
This Was How I Broke Up With My Fave Dancer, How Was Yours?

Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:48 PM
This happened today, I met up with her around 1:30PM somewhere along I205. She was shopping we met up inside the store, of course I paid the bill which was less than $20, not really that big. After that, we drove out and went to eat at a burger joint, then we had to go to this quiet parking spot. She was not in the mood and was bitching, probably because I did not walk along with her when she was walking around the store, I simply sat down in one of the benches and sat there waiting for her to get done. It was not good for me to be with her at the moment because she was simply not in a good mood. My phone rang, it was set to vibrate but it was vibrating loud that she could hear it. I picked up my cellphone accidentally tripping the speaker phone on. "Hey honey, what are you doing now? I thought we are going out around 5PM?" Fuck. She heard it loud and clear, she got up her seat, opened the door and slammed it hard. She walked away and came back after ten minutes. "It's not only her, there are two more." "Whores! fuck your whores!" She got in the car and said "take me to downtown Portland I need to meet someone." We got out of that place and she was so quiet, looking outside the window, her bitching stopped which was so good. "Now you know what is going on with me. It's all on you now, if you call me that means we are still friends, if not then I know you will let me go in peace. Please let me go in peace." She changed the topic to another conversation. Her mood changed from bitchy to something more that I like, I was very impressed with the sudden change of mood. "I need to see this person around 5PM, I need to go. Bye." She inched towards me and kissed my cheeks, I kissed her cheeks as well. Off I went.


  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I just make sure her car isn't at the club.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Guessing this is the same girl from the previous thread about the skeletons in the closet. If so, sorry, but it was probably for the best. Let's just hope she does let you go in peace.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Anyway, I'm sure this is all for the best. Don't let it affect your psyche. Oh, and good point from the Steve dot. I recommend working out most every day and watching what you eat.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @alabegonz dude, take the advice given by Steve-dude and Steve-dot. Don't let yourself go. Get back on the whores! But seriously dude, was this a girlfriend or your fave stripper? Why would she care if you're fucking another stripper at 5pm?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Oh, I'll add that in times of trouble I also reflect on Eliot. For me it is... Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets And watched the smoke that rises from the pipes Of lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leaning out of windows? ... Those words are helpful for almost all of life's challenges. Adopt them as a mantra. It will help.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    "I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas."
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    That was one of the most sackless "break-ups" with a fave that I have ever been presented with. And you don't "break up" with a stripper anyway, you simply tell her that it is no longer working out and that you are sourcing your fun elsewhere.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I thought that you were supposed to fuck them one last time before ending it. :)
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Its weird to say this but i agree with rickdugan on this
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    I'm going to cosign with Rickster on this one too. It was an exchange not a relationship. But good luck. Learn to call it what it is in the future.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I have never broken up with a Fave Dancer because it would never be necessary to break up with a Fave Dancer. One just stops going to her club, or stops doing dances and OTC's with her. What you are describing is how to break up with your Girl Friend. Sometimes this is necessary. The more strange it gets the less you want to be in any private space with her and the less you even want her riding in your car. You don't want her slamming its doors or otherwise rough handling it. You don't want her making a scene in front of people unless you are free to walk away. Sometimes women do start attacking inanimate objects. It is a form of mock violence. If not responded to, it may escalate to real violence. Likewise, sometimes they will put on scenes in front of strangers, making it look like something very serious is happening. Sometimes they are trying to provoke you to violence, because this is the kind of world they grew up in. Sometimes with your Girl Friend it can get this bad, but not with your Fave Dancer. Better actually if you can pull back earlier, before it really becomes necessary to "break up". That way, maybe at some later date things might have started to work again. At least you were not married to her. And it least this did not somehow end up in a court room. Count your blessings. SJG
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I won't be able to reply to your comments right now because I'm tied up. Just want to let u know, my phone got a ton of calls and despite of not answering the whole lot, I finally caved-in and answered the call. So, I'm gonna meet her tonight and she'll probably forget about what happened yesterday like it never happened. Oh fuck, I'm soooo tired of this shit, I want out.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Time for a new number, a new phone, and a new lease on your own life.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    7 Hours Ago • " I won't be able to reply to your comments right now because I'm tied up. " That one sounds like much more fun.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @alabegonz, my brother. Stop right now. You're writing about this stripper like she's your girlfriend. I have a few questions for you... Does she fuck you for free? Have you quit your job and are you crashing at her place and playing X-box all day? (Note, feel free to substitute "Playstation" for "X-box") Does she buy drugs for you? Are you planning to start a career as a rapper? If you can answer yes, keep doing what you're doing. Continue fucking other chicks, ideally using money she gives you to get your music career off the ground. Just consider the drama the shit you have to do to enjoy that lifestyle. However, I'm going to assume you're paying her. The reason you pay a chick to fuck you is to reduce the drama. Tell her "no money for you unless you stop being a bitch...by the way, your friend is hot...how much does SHE charge for a BJ?" Then go fuck her friend. As Bugs Bunny would say "that'll loin her". And Bugs wouldn't lie, would he? Oh, and get a burn phone dude.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    @PhantomGeek Looks like it's not going to happen, she's not going to let go in peace, as she has invested a huge amount of time hanging out with me. She can't get away with the habit of seeing me. I just saw how needy/clingy/bitchy she was yesterday, and you well know how anyone would not want to be around a bitch. It's like I just want to just get out of there and leave. @steve229 Yeah, it will ding my psyche a little bit, the hurt stings a lot right now and it will sting for a while I work out a plan and execute getting away, I just need to 'hang' with my other 'friends' it's just so hard trying to escape orbit this woman. @rickdugan She did not get it when my actions are telling her I can't do it any more. I don't walk with her when she walks around in the store, I don't do pretty much the stuff we did a while back. I didn't show my enthusiastic face yesterday when we were talking. It's not fun anymore, but she is just there nagging me about what I do now as if she is saying "please change" but it's not, I'm tired and I just want to move on. @san_jose_guy I wish it was GFE, but the hustle she is playing now asking me to play along the hustle is just plain BS. She was civil last night, did not cause any scene, no hysterics. She was gracious like Lois Lane with the bitch of Penguin, she was classy in a certain way. Wish I would see that all that time but she is not really sassy/classy. @PhantomGeek Yeah, pretty much that is going to happen. The numbers she pushed in my cellphone and the people she called up, man, that's too much. @zipman68 Does she fuck you for free? No. Does she buy drugs for you? No. Are you planning to start a career as a rapper? No. ================ Hey, I've never been caught in this mess before. I'm just four/five years into strip clubbing. All my previous relationships are with regular women who doesn't do anything like this woman does. I guess I have to play it differently this time because her reaction does not match a regular woman. I'm afraid she might do something hostile if I disappear and not show up right away. So i'm slowly backing away. Not calling and not answering the phone the first time it buzzes. I'll change number soon, I just wanna make sure she will leave me in peace. I already said it: I have other women. She doesn't get it. She knows it's not fun anymore. There's no more fun stuff to do.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    She rented a motel room (she paid), she's been there for two days now. Got a call just now, she wants me to show up there. What a huge mess this is now.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I broke a shovel today
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Alabegonz my friend, I'm going to take a step back and say something totally serious. You're way too emotionally involved. The way you're talking you're investing girlfriend levels of emotional involvement with this woman. That's cool if you're actually dating, but if you're paying her that isn't cool. You seem like a good guy. Treat girls with respect. Don't go all RickDugan and hope she'll have some drug crisis and become cheaper for you, but never forget that she isn't your girlfriend. You guys are connected by money flowing from you to her and her letting you fuck her for said money. At a certain point you have to change your phone number so you don't get calls from her other clients and just tell her "babe, I'm going to find another chick to fuck...buh-bye". If I've misinterpreted and she really is a girlfriend, all I can say is I hope it gets better. But I still think you have to disengage. Good luck bro!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I usually break up by getting the girls tired of me. Then they eventually disappear. This strategy didn't work too well on one dancer. She started automatically giving me bj's so I never said too much. It took a whole year plus lots of sex to get her tired of me. An earlier dancer we never got that far and I just had to tell her goodbye one night, I'm moving out of state. She cried. Told me she was in love with me. That wasn't the reaction I expected. one favorite I broke things off with never got my phone number. I called her and she always answered. I forgot why but eventually got tired of her and never called or saw her again. She wasn't putting out like I expected so that alone would have been a reason to break things off. I just forgot all about her for months. I never even tried to call her.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    One favorite in a club stole from me after I got lap dances. While I never went out with her, she was no longer a favorite after stealing money. I succeeded in getting her fired. She never even knew I was the reason she got caught. I probably caused trouble for her in another club by informing the management she was a thief. When I spotted her working in another local club, I must have felt sorry for her. I didn't say anything. She acted like I was an old friend. I never told her I never forgot.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    How hot is this chick?
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Actually, mout importantly, how ugly are you?
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Last and final question, is your other user name Footballguy?
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    And I'm looking back at these, so I have to say I'm not trying to be funny or mean, these are actually questions. I'm always curious when people knowingly make poor decisions, what's the motivation. Footballguy has obvious immature narcissistic unfulfilled expectations, really hoping the stripper he's hung up on fulfills them (I'm guessing he short, he said no, but admitted to early balding -- any rate suffering through some major ugly duckling syndrome with a hint of inadequacy) Anyway I'm guessing you are in late 20's early 30's (disposable income age). Sheltered because you seem fascinated by how it's possible for a girl behaving badly can really behave so badly, being drawn in by who you think she should be vs who you are finding out she really is, but still unwilling to let go of some really naive beliefs. Super fascinating actually (and yes some if us might say you're acting like a teenage girl, but whatever)
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    If you're afraid she might do something hostile, she's really got her claws pretty deep into you, man. Not good. Have you talked to any of her co-workers, tried to get a feel for just how damaged this girl is? And maybe get some ideas on how to get away from her without her going all Glenn Close/Fatal Attraction on you? I hope she's never been to your home or your place of business. Last thing you need is her hanging out, waiting for you.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Until you admit that she is your girlfriend, you are going to remain lost and she is going to drive you crazy. Once you make that admission, you might want to break up with her. You might want to meet her at the motel and pin her down on the bed or the floor and give her a nice fucking. Probably what she wants most is to be fucked like a civilian. There are lots of possibilities. But no one breaks up with their favorite dancer or has their favorite dancer calling them on the phone all the time. SJG
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    If that's how it ended the. You got away easy.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    SJG, pinning a woman down on the bed or the floor is the way you "nicely" fuck a civilian?
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "If you're afraid she might do something hostile, she's really got her claws pretty deep into you, man. " I keep showing up to the motel room whenever she texts me. I was there a while ago and there were people in there, another stripper and her BF, just checking the room. Then we went out, she hustled me again for food and some small stuff. I tried teasing her so she would get playful but her mood was different, she didn't like me tonight because she thought I would go to the other woman if she let me go early. So she held me for some hours until it was late. "Have you talked to any of her co-workers, tried to get a feel for just how damaged this girl is?" No, I have no idea how damaged she is, I can't tell/write everything here because the stripper lifestyle is not something to be talked about in public. She got pissed and was mad, but she instantly changed her mood to the normal hustle. "And maybe get some ideas on how to get away from her without her going all Glenn Close/Fatal Attraction on you?" This is what she texted me... "I'm not interested in the second best I deserve better than that. You have 3 other GFs I'm not gonna sit at home while u go out and cheat on me." So... this thing is not over. It should be over, but it is not.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    You're right, man -- it should be over, and it isn't because you're not even trying to end it. Why do you keep going to that motel room? Why do you keep answering her texts? Why are you being her lap dog?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    If she is summoning you to hotel rooms when her boyfriend is there, then you either need to get her alone with you somewhere else, or just discontinue all contact with her. Been there, done that myself, a woman keeping me on hold and making me jump through hoops and getting me into crazy scenes. Can't do it. The cell phone is at the core of it. Women live by it, making guys jump for them. Either get her alone, get the cell phone away from her, and then proceed. Or just stop taking her calls. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Don't let her draw you into the social realm of her age peers. You are not one of them, and you are not one of her girl friends. When you started posting stuff, I did not know that that was happening. When she sees you, it is either just you and she, or it is not. I think what she wants is for you to lay claim to her. And yes PhantomGeek, women like to aggressively physically acted upon sometimes. For the first time with a new guy, it can be really important for them. Just don't let her draw you into her peer circle. Don't let her try to make you jump through hoops with these nimrods. R. Don Steele is too conservative of a writer for me, but some of his ideas are still correct. Only about 1 in 10 or 1 in 20 young women will want a relationship with an older man. If you are older than she, then you are never her boyfriend. It works completely differently. You can tell if you are dealing with such a woman if she is "outlandishly dressed", he explains that he means avant-garde instead of trendy. If she is trendy then she is conformist and will like her same age shit head boyfriend. Anyway, most important thing is not to let her draw you into her social realm. If you want her, take her into yours and then make it happen with her. Otherwise, just stand by and ignore what is going on. [view link] SJG
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Sjg you sound like a delusional rapist, par for your course though it seems
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    "And yes PhantomGeek, women like to aggressively physically acted upon sometimes. For the first time with a new guy, it can be really important for them." In your little world, perhaps, but I've never met a woman who wanted that sort of aggression pushed onto them. I agree with Ime, SJG, you do sound like a delusional rapist.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @Phantom I'm actually going to have to agree with SJG on this one. There are some women (obviously not the average woman) who really get off being manhandled, and the less they know you the more it turns them on.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "If she is summoning you to hotel rooms when her boyfriend is there, then you either need to get her alone with you somewhere else, or just discontinue all contact with her." Last night there were two strippers in there, stripper B was with a BF, stripper A was her. And it seems that about five to eight strippers in the club now know me by association, which is BAD. Why BAD??? Because I got a text the other day from this lady saying she needs money, and she will take care of the rest, just that I make it a total secret, no one will know about it except us. My tinfoil hat was telling me that was a plant or an entrapment by my fave dancer. So I replied let's just talk in-person and see where it goes. "Just don't let her draw you into her peer circle. Don't let her try to make you jump through hoops with these nimrods." I guess, I'm a little into this lifestyle where I don't wanna be in. I'm just perfect where I was at six months ago, I need to go back there.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "Why do you keep going to that motel room? Why do you keep answering her texts? Why are you being her lap dog?" She is bombing my cellphone right now. No telling what she will do, I have to answer it in a few minutes. Yes, I think I'm her subservient idiot. That's why I'm trying to nicely end it.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Just be a man tell her your done and block her number she doesnt care about youor your feelings only hers. You need to attempt to show a little spine...orjust become her fulltime cuckhold and atm which is what you seem to really want anyway
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Don't nicely end it. Just end it. End your time with her. End your time with her club. Get a new cell. Get a new number. Get a new favorite club. GET YOUR LIFE BACK!
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    And watch your back. This chick sounds psychotic.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    ^^^ True dat. Just say to her "girl, don't go away mad...just go away."
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Lesson learned...no ATF's. Shit just gets blurred. SMH
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    So, maybe I'm *not* the most patheticest pathetic loser of all time. I was actually sympathetic until you started talking about how she's harping on you. She's gonna kill you one of these days. Drop her.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    When I had said before that she is your girlfriend and not your fave dancer, I had not realized that she was drawing you into her peer circle. You do not want to go there, That is how she uses you, how she jacks you around. Don't let her do this. [view link] ( we need to get it so that Articles bump just like Discussions do ) That lots of dances know you should not be a problem. Don't worry about it. But about this one fave, decide if you want her for a girl friend, at least a short term girl friend. If so, get her someplace alone, get the cell phone away from her, and treat her like a civilian. Spend time, be nice, and bed her. This seems to be what she wants. But in any event, do not let her summon you to ambiguous situations. If you hang out, it is to be just you and she, and no one else. Do not become one of her peers, because that is how she ties you up in knots and it is also how she diminishes you in her own eyes. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    And also, PhantomGeek and IME, Read this if you want some idea of how women think: [view link] I'm talking here about treating women like civilians. Usually this means never trying to verbally negotiate them into sex acts. No words necessary, except to charm her, court her, and maybe sometimes to distract her a bit. Adult women do often consent to being cornered, backed up against walls, picked up and carried off to bed, being tackled onto beds and floors, and to being wrestled with and pinned down. About the only way I can see one as not being fully aware of this is if they only deal in P4P situations and expect the girl to be the one who makes it happen. SJG
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    SJG, the girl Alabegonz is dealing with is a fucking LOON! She's not a civilian! She's not a girlfriend! She's a LOON! The way she's treating him now (and probably everyone else in her life) is like her little plaything, something to be at her beck and call 24/7. She's controlling and demanding and, from the sounds of things, treats people like shit. And people, unfortunately like Alabegonz, let her. They don't stand up for themselves. They don't walk away. They let her ride roughshod all over them and then tell her "Thank you, ma'am, Can I have another?" And, SJG, you ever stop to think that these adult women, whether civilian or not, consent to that rough treatment because they're afraid that if they don't, you'll start beating the shit out of them?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "So, maybe I'm *not* the most patheticest pathetic loser of all time." Did I miss the part where Alabegonz used the "L-word"?
  • ime
    10 years ago
    When is alabegonz gonna try to break up with this broad hasnt happened yet after 50 posts
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @steve229: No but that makes it even worse. If he's in love with without admitting it, then he's still more pathetic than me, and if he's *not* in love with her and still putting up with her shit, then he's a bigger loser than me. See how that works? :)
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    @PhantomGeek You are completely off base. Assertive treatment doesn't have to be rough and it doesn't need to have a single trace of real coercion. Women like it when a guy is not afraid to be assertive with them. @Alabegonz Maybe this girl will always be impossible to deal with. But if you start by defining how you want it to go, then there is still a chance. If you want her, spend time alone with her, without cell phone use, and then bed her. If you don't she will likely assume that it is because on of the other stripper you know has won out. Or she will assume that it is because you are a Zen monk and have decided on celibacy. The reason celibacy was originally invented was to take social power away from women. She will know this. SJG
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