
What Does It Mean When A Fave Dancer Reveals Everything Including Her Skeleton I

Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:59 PM
My emotions are fucked right now. I can't believe what I just heard and saw I while ago and I am still digesting all what was said and done, what is she going to be doing later tonight (10/23/2014). Apparently, my favorite dancer has lost her decency and decided to just lay it out in the open. She wanted to reveal her innermost very private thoughts and ways how her life goes. And that's what she did, she told me everything about each of the men who are lusting after her and what she is doing with them. Fuck, I can't believe all that is inside my head right now. I'm soooo mad and upset I want to drink and just pass out. She is telling me all the men she is hustling right now and tells me what is going on between all these men and her. She called one up to just show me how she hustles, really smooth hustler. I'm just so annoyed right now, the nerve she would do that to me. So.... My mind is up-side-down right now trying to comprehend all these information. Really, how is this possible? How can she do it? I am just soooo fucking annoyed by this. All these useless garbage information is now inside my head. She finally unloaded all that dirty laundry and skeletons onto my mind so she could feel better. Yeah, she wanted to share it to someone who is so close to her just to make her feel better. Well, that made feel so much worse. I don't really want to know. Revealing who she really is just made me feel so bad about it. Geeez, now I just want to run away and just forget her. Completely just do a mind wipe like I never met her, Total Recall style. After all that exhibition she made, calling up men so they could see her, she had even the moment to hug and kiss me like she really wants to have sex with me. Oh my friggin bad, I can't take this anymore. By the way, I still see two other ladies, but my fave is so clingy and needy she just wants me like every single day. Why? Why would dancer reveal all these nasty skeletons in the closet out in the open for me to see? Why????


  • rentz2
    10 years ago
    What are the skeletons? What is the hustle? You said a lot without saying a damn thing
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Sorry man, I won't be able to tell the details here, it's disgusting. You probably know what it is already since we do it too.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Dude, I will have to agree with @rentz2, you haven't said a damn thing in all that rambling above. You should either tell us what the hell you're upset about or just go see your therapist and quit wasting space here.
  • Experimental
    10 years ago
    It was obviously her plan to screw with your head so you'd run to the nearest website and throw up a wall of text that says nothing in 400 words but does make you sound like a scatterbrain.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    You really don't have to go into extreme details. Just give us a checklist. I'm sure we can fill in the rest. Are you talking maybe about some severely sick stuff with...? a) BDSM b) puppies and kittens c) sock puppets d) things that could get you shanked your first night in a prison's general population
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    What, like femurs and tibias?
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    If she revealed her skeleton in the closet, how does she stand upright?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    skeleton in the closet? Probably just getting ready to decorate for Halloween
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    skeleton in the closet? Sheesh! We're a bunch of dopes - it's got to be for her Human Anatomy 101 class!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    steve, was she boning up for the final exam ?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @alabegonz my friend, there is a solution. If a chick says or does something that disgusts you, drop her. She isn't your girlfriend. Stop talking to her, politely decline when she asks if you want a dance or even to sit with you. Move on my brother.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I bet nursing school is harder than high skull.
  • impala
    10 years ago
    She sees you as a possible way out, she is trying to make you feel bad for her that she needs to hustle to survive and want you to "take care of her" so she doesn't have to do that. Thing is, most likely she is hustling you.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I tried complete honesty in my last serious relationship. I've lied to every girl I've had a relationship with in some significant way, and so I thought I'd see how telling the truth worked. I must say, it's rather interesting! It doesn't mean you have to tell all your secrets, but you can't lie about them. This dancer is in the same frame of mind. She wants to try to have a relationship without the lying. The problem here is she seems to be volunteering info that isn't necessary for you to know. I would talk to her and say while you appreciate her desire to be up front, it's not necessary to tell secrets that don't involve you personally. I wouldn't go overboard that she's totally in love with you. She's trying something new and you're more of a petri dish than a future husband. I didn't catch that you were fucking her; it seems you're not. That's the key. I've been in the "friends zone" before and still am with one dancer, and if she doesn't fuck you within a month she won't. But being friends with a dancer to where you see them OTC without sex is still a fun place to be, plus you get to meet all her dancer friends. My advice is to take her at face value. Clingy is bad, and the best way to get rid of her is to be with her because she'll tire of you faster than you realize. It's staying away that keeps her clingy. If you do get to the friends zone, it could pay off for you.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    One of my favorites just informed me that she is here illegally. So fucking pissed off that she'd tel me. I find all types of immigration despicable in these jobless times, but illegals are the worst. Measles up 497% due to illegals, who are also 45% of the California penal system. I can't rate her out because I can't be a rat, but now I don't even want to go to my favorite club on Sundays and watch footbal because she is there.l
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Blame Jay Cutler and idiots like him and his wife for the measles. Lots of US citizens refuse to vaccinate their children based on a debunked "study" that was actually a fraud. Yet it has traction among the uninformed. If all US citizens immunized their children we'd not worry so much about the Mexicans.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "She sees you as a possible way out, she is trying to make you feel bad for her that she needs to hustle to survive and want you to "take care of her" so she doesn't have to do that. Thing is, most likely she is hustling you." Somehow what you wrote above looks very close to my situation, she wants me to take care of her, though I'm telling her she can't quit because there's a ton of money doing the hustle. She has a lot of men wanting to "take care" of her as well, I've actually met one last night who is also taking care of her clothes just for the sake of saying it, I'm sure she is sleeping with him too. This is like we are sharing (having sex with) her, the other guy knows about me and he is cool about it, texted(SMS) me first time last night and it caught me by surprise. It was so awkward, but I can get used to this situation. I'm so disgusted with the idea of her going to bed with so many men because we are taking care of her. I've told her she will never see my place, where I go home because she wants to sleep there and spend like one or two days a week. My neighbors will see her come in and walk out of my home, they will figure that out really easily. I live in a very nice part of town and my neighborhood is awesome. There's a lot of nice cars you will see where I live, some of them are really expensive. If she sees that, no telling what she'll do, she might decide to just stay there forever. I pushed back hard on that idea, yet she is OK with it and still wants me to go with this one-to-many relationship like everything is fine.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    You couldn't have really thought you were the only one fucking her.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Motor-Hilarious, as always.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @rockstar666 Thanks for the reply, really appreciate it. I told her a hundred times that I wan't a sexual relationship, I'm not looking for someone who I will marry in five years. I told her about the lady I had a relationship back in Houston when we would just have a ton of sex and not think about marriage or something close to a committed relationship. The Houston lady agreed with that but near the end she wanted marriage, so I bailed out. I really like this Portland dancer a lot but she is messing with my two heads lately, she now has access to my cellphone, not even the Houston lady, no woman has ever seen the contents of my phone, she is the only one who did, I couldn't believe I was so stupid to let her have access. I'm afraid of this dancer and the things she is capable of doing, I don't want her to show up where I live and say "I'm done dancing so here I am." I'm happy where I am right now, I'm not looking for a someone who will live with me and see her face everyday, my life is just too perfect right now. Eight months, that's how long I've known her. The other guy who is also taking care of her, she's been friends with him for about three years now. She is capable of holding several relationships, how sick is that? This just makes me feel bad and my day is about to start, go to the office and work, get out and meet her after work. It's like a chore already. I can't talk to anyone about this or they will see me as weird, so I dump all these disgusting thoughts here because I really don't want to know more about her life. Somehow, writing here is helping, venting is good but I really need to make sure I'm going to be OK (stay cool) in the next four weeks.
  • pensionking
    10 years ago
    Its time to swing for the fences. Tell her you'll only have sex if she brings a coworker for a threesome. Indulge your wildest fantasies. Either she'll run for the hills or maybe you will have struck gold.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    She is hustling you too. Go get a civvie girl and move on already dude. And lesson learned, since you need multiple and repeat instructive episodes before you get it, is to never fall in love with a stripper.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Dancing for people and giving them the sex they want, for money, I would not really call hustling. That is just giving guys what they want, and having a good time, and getting paid for it. I don't see it as that big of a deal. It is fun for us guys, and many of the women obviously love it too. In my own forms of mongering, there have been some who have tried to set me up to be seeing them regularly in their own homes, and for BBFS. They wanted to be my escort, or they wanted me to be in their inner circle. I never took them up on this, because it seemed uncalled for and emotionally risky. I had enough drama from my marriage. I did not need more. So all I wanted from the women was just that experience of seduction, surrender, and delivery. No reason to go beyond this, and many of them had been excellent. To me, 'hustling" means that you are really taking advantage of someone, conning them somehow. So if a woman is getting paid for sex, that is not really hustling. It is more like when she is leading them on with promises of love, and demonstrations of her own helplessness, and just getting them completely wrapped around her fingers, and getting even more money and benefit out of it and keeping them hooked. It goes way beyond simple P4P. Is this what you mean, that she is really playing head games with guys and really putting them through a ringer? Sometimes men do this too, great movie [view link] Sometimes a woman will be doing this as a way of defending herself against her own emotional vulnerability. That is, guys could potentially really be getting to her, were it not for the fact that she is on a power trip and uses this 'hustling' to maintain emotional distance. You keep calling her your ATF, in thread after thread after thread. The ATF is someone you see at the strip club, and maybe for some OTC. But if you are spending this type of time with her and hearing about all this stuff, then she is your Girl Friend. And then probably with all that is in play, you should be adding your own name to the list of those being hustled. Are you trying to be Cap'n Save a Hoe? SJG Ventures, Hawaii 5-0 Theme [view link] using keyboard synth for brass
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    Ummm, she leaks information like a cup that has a hole in it... Don't tell her anything you don't want anybody to know. It's all a hustle.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Alabegonz, dude, it's time to walk away. She's a user and a manipulator, and when you're all dried up, when she's done with you, she's just going to move on to another guy. And you know that you and that other guy probably aren't the only ones "taking care of her," right? I had that problem with a civilian woman twenty years ago. I fell head over heels for her and her kids, but she just played me like a violin. I put my life on hold for a year helping her out while she was pregnant with another guy's kid. I went thousands of dollars in debt helping her out, even went bankrupt because she had a falling out with her parents and they stopped repaying me because they weren't going to pay her debts. (What she wound up doing was move to Las Vegas, where she roped in, shacked up with, and quickly re-married her PL ex. That didn't last more than a few months because she started sleeping around on him.) You know what the happiest day of that year was for me? It was the day after I left Houston, the day after I had helped her move down there (and paid for) so she could live with her parents, who, like I said, she completely alienated. She was in my rearview mirror and I didn't have to deal with her bullshit any more. This is the same sort of shit this dancer is putting you through and will continue to put you through. It's time to walk away, man.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @rickdugan Totally aware of the Hustle, I'm just wondering all of sudden she broke protocol and showed me her secrets. Am I in love with her? If I'm in love with her I should be able to take her home with me and let her stay, just like the dude she hustled who happens to own a BMW seven series. And another dude with a slip rental and a sailboat (27 footer) parked in downtown Willamette. All these dudes bragged about their assets and she is just sitting there enjoying it. Anyway, I hope she doesn't find out anything more than I told her who I am. She probably knows my first name, last name, what car I drive, the name of the company where I work. That's pretty much it, I never talk about myself and brag about how much I make or assets I have. Why she broke protocol? Maybe she is tired of hustling me and just want to end it, test me if I will bail out on her and disappear. Or she could be getting too comfortable and sees me as a person she can trust. I'm just overwhelmed by the sudden change.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @san_jose_guy The terms you use, man, I dunno. It doesn't fit in this lifestyle, boyfriend is shunned, no boyfriends, just friends who hang around. She and I use the word hang, so we hang, do stuff, everything is done/defined in that ambiguous word called hang. She hustles to make money, that's her word not mine. She hustles men just like she hustles me. And I let her know she is very good at hustling men. She's a gangster and she's one proud gangster, whatever that word is, man, she has about a two page glossary of terms that I need to get familiar with. No dude, she is not my GF, we just hang around and have fun. This is so fucked up I'm tired of it. I don't want to hang, but I wanna have fun my own way.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @goonster Word.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @PhantomGeek Really appreciate the reply. Sorry about your financials because you lost control and crashed. I have a budget and when my budget is used up I simply tell her my cash is gone. She would say "Use your CC" and I would say "No I can't someone at work is watching the CC." She's running the game 24/7, that's who she is, everyone including her friends are being played. It's just wrong to see her doing that. Sometimes I stare at her thinking "You are one messed up person. Hope you realize this before you get really old and weak."
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @zipman68 Easy to say, so hard to do. How can I bail out now? She opened herself up, showed her real self, her struggles are no match to any of you dudes in this forum, it just pales. No one here will be able to understand what she is going through and the stuff she is doing. Tonight, I shut my phone, it's dead right now. She is now calling me up and all she will get is a dead line. Yesterday, I really saw her for who she really is. She is down there wanting a way out, she wants to be rescued. But I am not that person who will take her out.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    . albegonz - don't feel special. you're victim #12 ... or #16
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Some dancers are like that. They con guys left and right. They take advantage, lle, and play games and many times the guys either don't have a clue or don't seem to care. I might have a sixth sense about it all. I don't really care too much for these dancers. However many dancers will smooth talk a lot of their customers. I play along. Sometimes I wonder if I'm psychic and already know the game before they even say anything.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    That whole letting you in to her inner circle gimmick is just another hustle dude. There is no rule book which specifies how much personal information that they are allowed to share, lol. Girls who are running variants of what I call the romance hustle may share intimate details about their personal lives, introduce victims, er. I mean their "friends", to family and friends, etc. It is all designed to get you further on the hook and entice you to cough up more cash or other assistance. Girls running this hustle (and many other strippers for that matter) don't separate their work and personal lives using the same "protocols" as you do. In fact, that simplistic, compartmentalized thinking of yours is exactly what makes you so susceptible to the hustle, since you walk away with the false sense of being special. Like I said before, some guys need to pay more tuition than others. There is likely going to come a time when you feel very goofy for getting this twisted up over a stripper running this type of hustle on you, but I suppose we all must have at least one of these episodes in order for reality to sink in. These post should get real interesting when the pseudo-breakup happens. ;)
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Her skeleton walks into a bar -- "Give me a beer.....and a mop"
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    RickyBoy: sounds like this guy really needs to read your The System about 50 times. (And people ask why I bump it so frequently.)
  • rockie
    10 years ago
    It's just your fav sticking the claws in and looking to possess you! Have fun with that!
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Thanks for sharing. Point is to never ever get sacked into the stripper life. Always remember it's a pastime not a full-time job.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Alabegonz, We had this thread a while ago. As I see it, it comes down to do you divide women into two categories? [view link] I think you are like me, in that you really don't. I'm not saying that you have to cut it off with her. But I do feel that because of the way she conducts herself, any relationship with her is going to be very different. So yes, that you are spending so much time with her, "hanging", does make her your girlfriend. It just doesn't look the same as it would with a civie. She wants to know if you can accept her "stuff" as most guys can't and she probably can't accept it herself. I am sure that she was damaged goods before she ever got into stripping and found herself learning to hustle guys. You don't have to endorse all that she tells you, not at all. But it also shouldn't be blown out of proportion either, her manipulating and getting money out of guys who were trying to use her. I think you should just role with it. Don't let her cause you any grief, but don't feel you have to cut her off either. Just let it happen, and most of all don't feel that you have to save her. The more real she can get with you the better, but it might be real hard for her. But don't you get wound up with it either. Like you say, "just hang." I've got nothing against women with histories. [view link] SJG Karen Armstrong - Religion and the History of Violence [view link]
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Yesterday • One of my favorites just informed me that she is here illegally. " Your fav is an illegal? I guess it's true what they say about illegals doing the jobs Americans don't want to
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Her skeleton shouldn't bother you......it has no guts
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @rogertex Agreed, I think it's better when both know who the prey and the predator is. Now, I don't have any worries about her walking away. I'm just going to play it like any a normal relationship with no strings attached.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @rickdugan Yeah, I get what you are saying there. The fine point here is her seeing me as an ATM machine which is probably more or less I'm still playing a role, but not very significant compared to other ATM machines she pull cash out of. I can't let her pay for our hangouts, that would be like a deadbeat guy with no class. We had this conversation about 'Banks' and 'ATMs'. I told her she needs to go to the bank because a ton of guys will be going to the 'bank' to have their wallets vacuumed off. The smile on her face almost turned into a big laugh and as I pressed on she could make a killing doing more nights and days. She replied with an interesting story how she does the hustle, how she pulls men into the lapdance area and have them pay the $100 for three dances, X amount of dollars goes to tip outs and other cuts. Conversations about Schlongs as to who has the teensy wiener and bigs. It always turns out to be an interesting conversation even at 3AM in the morning. Does size and girth really matter? What a conversation with dancer who a lot to say about Phalluses.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @san_jose_guy Yes, she is no ordinary dancer, that's why I treat her differently. Her mind does not work like any regular women I dated in the past, her expectations are different. Sometimes, I say things that really hurt and she would tell me right away my words were not appropriate, but that is just the extent of it regarding how fragile her self esteem is. I still feel the sting of having a different kind of relationship, perhaps it is because of her past relationships with men. In the end, I will be moving on and my engagement will decrease like the gradient of a beautiful pacific sunset.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    alabegonz posted: @rickdugan Yeah, I get what you are saying there. The fine point here is her seeing me as an ATM machine which is probably more or less I'm still playing a role, but not very significant compared to other ATM machines she pull cash out of. I can't let her pay for our hangouts, that would be like a deadbeat guy with no class. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* You are not the only person that she is hustling in this way. You are not special or unique. She is not showing or telling you anything that she hasn't shared with some subset of other guys. She is running this type of hustle on you because she senses that you are susceptible to it, and obviously she is right. If she didn't find overall value in her dealing with you (cash, other paid for things, rides, etc.) then she would not be dealing with you. Re-read that as many times as you need to. ;) What sucks about the romance hustle is that it is often most effective on guys who are lonely and inexperienced in dealing with strippers. Over the years, I've seen a lot of guys do some stupid shit, both during the build-up phase and after the train arrived at the station (i.e., when they were squeezed dry). Don't be that guy. In any event, I'm out of this thread, but good luck.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Now why do I get the feeling that RickyBoy had some first hand experience of being on the victim end of what he calls "the romance hustle" before he invented The System? Can't wait until Part III of The Secret History of RickyBoy and The System comes out. :-)
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    @alabegonz I'm sure you'll do what is best and I am sure that this girl is very interesting to know. What I am working to build is an organization which will enable men and women to begin working in alliance. That is, there should not only be two options in life, the straight and narrow, or the forbidden. There should be some other way. Another way to put it is, it shouldn't have to be a choice between marrying them, or cutting them off. There needs to be another option. SJG Fatal Encounters [view link] National Bar Association [view link]
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