
Comments by ime (page 69)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Sjg's brick wall
    Oh Lloyd Schoene stop being a bitch.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    I need a new suit....
    Personally I think the last one is a bit understated you might try this out. https://superradnow.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/don-magic-juan-10798.jpeg
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    I need a new suit....
    atacdawg I got you, this suit will definitely let the strippers know you down. https://www.macys.com/shop/product/opposuits-cashanova-slim-fit-suit-tie?ID=2220532&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&CAWELAID=120156340003463467&CAAGID=55853007783&CATCI=pla-470948714070&cm_mmc=Google_Mens_PLA-_-Crealytics-Camato-Menswear-Generic-GS_opposuits---mens---suits-_-282257502421-_-pg9421309_c_kclickid_f05e4234-8000-42b2-8cfd-f76dc34c03f9&trackingid=403x9421309&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_aHpqIWs3QIVw4izCh2z7Q1xEAQYAiABEgK_2vD_BwE
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trolling Local Pizza Places by submitting names for a charity pie.
    Go texas foghorns!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why are people so down on SJG?
    @DC9428 no I don't buy the asking for consent he mentions repeatedly holding onto their wrists before he does it so they don't struggle, he is a fucking psycho. He also ruins lots of threads by posting non-sense that is unrelated to posts and shitting up the discussions. This is almost always when the consensus goes against him which is often. I don't really care when endlessly bumps his own threads because I don't read them, but something is off he is definitely autistic and anti-social in his behavior, which is basically the same as spamming the board and crying for attention, he needs a tumblr or something he would fit in with that crowd of losers perfectly. He has said he doesn't have friends...no surprise there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why are people so down on SJG?
    total and utter fucktard
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    What's Your PL Pet Peeve about Strippers?
    Body Odor, i get its a physical job but if you need to cool down and freshen up in the dressing room take a few minutes to do it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Rob or Good Time?
    She probably ripped you off, but if you like her you will know right away if you see her again and she does it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Men: how would you feel if females that looked like ronda rousey replaced almost
    As far as looks though It would be great if they all looked like Ronda Rousey.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Men: how would you feel if females that looked like ronda rousey replaced almost
    here is one about your hero http://www.marca.com/en/more-sports/2017/06/27/595296da468aeb99218b464c.html No. 203 sweeps WilliamsAt the height of the Williams boom in 1998, an unofficial game took place in Australia after Serena and Venus claimed that no male player outside the top 200 could beat them.Up stepped a German known as Karsten Braasch who was ranked 203rd in the world and after first beating Serena 6-1, he then disposed of Venus 6-2."I didn't know it would be that difficult. I played shots that would have been winners on the women's circuit and he got to them very easily," said Serena."They wouldn't have had a chance against anyone inside the top 500 because today I played like someone ranked 600th to keep it fun," was Braasch's assessment.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Men: how would you feel if females that looked like ronda rousey replaced almost
    Stop with nonsense about them being almost as physically strong it is biologically incorrect it is very significant. World class women lifters are barely stronger than an average 180 pound male. It cannot be compensated by working out this is utter stupidity. Women and men are just different physiologically and men have stronger frames and higher muscle density. This is not some social construct. the national womens soccer team meaning best women soccer athletes in the country lose to an under 15 mens team, https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/ this is more about speed and agility not even physical strength. As far as shooting and administrative tasks I am sure they can be as good if not better but physically no way. Sorry. We are not even talking about weight lifting. If all women replaced men cop kllings would go up by a huge amount or arrests requiring physical restraint would go way down. Men are just physically suited better for some jobs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Fruit roll up blow job
    Juice is making all this shit up. Again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Buying a cross bow to get fucked lol
    Juice modified his crossbow he is in for a wild maybe painful night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BprhlegOALU
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Buying a cross bow to get fucked lol
    Word on street is you need at least three goats and a lot of McDonalds sweet and sour sauce, Juicey you have been preparing for this your whole life.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Buying a cross bow to get fucked lol
    The Juice is loose with a cross bow, KFC is locking up early tonight.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    friday shooting outside of hong kong
    SJG you fucking turd, stop trying to slide threads away from what they were you faggot.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    $160/month apartment in Dominican Republic
    Shadowcat just chilling in his palace and fucking Follies girls, not a bad retirement plan.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    11 questions for NiceSpice
    FatherofNicole94 is funny, a trust from ime is your reward.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    friday shooting outside of hong kong
    A shooting in Tijuana can't be, SJG says it is the perfect utopia full of woke strippers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    According to........
    Wicked Smaht
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Millennials are Swooping Up Nike Stock
    He didn't sacrifice shit, he wouldn't take a pay cut when offered and is not worth starter money, its the NFL you fuck up and play goes down so does your pay. What you did before means nothing in the leage. He has been being paid by Nike for 4 years and now they are rolling this out. Is he a better backup then some in the league,sure, but he is a cancer and not worth having on your team for all the head aches, grandstanding and distractions he brings. He is not a team player he only cares about himself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Confucius say…
    Man who leaves SJG with his goats will need to get new goats.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    We will know for sure if he talks about chasing SJG away from his goat herd.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is fatherofnicole mamisan's twin brother? They seem very similar
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    Turn the tables
    You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.