
I’ve NEVER asked for Permission … EVER!

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I consider it absurd that some advocate “asking permission” of a woman before you kiss her, fondle her or get sticky with her. 

The way some people approach this topic, I surprised no one has yet advocated first getting a signed and notarized consent, waiver and release from the object of your affections before you enjoy a good poke on her. 

I have never, ever asked any woman for permission before I made my advances on her. 

There have been no complaints. 

Actually, as I recall, there WERE a few complaints, but they were more in the nature of “what took you so long?”

Humans have been communicating with one another for a long time before language developed.  This non-verbal communication of sexual desire and willingness is just as effective and more reliable than any verbal assent you will ever get from a woman.

People often use words to deceive. 

But they rarely use their non-verbal communications skills that way.

When a woman maintains long eye-contract with you (and isn’t looking scared, suspicious or disgusted), it’s a sure sign of interest on her part.

If she cuddles in close to you and then snuggles in even closer when you put your arm around her, that’s always a good sign.

If puts her face up close to yours (in “kissing range”) and then closes her eyes as you swoop in for a torrid kiss, that’s an unmistakable sign that she’s anxious to get the party underway.

If she sticks her tongue into your mouth, that’s best interpreted as an open invitation for you to return the favor by penetrating her.  

If you start unbuttoning her blouse and she responds by eagerly undressing you, it’s safe to say she’s more than a little interested.

If you start stroking or fondling her muchachas and she returns the favor by reaching lovingly for your kielbasa, you might as well uncork the champagne.

A woman might not actually utter the words, “I want you to fuck me, NOW!” (although a few women have said as much to me, including a few with whom I had not yet even been properly introduced), but when a woman peels down to her fingernail polish, puts all of her pink parts on full display and assumes the position, it means pretty much the same thing. 



  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I’ve always been of a mind it’s better to ask forgiveness than ask for permission 😊
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I just grab them by the pussy.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Sounds like 25iq is advocating for sexual assault.
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    Only had one incident. I started to get busy with a girl in college that I had been dating for a few months. She said "no" and I stopped, saying I respected her decision. (I was rounding third base at the time.) We dated a few more times after that. Later, I found out that she had told most anyone who would listen that I tried to rape her. Don't know why, but she continued to go out with me for a few more weeks like nothing was amiss. Relationship over when I found out through a mutual friend, but it was a little scary that she let things get as far as they did, I showed restraint, and she still tried to throw me under the bus.

    I am not the bragging type, so no one would have known anything unless she told them. Couldn't quite figure out her motives. Might have been an effort to reduce my dating pool or she was having trouble justifying her physical response with her conservative/Texas upbringing. (We were both about 22 at the time, so it wasn't like she was ignorant or inexperienced with the world.)

    An early lesson on how I might be accused of an illegal act despite following the rules.

    The point being that you never know for sure and why prostitutes can be a proper alternative when it comes to the issue of consent.
  • reverendhornibastard
    4 years ago
    @tahoecruz - Now THAT’S a scary story!

    I’ve never had an experience like that - where I’m beyond first base and the game is called for lack of interest on the opposing team.

    I’m sure it was just my youthful shyness around women that accounts for never being told to keep my hands (or any other body parts) to myself. When I was a young man I never made a move until it was abundantly clear that my prey was ready to submit.

    Later in life I had some interesting experiences with women who enjoyed rough sex. The first time, when the woman seemed to be resisting I dutifully stopped but she just acted frustrated and asked me, “Why did you stop?”

    She made it clear that she liked to be manhandled.

    I got the idea and graciously took her up on her offer, literally ripping her clothes off her (luckily they weren’t too expensive) and throwing her around like a rag doll while I had my way with her.

    I was invited for numerous repeat performances but lost interest in her due to her other peculiarities that turned me off.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Its just something that happens naturally. You don't plan it or force it or ask for it. But tbh most of the time its been them initiating it lulz
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    "I consider it absurd that some advocate “asking permission” of a woman before you kiss her, fondle her or get sticky with her."

    Who is advocating this? It seems to be something mostly powered by American university gender politics -- the reliable and consistent source of the most retarded ideas ever. I don't think you're going to get a forum full of old guys to disagree that the "ask permission" culture is ridiculous.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    Asking permission is just the polite thing to do. It shows a woman that you respect them. It allows them a safe space in an intimate encounter. It helps prevent there from being any misunderstandings. I always ask.

    "Is okay if I cum in your mouth?"
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    @reverendhornibastard “If you start stroking or fondling her muchachas and she returns the favor by reaching lovingly for your kielbasa, you might as well uncork the champagne.”

    Just a point of clarification, when you say “you might as well uncork the champagne” you don’t mean jizzing in your pants, right?
  • reverendhornibastard
    4 years ago

    The reference to uncorking the champagne was a sexual metaphor.

    While I don’t favor jizzing in my pants (or anyone else’s pants for that matter), I learned during my teens that flushing the pipes (at least) once before a hot date was a good idea because it gave me more endurance during the main event and any encore performances.
  • reverendhornibastard
    4 years ago

    I don’t ask about coming in a woman’s mouth, but it’s her first time to blow me and I’m not sure how she will feel about getting a mouthful of Splooge, I will warn her when my eruption is imminent and let her decide for herself where she wants it to go.

    If she has already proven herself to be OK with taking a load in her mouth, I skip the warnings and just let it flow.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    OK got it. That's what I thought and I'll just assume that kielbasa isn't a Polish sausage. There's nothing more embarrassing than a misunderstanding when it comes to what a man and woman are each expecting. For example:


  • Lanechange
    4 years ago
    "Helllooo! I saw you looking my way, and i have my suspicions, but before proceeding any further i am legally bound to obtain positobe confirmation, therefore i must ask. Do you consent to being bent over and taken to pound town with multiple stops everywhere from here to there and everywhere in between?"

    Said no real man ever who loved to tell about it.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I will always ask before anal
  • loper
    4 years ago
    Kielbasa? You mean Schnitzengruben?
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    @ BabyDoc, that YouTube was funny.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    "when a woman peels down to her fingernail polish, puts all of her pink parts on full display and assumes the position, it means pretty much the same thing" So any stripper that bends over during a lapdance is giving you permission to fuck her? What about the ones that get completely nude on stage, are they inviting every PL at the tip rail to a gangbang?
  • reverendhornibastard
    4 years ago

    My rule of thumb only applies when the lady puts her pink parts on display specifically for you and without any remunerative expectations.

    When in doubt, just stand by patiently until she glares at you and demands to know “what the hell are you waiting for?
  • Hannathedog79
    4 years ago
    I might be the only guy this happens to, but I'm pretty much 0-for my lifetime when I make the first move. I generally get the "what are you doing, I like you as a friend" reaction. This even happens with women who my friends tell me is showing all the signs of interest. I can't count the number of times my buddies asked me "How'd it go last night?" and my answer was "it didn't, she said I misunderstood her affections" and they're like, "Man it looked like a 100% sure thing from what I saw!".

    So far, all of my civilian action has come when she made the first move and I simply went with the flow. Of course, the women who are willing to make the first move on me aren't usually the type of women I'm attracted to (physically or otherwise). At this point, I've given up on finding mutual attraction on the civilian side, since the ones I'm attracted to all seem to see me as an older brother.

    Thank goodness for strippers and escorts!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Keep in mind when bloviating bastard says women hes referring to third world Asian hookers
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Lol !!!
    Back from the dead to search for some more dick pics cj?
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    man. i was slow early on. now in the past few years i’m starting to learn.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Lol, phaticee liked cj's comment and disliked mine.
    Is it because he's happy to see cj or because he's also searching for dick pics?
    Most likely both. Lol
    4 years ago
    Language was around before humans. Monkeys can verbally warn each other of predators.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Theeosu I disliked your comment coz I think byoute an obnoxious annoying etupif little bitch boy
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Willy verbal signals aren't quite language
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    You just described yourself phattyicee. It's ok, you can share dick pics with cj, just not here fagboi. ETUPIF. $TUP/P. I THINK YOU MIEJHT HAVE A ETORY TO TELL ' PRINCEEE CELEETIFL' EPIKE
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    No i described you.
  • prevert
    4 years ago
    I ALWAYS ask. I don’t usually get a no but often enough that it’s worth asking.

    Dumb fucks who just assume are asking for a punch in the face.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I'll be the first to admit that it's been almost 16 years since I've been in a civilian dating situation, but honestly I never found this to be all that complicated. In every situation that went from kiss to fuck, it was all nonverbal and her willingness was pretty easy to recognize.

    In some instances, especially on first dates when it went from kiss to somewhere short of fuck, little physical cues like a hand on the chest or my hand, a slight pull back or some other light cue was enough to signal her hesitancy and keep me from pressing on.

    I just don't get why this is so complicated nowadays.
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