
Dancer Pricing

Avatar for jerikson40
jerikson40New York

In recent threads discussing dance/VIP prices with a dancer who seemed convinced her time was worth $30 to $40 for a lapdance, it got me thinking. What are reasonable lapdance prices?

Well, first thing you want to consider is federal and state minimum wage laws. Right now, minimum wage generally averages around $8 per hour. Some are $7, some are over $9, but let's use $8 for talking.

This means that for generally unskilled labor, with little training or education, you pay them at least $8 for every hour they work. As people become more valuable, by having additional skills or training, their worth goes up and so does their pay. Generally...

So lets' look at strippers. What skills and abilities do they need to possess? Well, the primary criteria for being a stripper are that you look halfway decent, and you are willing to dance in skimpy outfits in front of men. That's about it. No high school diploma, no special skills or abilities, no education or training requirements. Basically as unskilled and untrained as you can get. And as we've seen, you don't even have to know how to dance. But if you're unattractive, you probably won't get a job as a stripper. It's all about looks.

So we can start by assuming stripping is a no-skill job, and at minimum wage rates of $8 per hour, each minute of the strippers time should be worth about 13 cents. Let's say 15 cents per minute just to round it off.

So a 3 minute lap dance should cost about 45 cents, based on an unskilled job at standard minimum wage rates.

However, some people are willing to pay upwards of $40 for those same 3 minutes. That is 90 times the minimum wage. And a 30 minute VIP at, say, $400 is 100 times the minimum wage.

Hmm....interesting. And keep in mind, these are prices that don't necessarily involve what many/most of those men really want, which is some sort of sexual activity.

So where do women get this idea that they have golden pussies which deserve these outrageous wages? Simple. It's because men are stupid, especially when an attractive woman is standing in front of them. Women, who generally consider themselves as princesses, and the holders of the world's precious wonders, can get away with acting like they're possessors of golden pussies because stupid men fall for it.

So guys, next time you pay a dancer 90 times the reasonable rate for a few minutes of a stripper's time, ask yourself if you feel kinda stupid.


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Avatar for mjx01

Well... they don't lap dance continuously for 8 hrs. In a particular club I used to frequent, each dancer was 'expected' to sell at least one $20 lap dance ($10 to club and $10 to dancer) each hour (when there was a certain number of customers present). If she only sold one dance per hour in the 'peak' time window, she only netted $10 per hour in that time frame.... and that doesn't factor in slow times when maybe she didn't sell any.

IMO $20 per is a fair price, and I'd even say $25 per is fair in larger metro areas where cost of living is higher. But 30-40 per should be the death of a club.

Avatar for mikeya02

Jerikson, you keep fighting against the way of the world. And why are guys stupid and pussies for playing the game? It's the game. And you're joking about lap dances should be worth 15 cents a minute, right? Picking up dog shit is worth way more than that. Kinda demeaning to strippers who try to be nice to guys with their bodies.

Avatar for impala

You go and tell a stripper your only gonna give her 45 cents and tell us how far you get

Avatar for rockie

Son: Let us know how you make out with your strip club economic revelation. I don't club anywhere where a dance is over $25 per dance, but in my region that dance is typically between 3 and 4 minutes. I have choices within a reasonable distance to generally pay $20 per dance. What generally gets overlooked in the higher priced dances at some locations is that typically the songs run 2 minutes longer. It is interesting to see the varied pricing structure nationally in the strip club industry and it would fail most economic analytical models.

Avatar for jerikson40

Guys, as usual you're missing the point....

Of course no stripper would work for 45 cents a minute when she's not assured of getting her $8 for that hour unless she's constantly doing dances. It's not assured money, and depends upon what customers want. However, I'm talking in a RELATIVE way, and addressing the mindless stupidity of many guys who brag about how much they unload their wallets to some dumb stripper.

Somewhere in between 45 cents and $40 is far more reasonable. $40 is fucking insane for 3 minutes of work. But instead of mindlessly handing over big cash like that solely because the girl looks good is ridiculous. Guys should take control of the situation, and only pay girls a reasonable amount, and only to those who perform. Don't allow dancers to sit on their butts with their cellphones, or spend endless hours in the dressing room, or give them reason to sit on their asses and do nothing while some moron shovels money into their purses solely because he wants their company. Pay for performance.

Avatar for jerikson40

Consider this....

A hard working dancer who gets $5 for a 3 minute lapdance only has to do two dances in an hour to make minimum wage. No skill, no training, just work 6 minutes out of an hour and you're doing the same as some girl working at McDonalds. Easy money.

And then the club has to get it's cut, so figure that into the equation. Seems to me like somewhere between $5-10 per lap dance is a good way to encourage a little (though not much) hard work while still giving dancers a reasonably lucrative job.

Avatar for jerikson40

"Son: Let us know how you make out with your strip club economic revelation."

Thanks, Pop.

But there are far too many guys out there who fall for whatever whims the dancers have and are willing to pay huge sums just cuz they're so awestruck that a pretty girl will talk to them. Until the culture of the club customers changes, and we stop frequenting clubs with outrageous lapdance and VIP prices, nothing will change. It's not up to me, it's up to you guys. I already don't frequent clubs with expensive lap dances. How about you?

Avatar for jerikson40

Mikey sez: "It's the game."

Ahhh, okay. It's the way things are so play along, right? Good one Mikey.

Avatar for GACA

You actually make a great intellectual point. But good luck getting some horney nerdy bastard to not give in. You've been to strip clubs. A lot of these men were probably ignored a lot in high school and now that they have disposable income are willing to pay a premium for living out a live action fantasy. But I like your point. The strippers need guys to cooperate with their demands, but if a culture of not over paying for fake pussy was to ever catch on then there would still be strippers, just making less money. I hear you. That said. I'm all for women empowerment, think pussy is one of the few advantages they have so I support them using the leverage and playing the market that's available to them. Sure if it goes to $30, I'll have to pick up video games again.

Avatar for jerikson40

Its like the culture of tipping. Be honest, why do you give certain service workers a tip? Usually its not because they do an awesome job, right? Be honest....its because they expect it...and you will feel uncomfortable if you dont. You cave to other peoples expectations. Stand up, be a man, and define the game, dont let them do it.

Avatar for GACA

Supply and Demand. It's drives economics. Another philosophical idea. What if you told yourself and really convinced yourself that it's okay to be attracted to fat chicks, or girls who rate 2-4. You'd never have to step into a strip club again ever.

Avatar for GACA

It will never happen. Men being men. If all men were leaders our economic system would fail. Capitalism is based on consumption. Consumption is fueled by needs (real or percieved). If men were men then all of the percieved needs would just dissappear and we only tend to basic needs ... housing (not the biggest or best - status is a percieved need), food, transportation (again not the fastest or sleekest). I'd gather 80% of consumption is based on percieved needs. Take away that 80% and your talking a new economic system entirely

Avatar for shadowcat

I have to agree that some dancers are way over paid for what they do and that dancers do not understand economics. I also agree that men, usually young and inexperienced are responsible for them getting away with it. Do you know what the leading cause of boob jobs is? It is men glorifying big tits even though the abhor fakes.

As for myself I could probably afford to spend more than I do but I don't believe in spoiling them. I have my price limits and I stick to them regardless of when or where I am.

Avatar for rogertex

I think it's supply and demand.

I travel a bit.

Northern states dances are $30-$50.

Southern states - $10-$20

Me thinks $20 is fair price.

Dancers work their butts off. Most deserve about 25 dances or $500 each shift

Of all the gentleman pastimes - golf, NFL, MLB, NBA, Vegas, Formula 1 - visiting a dance club packs the most bang for the buck. Good for heart too.

Avatar for jerikson40

GACAclub, you blew my mind. My mind is officially BLOWN !!!!! Like a head gasket on a 57 chevy. Might take me a week to figure out what you're saying.

Avatar for jerikson40

I will disagree with the thought that dancers work their butts off. Ask some kid who is working nonstop at a McDonalds, getting $8 an hour, no chance for tips, strict rules and hours, if a stripper is working hard. I'm not buying that line of stripper BS.

Avatar for rogertex

Down in Texas girls work hard.

3 dances per stage times 3 stages. Every couple of hours.

Hot ones giving 10 high energy lap dances an hour.

That's why I stopped givin shoulder rubs to girls who sit on my lap.

They fall asleep.

Avatar for GACA

@jerikson40 Strippers are really working hard, they are doing a job that is deemed undesirable. Could you make a living letting some fat old chick feel you up and listening to their more money having b.s. Hell no. It's emotionally draining work. That's gotta count for something. And no I wouldn't compare it exactly to Mikey D's but that cute girl working the fries us there cut she's not willing to strip for a living which has got to tell you something about how difficult it is to be a stripper.

Avatar for GACA

...and thanks for the shout out. You know exactly what I'm talking about but you were thinking on a micro scale, effecting club culture, I was thinking macro, effecting the entire economy. It's all shit we have to agree to let happen.

Avatar for jerikson40

GACAclub, yeah you have a good point. It's the emotional part that's probably more difficult than we can imagine. I even made a similar point recently in another thread about any of us male customers being young strippers at a female strip club, and having to deal with old wrinkled women wanting to kiss us and handle big jim and the twins. No way I'd do that.

But I assume that most strippers have, or develop, ways to cope, and put emotional walls between themselves and their customers, so how difficult it really is to them is anyone's guess. But yeah, no fucking way I'd do it.

Avatar for PhantomGeek

I have to agree with GAGAclub -- in order to dance and to put up with all of the bull dancers have to deal with, from the customers all the way to the club managers -- they need to develop thick skins. If they don't -- if they have to do drugs, drink, or even go to a shrink to deal with their jobs -- then whatever money they might be earning at the clubs is just going down the drain.

And I have to disagree about strippers not needing any skills. Sure, some of them don't -- the ones just starting out and those who just refuse to learn -- but the good ones do develop skills and, with that, confidence. They're the ones who can make eye contact with you from the stage and get you to tip them there or get you to buy some lap dances; they're the ones who can sit with the most boring guy and make him feel like the most interesting person she's ever talked to; they're the ones who can (legitimately) own the stage and get most every guy in the place to watch her instead of the dancer sitting with him.

Yes, there are some serious skills needed for dancing; they just can't be learned in a classroom, and not every woman will be able to acquire or build them.

As for their pay versus that of a guy's, intellectually, when a dancer (particularly one I've never met) approaches me for a dance, I stop to think about it: $20 for five minutes or $20 toward gas, groceries, maybe a two-hour movie (with change). Then the libido kicks in and that nano-second of thinking goes to shit.

Avatar for jerikson40

"And I have to disagree about strippers not needing any skills"

The fact is that in order to get a job as a stripper they need no skills. Period.

If they DO have some skills, or learn them, that probably can help them do a better job. But a totally skill-less stripper can still be hired and decent money and be successful at her job if she's merely somewhat attractive. The only skill you need on your resume to get a job as a stripper is being somewhat attractive.

Avatar for zipman68


jerikson40 dude -- it seems to me there is a simple solution. Offer a stripper exactly what you think her time is worth and not a penny more. See where that gets you.

Avatar for zipman68

On a more serious note, I'm a bit flabbergasted by the naïveté of the comment. It is not as if people are paid depending upon their training or lack thereof. Education levels are correlated with pay, but the correlation is imperfect.

There are PhD's in literature making shit teaching as adjuncts at 2-year colleges. Highly trained, but trained in a skill few are willing to pay much for. Nobody hands over $40 and says "tell me as much as you can about 'Madam Bovary' in the next three minutes".

It takes no training to wave your tits in a dude's face, but dudes are willing to pay $40 for it. And if you only want to pay $5, well...no boobs for you!

And seriously, stripping is degrading work. It may not be skilled labor, but imagine Juice coming in and wanting to put his sausage fingers up your "asswhole". Imagine doing the calculus of "how much should I charge to let this dude put his sausage fingers in my anus?" Girl should get hazard pay for that shit.


Avatar for jerikson40

Well zip, maybe all that makes sense and seems relevant to you, but not to me. You're arguing some irrelevant side issue about training, and saying its naive to suggest guys dont overpay strippers ? Ok dude, whatever...

You guys give me a headache

Avatar for Dougster

^^^ dude, you are a complete moron

Avatar for zipman68


You're a laugh riot jerikson40 dude. Where might I have inferred that you were saying strippers deserve little money because they lack training or education? Oh yes...

"This means that for generally unskilled labor, with little training or education, you pay them at least $8 for every hour they work. As people become more valuable, by having additional skills or training, their worth goes up and so does their pay. Generally..."

But I'm not trying to convince you of my point dude. No, I'm trying to reinforce your resolve to believe that stripper deserve on $0.45 per lap dance. I figure that if I criticize you you'll double down.

What I really want to see is cell phone video of what happens when you pay some stripper $0.55 for a groovy lapper.

(Note that I'm factoring in a 10 cent tip 'cos I know you're not cheap or anything)

Avatar for Mate27

Jerkson would be a better moniker... Despite all the perceptions stripperweb making good money, most don't make shit. An average one working 3 shifts a week is lucky to make $50,000/ year, and considering their only benefits are fat dudes getting LDK and working flexible hours, with no health insurance or paid time off, then the average stripper is broke. Nobody is overpaying them, which is why when I'm with one of my favorites and she jumps off my lap saying "one o my regulars is here so I'll be right back." Never second guess what u pay for that dance. The strippers make a choice to work there and we make a choice being there. Very few make even close to $100k/ year, and if they did it would be like making $65k at a vanilla type job.

Avatar for GACA

$65k a year is great money to be making without a skill/education. Of course you're not talking a long career. What do strippers typically do when they retire?

Avatar for bkkruined

Supply and demand.

Skills/education don't really matter.

You don't pay the doctor $100K for a heart bypass because he went to med school for 8 years, you pay him because you don't want to die.

You pay strippers $20-$40 a dance because there just aren't that many hot young women who want to grind there pussy and ass on some old keeper's cock they just met 5 minutes ago and let them suck on there titties. Education doesn't really matter, but a woman who know when to touch what and how to keep you buying more and more, knowing you'll never get what you want, is hardly inexpirienced.

If you don't want to pay, don't. I really encourage that, and it will drive prices done if everyone does.

While I might be willing to pay $40, I get awful selective. And if the first one isn't great, that's all. If they were $5, I'd be trying out everyone, couple songs each.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I've never really gone along with the per song pricing system. I don't like it.

My own experience with a table dancing circuit in San Jose's Mexican Bars was that it was for $1 at a time. That amount of time might have been about 20 seconds. So because the dancers could initiate without getting any agreement or permission, it works out to about $180 per hour that they take in.

So if you have fed the dancer some money, you've usually gotten to paw her some, and gotten some tities in the face ( though with her specially selected top still on ). Very reasonable.

But you see, in a looser regulatory environment, that basic type of front room dance might include DFKing and lap sitting and FOV / FIV. Now sure, they might want the money to be bigger, like $5 at a time. But then after some of that, there might be the option of a VIP room visit, for FS.

If the girl is on your lap with you getting into heavy petting, she is worth the VIP room visit.

See, when you are feeding the girl money in small increments, you have more control, and she will likely go further with you to keep the money coming in! Also other people see all this, and that gets everyone going further faster.

I've written that there had been one of these Mexican places where it went all the way to FS, in the front room with very low lighting. Then this group of Latina sisters and cousins started bringing their own mini-van. This is how it can be when you've only got to grease the girl herself. This is how it should be!

But then of course they got busted. And LE was fully complicit, even bringing their own condoms.

And they just busted dancers. In San Francisco they were already calling the cops the Pussy Posse. Just busting dancers would have drawn moral outrage from all quarters. But in South Bay, no.

Actually they did also bust the owner. But they still prosecuted all. In San Francisco they would not have prosecuted dancers.

As it was, they printed the dancer's real names and ages in the news paper. Again, in San Francisco, the cops and the newspaper would have been ridiculed over this.

So after that, they went to per song dances. So it became $5 per song, no touching. See, per song lowers the intensity of the interaction. This is why they make it per song, so the dancer won't feel pressed to go further.

Then, as most of the dancers only stayed on site until they got an OTC, they had to raise the money to make the dancers stay. So they changed it to $20, and they also added raised platforms to keep the girls on, so they could comply with the 6' and 18" height rule.

Again see my point, per song charges and using special apparatus like booths, lower the mileage, lowers the intensity of the interaction, and makes the house get more money.

It also makes it harder for the dancers to get money because they are reduced to verbal approaches, "wanna dance", and they depend on getting an agreement.

Table dancing done right, is a wild affair, with girls doing who knows what, for small increments of money, and they don't even ask permission.

So I have never gone along with per song charges, or with booths. Only reason to partake would be just to flatter a dancer. Better to tip more when she is on stage, or just to press money into her hand to sit and talk.

Again, what it said on blackstripclubs.net, for many many places, is that the girls sit on your lap and get you to start making out with them. Maybe you tip them, maybe you don't. I think if you wanted to make it go on longer to get more time to talk you would tip them. But of course what follows then is FS in the big shared VIP room. One place didn't even have that, they would just retreat to couches in dark corners for FS.

As far as the selection process and preliminary fraternizing, SC's have the most potential. Both sides can stay non-committal. THe women are making something, but it is not too much.

SC's are better than AMPs, AAMPs, Escorts, Lingerie Modeling / Adult Entertainment, in this way. But this is lost with per song charges and booths.

Hey, you don't have to listen to me, listen to Jestrite50 with his 96 reviews covering many states!


The quality of the GFE-FS, more than anything else, depends on the initial courtship rituals. SC's offer a potential which exceeds any other venue. Big mistake to surrender this to booths and per song pricing.

I read in a travel book that in the Mexican clubs, when the see a dancer they like, the first thing they do is kiss her.


AC/DC, If You Want Blood


Avatar for jerlkson40

I guess two important things have been demonstrated in this threads:

First my logical skills are the shits. Lots of counter examples presented to my thesis that people should be paid by how much skills, training and education their jobs require. I would have thought for 20 second I should have seen that in the first place.

Second thing that was proven is how my ego is so inflated and how I have shot my mouth off so much in the past that I can't let go once it has been proven how wrong I am. That's just the kind of douche that I am!

Avatar for jerikson40

Uh oh, the children are here....hijacking my username by changing letters....just because they disagree? Fucking 6 year olds. Grow the fuck up. Learn to have a discussion like an adult.

Avatar for jerikson40

And for you fucking morons who claim I'm saying we should pay 45 cents for a lapdance...are you fucking idiots, or you just cant read? I said $5 to $10 seems reasonable. Geezus...

Avatar for jerlkson40

Don't you love it? I'm the one who logical abilities worse than most six year olds AND I can never admit when I am wrong AND I throw tantrums when others point how my ridiculousness AND then I call other people six year olds? Classic isn't it? That's just the kind of douche that I am!

Avatar for Duke69

Yes $8 for one hour of full sex...i can handle this everyday...lol

Avatar for mikeya02


#don'tpay900times more

Avatar for gawker

Supply & demand is the key to strippers wages. Last night I spent $100 to the club and $200 to the hot 25 year old dancer for a 1/2 hour of bliss. BBBJCIM, CG sex, DATY, and DFK. Was it worth it? Sure!

Earlier in the evening I paid another stripper $50 for 3 songs. She was drunk, tipsy, and deaf ( I said I loved her breasts & she wanted a mint cuz she thought l loved her breath). She was dancing nude, climbed onto my head, and rubbed her twat back and forth on my stubble and said it turned her on and if I paid for another dance, she'd cum. I declined. Was it worth the $50? Not really. I won't agree to have a lap dance with her again.

Supply & demand.

Avatar for alabegonz

"So a 3 minute lap dance should cost about 45 cents, based on an unskilled job at standard minimum wage rates. "


You bring up this sh*t and you get flamed--of course--you bastard.


Avatar for jerikson40

"You bring up this sh*t and you get flamed--of course--you bastard."

Well, unless my math was wrong, it is factually correct. And your problem is....???

Avatar for jerikson40

For you clowns that missed it, here was my bottom line in the discussion:

"Seems to me like somewhere between $5-10 per lap dance is a good way to encourage a little (though not much) hard work while still giving dancers a reasonably lucrative job."

My present favorite club offers very high mileage lap dances for $10 each, with some decent or hot dancers. To me, that's reasonable, and it works great. Other clubs in the area, as well as many in the country offer similar pricing. Other clubs in the country offer even cheaper laps.

Paying $40 for a lap dance only happens because YOU allow it to. Other clubs have very hot dancers giving much cheaper lap dances for much less money AND high mileage. But if you want to pay $40 for a 3 minute dance, go ahead. But don't get pissed when some club decides "hey these douchebags will pay $40, so why not charge $50 !!".

Apparently some of you feel that "it is what it is, so deal with it". Fine. That's true of anything, but it's ridiculous and irrelevant. If you are incapable of discussing hypotheticals, then fine. And if you don't know what that word means, look it up.

Avatar for Estafador

oh my what a hot button toipc this one is. I haven't read through the many replies yet, but I agree with the OP on the pricing point. No skill, little to no labor endurance and no education required, hell I can clearly chalk it up and say anybody who pays more than 20 is an idiot. Hell now that you break it down, $20 for three minutes of blue balls isn't even worth it. It's not sex it's just easy stay in shape and super cheap garments. and even ugly girls could look beautiful with medical science these days. I support your thesis jerikson and while the general status quo is to just shut up and give exuberant amounts of money for blue balls, why do so if you honestly can describe why it isn't worth the time. Now when you add acual sex, it's a different story altogether, but that delves into the person's worth of the woman's body.

Avatar for Dougster

Just remembered a statistic from one if those books on human trafficking I read. It said that although the price of paid sex, of course, varies around the world it tends to be about two days of the average salary for the locals. So this phenomena of "overpriced work" relative to skill involved is pretty universal. Explain that one jerkoffson if your stupid theory is correct.

Avatar for rickdugan

Ok, so it's not enough for Comrade Jerikson to try to dictate, as he has in several threads: (1) how long dancers may sit before rotating to another customer; (2) how much time they may spend goofing off on phones or in the DR; or (3) what services are acceptable for customers to purchase and how much time it should take to consume those service. Nope. Now our resident Bolshevik also wishes to dictate what a dancer may charge for a LD.

A big part of why dancers earn what they do relates to what they must tolerate in their working environments and who they must provided services to. If doing this job did not present the possibility of earning a significant premium over other jobs available to girls with similar skill sets, then there would probably be far fewer strippers. Same holds true if there were fewer guys willing to pay those prices. Wait a minute, could we be talking about the laws of supply and demand?! LOL.

Jerikson, if the price for LDs is truly too high, then the market will self correct. It always does.

Avatar for Dougster

^^^ Bolshevik? Looks like it's 80s retro night for insults here on TUSCL.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Sex sells – always has and always will.

I think it’s against a woman’s nature to feel comfortable w/ a stranger feeling them up, or more – so there has to be a desirable amount of compensation in order to break that barrier.

There are certain jobs that pay well b/c of the nature of the job – i.e. oil rig workers or working in distant (e.g. Alaska) or dangerous areas (e.g. Africa).

Yeah - $40/dance is too steep and why there are few clubs that charge this to the best of my knowledge – and it seems clubs that charge this much do not get many buyers (from some reviews I’ve read).

I think $10 for a 3-minute grind is a good price point It appears to me that $10 clubs seem to be doing pretty well and have a good following – e.g. Follies; Inner Room – to my knowledge; these clubs don’t seem to have a shortage of dancers and dancers seem to be more consistently busy.

Avatar for jerikson40

Mr. Dugan,

All customers dictate what they want, and what they are willing to pay for. If we didn't we would be paying for shit we don't want. In your twisted market analysis, you don't want to allow the customer to have a choice. I, on the other hand, feel it is imperative for customers to make their needs and desires knows so that service can improve. Companies spend untold millions or billions every year for market research to determine what customers want.

If you think that is communism, then you are mistaken. Hugely mistaken.

My point, which you refuse to see, is that we the customers set market prices by being intelligent, knowledgeable, and making our desires known. If you merely pay what the dancer requests, and have no rational basis for deciding what is a reasonable price, you are doing a disservice to the market. And if you are willing to accept dancers who don't perform, and refuse to speak out about it, again you are doing a disservice. And when you call those who would attempt to clarify the market as communists, you are again doing a disservice.

The fact is, $10 lap dances with hot dancers and high mileage do exist in many clubs. It seems to me that the average customer would prefer that to a $40, no-mileage lap dance. Am I wrong? Am I communist for suggesting that we as customers should support clubs who offer the lower priced high mileage laps?

I merely provided a reference point of information so you can see how lap dance prices compare with other labor rates in the US. Why does that get everyone's panties in a bunch? It's a fact, and without those facts customers have no reference point to judge prices, other than the standard "oh, that was worth it" BS that everyone responds with. I'm merely trying to get a common reference point that puts us all on equal footing.

Now I know this will be far too complicated for you, and you'll keep referring to me as a bolshevik or whatever, so fine.

Avatar for jerikson40

By the way, Mr. Dugan, consider all the times in this forum that someone comes on here and proudly proclaims "Wow, I had sex in the VIP and it only cost me $500 for 15 minutes, and she actually let me touch her breasts !!!"

What does everyone here do? They immediately respond with "Dude, you paid way to much. That was unreasonable"

That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Provide some rational thought on what's reasonable, for those who probably never considered it. If you don't agree, then fine. But at least provide some rational reasons that make some sense, instead of the "that's how it is, don't complain" BS that everyone here seems to favor.

Avatar for Dougster

People have provide you reasonable explanations time and again, jerkoffson. This one is so simple even RickyBoy gets it. Supply and demand.

You are the one showing a worse than a 6 y/o capacity for reason here, because of how inflated your ego is and how you've dug yourself in to never being wrong when discussing things with all us morons here by shooting your retarded mouth off so many times in the past.

Avatar for rickdugan

Jerikson, you weren't comparing a no mileage $40 LD to a $10 high mileage one in a club down the street. Rather, you were making a ridiculous comparison between the hourly rate for low skill normal jobs and the cost of a LD. Start with my explanation immediately following the sentence in which I label you a Bolshevik if you are still unclear as to why that comparison is faulty.

Taking the law and demand example a step further, were two competing clubs offering drastically different LDs and one was much better and cheaper than the other, then you had better believe that market forces would take their natural course.

And in your last $500 VIP example, the reason that everyone would tell him that he paid too much is because he likely paid more than everyone else for the same thing, unless he was in a place like Manhattan. And if he was in an uber expensive location, then so be it. We may avoid a place like that, but none of us are going make an utterly stupid comparison of the rate structure to unskilled labor rates. We also understand that clubs in those locations likely cater to guys who can and do pay those rates, so if we want similar services we need to look elsewhere. Simple.

Avatar for farmerart

Numerous people have responded with the 'supply and demand' comment. Amen.

Remember also that we are all gifted with free will and that we are spending our discretionary dollars in strip clubs. We are all entitled to have buyer's remorse at any time but no naked stripper has ever been wriggling on my lap holding a gun to my head demanding extortionate fees for the lap dances.

Avatar for jerikson40

Ah, I get it...supply and demand. That's why some guys pay $40 for a lap dance. Because the supply of dancers is low, and demand is high, so guys pay more. And that's why a particular club charges a fixed $40 to all customers for lap dances. Because supply of dancers is low, and demand is high.

And that's why a club down the street only charges $20 for lap dances. Because supply there is higher, and demand is lower. That's why. Yeah, that makes sense.

And that's why the club I frequent charges only $10 for a lap dance. Because they have a lot of dancers, a really big supply, and demand at that club is really low. So they're cheaper.

That's why prices in the clubs in the LA area vary so much, even for clubs nearby. Now I understand. Supply and demand. Thanks guys. Makes perfect sense !!!

Avatar for Dougster

^^^ is he really this retarded?

Avatar for rickdugan

Jerikson, if two clubs in close proximity are charging dramatically different LD prices, then the club that is charging more must have some other competitive advantage that allows it to do so. It may be better girls, better location, a much nicer facility, more privacy and/or higher contact, something else, or some combination thereof. If everything else was equal other than the cost of LDs, then the club charging much higher prices would soon find itself selling very few LDs.

Avatar for alabegonz

I dunno, but Jerikson40 seems to be pulling an 'argumentum ad absurdum' and 'argumentum ad verecundiam' on this one.

First he sets up the dummy by comparing two jobs that are unrelated in pay scale, then tries to push the itemize the attributes of the dances by the skillset of another job.

Most absurb part is when he uses the dummy to swipe every PL in this forum with his grandiose snobbish (ghettoey thrashey) what-a-loser trick.

Avatar for jerikson40

"Jerikson, if two clubs in close proximity are charging dramatically different LD prices, then the club that is charging more must have some other competitive advantage that allows it to do so."

Rick, okay, now I understand. So the reason why guys will pay $40 for a lapdance is not necessarily supply and demand anymore, now it's competitive advantage. Good point. So what you're saying is if he's paying $40 for a lap dance, then it's because it's a nicer club in a nicer area or something like that. Oh okay. I understand.

I think you're right. Clubs decide how much to charge for lap dances based on a thorough analysis of their competitive advantage. For example, the club I go to has some decent to hot dancers that give crazy mileage, and it's in a nice area, but the club itself is only average. That's why they only charge $10 for lap dances. Average club. No fireplace or fancy decorations, and none of those guys in the restroom who hand you a towel. That shit is and important consideration to guys getting lapdances.

Thanks for clearing it up Rick. It's not about supply and demand, it's competitive advantage. Cool.

Avatar for Clackport

20 bucks a song is fair to me.

Avatar for rickdugan

Jerikson, how is a guy paying more to get a LD from a hotter girl, in a nicer facility, in a more convenient location, not a "supply and demand" issue? Of course it is and I'm glad I can help. ;)

Avatar for jerikson40

Rick, here's how clubs decide how much to charge for lap dances:

They first decide their business model. Will they attract the high end dork who is willing to pay thru the nose for some "perceived value", or will they attract a more average guy. Will they be the "Gucci" type strip club who charges exhorbitant prices because some guys are stupid enough to pay it for whatever reason, or will they go more for the average guy.

Then, they figure out what portion of their revenues will come from what services. Cover charges, lapdance percentages, drinks, etc. It's all part of a business model, a plan that they hope will maximize revenues. Maybe they figure they'll charge low prices for the lapdances, but make up for it with drink prices and volume of customers. Or they'll charge high prices, and rely on a smaller group of dimwits who get an ego boost from dropping big bucks in a strip club.

There's a club not far from my favorite $10 club that actually charges $50 for a standard lap dance. Yes, the girls are generally hotter, but 5 times hotter? No way. But just like "designer" stuff that women pay thru the nose for, some guys PERCEIVE that since it's more expensive it's worth it. And that's what the high end clubs hope will happen.

It's not about supply and demand, or competitive advantage, it's about making an overall business model and figuring out how to maximize profits. And how you'll get guys to pay more and more and more, even though what you're actually providing might not be very different from what they can get down the street for less. They rely on the fact that there is no uniform criteria for pricing lap dances, no union wages, no minimum wage, just what they can get away with and get guys to pay.

My only point is that we customers should be intelligent, and not like some woman who is willing to pay exhorbitant prices for designer shit solely because of an emotional excitement, when in fact what you're paying for is no different from what you can get down the street for much less.

Avatar for 4oureyes

So, do we need to start a union? Start picketing clubs that charge too much?

Avatar for Dougster

I think your "only point" keeps changing and getting watered down as the thread progresses and you get demolished, jerkoffson. They got you good on this one, and now you are trying to see if there is a sliver of "face" for you to save here. Not the first time you've completely changed your story as you've gone along either. You are one stupid homo!

Avatar for rickdugan

Jerikson, I just paid $48 (before alcohol, a la carte sides and tips) for a big bone in ribeye steak at a nice steakhouse. Now I have eaten enough in lower end steak chains to know that I could get a decent bone-in ribeye dinner for less than half what I paid in this place, especially since the sides would come with the steak in these places. So I guess I was a stupid customer gulled by the "perceived value" offered by the evil owners of this expensive steakhouse. After all, the steak from the high end joint could not have been TWICE as good as the one from a place like Outback, right? ;)

Now it is your prerogative to believe that you are smarter than every customer who visits a high end club, but consider for a minute that at least some of them might be well aware of their other options, yet choose to go where they do because they find value in doing so.

Oh, and by the way boy blunder, the only way that one maximizes profits is to meet some demand, whatever than demand is. It could be convenience of location, or having the hottest girls, or exclusivity, or something else, but there has to be something that keeps money coming on the door or the club will close.

Avatar for jerikson40

Rick sez: "Now it is your prerogative to believe that you are smarter than every customer who visits a high end club,"

No, Rick. I'm merely suggesting that guys go into a club with a bit of knowledge in their back pockets, and consider they are entering one of the few business on the planet that really has no set wage scale or rules of compensation, so anything that provides a realistic perspective is a good thing.

Someone stops you on the street to sell you a Gucci watch (or whatever the high priced watches are), and quotes you an outrageous price, but since you want a Gucci watch you pay it. You feel good about it, and satisfied.

Then a couple blocks away some guy stops you and says "Hey, that guy was selling fake watches, dude. You have paid $12.50 for the same thing". Do you get pissed at that guy? No, you thank him for providing a realistic perspective one what it's really worth.

Unless you're on TUSCL.....

Avatar for lopaw


I club all over LA and the range of dance prices swings to the extreme. I love Bare Elegance, and they charge $51 for single nude dances after 7pm. Most everyone waits for the 2fer1's to soften the hit. But the girls truly are model quality - 8,9 & 10's. That's what I'm paying for. Then the following week I'll hit the COI or clubs like Rio for $10 nudes with 6,7's...maybe a rare 8. It's also demographics and a club knows what clientele base it wants to attract - The Bare caters to white collar business people & tourists, while the COI caters primarily to local blue collar labor. Nothing wrong with either one, of course. In the case of clubs like the Bare, you would never be able to collect enough disgruntled customers to change the pricing there - they've been there for many years and have built a pretty consistent client base who are all willing to pay more for what they interpret as higher quality women. Of course I would love to walk into the Bare one day to discover that dance prices are now $10 a piece - but I know that isn't gonna happen. So I either accept it for what it is (which I do), or I walk away and go elsewhere.

Avatar for goonster

If all she's gonna do is dance for you topless, $10 a dance is it, maybe upwards of $20 per in a high end club, otherwise if I'm going to pay more, I expect more.

Incidentally, I recently had a stripper locked down for her entire shift and paid $10 per. In the end, she got $400 for her efforts. The only time she wasn't dancing for me was when she had to go on stage and when her or I needed to take a quick bio-break...

So, for an average shift with decent hustle, and no VIP, at $10 per song, a stripper can clear upwards of $400 per shift plus or minus a bit depending on how long she wants to make her shift. If she's a pro and works a reasonable schedule of 5 shifts a week, she can average roughly $2000 a week before payouts and tax. If she manages to work 50 weeks a year at that average, she can clear about $100K a year.

Not bad, but not really that great either considering the reality of having a $400 shift every shift is actually really difficult to do. The reality is that most strippers don't make anywhere near that. On average, most strippers go home with a couple hundred dollars on most days. They have good days, but most days are in the $100-$200 range, which is what drives them to do extras.

Being a stripper doesn't pay nearly as much as think it might.

Avatar for alabegonz

Jerikson is clueless because he doesn't see how an ordinary stripper make money. How much money she takes home after a bad day, or even a good day even.

I would have given my CF more money but I know she will always have bad nights.

Dancing and stripping is the life she chose, I wish she could do better but that's just the way it is.

There will be good nights when she can rake it in. And there will be bad nights, man she's just so upset when times are tight. It just makes me sad seeing her in that shitty situation.

I really wish she would just tell me she's quitting and I would gladly help her get out of the addiction to dance nude in front of men.

And I melt when I go see her in the club and see her with other dancers not getting any money. The DJ starts bitching about tips, frigging DJ starts annoying me.

Money can be easy for these girls, including my CF, but it is not raining money like they want it to.

Avatar for jerikson40

"Jerikson is clueless because he doesn't see how an ordinary stripper make money."

So, alabegonz, I'm trying to understand the point you're trying to make. So you're saying I'm clueless because I don't understand that strippers have a tough life, so we shouldn't question what we pay and just empty our pockets because you feel bad for your CF and wish she'd stop stripping?


Is that, like, supply and demand or something?

Avatar for rickdugan

Jerikson, the fallacy in your arguments is your belief that you know, better than we do, the true value of what we are purchasing. A little arrogant considering where you are posting, is it not? :)

Avatar for jerikson40

Rick sez: "Jerikson, the fallacy in your arguments is your belief that you know, better than we do, the true value of what we are purchasing."

Jerikson40 repeats for the umpteenth time: "No, Rick. I'm merely suggesting that guys go into a club with a bit of knowledge in their back pockets, and consider they are entering one of the few business on the planet that really has no set wage scale or rules of compensation, so anything that provides a realistic perspective is a good thing."

Rick, I realize you are a seasoned veteran of strip clubs, and are someone who shouldn't be questioned due to your vast knowledge and experience regarding all things strip club, but if you're argument has now boiled down to "we know better", after you've tried and failed with all the other pompous BS about supply and demand and competitive edge, then it's hard to really take you seriously.

Avatar for Dougster

@jerkoffson: Man you are thick. I think Rick is saying that the different aspects of a SC are going to hold different weights with different people. Some are going to want the coat check and the valet and other stuff to make them feel like a RICH STUD. Others will hate that shit. For some decor is very important, others won't notice one way or the other, or may even dislike over the top decor.

And check this out - most guys who go to a strip club only do it casually, occasionally and their goal is not to pay hookers for sex, so they might care about things like music and stage shows and features. Each individual knows what's important to him the best and chooses what he is willing to pay based on that. Someone else saying he is getting ripped off, is overstepping the bounds of his knowledge.

Supply and demand.

(I also think RickyBoy may be hinting at an Hayekian type argument of why capitalism is superior to socialism. Guy's mind is totally stuck in the 80s before his failure in the corporate world - the cold war, evil empires, Gordon Gekko, Radio shack, etc.)

Avatar for SlickSpic

Radio Shack-Haha. Great reference.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Sounds like reallu advanced math to me. Way over my head.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Sounds like reallu advanced math to me. Way over my head.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Sounds like reallu advanced math to me. Way over my head.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Sounds like reallu advanced math to me. Way over my head.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Sounds like reallu advanced math to me. Way over my head.

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