Comments by PhantomGeek (page 83)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Last year, a burlesque dancer did a routine to a slightly updated version of the fight music used in the "Amok Time" episode of Classic Star Trek. She even dressed in the blue hot-pants uniform; she also had long dark hair and the pointed Spock ears. Yeah, that got my geek going.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Take it off
    I went bareback with a stripper in a VIP room last year. It was the first and only time I've ever gone bareback. A few weeks later, my doctor gave me a shot in the butt and a couple of good pills. Luckily, additional testing showed no more gifts from her. Yeah. Never again.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Clubber, that doesn't sound like a Van Halen concert at all. Course, I'm not one to really know. I tried one VH concert once; got such a back headache from the mega-decibels after the first song, I just left and never went back.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How long does it take for a dancer to remember you?
    "The moment a dancer meets me, she never forgets me. Maybe it's the restraining orders..." SlickSpic, just gotta say "lol!" Footballguy, don't feel bad about this. Like the other guys have said, these ladies can meet a lot of guys even in just a day. And not everyone has a memory for names and/or faces. Back in the Twin Cities years ago, I had an ATF at one club; had been seeing her for years. Then one night, she called me "Steve." Um, yeah... I'm not Steve. Another time, I saw an ad in Minnesota Connection for a massage. The woman in the picture looked damn pretty, so I gave her a call. I was really surprised when she said she recognized my voice. I had met her a year earlier at that same club -- and that was the one and only time we had met before that phone call. And then on the flip side of the coin, back in February, a dancer at another Twin Cities club asked me if I could give her a ride home. (For some reason, her regular driver had to bow out, and apparently I didn't give her a "creepy old perv" vibe, so she felt safe asking me. And, yeah, I gave her a ride home and, no, nothing happened, doggone it all anyway.) I stopped by the club last month and the only dancer who approached me was this really pretty brunette. When she said her name, I had to ask her if she was the same one from February. That was her, and I felt like an idiot for not recognizing her right off. She hadn't really changed, but for some reason, it just didn't click right off.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    "And as for Jerikson's selection of Drop Dead Legs by VH, I've heard that one, too, because one of the girls at my favorite club always asks for one VH song (or to be more accurate, one VH song with David Lee Roth as singer) for her set. Any David Lee Roth-fronted VH song works, too." Okay, I've got "Hot for Teacher" stuck in my head now.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Would a Younger Women Pay to Fuck You?
    Hmm, a potential vocation. Might make enough to buy a Happy Meal every month or so, provided business is good.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    I need my space
    Back in Fargo, one dancer tried clinging to me. I was completely put off by her, not only by her lack of skill but by her insistence on being paid up front, for each single dance. I had two, maybe three dances from her, and before the end of each song, she'd ask if I wanted another dance and that it'd be another twenty bucks. Completely bored out of my skull, as soon as that last dance finished, I walked...and she followed. I parked myself at a table, and she parked herself there, too. A server asked me if I wanted anything -- sure -- and if I wanted to buy the lady a drink -- no thanks. She tried yammering to me, tried promising me that she'd do better, but I just ignored her and kept my eyes fixed on the stage (okay, maybe they wandered a little bit, but not toward her). After about ten minutes, she finally got the hint and left. And I still had some more lap dances after that from other dancers. This last trip to Indianapolis, I had a couple of lap dances from one young dancer, along with a half hour in the VIP. Not bad, but she also wasn't impressing me a whole lot either. After the VIP, first she followed me back to my table, then she took off for the back. The second she was gone, I went stage-side and tipped a dancer who really caught my eye. We wound up going straight for the VIP. I spied the first dancer out on the floor; she pouted and she scowled at me a little, but I just continued to hang out with that second dancer. And last year at another club in Indy, I hit it off with a dancer one night. She asked me to come back so we could hang out and she could get a feel for if OTC was okay (and safe). I went back but another dancer intercepted me (okay, call me weak-willed <g>). That other dancer and I went to the lap dance area for a bit and hung out for a little while. When she stepped out for a moment, that first dancer came up real quick and said she wanted to hang out but couldn't with that other dancer there. When she got back, I said, "I hope you don't mind, but I was really hoping on hanging out with Bella tonight." She accepted and left, and Bella was at my side a couple minutes later. If there's someone you don't want to see, there are different ways to avoid her or try to get her to leave. You just need to try something -- anything -- other than rewarding her with money to go away.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How do I find out?
    A couple ways of putting it off might be to say that you're waiting on a drink or some food (provided you actually are waiting) or perhaps on a server to take your order. You might also say that you're waiting on a buddy (who conveniently never shows up, so everything that happens will be his fault). This could buy you time for her to go on stage. You could also take her up on the offer but limit yourself to two or three dances. It should satisfy her and it should (hopefully) answer your question discreetly. It's also a relatively small investment toward some goodwill, provided the dances are $20 or less each and not those where the dancer can charge whatever she wants.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I finally finished LOST
    I really enjoyed the first couple seasons of Lost -- each episode was a great character piece -- but I quit watching during season three. It just seemed to me that the creative team behind the series didn't really have a solid idea on just what they were doing, considering how random and unconnected everything about the plots (and the island itself) was. I didn't watch it again until the series finale, an episode that proved to me what an epic failure in story-telling the whole series had become. Nuts, instead of answering all of the questions the six season created, it just created more. And, yeah, The Walking Dead's still on. The people in a small town called Terminus has taken Rick and company hostage. The last line of last season was Rick's; if I remember right, it was, "They just messed with the wrong family." After skipping most of the season in the prison, I'm looking forward to this one.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Jerikson40, that wasn't a typo. I like the song and I think it'd be fun to see a dancer could go to town with it.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The True Identity of Jerikson40
    " "It seems to attract guys... (who) are socially challenged, especially when it comes to the opposite sex," Is that supposed to be an insult? Of course we are. That's no secret. " I've got a t-shirt that says it. Great ice-breaker in a strip joint.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hottest women
    "Twin Cities? All I know about Minnesota is that it snows a bunch over there. Apparently the weather is so bad, so they built tunnels all over the city. If I'm not mistaken, you can go all over downtown Minnesota without actually going outside. It's good to know at least they have some hot ladies over there." Ranukam, yeah, it does snow a bit there, especially late November through probably late April. And there are skywalks around a good deal of downtown Minneapolis (plus a few in nearby St. Paul), but they won't take you every place, including any of the strip joints. Nah, you'll still have to get out and brave the cold and the snow, but in some of Minneapolis' club, you'll heat back up real fast.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hottest women
    The Twin Cities for me. Course, after months of bundling up against winter, a lady can look all the better when she un-bundles.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The True Identity of Jerikson40
    Hmm. That certainly fits. I was going more with a hyper-religious zealot with gender issues trying to reconcile his/her past as a stripper/hooker (or possibly his/her desire to become one).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Regarding Tall Dancers
    Tall, shapely dancers always make me go coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. One of my favorites was a dancer back in the '90s at Schiecks in the Twin Cities. With her stripper heels, she stood almost a full head taller than me. I guess she even appeared in a tall-girls issue of Playboy. Another blonde, blue-eyed beauty in the Twin Cities is 5'11" before her heels. Just gotta say, "Wow." Strangely enough, one of my all-time favorites was tiny. I'm average height and, even when she was in her stripper heels, she still didn't come up to shoulder height on me.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    good or funny strip club names
    Just a couple ideas: The Taco Bar Double D-Lights Hummers The Daily Grind
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    I have to agree with GAGAclub -- in order to dance and to put up with all of the bull dancers have to deal with, from the customers all the way to the club managers -- they need to develop thick skins. If they don't -- if they have to do drugs, drink, or even go to a shrink to deal with their jobs -- then whatever money they might be earning at the clubs is just going down the drain. And I have to disagree about strippers not needing any skills. Sure, some of them don't -- the ones just starting out and those who just refuse to learn -- but the good ones do develop skills and, with that, confidence. They're the ones who can make eye contact with you from the stage and get you to tip them there or get you to buy some lap dances; they're the ones who can sit with the most boring guy and make him feel like the most interesting person she's ever talked to; they're the ones who can (legitimately) own the stage and get most every guy in the place to watch her instead of the dancer sitting with him. Yes, there are some serious skills needed for dancing; they just can't be learned in a classroom, and not every woman will be able to acquire or build them. As for their pay versus that of a guy's, intellectually, when a dancer (particularly one I've never met) approaches me for a dance, I stop to think about it: $20 for five minutes or $20 toward gas, groceries, maybe a two-hour movie (with change). Then the libido kicks in and that nano-second of thinking goes to shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Functional Illiterate
    SlickSpic, somehow I think the humor would've been over Wertham's head.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Functional Illiterate
    Clubber, isn't that "edjucaeshun"? Frederick Wertham claimed that comics would be the major cause of illiteracy and juvenile delinquency. Probably a good thing he never learned of texting and the generation of illiterates it's creating.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    $20 dances or VIP?
    The policy I try to work toward is to see how they are in the lap dance area, then, depending on how good and promising they are, hit the VIP. And, like with others, any number of variables are supposed to come into play, from the dancer herself to the club to the alignment of the stars and planets. However, since I hit the clubs only a couple times a year and I have next to no willpower, that policy tends to go out the door when the first soon-to-be-nekkid-woman-on-my-lap introduces herself. About the only thing that might keep that policy in place is the price and just how much I've raped my credit card up to that point.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Safe P4P
    A guy who goes with option 2 should also do his fair share of screening: check her reviews. If she doesn't have any reviews, Red Flag. If she only has a couple reviews and those reviewers only have one or two reviews under their belts, Red Flag. If she has a good number of reviews, some even by known and trusted sources, Green Flag. Another thing to check out would be any photos she uses online; if there are any, is probably your best friend. If there are only a couple of hits and those links take you to similar sites where she's also advertising, it could be a point in her favor ("could be" being the operative words here). If there are numerous links, especially to sites with extensions like .ru, .hk, and so on, it's a flag to avoid her. The thing to trust most though is your gut. If it tells you, "Don't," then don't.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Yet another Florida man arrested at strip club for leaving kid in car
    I like Nick's idea. One time when I lived in Vegas, I spotted a couple of kids in a car in a grocery parking lot. I've seen it before -- parent wants to make a quick run into the store, drop off a piece of mail or pick up something, then come right back out. It's not an ideal situation, but I can understand where they're coming from. But I was in that grocery store for a good half hour, and those kids were still in that car. This was the middle of the summer, too. I had no problem calling the cops. They showed up just before that parent drove off, too.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    A *really* groovy review -- HOW IT IS DONE!!!
    What happened to Rigil IV? Did it blow up and send another 20th-century megalomaniac on another rampage against Kirk and Company? And remember Enterprise? There, it was revealed that the Orion slave girls weren't actually the slaves, but the slave masters <g> And Abrams even had one as a Star Fleet cadet in his first Star Trek movie. Okay, great. Now my geek flag's flying high.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    A *really* groovy review -- HOW IT IS DONE!!!
    No Orion slave girls though, I'm guessing. You know they'd have the run of any club.