I am not a VET when it comes to Strip Clubs like most of you so I am feeling things out and encountering new things with each visit. I found this hot blonde I really like who has quickly become my go to girl at the club I visit. The money she makes from me is enough to warrant coming in and sitting with me all night without having to hustle to make traveling to the club worth it. However the last few trips to the Champagne room have been unique as she has been trying real hard to make out with me during the dances. It was weird because from shit I have read it is suppose to be reverse with someone like me trying to make out with her but this is not the case. I figured maybe she was drunk that first night so I kind of caved in for a minute then just avoided doing it the rest of the time. Last time she walked right up to me as soon as she arrived and made it a point to tell me she was looking forward to making out in the CR. So clearly it was not a drunk thing and I had a few to many before the room so making out was exactly what we did. She asked me the last time I had sex and I said like a week ago with some girl I know and she pulled away quick as hell and said "Did you use protection" to which I responded with Yes. She asked if I knew this girl or if I was making out with some stranger because if so then she would not be doing it with me anymore. I was taken aback because she is the fucking stranger. I mean sometimes strippers do shit to separate us from our money I understand that but she was getting my money before all of this kissing stuff and I am just having a hard time seeing the angle and what game she is playing.
Alabegonz is the expert in this area. Seems like some strippers get the money and then want to upgrade to taking over your life too. Moving on too taking care of her OTC needs (mostly rides as strippers can't seem to keep a car)
But don't be tripped up. She appreciates what you're bringing to the table and wants to see how far that well will drill.
My view is that if you want an intimate experience with the girl, then the sooner you can get her deep French kissing ( DFK ) you the better. I further feel that it is best to do this with her in the front room, where she does not have to cut any sitting tips with the house, and where you have more control of the situation because you have not prepaid her or otherwise committed to a dance of defined duration. It is better because she can be sitting with you, or sitting on your lap, instead of being on her feet in front of you.
After you have got her making out with you, that is the time to take her to private space.
People have posted lots of stories about conflicts developing with dancers and with the bouncers, and what seem to be scams or extortion schemes. Most of these problems will vanish if one can first develop rapport with the dancer by making out with her.
Duke69, explaining how talking and kissing are the way to get to know her, to get her to start being real with you. https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
And there have been many other threads about this.
From my own AMP experiences I can say the best possible sessions occur when you can get her DFKing you right away, like as soon as you get her into the room. If you and she can connect like this, it will go beyond GFE. It will be GFA ( Girl Friend Audition ), and this is sublime.
Here talking about how to set up strip clubs which equal the quality of the TJ Hong Kong Bar. Of course front room DFK is a central component of this. https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
@GACAclub - LOL yeah the car thing is a common thing I am hearing from strippers when they start talking about their real life. She has already mentioned OTC actions and with it being so close to x-mas it involved taking her to Victorias Secret to buy some stuff... I am a married man and she is engaged to some guy so my first thought was "Well getting away from the wife would be hard but not impossible but fuck why do I want to buy you shit to wear for your Boyfriend" but I agreed figuring I would cross that bridge if she actually called. No call so I did not have to worry about it but I see her game progressing each time I see her so I feel you are right on the money.
@San_Jose_Guy - Interesting you would mention the doing it in the front because I encountered this with her during my last visit which was drama filled because she was staking claim on my ass and a bunch of other girls I have been with were trying to step up but that is a long story. She sat with me at the table on my lap for a bit then moves to a seat with my buddy sitting across from us. Her hands spent the entire night near my crotch and she just kept getting close and asking for a kiss... At first I thought she simply wanted a peck so I obliged with one on the cheek but she was having none of that. I gave her one on the mouth but still no go, finally she just demanded I stick my tongue out and balked at the scenario because I had a lot of other eyes on me from girls I have taken many times before. My feeling was that this is private shit and I am not trying to get these other chicks all pissed off because I like to spread the love around and am not use to strip club monogamy nor do I want to get use to it. I obliged the tongue and then finally just took her to the back so she would stop demanding a kiss in public. I appreciate the links and your opinion thanks a million bud.
@Shadowcat - LOL Yeah my reviews are long, they actually could have been longer but I tamed them down as I did not want to bore people. I am a detail orientated guy who searches for as much info as possible when going to a new club and I wanted to share as much as I know. I could do another 10 reviews about my go to club and my experiences but I felt that would just be redundant.
With regards to more info well that is not a problem... Let me give you a little back story first off without going into crazy details. Been going to this club for about a year and about 20 times this year alone. Have a steady rotation of about 8 girls I see on a regular basis and about a month ago this blonde stepped up on a night when none of my girls were there and quickly sky rocketed to the top. Drama has happened from the other girls who feel threatened because she is the only one I have taken to the Champagne room. The other girl come by and sit for a bit then take off to make money but she stick around and makes her money from me, maybe they are pissed because they missed out on this opportunity. In the back room it is a lot of grinding, groping on both parts, some titties sucking and fingering. She tried to pull the cock out once but I put a stop to that because this is not the type of club you fuck a chick in, at least not for me as I can't say what others do. Last time I saw her the VIP host pulled her to the side and talked to her and then shortly before leaving she told me it was them talking to her about kissing me in the back. Before leaving that night the VIP host sat down with me before leaving like he normally does telling me a shit ton of stories about strippers which I enjoy to no end. I apologized for the drama of the evening and gave him a fat tip but he assured me nothing was wrong and everything is cool.
@Duke69 - I am pretty sure it is not a extras club meaning no sex or blowjobs however some girls let you get friendly with them once you get to know them as I have experienced with some women. I agree with what you are saying and part of me is like "Dude don't make out with a stripper" but the other part is like "Dude she came right in and sat with you all night so it isn't like you are kissing another dude" my buddy had to of course play devils advocate and be like "Yeah but she probably blew her boyfriend before she got here". I can always count on him to be logical and always make me feel like shit.
@Clubber - Thanks... Yeah you are probably right... I mean the progression of the strip club relationship is like nothing I have experienced. Yeah I have one stripper on facebook I talk to about twice a week, another I hit up on text message every so often with random shit that she sends me and another who I use snapchat with but these girls all fall under the "Good girl" category for the club I go to with the blonde being in the "Dirty girl" category. But this situation with her is something new to me and as a logical person I actually look at it and say "If she is pulling some long as con then more power to her because she is doing it pretty decent". The last session we had the waitress came up and gave us the 10 minute notification so I told the blonde to stop dancing and just sit on me for the rest of the time and we talked. The second night we met I mentioned something about my life and she said "This is fun time not therapy time" so I shut my mouth but this last time while she was sitting on me she started talking about her real life and I said "You this is not therapy time this is fun time" I laughed and told her I am just fucking around and she deserved that shit for what she said last time and she agreed. But yeah it seems like she was laying the ground work for a OTC relationship but what does not make sense is that I told her we could go shopping this past week and she never got in touch with me so if this is part of her con then why not hit me up since I agreed.
Sorry guys as you can see I ramble a lot about shit which is why the reviews are so long. I can write for hours about this shit lol
So thus far what I am hearing is that if the club seems clean then have fun with it but watch out for a long con of her wanting to get a lot of my cash OTC.
Welcome aboard, Nelly, and my advice: watch out. and be careful This dancer sounds like she's grooming you, sizing you up for a leash to be one of her pet PLs. Yeah -- "one of" -- because you probably aren't her one and only.
Just remember, too, this should all business, nothing more. While the two of you are making out, she's making bank off you. And when the bills started coming in -- whether it's stated outright on credit card statements or a long list of suspicious ATM withdrawals -- your wife's going to start asking questions.
@Phantomgeek - Yeah I am confident that I am not the only one regardless of what she says because GASP strippers lie,,, I know it is a shocker lol But yeah thanks for the advice as I need to basically assert my authority in this situation. This does not explain away the kissing which I am starting to believe to be a way of her trying to make me exclusive like JAMES is saying but getting my authority back is needed for this to work. I believe I will put her in a position next time around that she does not like and make her realize that this is my money and if she wants it she needs to follow my rules. Wish me luck lol
@James - I want her and I will slowly transition from these bunch of girls to her only but I need to get my authority back beforehand. I believe you are right about what you are saying so I do not mind being with her only but she needs to assume I will leave her high and dry and take another girl. I cannot have her believing that she has me no matter what.
@Ranukam - Thanks bud I appreciate the compliment on the reviews. I hear ya bud I believe I should just open up and enjoy it. I believe some angles need to be covered but maybe just maybe she just enjoys it and wants to do it. I mean as long as she is not hoping around on the night I am there doing it with all of these guys then we are cool.
@Kimi - I don't want to give the impression it happens all the time or with many girls... I have come close with other girls but pulled away just as they were... I don't get dances downstairs so I only dance upstairs in the VIP dance room and yeah I have made out with her there. The camera guy is cool as hell and I always tip him. Most of it happened in the Champagne room.
I have been wanting to try out Atlantis I hear good things.
Holy shit it's SJG Jr. Please tell me you don't also live in your mom's basement and obsess over AMPs.
I'd keep fucking this girl or start fucking her if you are not already. But be cautious and dump her if you see more signs hat she is some sort of control freak or stalker. Also keep all private information very private from her ( and all dancers) unless you know them well or they are a dream stripper.
Thorough reviews bro. She's probably playing you. She's a stripper for crying out loud. As long as you're not going broke, you don't become a RIL, and she didn't just suck off another dude before kissing you, enjoy the good times while they last.
Also, I think JS means things like home address, primary cell phone (as opposed to dedicated stripper burn phone or google voice)... things when she can cause headaches or worse in the rest of your life.
Nelly, first name only. No last name. No real phone number. Use a burn phone app for texting and calls. And limit information on the town you live in and the job you do. Nothing that would allow a person to google what you give them and find you.
Some will say I'm paranoid, but if you're married and want to keep what you do a secret, it's essential. Particularly critical if your suspect dancer could be a psycho.
Only one dancer has ever known my true identity. And that's ok cause she's my dream stripper.
Nelly, like everything else she's going to do, the kissing is just a way to keep roping you in, to make you think everything's so intimate between the two of you.
Nelly definitely try Atlantis. That is the club why I had my first kissing and make out session with a stripper years ago. A bbbj was offered but I didn't do that then (I've since come to my senses). Fun times.
This might not be complicated and wordy enough but, I've found if a dancer finds you attractive and likes you, she may want to kiss you........ if you like her, you may want to kiss her too!
^^^ Strangely enough, from my experience, a stripper that kisses you or makes out with you is probably genuinely interested in/likes you for mor than just a customer. Not always, but I'd say as a general rule.
In the fucked up world that is strip clubs, a lot of girls will have no problem giving you a BJ or screwing your brains out, but won't "make out" with you.... They consider kissing "too intimate..." but, here, let me drain you of all your cum... lol. Crazy.
Only four dancers that I can remember actually wanted to kiss more than a peck. Two of them still won't fuck me, one was my ATF (who wouldn't at first, even after we started fucking regularly, but later got into it rather enthusiastically), and one other, the MILF who *still* won't take my money, who started it in the club after I'd been coming in for a couple of weeks of me kissing her breasts and neck, and slowing inching towards her mouth.
One thing a PL learns the more he/lopaw SCs is that SCs are bizarro world (often the opposite of the “real world” and w/ different rules of engagement).
Many an unexperienced SCer will often take a dancer being all over him as her “being into him” – at best she is usually really really into your wallet - maybe 1% of the time is a genuine attraction – for starters; if they (dancers) are good looking enough; most of them already have a man; and secondly – a man can fall in lust w/ a woman in one second; whereas “normally” it takes a woman some time to get into a guy (even if she’s into him; “most” women will not let on immediately) – and strippers are women (thought I would clarify that :)) which IMO means that they genuinely being into a guy they just met is probably unlikely.
Strippers will do all kinds of a shit to make the sale and keep a good customer – hell many/most good salespeople will do the same.
In SC bizarro world; never assume what you think you see or what you think is real – unlike the “real world” where one should often give the benefit of the doubt; in SC “bizarro world”; one should doubt a dancer’s motivation rather than taking her actions (and words) at face value.
99% of the time; it’s pretty much just business for the stripper; a PL should use the same approach 99% of the time.
May be a too cynical way to look at it; but that is how I see it.
So the girl always wants to be kissing you, starting in the front room. So you have got a live one. This is how I see it.
You can't be finding fault with her over this. I mean she is going all out, 100% for you. You are a customer in a place where the women get paid for what they do. You walk in there, and then you find one who is going all out. There is no fault to be found in there with her.
Yes, the women are competing with each other. Yes it is hard for women to keep cars, because cultural norms prevent them from learning how to repair them or otherwise do things which involve getting dirty. But this is still not a reason to find fault with her.
Maybe you want to be kissing her, and maybe not. If it is the latter, then just pass her along to someone else who does. But don't worry yourself about trying to find fault with her or otherwise trying to impugn her motives. She is doing her job in the very best way that any girl every possibly ever could.
You are at least 18yo, so you need to decide what you want to do with her:
1. Try to economize by reducing visits are getting her to deliver for less $ 2. Enjoy it how it is, and for as long as it lasts. 3. Escalate with OTC ( Outside the Club ) contacts.
Or whatever. But no matter what you decide, there is no reason for finding fault with her for doing an excellent job of delivering on exactly what guys go there looking for.
Given that you are married, this does make it much more complicated. But again you are over 18yo and so you do need to take responsibility for the situation you have set up.
And JS69, what happens when your mom catches you making all these posts with your cell phone, and staying up beyond your bedtime?
@San Jose - Yeah I didn't mean to come off like I am finding fault in her actions... I have been trying to wrap my head around her motives. One of the opinions you have about her motives is that she is simply supplying kissing as part of her game. This is fine and I have no issue with this,it is just coming off more as a desire of hers and not something that is needed to keep me interested,
Her controlling nature is another beast which I need to tame and fix.
Based on the opinion of everyone including yourself my approach about the kissing will simply be go with the flow. As long as I do not get the impression she is some skanky chick who just blew some guy right before me or is going from client to client on the night I am there kissing them all then I will continue to partake. I do not get the impression from this club that this is the case.
You walk into a club where body fluids are being exchanged, you have walked into a share a woman program. The women are expecting to make money, and what they are doing with you they are doing with other people.
If you don't like that, then stay with monogamy. In fact, if you want your marriage to work, I would say you should not be contacting this girl, going to any strip clubs, or even reading what is posted on TUSCL ever again.
But if you are going to partake of strip clubs, there is no reason to question the motives of the women, They are really simple and obvious. There is nothing wrong with what she is doing. As far as being able to tell if she really likes you, you just have to play it by ear and trust your own judgment. Until such time that you wanted an outside and off the clock relationship with her, there is no real way to tell. But if she seems to be coming on to you, and kissing you, then she probably does like you.
If I were a club owner, I'd want 50 more just like her to fill out my roster. And then as I would know that my club with girls who kiss will be making more money than all the other clubs combined, I'd want another 50 more just like her, for each of the other clubs that I would be buying out.
If it were me going into a club and finding a girl I like who is so happy to be kissing me, I would just enjoy it. But if I wanted to make my marriage work, then I would know that I have to cut it off.
It is possible that she is kissing you because she wants an outside relationship with you. I have experienced this with AMP ( Asian Massage Parlor ) girls. As it was clear that they had lowered all their emotional defenses for me and that they were auditioning for an outside relationship, and as I was not available for an outside relationship, I knew that I would be playing with fire if I continued to do massage sessions with them.
By All Means ! Kiss her if she's hot and you like her and want to have a GFE. Since she brought up sex I would say she wants to fuck so you are on your way! Don't pass up these opportunities that would take Several visits to accomplish. You have a unique opportunity before you!
last commentBut don't be tripped up. She appreciates what you're bringing to the table and wants to see how far that well will drill.
After you have got her making out with you, that is the time to take her to private space.
People have posted lots of stories about conflicts developing with dancers and with the bouncers, and what seem to be scams or extortion schemes. Most of these problems will vanish if one can first develop rapport with the dancer by making out with her.
Duke69, explaining how talking and kissing are the way to get to know her, to get her to start being real with you.
Jestrite50, get them to makeout with you in the front room, before going to the back room.
and here
Shadowcat's kissing thread
And there have been many other threads about this.
From my own AMP experiences I can say the best possible sessions occur when you can get her DFKing you right away, like as soon as you get her into the room. If you and she can connect like this, it will go beyond GFE. It will be GFA ( Girl Friend Audition ), and this is sublime.
Here talking about how to set up strip clubs which equal the quality of the TJ Hong Kong Bar. Of course front room DFK is a central component of this.
an opinion on Elliot Rodger of UC Santa Barbara
If its a clean club i always shoot for heavy DFK
Personally, I think she may be going the GACA route and looking for more from you. Just be wary of her, but enjoy what you can.
@San_Jose_Guy - Interesting you would mention the doing it in the front because I encountered this with her during my last visit which was drama filled because she was staking claim on my ass and a bunch of other girls I have been with were trying to step up but that is a long story. She sat with me at the table on my lap for a bit then moves to a seat with my buddy sitting across from us. Her hands spent the entire night near my crotch and she just kept getting close and asking for a kiss... At first I thought she simply wanted a peck so I obliged with one on the cheek but she was having none of that. I gave her one on the mouth but still no go, finally she just demanded I stick my tongue out and balked at the scenario because I had a lot of other eyes on me from girls I have taken many times before. My feeling was that this is private shit and I am not trying to get these other chicks all pissed off because I like to spread the love around and am not use to strip club monogamy nor do I want to get use to it. I obliged the tongue and then finally just took her to the back so she would stop demanding a kiss in public. I appreciate the links and your opinion thanks a million bud.
@Shadowcat - LOL Yeah my reviews are long, they actually could have been longer but I tamed them down as I did not want to bore people. I am a detail orientated guy who searches for as much info as possible when going to a new club and I wanted to share as much as I know. I could do another 10 reviews about my go to club and my experiences but I felt that would just be redundant.
With regards to more info well that is not a problem... Let me give you a little back story first off without going into crazy details. Been going to this club for about a year and about 20 times this year alone. Have a steady rotation of about 8 girls I see on a regular basis and about a month ago this blonde stepped up on a night when none of my girls were there and quickly sky rocketed to the top. Drama has happened from the other girls who feel threatened because she is the only one I have taken to the Champagne room. The other girl come by and sit for a bit then take off to make money but she stick around and makes her money from me, maybe they are pissed because they missed out on this opportunity. In the back room it is a lot of grinding, groping on both parts, some titties sucking and fingering. She tried to pull the cock out once but I put a stop to that because this is not the type of club you fuck a chick in, at least not for me as I can't say what others do. Last time I saw her the VIP host pulled her to the side and talked to her and then shortly before leaving she told me it was them talking to her about kissing me in the back. Before leaving that night the VIP host sat down with me before leaving like he normally does telling me a shit ton of stories about strippers which I enjoy to no end. I apologized for the drama of the evening and gave him a fat tip but he assured me nothing was wrong and everything is cool.
@Duke69 - I am pretty sure it is not a extras club meaning no sex or blowjobs however some girls let you get friendly with them once you get to know them as I have experienced with some women. I agree with what you are saying and part of me is like "Dude don't make out with a stripper" but the other part is like "Dude she came right in and sat with you all night so it isn't like you are kissing another dude" my buddy had to of course play devils advocate and be like "Yeah but she probably blew her boyfriend before she got here". I can always count on him to be logical and always make me feel like shit.
@Clubber - Thanks... Yeah you are probably right... I mean the progression of the strip club relationship is like nothing I have experienced. Yeah I have one stripper on facebook I talk to about twice a week, another I hit up on text message every so often with random shit that she sends me and another who I use snapchat with but these girls all fall under the "Good girl" category for the club I go to with the blonde being in the "Dirty girl" category. But this situation with her is something new to me and as a logical person I actually look at it and say "If she is pulling some long as con then more power to her because she is doing it pretty decent". The last session we had the waitress came up and gave us the 10 minute notification so I told the blonde to stop dancing and just sit on me for the rest of the time and we talked. The second night we met I mentioned something about my life and she said "This is fun time not therapy time" so I shut my mouth but this last time while she was sitting on me she started talking about her real life and I said "You this is not therapy time this is fun time" I laughed and told her I am just fucking around and she deserved that shit for what she said last time and she agreed. But yeah it seems like she was laying the ground work for a OTC relationship but what does not make sense is that I told her we could go shopping this past week and she never got in touch with me so if this is part of her con then why not hit me up since I agreed.
Sorry guys as you can see I ramble a lot about shit which is why the reviews are so long. I can write for hours about this shit lol
So thus far what I am hearing is that if the club seems clean then have fun with it but watch out for a long con of her wanting to get a lot of my cash OTC.
Just remember, too, this should all business, nothing more. While the two of you are making out, she's making bank off you. And when the bills started coming in -- whether it's stated outright on credit card statements or a long list of suspicious ATM withdrawals -- your wife's going to start asking questions.
Good luck, man, and monger on!
Figure out what YOU want.
I would just say to enjoy it for what it is worth. Some girls just like kissing more than others.
@James - I want her and I will slowly transition from these bunch of girls to her only but I need to get my authority back beforehand. I believe you are right about what you are saying so I do not mind being with her only but she needs to assume I will leave her high and dry and take another girl. I cannot have her believing that she has me no matter what.
Hm. Maybe I should go back there. I've been visiting Atlantis.
I have been wanting to try out Atlantis I hear good things.
I'd keep fucking this girl or start fucking her if you are not already. But be cautious and dump her if you see more signs hat she is some sort of control freak or stalker. Also keep all private information very private from her ( and all dancers) unless you know them well or they are a dream stripper.
Also, I think JS means things like home address, primary cell phone (as opposed to dedicated stripper burn phone or google voice)... things when she can cause headaches or worse in the rest of your life.
Thanks to all off you for the info and advice.
Some will say I'm paranoid, but if you're married and want to keep what you do a secret, it's essential. Particularly critical if your suspect dancer could be a psycho.
Only one dancer has ever known my true identity. And that's ok cause she's my dream stripper.
^^^ Strangely enough, from my experience, a stripper that kisses you or makes out with you is probably genuinely interested in/likes you for mor than just a customer. Not always, but I'd say as a general rule.
In the fucked up world that is strip clubs, a lot of girls will have no problem giving you a BJ or screwing your brains out, but won't "make out" with you.... They consider kissing "too intimate..." but, here, let me drain you of all your cum... lol.
Many an unexperienced SCer will often take a dancer being all over him as her “being into him” – at best she is usually really really into your wallet - maybe 1% of the time is a genuine attraction – for starters; if they (dancers) are good looking enough; most of them already have a man; and secondly – a man can fall in lust w/ a woman in one second; whereas “normally” it takes a woman some time to get into a guy (even if she’s into him; “most” women will not let on immediately) – and strippers are women (thought I would clarify that :)) which IMO means that they genuinely being into a guy they just met is probably unlikely.
Strippers will do all kinds of a shit to make the sale and keep a good customer – hell many/most good salespeople will do the same.
In SC bizarro world; never assume what you think you see or what you think is real – unlike the “real world” where one should often give the benefit of the doubt; in SC “bizarro world”; one should doubt a dancer’s motivation rather than taking her actions (and words) at face value.
99% of the time; it’s pretty much just business for the stripper; a PL should use the same approach 99% of the time.
May be a too cynical way to look at it; but that is how I see it.
So the girl always wants to be kissing you, starting in the front room. So you have got a live one. This is how I see it.
You can't be finding fault with her over this. I mean she is going all out, 100% for you. You are a customer in a place where the women get paid for what they do. You walk in there, and then you find one who is going all out. There is no fault to be found in there with her.
Yes, the women are competing with each other. Yes it is hard for women to keep cars, because cultural norms prevent them from learning how to repair them or otherwise do things which involve getting dirty. But this is still not a reason to find fault with her.
Maybe you want to be kissing her, and maybe not. If it is the latter, then just pass her along to someone else who does. But don't worry yourself about trying to find fault with her or otherwise trying to impugn her motives. She is doing her job in the very best way that any girl every possibly ever could.
You are at least 18yo, so you need to decide what you want to do with her:
1. Try to economize by reducing visits are getting her to deliver for less $
2. Enjoy it how it is, and for as long as it lasts.
3. Escalate with OTC ( Outside the Club ) contacts.
Or whatever. But no matter what you decide, there is no reason for finding fault with her for doing an excellent job of delivering on exactly what guys go there looking for.
Given that you are married, this does make it much more complicated. But again you are over 18yo and so you do need to take responsibility for the situation you have set up.
And JS69, what happens when your mom catches you making all these posts with your cell phone, and staying up beyond your bedtime?
Her controlling nature is another beast which I need to tame and fix.
Based on the opinion of everyone including yourself my approach about the kissing will simply be go with the flow. As long as I do not get the impression she is some skanky chick who just blew some guy right before me or is going from client to client on the night I am there kissing them all then I will continue to partake. I do not get the impression from this club that this is the case.
Thanks for the advice bud.
If you don't like that, then stay with monogamy. In fact, if you want your marriage to work, I would say you should not be contacting this girl, going to any strip clubs, or even reading what is posted on TUSCL ever again.
But if you are going to partake of strip clubs, there is no reason to question the motives of the women, They are really simple and obvious. There is nothing wrong with what she is doing. As far as being able to tell if she really likes you, you just have to play it by ear and trust your own judgment. Until such time that you wanted an outside and off the clock relationship with her, there is no real way to tell. But if she seems to be coming on to you, and kissing you, then she probably does like you.
If I were a club owner, I'd want 50 more just like her to fill out my roster. And then as I would know that my club with girls who kiss will be making more money than all the other clubs combined, I'd want another 50 more just like her, for each of the other clubs that I would be buying out.
If it were me going into a club and finding a girl I like who is so happy to be kissing me, I would just enjoy it. But if I wanted to make my marriage work, then I would know that I have to cut it off.
It is possible that she is kissing you because she wants an outside relationship with you. I have experienced this with AMP ( Asian Massage Parlor ) girls. As it was clear that they had lowered all their emotional defenses for me and that they were auditioning for an outside relationship, and as I was not available for an outside relationship, I knew that I would be playing with fire if I continued to do massage sessions with them.
Good Luck,