Why are people so down on SJG?

avatar for joeybanana
I'm not a regular here, but I am an occasional, and I've read enough of SJG to believe he's an authentic dude. Why do people hate on him?


He post the same few lines over and over.

He refuses to acknowledge other people have different ideas about what's fun or understand that other people have wildly different sexual kinks than him.

He is totally unwilling to debate any of his positions.

He seems to have some genuine degree of mental delusions.
total and utter fucktard
I thought about posting something similar myself. SJG seems alright. WTF!
I've invited SJG to go TJ and have a blast with me, expense paid.
Anislee I'll take you up on that expense paid TJ trip. Lol!
You mean SJG-9000? That user is an automated spam bot
He's pathetic. I feel sorry for him. He uses TUSCL as a means to fantasize about being a PL because he can't afford to actually club anymore. He's homeless and broke in San Jose. Posting to TUSCL is a both a defense mechanism and "therapy" for him in dealing with the trauma of losing his wife from going to strip clubs and AMP whores in the past.

He's the village idiot of TUSCL and a cautionary tale to all PLs.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Enjoys having sex with sleeping girls
Enjoys taking down Christian parents with kids thinking they are the scum of the earth, enjoys prosecuting them and winning
May or may not visit strip clubs
Might be a lawyer
What's not to like?
Some argue the females can't give consent while asleep and that's rape bug I'm sure SGJ would argue they already gave consent just by sleeping in the same bed. I think he could have a valid argument there. If you gave consent before becoming unconscious. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know. I dont trust lawyers
I don’t think he’s an idiot but he’s arrogant. Who but someone totally self-absorbed posts completely irrelevant topics like “Programmable Logic Devices,” then bumps them repeatedly with his own comments to keep them on the discussion list? But he’s harmless I guess.
It’s because he’s a chump - and he plays a chumps game. Other than that - he might be a decent guy?
So you think a guy that comes on a strip club forum, and talks down to everyone and criticized them for paying for lapdances is okay? Oh night I point out this idio has talked about forming an “organization” for 5 years, meanwhile he hasn’t left his moms basement in the last 4 years.
He has been the driving force behind the aluminum foil headgear movement!
And let's not forget the vicious insults and death threats to people who care to disagree with him.
My biggest gripe with sjg is his constant spamming about "dances are for chumps". I cant bother to read anything else he says because he derails too many threads with the same nonsense. Oh yeah, he talked about holding down women and penetrating them in their sleep and not to mention the "you would be dealt with f2f" threats.
Coz they can't handle the truth. SJG tells it like it is and doesn't cave in to the whiny bitches who keep attacking him with their bigoted views
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
SJG strikes me as being autistic. This is not a diss. I have two brothers who are autistic.

But as a group, they are very focused on their own interests, whatever they are, at the expense of whatever the interests are of everyone else around them. And they are repetitive with it.
My main problem with SJG is that he insults anyone who doesn't follow his preference for connecting with dancers. The main point I and many others in this site keep trying to get through his stubborn head is THERE IS NO ONE CORRECT WAY TO HAVE FUN IN THE CLUB! But yet he insists on telling people that you must have a front room makeout session and not buy dances. And if you don't follow that script, he insults you. Trying to debate with him is useless, as he doesn't acknowledge a single word you say and repeats his points over and over.

All the other gripes posted above are also valid. Basically, he contributes his opinions and facts and if you don't agree he calls you a derogatory term. That mindset makes him a pretty weak member on a discussion forum.
>If you can’t dazzle em with your brilliance baffle em with your bullshit <
that quote applies directly to SJG and his two or three admirers, I mean trolls
> can’t handle the truth<
Pure bullshit from a confirmed trollboy lol
My views on the gravy slurper are not as hostile as some, but he is a wacko. Strip club mobile home tour. Raping women in their sleep. Mexican bar table dancing. Etc. Etc.
"TFP, f2f you would not get by with the things you are saying, providing nothing but as hominem attacks. For if it was up to me you’d be nothing but a splat on the road, ending your keyboard cowboy antics."

Case in point. I realize this is a sjg parody troll but still something he would say.
"Mexican bar table dancing."

Thats mexican hat table dancing to you.
I’m not as down on him as a lot of people are, but then again I don’t bother reading his novels. I have adopted his treat strippers like civilians method though lol.
@nicespice I agree he's autistic or at least has tendencies as such. But also on top of it he is narcissistic as all get-out.

And yes he is repetitive because he's stuck in a "do loop" of justifying his denial that he lost his marriage by his own doing. Whether it is autism or narcissism he won't face the fact that he blew his marriage and his life and so he repeats the lies he tells himself to avoid this.

He also keeps expanding upon his lies and fantasies as a means to keep avoiding reality. For example his organization talk has become more and more elaborate over time as he tries to envision a detailed "reality" that justifies a life better than the destitute one he's really in. If you read his earliest threads he doesn't have much detail about the organization and over time he creates the fantasy of it as "reality" in more and more detail. His repetition and elaboration of his fantastical lies are simply an elaborate defense mechanism.
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
He doesn’t spam the board....which is why I’ve never had a problem with him
@TFP I'm pretty sure his obsession with the "chump's game" is because he himself chumped himself in the past by getting dances thinking it would be an automatic means of getting FS from a stripper and eventually her becoming his GF. That's what he really wants. He desperately wants a woman to want him and worship him like King Herod. And for a time he thought going to strip clubs and getting dances was a means to that end. Then when it failed him and he lost a lot of money in the process, to him it was not his fault but rather it was the fault of the business model being geared for "chumps". And he's convinced himself this is the issue rather than admitting he's the chump that unrealistically expected more from getting dances (and lost a lot of time and money because of it).

In a way, he's trying to "pay it forward" on TUSCL and caution others not to fall for the same trap he did. LOL the irony is that it's only a trap and "chump's game" because he expected more from it than it really is.
There is significant wisdom in SirLDAlot’s assessment of SJG. I think he has examined SJG’s posts, and formed an assessment/diagnosis that is accurate.

After seeing NiceSpice’s insight, her assessment also seems relevant. Possibly both assessments are accurate?
sjguy. limit the unrelated add ons to one per post. please.
@DC9428 no I don't buy the asking for consent he mentions repeatedly holding onto their wrists before he does it so they don't struggle, he is a fucking psycho. He also ruins lots of threads by posting non-sense that is unrelated to posts and shitting up the discussions. This is almost always when the consensus goes against him which is often. I don't really care when endlessly bumps his own threads because I don't read them, but something is off he is definitely autistic and anti-social in his behavior, which is basically the same as spamming the board and crying for attention, he needs a tumblr or something he would fit in with that crowd of losers perfectly. He has said he doesn't have friends...no surprise there.
@Cashman I'm pretty sure I have him down. In his earliest threads about his fiascos with AMP whores he openly admits having PTSD from his divorce. And if you follow his threads he even has many about the horrors of marriage.
He's definitely mentally unstable @txtittyfag. Batshit crazy.
I'm now starting to wonder if he tried the sleepy time sex stuff with his wife and it might have been another factor in his divorce. The reason being is along the same lines that he constantly uses TUSCL threads to justify and embellish his behaviors IRL. In his thread about it he never mentioned who was the woman that supposedly "wanted" it with him.
i did ' the sleepy time sex stuff' with my wife a few times early on and no doubt why I got divorced at 35 blissful years of marriage.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I never saw the wrist holding stuff either. I’ll be on the lookout for this.
@nicespice he has an interesting evolution of threads on TUSCL. It takes a while before he goes from sharing his AMP whore fiascos to the sleepy time sex stuff. Over time it's like his threads get a little more demented and also introspective of his own behaviors.

Even his dances are a "chump's game" theory evolved over time. He didn't always used to put down getting dances.
He constantly tells people that they're having fun wrong.

He thinks it's okay to insert himself into a woman while she's asleep. Hence the "sleepy time rapist" moniker.

At times, he has relentlessly badgered dancers who said something that didn't fit with his world view, until they backed down. I *think* he did this to Zoey101 most recently

He's creepy as fuck.

And a twat.
@Cashman forgot to mention that his phrase "paying for ejaculation services will only exacerbate your sexual frustration" is also rooted in his own autistically repetitive personal experience. Again it is something he's paying forward. He kept trying to make AMP whores his GFs and paid them for visits but eventually he never got what he wanted every time which was a steady GF that would willingly meet him OTC. This is his own personal exacerbated sexual frustration from likely spending a lot of his and his wife's fortunes. Given his autism I can only imagine how much he was in a spending do loop on AMP whores and strippers even before he joined TUSCL.

Plus again he expects to know the ways to have women worship him enough that he doesn't need to pay them. In fact if you read how he pays his AMP whores you will notice he makes a point to downplay it and that she isn't taking it for the sex part. As a narcissist he believes it is beneath himself to have to pay a woman for sex and so he's constantly trying to downplay the role it has in women wanting to have sex with him.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
Part of me wants to believe Joeybanana is an alias for SJG, but that account has been active for 4 years. So either he is genuinely interesting or SJG has been at this trolling game for a long time.
I have posted voluminously on this forum, I have connected myself to things I have would have in f2f conversations.

The reason I can do this online is that I have the freedom to deploy a privacy wall where I see it as necessary. That privacy wall is never negotiable.

So I will not be engaging in any debates and I will not be subject to any interrogations.

If you people were going on and on talking about me in any f2f venue, you would be given adequate warning. I you persisted, then there would be *C*O*N*S*E*Q*U*E*N*C*E*S* for each of you.

And if you are the kind of nitwits who go by the stuff people repeat on this forum, then there is no hope for you.


Fuck off fag
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
He has no security wall, everyone who wants too knows who he is. He'd be better off just not posting about his "security wall" since it doesn't exist. Sanjoselloydschoene is a buttfucked loser.
SJG hits a nerve with them, and they don't like that. he just keeps it real
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