Comments by PhantomGeek (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    Nelly, like everything else she's going to do, the kissing is just a way to keep roping you in, to make you think everything's so intimate between the two of you.
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    10 years ago
    OT - Is There A Doctor On Line?
    Have you checked out yet? It could give you a lead to what's going on. But like the other guys have said, go to your doctor, man. He's the only one who can say for sure -- let's hope. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best clubs to visit in OH, IN, KY
    In Indy, pretty much all of the clubs are hands-on, except for the Red Garter downtown. - Red Garter might be a classy place, but it's also hands-off (bouncers will be watching during the dances, just to make sure). - PT's on Pendleton Pike is overpriced and the dancers get to name their own lap dance prices, which can be pretty outrageous; I've heard they also have similar bouncer issues. - Paradise Cove is a boring shithole. The only contact I had with any dancers was when they asked me for a buck for the jukebox. - Kentucky Klub is another boring shithole. Good luck figuring out what hours they're open; I don't think they even know. - Pure Passion (off Lafayette and 38th) recently had a shooting. I have been there once though. The one dancer I met called me a gentleman after our dances; sure, I caressed her pussy but I didn't try to stick my fingers in her, which is, I guess by her definition, a gentleman. - Pure Passion (off North Post Road), I've never been to. - Classy Chassis has some interesting décor -- race cars mounted on the ceiling. For the most part though, on my last visit, I found these working-class dancers to be a bit on the snobbish side. - Dancers on Washington is pretty upscale and a bit pricier. - Patty's, also on Washington, is a neighborhood dive bar, very hit or miss. - Club Zeus is closed. - Club Venus, the one time I visited on a dayshift, was way too open and too much anything goes. - Club Rio (close to Pure Passions on 38th and Lafayette) is probably an upper middle-class club, with some very decent mileage. I've had some luck there on both dayshift and night. Course, YMMV. - Brad's, to me anyway, borders between middle-class and upper-class, and it offers some pretty decent contact, depending on the dancer. (Met one on dayshift who was completely hands-off. The other dancers, on both night and day, weren't quite as prudish, but YMMV.) - Harem House, again on Pendleton Pike, is leaning toward dive-bar status. Haven't seen it since they (allegedly) tore out the VIP area. I've probably had some of my best luck there. - Babes East, yep, another on Pendleton Pike, like Harem House, is leaning toward dive-bar status. Didn't really enjoy myself last time I was there, two, maybe three years ago. A dancer who's so drunk she can barely walk isn't a ringing endorsement. - Lenny's was sort of enjoyable. It's a black club near downtown. Enjoyed some dances and a lot of chatting with one dancer. Major problem for me was the IR cameras mounted right over each booth, not to mention their proximity and direct line of sight to the front door; I can only imagine how cold it might get in those booths this time of year. - Rick's, I've only been to once, and, like PT's, it was enough. It was all about upsell, upsell, upsell -- with no product to deliver. - Silk. Yawn. - Cat House, don't even waste your time. "Lingerie modeling" and sad lap dancing, with no mileage on top of it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody missing a stripper?
    Well, that explains where that pizza was supposed to go -- and why our pizza gal took so long getting back!
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    10 years ago
    RE: porn stars at SC
    Surprisingly, every couple months, a porn star dances at the Northern in Fargo, ND. Why, I don't know.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Making a fast food run for a stripper?
    Hasn't happened to me (yet). Hope she at least tipped you, Duke.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Yelp vs TUSCL reviews
    And with stripclublist, you don't need to be a member to read anything either. To see anything, all you have to do is click on the state, click on the club, then click on Comments or Reviews. I usually open the club up in a new window; the layout really isn't the best, and trying to navigate back (even with just the back arrow) tends to get tedious. I've never tried to listen to any of the audio comments. Somehow, I doubt they'll be any more impressive than the posted ones.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    getting frisked by management ?
    Maybe she really just wanted to see if you were packing. I've been lightly frisked by the front desk girl at Solid Gold in Winnipeg (easily the highlight of that strip club visit). I've also been wanded and my pockets checked by a large bouncer guy at the Lamplighter in St. Paul, MN. He also asked me if I had a cell phone. When I told him it was in the car, he said that was a good place for it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    Welcome aboard, Nelly, and my advice: watch out. and be careful This dancer sounds like she's grooming you, sizing you up for a leash to be one of her pet PLs. Yeah -- "one of" -- because you probably aren't her one and only. Just remember, too, this should all business, nothing more. While the two of you are making out, she's making bank off you. And when the bills started coming in -- whether it's stated outright on credit card statements or a long list of suspicious ATM withdrawals -- your wife's going to start asking questions. Good luck, man, and monger on!
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    10 years ago
    Yelp vs TUSCL reviews
    Jabberwock, I have very little faith in any reviews and comments on Stripclublist. Without any sort of membership and consistent nicknames, it's tough to see assign credibility to anyone's statements, unlike sites like this one. The troll and jackass factor are also really big with some clubs and areas, case in point: Hip Hugger in Kokomo, IN.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I trust you
    I hate it when dancers leave their purses and stuff with me while they go on stage or make the rounds. I'm a customer, damn it, not some way station!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How do I find porn stars SC schedules?
    I found three just cruising the Eros-Las Vegas site: Helpubooker and Lourdes Enterprises both require you to register. After verification, Lourdes also wants $1000 retainer to "ensure our girls' privacy."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I probably shouldn't ask but...
    We've grown up in a society that barely tolerates strip clubs -- nuts, the whole sex industry -- that tends to look down those workers. So I can't help but wonder if they might be subconsciously punishing themselves by picking those loser boyfriends? Just an idea.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Did I play my cards right?
    Snakeeyes, welcome aboard and thanks for sharing. Have to say, it sounds like you got off relatively cheap. One of the big things about strippers you have to remember is that they're very mercenary and they can be merciless about it. That twenty bucks for gas, that was a good gesture on her part -- and it might've been genuine -- but I have a feeling it might've been more like an investment for her. Twenty dollars to get in your good graces could've led to hundreds of dollars in her pocket. As fond as you'll get of some of these ladies, as much as they might make you swoon, it really comes down to one thing -- money. Just remember, it's nothing personal.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Baby girl born in Nashville strip club parking lot
    Finally, a 2AMer with a real happy ending.
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    10 years ago
    phone numbers
    Remember, that's digits as in "phone numbers," not digits as in "fingers."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    OTC from hell
    Similar situation happened to me once. Chatted with what I thought was a woman on Live Links or Lava Life or something like that. Got to "her" place, only to find a transgender person with some serious five o'clock shadow. She asked me if I still wanted a blowjob. I shook my head no and walked.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nearly $7K stolen, woman tied up at New Orleans East strip club
    Glad to hear that nobody lost their heads and got hurt. Money's always replaceable, people aren't.
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    10 years ago
    phone numbers
    Maybe she's walking. Did she mention if she lived in, say, Alaska or Australia?
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    10 years ago
    Water Shot
    If the dancer is actually underage, I'd prefer she be up front about it. I could understand her ordering a Coke or a water then. But if I did catch them doing that, I'd probably tell them I want my money back for the drink, then call it a night, after possibly having a chat with the manager. It would definitely go in a review though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are there morman thugs?
    Isn't that pretty much how the Italian mafia works? They whack someone, go to confession, get absolved with the penance of twenty Hail Marys, and then go back to work with a clear conscience since God forgave them?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    This Christmas, for the homeless
    So did you give her $20 then?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Impala, that sounds like yet another way to take it on the chin.
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    10 years ago
    Would You Do This?
    lol, Yeah, I knew what you meant. I was just channeling some Groucho Marx *g*
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New Jersey
    Finally, a lawyer you can get behind
    She's going to get a lot of second looks when she talks about checking the briefs. Congrats to her!