obligated to provide the vaccine at little or no cost to those who receive it. This is for traders and brokers to consider buying the stock.
If I understand correctly, Pfizer is manufacturing the vaccine and primary credit for actually developing the vaccine goes to the German company, BioNTech. We'll call it the Merkel vaccine since she's been the leader of the free world for a while.
Yes, the news is encouraging but preliminary.…
If I need Xanax, I’d suggest an anti-psychotic dose for you. what’s the next fantasy, Trump is literally Hitler ?
Really Biden using the military in a drill fuckn how do you expect a private citizen to use the military for a drill just certifiably nuts…
You make up so much shit, does that come from the voices in your head or is someone feeding this shit to you, either way you are nuts.
Downfall parody rant: They're counting the's only a matter of time…
Associated Press — Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.
"....before the 2020 presidential election is certified, despite little evidence of fraud."
You're welcome.
After the loss Hitler takes a job in a Dollar Store:
Are you talking about the Russia collusion inquisition ?
“If you win, you need not have to explain. If you lose, you should not be there to explain.” -- Adolf Hitler
You'd best ask the Associated Press about that. You did, after all, partially quote their news story. Or did you forget that part already??
MARK- 270 is what is needed to win the electoral college. Biden would still win in your scenario.
Look. He was projected to win via polls and he did so, accurately. He got like 5M more of the popular vote. When GA finally calls it, he will over 300 electoral votes.
Biden is the president elect and will he sworn in. We anti-trump votes has to swallow that pill. Now it's your turn.
You realize that every single Presidential election since Washington required State Legislatures to certify the accuracy of the vote.
I’m not asking for Trump to be declared President by Wolf Blitzer, or the members of TUSCL, or anyone else.
I’m reminding you that we always count the votes, then review them for accuracy, before declaring a winner in an election. The thing that’s happening now, investigating allegations, bringing legal action, is normal. It’s necessary. It’s how we prove that the results can be trusted. It’s how we keep our Republic.
Why are so many people who support Biden so adamant that no audit be performed of the election results before they are certified ?
There are 2 big differences between now and 2000. First, the entire media, including Fox, has taken one candidates side. They will spend the next month reassuring you that Biden deserves to win and that it will be an injustice if he doesn’t. Second, we’ve already had bloody political riots. I’m not worried about violence if Biden wins but I think the same cities will explode if it goes the other way.
Yes, and they're generally democratic mail ins.
Who cares if they audit votes? Audit away. Idc. Biden is the clear winner. Are you alleging the republic ruled Senate race was also fraudulent?
I get it that my area was all for Biden, and voted a Republican senator out of office, and all. But holy heck, either it’s all one heck of a coincidence or people take our corrupt government way too seriously. 😅
Then again, drivers have been driving more aggressively the last couple days. I wonder if that has a link to the election results or if it's just typical Florida drivers.
my personal opinion, Trump knows he lost but if he flips 1 state due to voter fraud he wins. Exposing the democract politicians lol…
Seems ok to me that this guy can testify.
I am starting to see these Trumpublican nuts like those handfuls of Japanese soldiers they were finding in the Philippine and other Pacific Ocean islands all the way into the sixties more than 20 years after Japan surrendered
[If you DON"T LIKE the $!*@%$ guardian, just google: WWII Japanese soldiers still hiding jungele]…
Several soldiers stories cited; this one, in particular, offers some useful advice to bitter Magatards:
"In 1974, Hiroo Onoda, a Japanese army intelligence officer, caused a sensation when he was persuaded to come out of hiding by a former comrade on the Philippine island of Lubang.
Mr Onoda, now 83, wept uncontrollably as he agreed to lay down his rifle, unaware that Japanese forces had surrendered 29 years earlier. He returned to Japan the same year, **but unable to adapt to life in his home country, emigrated to Brazil in 1975."**
Good advice for @mark, @gammanu, @Papi_Chulo, etc
Emigrate to Brazil, Jair's your man: detests queers, loves violence [even Trump can't claim to have survived an ACTUAL [not figurative] stab in the back, loves Trump etc. Also Brazil is full of sexy women and beautiful beaches. What more could a Magatard want???
25, do you realize that half the time your posts attempt to claim the high moral ground, demanding Trump supporters be civil, and the next post you insult half of America by calling “Trumpublicans” a name. Pick a lane, man.
Consider this aspect of the pathological level of paranoid thinking:
Beneath the surface of mistrust and defensive vigilance for those prone to paranoid thinking lies a current of deep resentment toward others who “have made it.” To them, most people have attained their status unjustly; thus, they are bitter for having been overlooked, treated unfairly, and slighted by the “high and mighty,” “the cheats and the crooks” who dupe the world. Only a thin veil hides these bristling animosities.
Unable to accept their own faults and weaknesses, these people maintain their self-esteem by attributing their shortcomings to others. They repudiate their own failures and ascribe them to someone else. ***They possess a remarkable talent for spotting even the most trifling deficiencies in others. And both subtly and directly they point out and exaggerate, with great pleasure, the minor defects they uncover among those they despise.*** Rarely does their undercurrent of envy and hostility subside; they remain touchy and irascible, ready to humiliate and deprecate anyone whose merits they question, and whose attitudes and demeanor evoke their ire and contempt.
Based on material from: Millon, Theodore, Disorders of Personality: Introducing a DSM / ICD Spectrum From Normal to Abnormal, Third Edition, Wiley, 2011, Chapter 20: Mistrustful Styles, Paranoid Types, Paraphrenic Disorders: The MPP Spectrum
Just one example, out of dozens, where the Republicans can hand re-election to Trump with a single favorable ruling.
The Epoch Times, a conservative newspaper founded by members of a spiritual group persecuted in China, has promoted misleading claims to advance an undisclosed political agenda
Score = 49.5 / 100, mostly marked down for lack of credibility
Verdict = Proceed with caution: This website fails to adhere to several basic journalistic standards.
To pre-empt predictable but boring response - Liberal extremists pretending to be objective; mark down ANY right-leaning news media because they espouse conservative views
On the other hand:…
The general idea that the electin isn't final until the popular and electoral votes are certified is correct
The use of this fact to raise poorly sourced facts or isolated instances placed in a deceptive context is you being a paranoid.
I’m a calm guy but if you want me to revolt, then openly support and flaunt a “rules for thee but not for me” society. We all know it exists but flaunting it to “own the libs” is horseshit. Now people trying to cry about the Logan Act that shat all over the Hatch Act the last few months
Pence should have taken control long ago. Now he comes across as Trumps weak little bitch to me. I’m not sure who to root for in the GOP anymore.
This Trump supporter reacts to news Joe Biden has won the election and will become the 46th president of the United States. Using scene from Downfall. The ranting German voice is Hitler's, but the subtitling gives voice to the pure magatard nation thinking.
And NO this does not make you a Nazi, just an angry, bitter loser.
Democrats. The party of unity and compassion.…
RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story. Hopkins doubles down...
Agent Strasser: “I am trying to twist you a little bit”
“I am scaring you here”...” we have Senators involved...DOJ involved...reason they called me is to try to harness.”
In the surest sign that House Democrats plan a wave of investigations into the Trump administration, leading committee chairs have sent a letter to more than 50 agencies warning that all documents and texts, even on private phones, be preserved.
Unity my ass.
Want to put your money where your mouth is? I’ll bet you even up that Biden is inaugurated on Jan 20. You get Trump. Whoever loses is barred from posting on the board for a month. Bet?…
If Trump wins, I suspect the emotional impact will be more severe for some of you. Your media has assured you there is zero chance Trump can win. They lie.
Reality: "The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud The president and his allies have baselessly claimed that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. Officials contacted by The Times said that there were no irregularities that affected the outcome." 🏁
NYT:. Were there any irregularities?
Election Official: Nope
NYT: Well, our work is done here.
For some people the election won't be truly over until "Biden sworn in...." headlines in such paragons of journalistic credibility as:
11/10/2020 = AP:EXPLAINER: Trump’s challenges fail to prove election fraud
"A barrage of lawsuits and investigations led by President Donald Trump’s campaign and allies has not come close to proving a multi-state failure that would call into question his loss to President-elect Joe Biden. The campaign has filed at least 17 lawsuits in various state and federal courts. Most make similar claims that have not been proven to have affected any votes, including allegations that Trump election observers didn’t have the access they sought or that mail-in ballots were fraudulently cast."
"The New York Times contacted the offices of the top election officials in every state on Monday and Tuesday to ask whether they suspected or had evidence of illegal voting."
That was their only question, is what I gathered from "reading the article".
Maybe they could ask more direct questions.
Here's two from a guy that's *NOT* a reporter for the NYT:
"Were there 100,000 ballots all for Biden with no other vote marked? If so, is that odd? "
"Why does the President say ballots are dumped at 4 am? Do you receive ballots all night long? Is that usual?"
Just get the answers to those two questions for me. Personally, I don't think there was cheating, but I would expect some harder questions from the NYT.…. Accessed 12 Nov. 2020.
President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated at noon on Jan. 20. President Trump can
thunder incessantly about “this Rigged Election!” and dispatch his lawyers to court. His
attorney general can try to generate accusations of voter fraud. Republican senators can act
as if the result were not clear.
For those who are filled with dread that this will somehow prevent Biden from taking
office: Relax. It won’t.
First, the Trump lawsuits are bogus. Trump hasn’t even made allegations involving enough
ballots in enough states to negate Biden’s electoral college victory.
Trump would need to overturn Biden’s apparent victories in three states to take Biden
below 270 electoral votes. In Pennsylvania, where Trump’s main claim is about being
denied the right to observe the process as closely as his campaign wished, no court is going
to invalidate votes for that alleged procedural failure alone.
There would need to be proof of actual unlawful ballots cast as a consequence of the
procedural lapse. Moreover, the proof would have to show that the unlawful ballots made a
difference in which candidate won. Demonstrating that requires not only more unlawful
ballots than Biden’s lead (now nearly 49,000 in Pennsylvania) but enough invalid ballots
cast for Biden to erase that lead.
Assuming that invalid ballots favored Biden at an 80-20 ratio, there would need to be
almost 85,000 unlawful votes to overcome a 49,000-vote margin. But courts aren’t willing
to just make such assumptions. They require actual evidence, which Trump has not
Who is Edward B. Foley?
Edward B. Foley, a Washington Post contributing columnist, writes on matters relating to election law and administration.
Foley holds the Ebersold Chair in Constitutional Law at Ohio State University, where he heads the university’s election law program.
He also serves as an NBC News election law analyst. In 2016, his book “Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States” was named a finalist for the David J. Langum Sr. Prize in American Legal History; his most recent book, “Presidential Elections and Majority Rule,” explores the conception and evolution of the electoral college, while making the case for reform. Foley clerked for Justice Harry Blackmun at the U.S. Supreme Court in 1987-1988 and Chief Judge Patricia M. Wald of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Distict of Columbia Circuit in 1986-1987. He has also served as state solicitor in the office of Ohio’s attorney general.
I believe OSU is TheeOSU' alma mater
From this thread, it’s clear that the media can, in fact has, redefine reality. We’ll have 70 million voters who know there was fraud proven and 70 million who believe Trump simply refuses to leave.
"I spent two hours yelling at my grandma this morning after I found out she voted for Biden. After that, I left the cemetery and went to breakfast."
"Here's two from a guy that's *NOT* a reporter for the NYT:
"Were there 100,000 ballots all for Biden with no other vote marked? If so, is that odd? "
"Why does the President say ballots are dumped at 4 am? Do you receive ballots all night long? Is that usual?""
Did not see either quoted in NYT article, so sources [citation] please.
Mark provided no citation for his claim: "There are over 1,000 eye witness affidavits filed describing the fraud. Many of them from Democrat poll workers who were disgusted by what they saw. The fraud is real."
+Foley-Post article points out that at this point any fraud would have to be shown to make a material difference in electoral college outcome:
"First, the Trump lawsuits are bogus. Trump hasn’t even made allegations involving enough ballots in
enough states to negate Biden’s electoral college victory"
"Trump would need to overturn Biden’s apparent victories in three states to take Biden
below 270 electoral votes. In Pennsylvania, where Trump’s main claim is about being
denied the right to observe the process as closely as his campaign wished, no court is going
to invalidate votes for that alleged procedural failure alone.
There would need to be proof of actual unlawful ballots cast as a consequence of the
procedural lapse. Moreover, the proof would have to show that the unlawful ballots made a
difference in which candidate won. Demonstrating that requires not only more unlawful
ballots than Biden’s lead (now nearly 49,000 in Pennsylvania) but enough invalid ballots
cast for Biden to erase that lead"
Winning over the army of Deplorables is very important to Biden. They are part of the taxation base he must capture to keep going. Without them he will have little to feed his leftist auxiliaries. So if the Deplorables retire in good order it is problematic.
So far, Trump has kept them unified by fighting against unjust elections. If he can keep them unified, he will win the war, even if he loses the 2020 election battle.
I can try to find the AP article published before the election which describes how they developed this process.
And in terms of tracking vote counts by state and whether count has been certified, see real-time data @cookpoliticaleport:…?
Anderson, Scott R., et al. “2020 Is An Election Security Success Story (So Far).” Lawfare, 7 Nov. 2020,…. Accessed 10 Nov. 2020.
"What’s more, the voting itself was remarkably smooth. It was only a few months ago that professionals and analysts who monitor election administration were alarmed at how badly unprepared the country was for voting during a pandemic. Some of the primaries were disasters. There were not clear rules in many states for voting by mail or sufficient opportunities for voting early. There was an acute shortage of poll workers. Yet the United States saw unprecedented turnout over the last few weeks. Many states handled voting by mail and early voting impressively and huge numbers of volunteers turned up to work the polls. Large amounts of litigation before the election clarified the rules in every state. And for all the president’s griping about the counting of votes, it has been orderly and apparently without significant incident. The result was that, in the midst of a pandemic that has killed 230,000 Americans, record numbers of Americans voted — and voted by mail — and those votes are almost all counted at this stage.
On the cybersecurity front, there is even more good news. Most significantly, there was no serious effort to target voting infrastructure. After voting concluded, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Chris Krebs, released a statement, saying that “after millions of Americans voted, we have no evidence any foreign adversary was capable of preventing Americans from voting or changing vote tallies.” Krebs pledged to “remain vigilant for any attempts by foreign actors to target or disrupt the ongoing vote counting and final certification of results,” and no reports have emerged of threats to tabulation and certification processes."
File under reported claims vs proof:
"An attorney for the Trump campaign admitted in court on Tuesday that a lawsuit against the local elections board is not alleging election fraud.
Trump campaign attorney Jonathan S. Goldstein made the statement while arguing that the Montgomery County Board of Elections must halt the counting of 592 mail-in ballots. During the oral arguments, the judge asked Goldstein if the campaign is alleging fraud. “Your Honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” Goldstein said. “And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the Board or the DNC or anybody else involved in this a liar.”
“I am asking you a specific question,” the judge pressed, “and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?” “To my knowledge at present, no,” Goldstein replied. “Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?” the judge asked. “To my knowledge at present, no,” Goldstein conceded.
The National Review, a conservative publication, noted that Trump campaign lawsuits like the one in Montgomery County have been ending “not with a bang, but a whimper.” “It is one thing to fume on Twitter that there is a sinister effort to steal an election; it is another thing to assert that sweeping claim in a court of law, before a judge, under penalty of perjury and/or disbarment,” National Review correspondent Jim Geraghty wrote."
1. AP explains the process of collecting vote counts and calling elections…
2. Esquire article that provides history of AP's origin and involvement in reporting election results; how it became gold standard AND its prep for 2020 election
Storey, Kate. “How the Associated Press Plans to Determine the Winner of This Year’s Election.” Esquire, Esquire, 29 Oct. 2020,…. Accessed 12 Nov. 2020.
3. Link to AP election explainer articles…
Tells me all I need to know.
I was hoping I could get away with it, but I think they're on to me.
Nancy Pelosi reportedly doesn’t have the votes she needs to continue to be speaker. A younger, more radical opponent is likely.
AZ - 11k with 22k left to count
GA - Biden leads by 14k, done counting
NV - Biden leads by 37k with 64k left to count
PA - Biden leads by 53k with 24k left to count
Based on the trends all will hold for Biden with a less than 50% but not impossible chance of AZ, which is getting closer.…
In every key state, including Michigan and Wisconsin, there are several times the number of irregular votes for Biden than Biden’s apparent margin of error. So, we’ll see.
We’re a month away from a certified vote. Lots can happen.
Does anyone else see this ?
Democrats are the party of the welfare class, upper middle class, the wealthy, government workers, socialists, anarchists, victim class, Hollywood, Karens, journalists, academia, corporate executives, and people with graduate degrees. It’s a group that is increasingly difficult to hold together.
The Democrats have the levers of power. Trump has the majority of voters.
Battle on.
Much sooner than that. GA certifies on Nov 20. PA and MI certify on Nov 23. AZ certifies on Nov 30. WI and NV certify on Dec 1. It’ll seem like a hundred years but we’re basically done on Nov 23 once PA certifies.
I see how you are moving on with your life LOL
“A Pennsylvania appellate court handed President Donald Trump’s campaign a minor victory Thursday, barring counties from including in their final vote tallies a small pool of mail ballots from people who had failed to provide required ID by a Monday deadline.”
So fuck yea Mark it’s over move on now.
Yes he has. You just wont accept the reality of it.
That’s what happens when your only source of information is Anderson Cooper. You think you’ve already won, when it’s only the third quarter.
Whatever. I’ve waited four years. Another week or two is no problem. By the time this is over Trump will have lost 3 or 4 times as he keeps filing his frivolous lawsuits.
Fixed it for ya Jimmy
Biden beat Trump. 5 million more popular votes. 50k+ in PA. 150k+ in MI. 10k+ in AZ. Only GA is razor thin and Biden doesn't need it. The only way Trump can win is to convince the courts (and worse the public) that the election was so corrupt, so ripe with fraud, that it should be invalid. He is attacking and weakening the very INSTITUTION of American elections. Think that might embolden our enemies? Is having your favored candidate win worth that damage? I liked a LOT of what has been accomplished in the past 4 years. But Trump is no patriot, he just plays one on TV.
I don’t think that Trump has figured that out yet but I bet once he does he can’t get out of there fast enough
If you don’t want to bet on my not posting for a month, how about cash? $100. If Trump stays president after Jan 20 I will donate $100 to his campaign, PAC, the RNC. Anything conservative you choose as long as it’s not a hate group or the like. If Biden is president you donate $100 to his re-election campaign. Bet?
No, I didn't notice. But then I'm not a nutty right-wing reactionary and we probably don't read the same news sources. The exit polling was far more mundane, showing that support for Biden among moderates and independents increased by 12%. That was the single biggest demographic shit compared to 2012.
And support among non-college-educated white men was overwhelmingly for Trump. Again. Trump owes his election in 2012 to that group.
With a moderate Democrat in the executive and a GOP-controlled Senate, I wouldn't worry about us turning into Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Lol, you write some of the goofiest, most hysterical, rants of anyone on TUSCL.
@Mark: I'll take the bet that Biden is in office on Jan 20. If you lose, you agree to ten strip club visits wearing a 24-inch tinfoil hat. And you must post selfies here on TUSCL to verify.
Enjoy the daily play-by-play of this absurd drama if thats what you enjoy.
Wall St. Journal
The BBW is warming up her vocal pipes.
Sadly, Pfizers vaccine does not come in the form of a little blue pill. Sorry, TJ mongers.
“A Pennsylvania judge has ordered the state to temporarily pause further action on certifying its 2020 election results until Friday, when her court will hold a hearing on a lawsuit seeking to declare all mail-in votes in the Keystone State unconstitutional.”
“In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden's win and set an example for other state challenges.”
Next: Sure, there’s a little fraud, but not enough to matter.
Next: Okay, maybe there was a lot of fraud, but Trump can’t prove it.
Next: Trump may convince the Courts there was fraud, but it’s too late to do anything about it.
Coming soon: The Courts are corrupt. Or stupid. Or both. Let’s burn some more cities.
trump lawyers threw down a a pair of 6's or 2 pairs of whatever - shit hands. probably already knew that they were going to lose thus a fold. the flush draws, straight and royal, are coming out at the supreme court.