Comments by PhantomGeek (page 77)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Entries from the Stripper Speak Phrase Book
    "You made my night" means "I can afford some drugs/booze/to pay my fines, tickets, etc./a cut to my pimp/my rent" "You're so handsome and smart and funny" means "I'm drunk as fuck and I almost threw up in my mouth looking at you but you look like you'll still give me money just to sit next to you." "Where are you staying?" means "Good fucking God, I'm so desperate for money right now I might have to have sex with you."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Portland, Aphrodities Hot Lingerie Party, front room versus back room issues?
    There are a couple of lingerie-modeling places over in Rockford, Illinois (Chantilly Lace and Exclusive Lingerie Boutique). I haven't been to either of them (doggone it all anyway), but from the sounds of the reviews, they do offer line-ups of the ladies and you get your choice. I've been to a couple of them in Indianapolis though. Studio Indy offered a line-up of one model. The place got shut down because there was some hanky-panky going on with some of the customers (at least that's what a model at the other place told me). The other place -- the Cat House -- offered a line-up of two models. (No hanky-panky and no fun was had there.) So, my guess would be that you'll probably get to see a line-up. Worse comes to worse, you could always just give the place a call to find out how things work.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    This Was How I Broke Up With My Fave Dancer, How Was Yours?
    If you're afraid she might do something hostile, she's really got her claws pretty deep into you, man. Not good. Have you talked to any of her co-workers, tried to get a feel for just how damaged this girl is? And maybe get some ideas on how to get away from her without her going all Glenn Close/Fatal Attraction on you? I hope she's never been to your home or your place of business. Last thing you need is her hanging out, waiting for you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Civilian Women and their Preferences
    "generous, respectful older man." Wow, that sounds like it was written by any number of advertisers in the Body Rub and Escort sections of Backpage.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Off topic - Disney shaft
    Good luck, ATACdawg. I hope that your sister and her co-workers can get some restitution and justice in this matter.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Off topic - Disney shaft
    Disney has a history of letting people off in large waves, particularly with their movie and (IIRC) their television projects. Experimental, it really depends on the state. I know North Dakota here is a work-at-will state -- you can work as long as the employer wills it. I don't think all states follow that edict though. One of my tech school teachers used to belong to a union. She left it after they started talking about striking over a coffee pot.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    This Was How I Broke Up With My Fave Dancer, How Was Yours?
    Time for a new number, a new phone, and a new lease on your own life.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Finally, the CDC has come to their senses!
    I wonder how many dancers will be in that outfit on Halloween.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    One hell of a batting average
    Oh, and, SJG, you don't need to send me any PMs with links to these discussions. I'm well aware of them and my participation. I just have a life -- and an erratic schedule -- so posting will happen when it happens.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    One hell of a batting average
    SJG, again with the control and now about force. Geez, man, can't you just lay back and enjoy the flow of it all? You sound a bit too much like Shitbrick in the "American Pie" movies, the guy who studies all there is to know about women and sex and really doesn't do anything about it except sermonize -- at least not until he meets Stifler's mom and then he throws all of that to the wind and has the best time of his life. And my analogy was probably a poor choice. It wasn't meant as a race to finish, but about the vigor and the vitality of young race horses compared to those that are put out to pasture -- or the glue factory.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Pole Dancing Fails
    A couple of them made me grin, too, but, yeah, for the most part, the girls could've gotten really hurt in some of those falls. If they were done in a movie and I knew professional stunt people were involved, I probably could've laughed, but, no, not like this. I wonder if any of those free-standing poles came with any sort of warning labels -- or if the girls even paid any attention to them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    This Was How I Broke Up With My Fave Dancer, How Was Yours?
    Guessing this is the same girl from the previous thread about the skeletons in the closet. If so, sorry, but it was probably for the best. Let's just hope she does let you go in peace.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What's with the super faint blue type on the Discussion forum page?
    I'm not having any problems either. Was it just one page/discussion thread, or was it the whole site?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Don't like what you see in a strip club. Do you walk or settle?
    I stay for a rotation or a couple of Cokes, whichever ends first. If a dancer sits down and starts chatting with me, there's always that chance she'll be a diamond in the rough.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Have you ever thought a dancer looked familiar but couldn't remember who she was
    It happened to me with an ATF in the Twin Cities back in the day, but she didn't dye her hair -- she cut it. Her hair went from waist length to more of a Marilyn Monroe style. I didn't recognize her on stage until she did one of her signature moves.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I love it. :)
    Hmm, I wonder what the stock prices are like in the nymphomania industry.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Booze And Strip Clubs
    Maybe you can trade some of it for some OTC action?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you pray for strippers? And I don't mean to find them :).
    Why do I have feeling this chowderhead will post those names and photos all over town and even online, alleging that these strippers are some sort of sexual deviants that run out of town or thrown in jail or something along those lines?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    One hell of a batting average
    SJG, taking longer to cum can just get frustrating. It used to be like a great race to the finish line, but now a guy has to wonder if he's even getting into the starting gate -- or is about to be put out to pasture. BBBJs are easier for me to let loose than FS because the lady can better vary the approach, the pressure, and everything else. Nuts, I can hardly feel anything with FS, because of the condom, age, diabetes, and whatever else is going on in this old body. It's never been about "taking charge" for me. That just sounds too much like a need to dominate someone, instead of kicking back and enjoying the ride.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Booze And Strip Clubs
    Sorry to hear about the health problems, farmerart, but congrats on kicking the alcohol. One way you can look at it is that you'll be saving more money for lap dances! I've never been a drinker myself. Over a period of maybe two years, I knew three people who got killed in alcohol-related accidents; it really put a bit of a damper on any aspirations to drink. I've also had to deal with too many people who really regretted getting drunk the night before, not just because of the hangovers but because of things that they had done, including losing their jobs and SOs. 'Sides, I've always felt that if you had to drink to have fun, you really weren't having fun. A bit prudish, perhaps, but I never got into any trouble because of it either; in situations like those, I guess you really can learn from other people's mistakes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Was this wrong?
    Shark, don't you think he should get some corporal punishment from some young, hot nuns, too?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Honey Boo Boo is in trouble...
    Josh, looks like that wish is granted.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What Does It Mean When A Fave Dancer Reveals Everything Including Her Skeleton I
    Alabegonz, dude, it's time to walk away. She's a user and a manipulator, and when you're all dried up, when she's done with you, she's just going to move on to another guy. And you know that you and that other guy probably aren't the only ones "taking care of her," right? I had that problem with a civilian woman twenty years ago. I fell head over heels for her and her kids, but she just played me like a violin. I put my life on hold for a year helping her out while she was pregnant with another guy's kid. I went thousands of dollars in debt helping her out, even went bankrupt because she had a falling out with her parents and they stopped repaying me because they weren't going to pay her debts. (What she wound up doing was move to Las Vegas, where she roped in, shacked up with, and quickly re-married her PL ex. That didn't last more than a few months because she started sleeping around on him.) You know what the happiest day of that year was for me? It was the day after I left Houston, the day after I had helped her move down there (and paid for) so she could live with her parents, who, like I said, she completely alienated. She was in my rearview mirror and I didn't have to deal with her bullshit any more. This is the same sort of shit this dancer is putting you through and will continue to put you through. It's time to walk away, man.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Was this wrong?
    Great bookmarker, John! I wonder how long it'll take housekeeping to notice it. Motorhead, I love the idea of winning over Islamic extremists with pork products! Bacon -- one of the greatest Western delicacies!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Gifts from a dancer
    Just some small stuff. Whenever I'd hit Schieks, I usually had a roll of Life Savers with me that I'd share with one of the dancers. (Cherry was her favorite.) Soon, she was bringing in some root beer barrels for the two of us. Another dancer had made cupcakes for the staff, and she brought out a couple for me and a buddy. (He was amused by it, said that it could only happen to me.) And at Christmas one year, my ATF at the time gave me a Christmas ornament she had made for me (a Styrofoam ball with gold sparklies glued to it). I always tried to remember her on her birthday and a Christmas, too, usually mermaid-related stuff (she had a thing for mermaids) and, after I found out she was a closet Trekker, a little bit of that, too. Being on a shoestring budget at the time, it was never anything expensive, but she still seemed to appreciate it.