
Functional Illiterate

Detroit strip clubs
Monday, September 15, 2014 9:34 AM
I try not to judge reviews on spelling and grammar. It doesn't matter if every comma and apostrophe is correctly placed or if the passive voice is overused. After all, we're writing about strip clubs here. But sometimes reviews make me concerned that the writer is a functional illiterate. How does he get through life? Here is an example that I quote in full: Silver Bullet Bar " I been here twice the first I went there was. Lot of good lookin girls probably the ones that go to U of I but i wasn't sure dances aren't that bad there 15 dollars but the sucky thing is that it's just behind the dj all the good seats are taken and the most hot girls are with the older guys probably waste the more money! Drinking is not too expensive and u can go and have a good time if u just sit in the table and tip them 1-5 bucks not too bad over all good night I tried talking to this one really hot girl probaby the hottest in the club she was a real good dancer I tried to make her come back with me but she wouldn't go probably if we go more she would! Next time I went there was a whole bunch of ugly girls stuck up maybe because it was summer and school was out I think it's better when school is in in session!"


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    My brain hurts. Why Jack, why?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I once had a dancer split her infinitive and dangle her participle right in front of my nose
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Motor-Hahahahaha, aaaaaaaah.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Jack, I concur. It would be nice if the poster at least knew what a sentence was: How to start it, how to end it, and an appropriate length. Full spelling of words, such as "you " instead of "u" would be appreciated too. Those abbreviations are what I refer to as "textese," which come from the early days of text messaging when you had to press a key on your phone as many as four times to get the letter you wanted. With full keyboards on phones now, textese is an obsolete language. Oh, and a good story to tell would be helpful as well.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    This is why we need to be able to post pics: I have a cartoon of a small girl with a book, and the caption is, "The ca...cat..in the ha.... - Fuck this, I'll just be a stripper when I grow up."
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    @Rockstar...that's funny, I have a pic of a young girl resting her head against a chalkboard full of math problems....the caption is the same.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I have given a couple of t-shirts to favorites with the math equations and the same caption. I have a couple more in my car.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Similarly, I have a cartoon of a scene in a strip club. In stick figures, a dancer is swing around the pole, guys are throwing dollar bills at her, and the caption is, "I want to be like mommy."
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    Wish i could read i bet this thread was funny...i need pictures
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    Jack, I just read the same illiterate, content-free "review" and almost flagged it as Incoherent, but for once I suppressed my inner English teacher. The deeper point is that Founder shouldn't even accept such a "review" as the justification for a month of VIP membership.
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Y so much hate on the poor and uneducated ? We are all not created equally....some are eloquent with words and others have big dicks....y drink from the haterade ?
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Dude might be a high functional retsrd that holds down a job and a small apartment and love paying for pussy cuz he cant normally attract a girl...y cant he share his thoughts and opiniins with us
  • Cheo_D
    10 years ago
    When people write like that I wonder if the way they speak is also a breathless wandering ramble with no pauses or inflections.
  • DoctorDarby
    10 years ago
    How do we trust the observations and opinions of someone who expresses themselves so badly? Whether fair or not, we often judge intelligence by the person's ability to express themselves. Although judging stripper flesh and the quality of lap dances isn't rocket science, I'm less inclined to believe Mr. Run-on Sentence than someone who sounds smarterrer . . . um . .. .smartlinesser . .. er . . .less dumber.
  • lost5689
    10 years ago
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Once again, our edukasion sistum on display!
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Clubber, isn't that "edjucaeshun"? Frederick Wertham claimed that comics would be the major cause of illiteracy and juvenile delinquency. Probably a good thing he never learned of texting and the generation of illiterates it's creating.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Maybe Wertham should've read Far Side and Pearls Before Swine.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I'm frankly surprised people like the one who wrote the review jackslash wrote about know about the existence of TUSCL.
  • bubba267
    10 years ago
    It's a ruse....notice his correct usage of "too" - "Drinking is not too expensive".... He is an undercover English major hoping to fly under the radar.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    Having looked the reviews over, it's quite possible this is a person for whom English is a second language (and perhaps he doesn't know you shouldn't use your real name for your login ID) and maybe he just doesn't know how English is written.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    PG, I stand korecdud!
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Dude might be a high functional retsrd that holds down a job and a small apartment and love paying for pussy cuz he cant normally attract a girl" Nothing wrong with living in a small apartment - it's frugal.
  • Otto22
    10 years ago
    While I believe a good deal of this "illiteracy" is caused by using cell phones for posting, as a former English teacher, I also shudder at what the current generation uses for grammar.
  • 4oureyes
    10 years ago
    I see this in college students now -- I had to tell one student last term that he was being graded at least partially on his writing, and he should avoid "text speech" on his assignments. On the other hand... [view link]
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    SlickSpic, somehow I think the humor would've been over Wertham's head.
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