
11 questions for NiceSpice

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
(feel free to ignore the ones you wish not to answer)

1) how long you've been dancing?
2) how old were you when you started dancing?
3) Had you visited strip-clubs numerous times as a custy prior to dancing and had a decent idea how they worked, all was it pretty-much all new to you when you started dancing?
4) Were you able to handle your first shift well or were you a-sack-of-nerves?
5) Approx how many dances did you sell on your first shift - did you do about your avg now, below, or better, your first night?
6) Do you have siblings and do they know you dance?
7) do you have a favorite dancing position and why?
8) do you target a particular type of custy and why?
9) Favorite sex position and why?
10) Oral sex - w.r.t. receiving yes/no? - w.r.t. giving do you like to, not like to, do it mainly to please your partner?
11) what age did you lose your virginity


  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Damn Papi - Is she applying for a top secret clearance? :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    She PMed saying she wanted to be my bottom-bitch thus i have to do due-diligence
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Are the first 2 questions just your backhanded way to find out how old she is and thus couldn't keep it to 10 questions?
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    12) Do you prefer San Antonio or Austin. (I used to live in San Antonio).
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    I'm pretty sure she's mentioned she's 25 ys/o
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I didn't catch it if she did. Then one of those is unnecessary and we can keep to 10
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    But yeah - the first 2-questions should have been combined into one so it'd be 10-questions (originally I thought I would only have enough material for maybe 4 or 5 questions max but then the brain-cells all-up-in-my-skull kicked-in)
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    No question about her posting nude photos?

    Or is that always an open question...
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    1) I started dancing January of 2016
    2) I was 22 years old when I started.
    3) I visited a couple of strip clubs with my ex boyfriend before I started dancing. He spoke so critically of them, and I couldn’t understand why he would want to go. I also realized how quickly $20 goes away, and that’s when the seeds were planted in my head of why the heck am I not a part of this.
    4) I was handling it alright. I was a sack of nerves though during the first time a customer attempted FIV. I didn’t anticipate it and was a little bitch about it, lol.
    5) My dances were a combination of $20 floor and $40 vip. I don’t remember the exact number but I think I made like $320 or something?
    6) I have two brothers who are autistic, developmentally disabled, and non verbal. They wouldn’t care either way.
    7) My favorite is just basic cowgirl. It allows a decent grind and also lets me make eye contact with the customer. They seem to enjoy it and it’s easy to stack dances like that.
    8) The chances of a customer getting a dance from me definitely go up if it’s is the engineering/IT type. So I go for the pasty white and Indian nerds first :p
    9) Hm, I like to change it up. I guess on top.
    10) Oral sex - I like it for the most part, giving and receiving. Giving is sometimes a challenge when my ADD is especially bad however, but I just have to remember to focus.
    11) 16
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    12) I prefer Austin over San Antonio, as far as strip clubs go.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Good job!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    There's a lot of engineer types AND strip clubs in Portland. Just saying...
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    13) Are you more attracted to a particular type of guy:

    a) height (tall, short, avg)?
    b) build (slim; built, meaty, etc)?
    c) intelligence (dumb ok; has to be above avg; avg ok)
    d) sense of humor (a must, or nice but not a requirement)?
    e) penis size preference (small, medium, large, extra-large, I don't put much thought into it)?
    f) ethnic preference (white; Latino; Asian; black; etc) - for non-black (light or dark hair)?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Austin is a high-tech hub
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Dog training is as far removed from engineering IT stuff as can be so I guess I’d have to hope for a slow day if I wanted a spice dance. :)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “There's a lot of engineer types AND strip clubs in Portland. Just saying...”

    The cruel irony being that when I finally move to Portland, I will probably be done with it. I’d be with my boyfriend full time, and from what I’ve heard there would be a likely income hit so I wouldn’t have a problem quitting by that point. :p

    a) Indifferent to height.
    b) Indifferent to build, though I prefer a healthy weight.
    c) Intelligence is a big requirement
    d) Oh heck yes, to a sense of humor. My boyfriend and I were drawn together by bantering at each other nonstop about nonsense.
    e) This may sound like bs, but I prefer small to medium. It’s just easiest because I’m a bit small as well.
    f) Like height and body type, I’ve dated more than one as well. My boyfriend is white, so it is what it is. But the Asian side of my family is pretty racist, and I enjoyed dating a black guy and making them uncomfortable.

    So tldr personality/intelligence > looks.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “Dog training is as far removed from engineering IT stuff as can be so I guess I’d have to hope for a slow day if I wanted a spice dance. :)”

    I approach anyone obviously interested too ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    14) do you want kids (how many, what sex)?

    15) what is your height and weight?

    16) any tats (if so describe them) - and how to do feel about tats on guys or people in general?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @nicespice if you move to Portland and don't strip that is cruel irony for me!

    If you fall off the wagon when you are out here hit me up! (LOL FYI I would also meet with you at a club as a civie.)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    17) have you ever experienced an LDKer and if so what was your reaction (eww; indifferent; or damn I'm good)?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    18) Drinker (yes, no, moderate) - fave drink?

    19) fave cuisine?

    20) Marijuana (yes, no, occasionally)?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    14) I wouldn’t be opposed. I didn’t really think I had a nurturing side to myself if I had a dog. I’d just be a bit apprehensive because there’s a ton of mental health from both my parents and the extended family. And my brothers are disabled, like I mentioned earlier.

    15) I’m 5’0 & 102 pounds

    16) I have zero tattoos. I wouldn’t mind an odd tattoo here and there, but if there’s an elaborate sleeve, then we might not be compatible. (When I’m not working, I don’t wear makeup, and I don’t usually dress in a way to draw attention to myself)

    17) This will be a long one.

    The first time a customer brought up to me about an LDK, he asked me if I can do it, and I was confused because I never heard about it seriously. Sure SW complained about sweatshorts, but I live in Texas where it can be hot. It never occurred to me to judge a customer negatively on it.

    But back to that first customer, he bought 15 dances from me in a row, and told me I was great despite the fact he didn’t cum. (He was very drunk though, so I say it’s not my fault)

    The only time I knew was when I met up with PaulDrake, and he gave me advice to be encouraging to a customer if he stops me part of the way into a dance. Looking back, there have been a few customers who have abruptly cut me off mid dance in the past, but I didn’t really question what was happening.

    A couple of weeks ago, a customer was being all wishy washy on a dance, and I went ahead and told him he’d likely LDK. Then he bought several dances. Yay
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    18) I drank a lot betwen the age of 21-22. Now I’m more moderate, and try to control my drinking at work. Sometimes, I even pretend to be under 21 so a customer won’t buy me a drink.

    19) I love lots of differnt types of foods from a bunch of cultures. It’s hard for me to pinpoint one. Lately, maybe sashimi.

    20) I like to have edibles on occasion, I’m not much into smoking weed. And I’m not able to contol the munchies so I wouldn’t have weed every day. (I don’t wanna get fat)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @sirlap who knows, maybe when I have to job hunt for a “real job” one day, I’ll work a few shifts somewhere before that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Probably the last one, but good chance it isn't:

    21) what career/job would you like to get established in?
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Cool thread. Good idea PC and thanks Nicespice for being so honest (hopefully) with this.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Ok - two more:

    22) Do you speak another language fluently?

    23) Ever been w/ another female or curious to be - if you have, how was it (didn't like it; meh; awesome)?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    24) Preferred age for a S.O. (younger than you; close to your age; at least 'X' years older than you; or a specific age range)?
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Some of the biggest IT and IT services companies in the nation have medium to large offices in Louisville. And we have the Derby Festival.

    Just sayin’.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “21) what career/job would you like to get established in?”

    Ideally some lifestyle business. I was thinking of starting a stripper ecommerce store. But I would need to do more to “research the market” among other things.

    I’m not particularly enthusiastic about any corporate job. But I had an eye on tech sales.

    22) I’m not currently fluent in any other language. I have been self-studying Chinese, which I’ve forgotten about lately. I definitely need to go back at it!

    23) Aside from some double dances occasionally, not really.

    24) I prefer older. But the important thing is just to have their life together in some sort of way.

    @GMD I’ll keep that in mind :)

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Some of you losers need to stop telling NiceSpice to come to your city b/c you have X,Y,Z.

    BTW NiceSpice - Miami is sunny year-round
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    FWIW, everyone who becomes part of the organization I am building will be getting a much better deal career wise, educationally, and financially, as well as in other ways.



  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Beyond a point, I think it is actually essential that one learns to put up barriers against the judgements of women. You can't take what they say too seriously. Mostly they don't live according to the things they say anyway.

    Of course, you have to deal with them. But beyond that you cannot let them determine your moral universe. Beyond a point, you have to see that they don't know their asses from holes in the ground. You can't let them influence you.

    And here:



  • FatherofNicole94
    6 years ago
    I have one question. Will you please keep your nasties away from my #1 daughter Nicole? Bibi needs conentrate on schooling so Bibi make to senator one day and make family proud and honor memory of 3 goats and 1 aardvark we have back in Pakistan.
    We want Nicole be great so one day we have another buy goat and name it after Nicole baby nickname. In Pakistan we have 4 goat and one named Pooshe. But we have to sell Pooshe to Mr Khad banana stand because of worms. But Pooshe was cutesy goat I ever see so we call Nicole Pooshe when she child. Umi and I always say our Pooshe was most beautiful Pooshe. Oh how I miss my little Pooshe and now she is just nasties Pooshe.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Not trying to suck up to nicespice, but her participation is appreciated.
    Excellent questions, PC
  • ime
    6 years ago
    FatherofNicole94 is funny, a trust from ime is your reward.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “I have one question. Will you please keep your nasties away from my #1 daughter Nicole?”

    No :)

    Also, thanks for the nice comments guys.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I gotta say I'm more than a bit disappointed. I thought for sure "Flagooner" would be your answers for questions 8, 13 a-f, and 24.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    If it's not too late, i guess i'll follow up to one of your answers with more questions. You say you essentially "target" the engineering/IT types, or in your words they have a better chance of receiving a dance. Do you actually do well with this type? That is do they spend well, stack dances, try not to push your limits, etc?

    And if they're not Indian (stereotyping, i guess), how good are you at divining that they are engineering/IT without actually stopping by and conversing with them? I guess i'm probably asking if this preference is helping you or hurting you?

    Now if they are Indian, i don't know if Indians are the same in Texas as they are in Illinois, but they are probably well over represented (compared to national averages) in the Chicago suburbs and the city and even more over represented in the SCs. So they're fairly common in the SCs. Yet they seem to be the last group most strippers target in these parts unless there is no one left, probably followed by non-English speaking or little-English speaking Latinos. Without knowing for sure, i've been led to believe they were both generally similarly cheap and grabby and didn't listen very well despite different income levels. Some dancers still might find a way to maximize profiting from certain groups' generalized tastes, preferences and interests although this could be seen as often inaccurate profiling. Maybe you've found a way to do it with them?

    I will say out of all these Q&A sessions with other dancers, you have been refreshingly the most disclosing, generous and honest of the bunch. Poledancer might be a close second, but she seems distracted quite a bit...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Retitled: "1100 Questions for nicespice"

    That said, it's an interesting read. Thanks to nicespice for sharing.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @flagooner I’m sorry, I know what a sensitive man you are. I’m sorry I couldn’t let you down more gently. :(


    “Do you actually do well with this type[engineers]? That is do they spend well, stack dances, try not to push your limits, etc?”

    But just because I’m a bit more in favor of these types, doesn’t mean I ignore the rest. And anyone who tips me on stage or is clearly looking at me gets priority regardless.

    I just say the nerd type because,for me, they are just simply the easiest in terms of the time it takes to get from a table to a lap dance area. Also, I don’t usually sell VIPs, just floor dances.

    “Preference is helping you or hurting you?”

    Generally, if they are dressed in a plain clothed way, and somewhat dorky. :p

    But even with the less “stereotypical” customers, I end up finding out plenty of good spenders (for me) end up being in that field anyways.

    Oh, and a lot of them are eastern Asian as well. I don’t know how I forgot to mention that.

    “Yet they seem to be the last group most strippers target in these parts unless there is no one left, probably followed by non-English speaking or little-English speaking Latinos.”

    Oh, Indians and Mexicans are definitely a group that live up to their stereotypes. They are grabby and also the most proactive for asking for discounted dances.

    When I was less experienced, I didn’t like this group either. Even though I started dancing in San Antonio, it didn’t take me long to want to retreat to a club in Austin with more white customers as opposed to Mexicans.

    But as I’ve gotten better at setting boundaries, and also better at guessing how any one customer is going to behave, the Mexican/Indian group doesn’t bother me anymore.

    This group is an oddball—it’s common for me to stack multiple dances with them, despite that I’m doing non-stop wriggling around their fingers/mouth. And they seem perfectly happy too at the end, even though logically speaking if they sat still, they could have had better mileage.

    And I just politely tell them no on their discount requests, though I will sometimes throw in a “buy five dances and get one free” deal every here and there. (For the more “chill” ones anyway)

    “Maybe you've found a way to do it with them?”

    In all honestly, I think I’m just going for the type many other dancers have as a lower priority, especially the dancers who care more about closing VIP.

    I prefer to make less money off more customers.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    Do you remember where doctorevil specifically defended Vincemichaels or pedophilia?

    Keep in mind, I am also not fond of predators.

    I’ll give more you personal information about me: When I was 16, I got involved with a 24 year old. At the time, I was dumb enough to think it was because of a maturity thing on my end.

    Later, I ended up realizing there’s a reason women closer to his age don’t want to deal with his crap. It’s because he was mentally unstable and emotionally abusive.

    I tell you this because I want you to believe me when I say that I’m always at least subconsciously on the lookout for the types of older men who like to specifically take advantage of younger women (as opposed to just simply enjoying their company within the rules that the law allows)

    And yes, I think I saw doctorevil’s character just fine. Granted, obviously I don’t know his entire life story. But I think I got a general feel for his personality well enough.

    All I know is in relation to me, despite the fact he is known around here as quite the extras lover, he never once attempted to push any boundaries during the lapdances. He only made one pitch for me to blow off my shift to have fun. And when I said no, he was perfectly fine with it. And he tipped me nicely when I was on stage.

    And I don’t see him as a future wallet contributor, as he isn’t going to be in my area regularly.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I am very surprised you are 5'0" are your heels especially tall?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    All stripper shoes are going to make a dancer taller.

    Unlike regular heels, which usually only make a female taller due to the stiletto, stripper shoes also has a larger base platform as well at the bottom.

    The brand that practically has the monopoly is Pleasers, followed up by Elle as the “second tier”.

    I think my shoes are 6”—which is a solid “average” as far as stripper shoes go.

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    How much is a good pair of dancer shoes - and out of curiosity, what size do you wear?
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Thanks for the detailed response. So it seems you have developed some type of "system" with lower priority PLs. The devil that you know, i guess. I'm reminded of a dancer at a favorite club who is very friendly to almost all PLs and dancers alike, but does do extras or even very high mileage, but she has a pretty mad hustle. I don't really dance with her anymore, although she used to be good at getting at least a dance out of me.

    Hey if the PLs are paying and happy then they aren't the worst customers. You still have the supercreeps or the really needy ones and i guess the RBDs or even the real heebee jeebee types. I wonder how you feel about the advanced TUSCLer type PL, if you think it's worth your energy and time to deal with them.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ doesn't do extras...
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    Thank you for taking the time to find that thread for me.

    Judging from some of these posts, I don’t think I’d care for Vincemichaels either. I don’t really flame many from the board on here, but I could have seen myself jumping in on going after him as well. But I think I would have gone about it in a different way than you and dougster chose.

    But that’s neither here nor there. From what I’ve heard, he has already passed away, so I don’t wish to care for it one way or another if I don’t have to.

    Doctorevil himself never personally knew VM or even exchanged a PM with him. He was just simply displeased with the board deviating from SC discussion. My (positive) opinion of DrEvil is the same.

    And I’d like to remind you, AND also everyone else on the board while I’m at it, that sometimes a person is better than how they portray themselves on a discussion board.

    As a person who personally met Nicole, and genuinely enjoyed having intelligent conversation with her, I feel confident in saying something like that.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    It’s just a different style. I don’t normally stick with any one potential customer for too long. If they don’t buy a dance within 2-5 songs (depending on how busy the the club is), then I’m off to the next potential one.

    And occasionally, when they say “not right *now*” they actually meant it and really will get one later on.

    It’s not uncommon (well lately it has been) for me to get $700+ just doing floor dances so I haven’t felt the need to change it up.

    And in Austin, even though I work at a non-extras club, I don’t care for
    I wonder how you feel about the advanced TUSCLer type PL, if you think it's worth your energy and time to deal with them.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Oh crap, my message sent too early. What I meant to say is that where I am, VIP isn’t optimal because it either

    a) isn’t offered in the club
    b) full of extras
    c) puts me in a situation where I have to compete with the “vip mafia” (that’s what a poster on Stripper Web described it). And I’d have to start making more effort to “play office politics” lest I risk pissing them off and being booted to dayshift. But if I was interested in playing office politics at the moment, I’d quit stripping and get another job. One with a 401k.

    And I wouldn’t consider most of the customers I see as “low value” necessarily. Just not ballers, though a few will occasionally surprise me and give me way more than I asked for. And they put a smile on my face just thinking of them.

    And the true assholes are easy enough to avoid completely.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Where I live the clubs are strict no touching, no private space. So the costs are lower, and still very fun. Easy to talk with a girl and get her primed for outside liaisons.

    Other places talked about here are straight up brothels.

    But your club sounds like it is mid level mileage. Costs still can be substantial, but delivery very constrained. Not like Tijuana.

    Do you agree that it is in these mid-mileage places that there are most likely to be crossed wires and frustrations as the result?


    Carmen, Full Opera, set in Seville around 1820
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Doctorevil and I ended up having a different opinion on that. I’ll give you that.

    I have a different opinion than others on many “controversial” topics with others without ending up personally disliking them. Whether the topic is abortion, gun control, child labor, certain actions of a former friend (personal social circle drama thing)...

    And I don’t get the impression he’s a psychopath. I did get a scoundrel impression, but he takes his scoundrel ways to other strippers and not me.

    And he doesn’t emotionally manipulate them in a way to feed some odd Madonna/whole complex. He just wants to be a horny PL and there’s nothing evil with that.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    “But your club sounds like it is mid level mileage. Costs still can be substantial, but delivery very constrained. Not like Tijuana.

    Do you agree that it is in these mid-mileage places that there are most likely to be crossed wires and frustrations as the result?”

    Texas is high mileage. But no, there’s no making out with the customer in the open. Even if it is an extras club.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    By mid-level mileage I mean that at least usually it is less than FS.

    And without that front room makeout session, the girl usually is not emotionally opened up.

    So lots of money is raked in, but it is mostly still just feeding sexual frustration, and so crossed wires are likely.

    Our no touching clubs do not have this problem. But also the most extreme dives of dives don't.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @papi “How much is a good pair of dancer shoes - and out of curiosity, what size do you wear?”

    Usually 60-120 in a sex shop, where I have bought shoes before. It would have been cheaper online.

    Shoe brands are weird. I can be either a five or a six. But with Pleasers brand shoe, size five.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Do you like the even higher ones, like 8, 9, and 10" Pleasers?

  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    “Do you like the even higher ones, like 8, 9, and 10" Pleasers?”

    Maybe next time I buy a shoe, I’ll look into the taller ones and try it on. But I’m alright with the two different pairs of shoes I own currently.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Generally it seems to be that dancers start young, and in more upscale, restricted, and lower mileage venues. Then they progress to higher and higher mileage and divier places. Then end up in places where they can do whatever they might want to.

    Do you see this happening for yourself?

    :) :) :)

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I started in Texas. I never got to start in a low mileage venue. If I start traveling to places with different rules, my dances will end up being less mileage if that’s how a club is.

    The only club I know of that’s a “you can do whatever you want to” is a club that’s larger. The only problem is, the dancers (against management’s wishes) set their own dance prices to whatever they want.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You speak of a larger club. Might you be talking about Baby Dolls Dallas? Never been there but it sounds large, and so probably dancers can do whatever they want.

    Hard though for management to ever control the pricing.

    Usually if the just hire as many girls as they can, then it is no longer a big privilege to work there, and so girl being in competition will do whatever they want.

    If clubs want the girls to follow rules, then they have to rig it so that even following the rules they will still be making money.

  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    "Some of you losers need to stop telling NiceSpice to come to your city b/c you have X,Y,Z."

    Keen observation, @Pupae. I'm pretty sure GMD has tried that with every dancer that's every posted on here, lol.

    When is that poor sap gonna realize no self-respecting dancer wants anything to do with him or his 3rd rate city.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Family_Man is an example of how I never would talk to a woman. New waitress at Pink Poodle, refused to do dances ( meaning nude ), so guys were bidding her up and up and up.

    I always made it clear that I would just give her the customary money ($20). Then we talked and I made her feel comfortable about the whole things.

    :) :) :)

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The newbie girls in strip clubs? Sometimes. Sometimes these are actually the waitresses.

    But I never ever would talk to them like money buys them. I don't talk to women like that, ever.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Bible Belt, no!

    But that still does not mean I would ever talk to them like money buys them.

  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    awwww nicespice living up to her name, nice and answering so many q's

    the only question i would ask of you is: how different are you at the SC than you are here?? previously, you mention constant SS and do you play up any one particular persona?? IE the intelligent girl, the girl next door, party girl, etc...
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    On here, I’m interested in getting to know different personalities and viewpoints. In the club, I’m just interested in getting my money and bouncing to the next person.

    I do try my best to have a certain amount of ethics when working, and I think that’s part of my preferred MO.

    Some former regulars, I feel kind of bad for leading them on. And making them think there was a real possibility I might like them. It’s what I’m supposed to do, but I get emotionally drained.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... puts me in a situation where I have to compete with the “vip mafia” ... And I’d have to start making more effort to “play office politics” lest I risk pissing them off and being booted to dayshift ..."

    Can you elaborate?

    How can you piss-off the "VIP mafia" and how are they able to affect your dancing?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    I’ve never met the owners, so I don’t know anything specific there. Nor have I ever met this SW poster IRL. But her observation about these VIP only gals who never hit the stage (and you have to be in VIP to avoid stage) is accurate.

  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    That sounds like an extreme example and i've never run into anything quite like that from the PL perspective. There are some girls that never go on stage, but it's not because they're in VIP all the time. They just pay the DJ (or house?) a small extra fee. And there are girls that are seemingly always in VIP, but it's not usually because of any "VIP mafia", although if the owner/managers really like a girl, they will actively connect her to "money", which can certainly be a source of contention with the other girls.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    As in most workplaces, I assume the dancers that have been at a particular club a long-time may have more-sway and perhaps get certain concessions from management.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    It’s the club with the least amount of extras in Austin + a lot of big spenders. So it can be a shark tank.

    I do disagree with this SW poster, though, about the poor money on the floor. I’ve made plenty of $700-$900 shifts before only doing floor dances. I know not doing the VIP hustle is screwing me out of being top earner, but I’ve made peace with that a while ago.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I don't know much at all about Austin or even Texas, but i though the whole general state was "somewhat extras friendly", at least that they were possible if enough people got paid enough. Texas is a huge state though; there might be whole pockets and swaths that are non extras. I just thought VIP in Texas was synonymous with extras, so the idea of "big spenders" not interested in extras or more accurately, interested in non-extras didn't really fly with me.

    As for these floor dances, does this club not have regular/non VIP lap dances? Are they done table side, or anywhere you can find in the club? If the club doesn't take a cut and the dances aren't dirt cheap (under $10), i can still see someone making money from them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    AFAIK Texas is known for good strip-clubs but not an extras-mecca or even a place where extras can be fairly easily had - AFAIK only Houston had a rep for serious extras but that was shut-down ~5 years ago w/ a lady-mayor in office and although it's somewhat come-back since then Houston is probably only 25% of what it used to be extras-wise.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Many of the Dallas clubs the dances are on the floor - and many clubs don't have private VIP and the ones that do seem to often run in the $100s just for the room (not counting the dancer-fee); and even then not 100%-sure things will go down (cameras?; IDK) - i.e. when one thinks extras, Texas is not one of the top recommendations unless one is referring to Houston 5-years ago; IMO.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “As for these floor dances, does this club not have regular/non VIP lap dances? Are they done table side, or anywhere you can find in the club? If the club doesn't take a cut and the dances aren't dirt cheap (under $10), i can still see someone making money from them.”

    There’s a long “bench” area in a specific corner. Yes, you can make money dance stacking.

    I thought Houston still had lots of extras? I only know about it by reputation from other strippers. I never worked there.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    So Texas is probably worse than Florida? Or are they both fairly similar in the wide range of activities and value available? Even when people talk about great states for SCing, there really is only one city mentioned (Houston, Miami, Detroit, etc.).
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    IMO/IME Florida is def overall more extras-friendly than Texas; they are kinda not in the same-league extras-wises IMO; especially when considering party-town South FL (or more precisely SE FL); where extras are available at pretty-much any club and there's lots of clubs.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Texas is pretty consistent in that there’s two way contact everywhere. Extras are available for a customer in almost all of them, though the price points differ.

    And in my area, VIP is also flat rate+dancer charge.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r.t. Houston, it was wild b/f 2013 or so when the shit hit the fan - after the city clamped down, for a while girls even had to wear pasties and booty-shorts (no exposed nips or butt-cheeks) - after a while the city and clubs came to an "under$tanding"; the city relaxed some of its rules and in part the clubs as a collective agreed to give a certain # of millions of dollars to anti-human-trafficking efforts - after they relaxed the rules it was my understanding that VIPs were to remain open/non-private which I believe it's still the case for the most-part.

    I keep up w/ the reviews of some of the Houston clubs and I don't read that many extras going-on - only H-club I hear of consistent extras is Centerfolds; where prior to that 2013 lots of clubs were very-extras-heavy if not extras-centric - this is my observation from keeping up w/ the reviews pre and post 2013 but I'm not an expert on the H-town clubs.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Also, I don't really consider dancing on a "bench" in a separate area a floor dance. Anytime a girl walks up to a PL and asks "Wanna dance?" and leads him to a separate area to dance on him, i generally consider that a "regular" lap dance. You can give a decent dance on a bench (i'm guessing cushioned, but even if it isn't...) even if it's fairly open. PoleKatz in Bridgeview, IL (one of the busiest and upscale clubs in the entire area) basically has a setup like that (communal benches wrapped around like a maze in a lap dance area). That's where the bulk of the money for most dancers is made although some suckas do pay for the ridiculously overpriced VIPs/champagne rooms.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Uggh... I just spent more time than i cared to on that SW site. Some of the "advice" they give... I just come back to the point i make about the advanced TUSCLer PL. Almost none of that advice (recent or at least in SW terms, which means in the last few weeks) on how to sell/stack more dances or sell VIPs, upselling dances, asking for tips, would "work" on me. I just think that a lot of the girls there struggling and asking for advice should probably find something else to do as they sound as if they hate what the "job" is really about and that they have no real interest in actual "stripping" or what it really takes to consistently make money.

    Who knows though? Maybe some of that actually works on enough people for them to keep on doing this. Then again, since the vast majority of PLs aren't veteran TUSCLers, maybe, hopefully, the vast majority of strippers aren't jaded SW girls.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Ooh interesting on Houston being boyshorts/pasties. I didn’t know that. I know that’s around San Antonio became that way.

    As far as Stripperweb goes, for me I’d rate it 90% crap and 10% useful. The same ratios as I would rank TUSCL. But SW doesn’t have the funny trolls this site has.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... Ooh interesting on Houston being boyshorts/pasties ..."

    That lasted for about a year or so circa 2013/14; can't quite remember - but it's not the case now.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I guess there's a noticeable difference between 10% of 1000 comments and 10% of 10 comments, lol...
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    - How often are you asked for your number? How often do you give it out? Criteria for giving it?
    - How many customers are you actively texting with in a given day? Week?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ And why nicespice do you take time away from the above and from other things to be posting with us here?

  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    Yeah, I just see it as bravado. At least (most of) the posters on here are more honest about themselves.

    - How often are you asked for your number? How often do you give it out? Criteria for giving it?

    Criteria for phone number—>a few lapdances. I have a sideline account so it’s not like I care.

    - How many customers are you actively texting with in a given day? Week?

    Maybe like 1-3 idk. I have no steady regulars at the moment. I have an ex regular who might turn into a regular again. I think he and his girlfriend broke up. But not sure.


    I exchange PMs on here with a few people regularly. Which leads to me looking at the discussion board as a whole.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    But NiceSpice, what is it that appeals to you about this forum as a whole, so that you obviously are putting time into it, time which could be used other ways.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I think you overestimate how wisely I use my time :p
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I see. I think we all do that sometimes, or we need to.

    FWIW, for those in my organization, big things will be happening, learning, working, spiritual growth, political involvement.

  • minnow
    6 years ago
    RE: Houston. As I've understood it, the pasties restriction applies to clubs within city limits. Outside city limits clubs, such as St James, aren't constrained by pasties mandate.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @nicespice - of customers that start texting you what percentage:
    A) text as if they want to date you
    B) text as if they want to be friends with you
    C) stick to business only (making appointments)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “As I've understood it, the pasties restriction applies to clubs within city limits.”

    I used to follow this one HTX stripper’s Tumblr blog.

    Her selfies look like she’s wearing a thong and I don’t think there are pasties. No idea where she works though.


    Most of them are A-B. Some pitch to me as if it’s A-B and then I turn it into C. I’m pretty undiscriminating about handing over #s, but there’s definitely a lot of “filtering” to do.
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