Comments by PhantomGeek (page 84)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Where should I go?
    Manitoba, a province of Canada, is incrdibly boring stripclub-wise. Lap dances are illegal there. The Twin Cities has some decent clubs, and if you like bed dances, Dream Girls is the place to go. I heard that the Deja Vu there's put cameras in the bed dance areas, so that probably wouldn't be quite so fun.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Guide to Asking for Extra's at a Club
    I prefer to open that conversation with a noncomittal "I wish we could do more," espcially if her hands have been busy or she's let me dine a bit. It isn't something she can complain about to the other dancers, the bouncers, or more importantly to the police. If she's comfortable with the conversation, she'll follow up. If not, it's just a couple of dances.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tittie Bars or Gentlemen's Clubs
    For me, it's pretty much of a mood thing, whether I want to go to the neighborhood tittie bar or the high-end gentleman's club. The smaller bars seem to have women who are more "real," women who are more relaxed and approachable, easier to talk with. Those at the gentlemen's clubs usually feel a bit more plastic and higher maintenance; if a guy doesn't have the cash, these higher-end dancers are more likely to walk off.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The Only Method that you will ever need for Extras
    If a dancer has her crotch up near my face for more than a few seconds, I try for a little dining. If she moves away, I know nothing's going to happen. If she stays there or keeps bringing it back during the dance, I know the possibility's there. Sometimes the possibility or negotiations for OTC start then and there, but often I have to add the noncommital comment, "I wish we could do more." That's usually enough to get the ball rolling.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Multiple Choice
    The Juicy Lucy is a cheeseburger where the cheese is cooked inside the burger patty. Gotta watch out for that first bite given just how hot molten cheese can be!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What do you guys do when a stripper you don't care for asks for a tip after you
    I usually start off with a polite "No, thanks." If she keeps on coming back, I keep an eye out for her and make a break for the restroom; I usually try for some disapproving/irritated eye contact when I do this, so that *hopefully* she'll get the hint. There was one dancer I met in Indianapolis a few years ago at a higher-end club. She was cute as hell and I was really looking forward to the dances from her. Unfortunately those were also three of the most boring dances I've ever had. When it came time to settle up, I gave her $60, the price of three lap dances. She told me that I didn't understand, that it was $20 PLUS TIP. (Mind you, the two or three dancers I met before her were just fine with the flat rate of $20/dance.) "Right; there's $60." "It's $20 PLUS TIP!" We went back and forth like this three or four times, and she was just getting more hysterical about it, almost breaking into tears. I turned and left and haven't been back since.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I know more about this bar...
    Users Beauty08 and Beast09 both posted of the same club on the same day. Their handles are suspicious by themselves, but both also offered very good reviews?
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    I came here late Friday night...
    Buying a drink is mandatory at Dream Girls. The reviewer probably just got lucky walking past the bar.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Nude stage dances. No contact public...
    VIP dances are NOT full contact. They are still hands-off.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    I had been to this place...
    Dream Girls doesn't have an upstairs or downstairs; it's all on the second floor. He said the same thing in a previous review of DG, but Sneaky Pete's (on the first floor) is mentioned.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    This is much better place to...
    Questioning if the reviewer was even at Dream Girls in Minneapolis. Double private dance for $100? What's that? They offer lap dances for $20 and bed dances (three-song sets) for $100. Nude girls singing on stage? Not likely. With Sneaky Pete's on the ma
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Ben a few years since I...
    Minneapolis has three nude clubs -- Dream Girls and Deja Vu in downtown Minneapolis and the King of Diamonds in Inver Grove Heights, a suburb of the Twin Cities. Dream Girls and Deja Vu are juice bars (Minneapolis ordinances), but KOD serves beer and alco
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Given that Indy's strip club choices...
    The reviewer has limited himself to two clubs in Indianapolis, both on Pendelton Pike, and leads readers to believe the SCs are limited to that area. Fact is, there are well over a dozen clubs scattered across Indianapolis.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    Dream Girls is located in an...
    I just read a review of Dream Girls (Minneapolis, MN) by Terry2008, and I have to question its credibility. Granted, it's been a year and a half since the last time I was there, but the description is making me wonder if he's even been in the club.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Earn Respect by Giving Respect
    Hmm. I thought beautiful women, especially the nekkid kind, were the world's most powerful aphrodisiac.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Kind Things for Strippers this Holiday Season
    Trixxi, you and some of the other ladies barely make $8 a night? I'm really hoping there's a typo there.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Canadian Strip Clubbing and Bill C-36 - Is Lap Dancing As We Know It, Now Illegal?
    As far as I know, lapdancing's always been illegal in Manitoba. Every strip club I've been to Winnipeg, the dancers can give you private dances -- from a small stage set away from you -- but they cannot give you an actual lapdance...which is why I hate Winnipeg strip clubs. One part of their argument that you listed above that gets to me is “communicating to provide sexual services” illegal “in a public place, or in any place open to public view, that is or is next to a place where persons under the age of 18 can reasonably be expected to be present.” I think it can be safely argued that strip clubs and massage parlors are not public places (and the patrons and employees are not in public view) 1) largely due to the age restrictions and 2) massages are (typically) done in a room with a closed door or curtain, certainly not done where all can see. U.S. Justice Potter Stewart had a good working definition of pornography that applies well to community standards; paraphrased, "I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it." It sounds like Canada's trying to use this definition for "sex work" -- and to define it at the same time. Thanks for sharing this, sofaking. Really looking forward to when the social pendulum swings back to the more liberal side.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    A Clever Parody
    Cool. Maybe you could've called it, "Just the Ta-Tas, Ma'am" or something along those lines.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Dear Club Owner: A letter and story for the season PART 2
    This reads like the first draft of the Mongers' Bill of Rights. I like it! Regarding #5, some dancers just strike me as having an "entitled" attitude. They know they're the draw, so they're entitled to do as they please, which, for some, means sitting on their asses all night. Call me old school, but I've always believed that the people who work earn their hours and shifts, and the people who don't work shouldn't get any (or as many) hours and shifts. I've never had any problems with bouncers either. The closest was one night I wore a ratty shirt into an upscale club. The bouncer mentioned it, I took it off and carried it, and everything was cool. (And, yeah, I had a geek t-shirt on under.) Some of those items sound like things we'd see on a porn version of Bar Rescue *g* Seriously though, I wonder if Jon Taffer (or someone else he knows) would be willing to go in and straighten these places up.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Kind Things for Strippers this Holiday Season
    John, you shouldn't have to buy each individual in the club a gift. A good-sized box of chocolate all of them could dive into would probably suffice. A couple weeks ago, I saw some HUGE boxes of chocolate over at Wal-Mart -- probably a foot and a half by three feet in size -- for a whopping ten bucks. That should keep an entire staff happy and sugared up.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Police Action: The Death of Lisa's Cabaret
    Mitchell, yeah, SJG did the very same thing with Lena Smirnova's article, "How to Make Money Stripping." She even said she was Ignoring him back on (IIRC) October 13, and he kept on babbling away.
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    10 years ago
    Police Action: The Death of Lisa's Cabaret
    Carlos, SJG is becoming pretty much of a troll, no matter how articulate (yet incoherent) he might be. He doesn't just read between the lines, he writes between them as well. Check out his irrationality in this thread about a shooting at an Indianapolis club: Personally, I'm tired of it. I'm thinking it's time to hit the Ignore button on him.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Police Action: The Death of Lisa's Cabaret
    The churchgoers were probably afraid of some of their congregation getting converted. Churches really hate that sort of competition.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Police Action: The Death of Lisa's Cabaret
    Another good read, Carlos. Kudos and thanks! Agreed that it could've been too close to that corporation's headquarters. It might've been bringing down property values, too. Any idea if anyone's bought up property in the area? Personally, I'm betting that someone at the club -- anyone from a dancer to the owner -- might've royally pissed off someone in LE or on the city council. If the dancers aren't shy about their STDs, it's going to attract attention, especially if the wrong person catches something.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    What was going on here?
    Jim, it sounds like you two were just on entirely different pages of the conversation. I'm halfway betting she meant to say, "You sure you AREN'T from around here?" possibly trying to get you to say that you have a hotel room nearby or something. Everyone makes verbal slips like that every now and again. And you might've been her first potential OTC customer, at least in that club.