What states do not have curfews ?? Which states do? ?

avatar for Chelsea123456
Hi everyone! I’m a traveling dancer and was wondering what states do not have curfews in place? Which states do have curfews in place? I am trying to figure out where to travel next? Thanks for your help 💋💋


last comment
avatar for sweetjamesjones
4 years ago
You can cross Illinois off your list. Our governor is pretty much shutting everything down starting Friday.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Not great here in Maryland. 10p curfew statewide and 25-50% capacity depending on which county/city you’re in.
avatar for PhredJohnson
4 years ago
No curfew in Michigan. But all the clubs have been shut down.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Looks like CA is getting one starting Saturday.

A buddy from MA told me there's a curfew there
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
I wish I could tell you Kentucky, but I can't. :(
avatar for Chelsea123456
4 years ago
Damn this is crazy 😝!! Thanks for the information keep it coming 😉
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
Florida seems like your best option for now but don't know how long that will last. Just came back from an open bar in CA but I live in the sunniest city here and even that won't hold out consistently for the next few months. According to the lib government, Covid only spreads after 10pm
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
Isn't it funny how the same restrictions suddenly pop up everywhere at once. There's no conspiracies though.

Even in high school I was allowed to stay out till 11. What are we 8 year olds? There are no words for this lunacy anymore.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
Ohio has a 10 pm curfew and Kentucky has closed all bars.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"There's no conspiracies though."

It's called peer pressure. Works just like grade school but often overlooked because people make the mistake of equating years on the planet with maturity.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
No curfew in Texas.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Colorado not only has curfews, but also banned indoor dining. Just finished out my last shift today and guessing the club will be closed for two months. 🙄 I’m personally not going to do anything about it. Central Texas is traditionally terrible during November&December for me personally even without a pandemic. And I’m not entirely sure where I’d be going.

My guess is check the maps of what areas voted red or blue during this recent election. The red areas will probably be a bit safer through the holiday season. And just to be safe, be prepared to drive to other places and don’t book lodging in any particular area for too long. I’d probably have a “circuit” of where in the South you’re willing to try. I’f it works out—great. If not, keep going.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Tho caveat election maps aren’t everything. I heard Nashville imposed curfews despite being deep red? But then again, that’s probably just an excuse on their part to go against “sin” anyways.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Looks like Atlanta area clubs open around noon and go to 3AM but closed on Sunday within the city limits.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
Idaho is red and they are shut back down. So idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
But how long are the bigger cities gonna stay open out there? The widespread shutdowns are kinda worrisome. Anyway idk everything that is going on in idaho just that someone I know tried to stay at a major hotel chain and apparently the hotel was shutdown due to covid???
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
NY 10pm atm
avatar for etsutwigg222
4 years ago
Wherever Govs Newsome & Whitmer like to eat and party is COVID free.....at least the photos show job need for masks or shutdowns.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
When will people learn that big government is the enemy?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Florida seems like your best option for now but don't know how long that will last."

Florida's Governor has made it clear that he isn't shutting anything down again. The fear that exists in some states just isn't as pronounced here, probably because everyone here knows at least a few people who have had it.

Chelsea, I think that FL, TX and GA are your best bets. The Governors of those states seem to grasp that putting people out of work a month before Christmas is unacceptable.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 years ago
AZ-Phoenix no curfew
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
“Not great here in Maryland. 10p curfew statewide and 25-50% capacity depending on which county/city you’re in.”

Not great here in Maryland. BARS AND RESTAURANTS MUST CLOSE AT 10p statewide and 25-50% capacity depending on which county/city you’re in.

Correcting my own post. It’s not a “curfew.” Impact for Chelsea and dancers/PL’s is effectively the same.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Holy Moly it's Eliza Dushku :P

https://www.usatoday.com/story… has a list of Covid restrictions.

As mentioned TX, FL, and GA are probably best bet of low state-wide restrictions with good clubs.

Good luck.

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
While Abbott did publicly come out and say he will not shut down Texas again, there is nothing stopping individual counties. Plus that state had already shut down a second time before, so I don’t view it as some kind of anti-restriction Mecca. There may be nothing particular restriction-wise at the moment as far as I know, but keep your eyes peeled and be prepared to bail.

All I’m saying is if you travel, have good savings and proceed with caution. And hopefully it’s still fun.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ Good points about TX municipalities having a free hand to impose tighter restrictions.

FL municipalities, OTOH, are prohibited from imposing tighter restrictions by Executive Order. They aren't even allowed to fine people for mask compliance anymore. DeSantis has made it clear that locals will not be allowed to kill off small businesses.

No wonder I am seeing so many new faces in my local clubs nowadays.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
^But, Miami won their appeal and their curfew stands. For now at least. And from what I understand, Key West is enforcing their new mask mandates too.

Don't get me wrong, I lean towards staying open with modest restrictions & allowing/supporting businesses to choose to impose stronger restrictions if they desire. However, my confidence that DeSantis' "we will not shut back down" stuff may not stand if the optics don't improve isn't all that high. Florida is a big place, southeast FL isn't like northeast FL. I'm not a TX guy, but from what I gather TX is the same way. West Texas isn't the same as Houston/Dallas areas, etc.

Again, I couldn't have been more wrong about how the reopening went, so don't take my ramblings too serious. But, I think Nice's reco of having some savings and being prepared to move again is probably good advice. That said, I don't want to discourage any strippers from coming on down. Customers on the other hand, stay away!
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Dolfan, the appeals court ruled that Miami's curfew of midnight did not violate the Executive Order's prohibition on closing businesses as is was within Miami's reasonable policing power. That may end up getting appealed, but we shall see.

But good luck on Key West collecting those mask fines. They are in direct violation of the Executive Order, which prohibits those fines.

As far as I know, these are both isolated issues and FL is mostly wide open.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
My own opinion is shutting down is a political act, and we see how independent our red state governors really are, most not all move in lockstep with the national Republican Party, I have very little faith that any governor least of which DeSantis of Florida will stand out when the public sentiment changes, I’d be very careful about signing long term contacts based on what’s happening right now.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
@nicespice: I agree that an electoral map alone isn't enough. Kentucky is one of the reddest states in the nation, and we're still shutting down. Our governor is blue though. How did a democrat governor get elected in Kentucky you ask? Because Matt Bevin, the former one term governor, made *Trump* look like a sane, reasonable person.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
This is out former governor at the State Fair the year before last.


Troll level: expert. :D
avatar for joker44
4 years ago
Governors of Florida & Georgia

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Honestly 25 I don't think that public sentiment is going to shift in FL the way you believe it will. IMHO a majority of people here are sick of business and school closures.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Meanwhile Key West made masks mandatory outside as well as in all businesses, Miami enacted a new curfew, Tampa is considering the same, and we’ll see how strong DeSantis stays with his buddy out of the White House, Rick Scott, in addition to testing positive has now come out in favor of masking up and social distancing as has Marco Rubio ,
Like I said as the worm turns it reminds us that the only constant we can count on is change, don’t know what form that change will take, but it will change.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Key West will never be able to enforce it. We shall see how the curfew thing goes, but midnight is not the end of the world in a couple of isolated cities.

Here is a statement issued by a spokesman for the Governor just four days ago:

"The Governor will not lockdown and hurt families who can't afford to shelter in place for 6 weeks. Especially not for a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate. One area of concern is Assisted Living Facilities. Since those over 70 face the greatest threat from [COVID] the Governor is monitoring those numbers daily and is prepared to move therapeutic and prophylactic assets to those facilities as needed."

He has drawn a line in the sand and I doubt that he's going to back down now. I firmly believe he intends to hold the line until vaccine distribution begins.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
See, that's the rational thing. Isolate the *vulnerable* and everybody else take prophylactic measures to slow the spread.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I don’t really care all that much, whether or not you believe this but I’m not nor have I ever been a fan of shutting down, that said you have a lot of faith in DeSantis, but here’s the catch, he will do what ever lines his pockets the most.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "...you have a lot of faith in DeSantis, but here’s the catch, he will do what ever lines his pockets the most."

The proof is in the pudding 25.

He fought the teachers unions and local municipalities to keep the schools open when pussies like Cuomo and Newsom caved in, fucking a generation of school children in the process. FL school kids are easily 6 months ahead of kids (especially low income kids) in many other states, which is time that can never be replaced.

He resisted massive national media pressure both in keeping FL open longer than othr places and in opening it back up sooner. In the process he has saved 10s of thousands of small businesses that would have died if they were in places like CA or NY and countless hundreds of thousands from dire poverty. Now he is resisting increasing pressure, once again, to kill yet countless more small businesses and ruin family finances.

Like him or not, he has earned the benefit fo the doubt until he proves otherwise.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Twentyfive's curfew is sundown. Man, that dementia is a bitch!
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Well all I can say is schools in my area aren’t open so either someone caved or some deal was reached
So your statement is not correct and I’m finished with this conversation
And before you accuse me of trolling I’ll point out that you came on here just to make some inane comments about my advice to the OP that she can’t count on clubs being open permanently as long as we are having to deal with Covid
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
25 the schools are open everywhere in FL except in a couple of isolated communities which chose to forego some of their state funding. The teachers union lost the fight on appeal. I think you are mistaken about your local schools.

As far as the rest, I simply disagree with your contention that the clubs are going to close again. At the very least, FL is probably the best bet in the entire country for a girl to have a shot at dancing for any length of time.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
The schools here in Palm Beach county are empty the flashing school zone lights are not working I checked this again just this morning and if you’re so positive that clubs aren’t going to shut down great. I’m not and that’s my opinion
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Did you check all of them? If parents in some school districts are choosing to use remote learning then that is their choice, but Palm Beach County has to offer brick and mortar services. Go check to poorer parts of the county and I think you'll find that far more parents made the in person choice.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
"and is prepared to move therapeutic and prophylactic assets to those facilities as needed."

Does anyone know what that would even mean? If Covid 19 starts running rampant through ALFs, grandma is gonna die. I would assume PPEs are already available. So does DeSantis have a secret stash of remdesivir or is he just talking about body bags?
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
We're way off topic now... But anyway, Rick my point was just to answer the OP's question. Florida doesn't have statewide curfew, but at least one county with a bunch of strip clubs does. The clubs are still open and operating though. We can speculate on DeSantis' plans to stay open and what restrictions he may tolerate, but for now its pretty open.

About Key West, yeah, you're right it'll be interesting to see how enforcement goes. I'm planning on going down sometime before Christmas so I guess I'll see first hand.

And schools, I saw kids loading the bus this morning. I saw them getting dropped off yesterday. I didn't do any further research, but I think that's fairly compelling evidence that at least some brick and mortar education is taking place.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
D, 70% of Florida's 2.8 million school children are back in person. The other 30% chose distance learning, which the state is allowing through the end of the school year. That 70% includes our low income children, who would be screwed if they did not have in person education.

Distance learning is not so horrible for those of us who can equip our children with the latest technology, ride herd on them to complete their assignments and help them with their school work when they're stuck. The problem is that easily 50+% of families in any state are not in that position due to monetary, time and educational constraints and it is their kids who are falling behind in places like NY and CA.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
So, Chelsea... still finding this helpful? Nowhere is 100% guaranteed to stay open. Texas and Florida seem to be the best bets to stay open the longest. As certain localities close and bar and restaurant “curfews” cut down the working window by a few hours and bar occupancy, it could become difficult to earn enough to cover costs, especially if you’re not established at a club. Best of luck to you.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
What's a girl with bills gonna' do? Many of these states aren't just closing strip clubs, but also many other types of businesses.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
Allegedly, KY is going to help businesses out with this closure, but only to the tune of a max of 20K, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the *employees* won't see any of that. And I doubt strip clubs are on the eligibility list anyway.
avatar for Chelsea123456
4 years ago
Thanks for all your help guess Florida will be my destination for now 🥰 I appreciate all your help kisses
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Good luck let us know where you end up
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
Nevada clubs just started opening and we are all thinking our governor should be shutting us down next week
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
^ so now you are cheating on me 🤨🤕
avatar for Pinger
4 years ago
South Carolina has a pm curfew but clubs are open
avatar for Locutusbrg
4 years ago
Northeast is shut down except for NH strip clubs. Some are open limited hours but it isn't worth working there
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
From FOX NEWS: Reinstated coronavirus restrictions by state: What you need to know.

avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
So @Chelsea, did you end up down in Florida? South Florida?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
The Florida Governor doubled down one week ago by making it crystal clear - yet again - that shutdowns are not on the table.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
I'm starting to believe him more & more. I'm a mask proponent so I'd like to see him do more to encourage them even if he won't mandate it, but I can't deny he has some valid points.

But more importantly since OP's photos look like she's cute; if she was at a nearby club it may sway me to visit that club over another. I doubt I'd introduce myself or anything, but a few dances and a drink or two aren't unlikely.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
And I'd also be curious about her perspective on how it was. Always interesting to hear from traveling strippers on how things compare.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "I'm starting to believe him more & more. I'm a mask proponent so I'd like to see him do more to encourage them even if he won't mandate it, but I can't deny he has some valid points."

The longer this goes on, the more that Florida's Governor starts to look like a sane person in an insane world. So many Governors are putting millions of people out of work right before Christmas of all times. It's truly mind boggling.
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