How would you respond if you found out a dancer was given a shot of water instead of the liquor you ordered?
I ordered two shots of Patron for me and the sexy dancer that was sitting next to me. As the bartender was pouring the drinks, the sexy dancer saunters over to him and says something out of earshot.
When the bartender sets the shots in front of us, I reach over and grab her shot. She put up a protest which eventually led to an admission that she had asked the bartender to water down her shot.
Now, I know that I've probably bought dozens of water shots during my clubbing years, but this was the first time I've actually caught them red handed doing it. At first I tried to play it off but I couldn't get over the fact that I had just paid nine bucks for a shot of water. Eventually I called the bartender over and insisted he pour me a real shot which I really wasn't in the mood to drink by then.
Since I am a bar sitter, I know what is ordered, IF I buy a dancer' drink, and can see what is poured. Of course they could have multiple "dancer bottles", but I doubt they would go to that extreme with the customer sitting there watching.
Now I do not buy them drinks often. Those that I've bought for many times, well one drank water (ATF) and the other beer. No problems there.
For the rare first timer, I ask what they what, then I order it (I hope it isn't some lady drink!) and never mention the dancer. You can watch and listen to the barmaid/tender and dancer facial/verbal "conversation". Usually easy to tell it they are playing games, so never had a problem.
Don't buy strippers drinks unless you have a legitimate rapport with them. Even then, you're better off just handing them cash.
At a lot of places dancers get commissions on drinks. But many don't want to do 8 or 10 shots a night. It's not your problem. If you want to pay her to talk, pay her directly.
This is one of several reasons that I rarely buy drinks for dancers. When I do I sometimes order both at the bar and bartender doesn't know who the drinks are for.
You never know.. Maybe the dancer is not of drinking age! But I also know that some dancers don't want to get wasted or get picked up for DUI or some other things. So I take it in stride. Like others have stated they could get a kick back from the sale of "dancer drinks". Also some places that don't have cover charges get their money this way. So it is the business model to sell dancer drinks. It is what it is. But if I would catch one red handed like you... I would ask for a refund or like you did... a drink but then take it myself.
I think sc's response is the best, and its close to what I'd do. I wouldn't name the dancer if its club policy to not turn down drinks. Unfortunately, that's a common policy. At Cheetah, its actually policy for dancers to always order a premium drink too. For example, if they want tequila they have to order Patron even if they'd prefer Cuervo. I wouldn't fault girls for those policies, those are the fault of management.
I have zero problem with a dancer not wanting a drink, but I have a problem paying for one thing and getting another.
This is standard operating procedure at many clubs I've been to, particularly when a stripper is underage -- they'd rather risk you getting irritated, than getting busted by the ABC. As a regular, I can tell you several different techniques from several different clubs that are used to communicate this. The waitress will order the shot with a cherry in it, or two limes, or whatever unique innocuous-sounding thing, and the bartender knows "shot of vodka with a cherry in it" means a shotglass of water with a cherry in it. The waitress, even though she's got a tray full of drinks and shots from multiple tables, knows exactly which ones are the water shots, so she doesn't fuck it up when she puts the glasses on the tables. Sometimes the waitress will automatically do this if she knows the stripper is underage, or sometimes the strippers themselves will do this if they don't want to drink anymore. Good to learn the protocols at whatever place you go to
If the dancer is actually underage, I'd prefer she be up front about it. I could understand her ordering a Coke or a water then. But if I did catch them doing that, I'd probably tell them I want my money back for the drink, then call it a night, after possibly having a chat with the manager. It would definitely go in a review though.
It is hard to say how a person should handle it since sometimes you just don't want to make a scene. Seems like you went about it in a smart manner.
I am pretty tight with the host at my go to club so I would approach him and get it taken care of but if you are not familiar with the staff then giving the bar tender a chance to rectify it is the best option. I am sure he would not want to draw attention to the scam.
For sure I would never fuck with that girl again. I do agree with buying drinks for a select few girls and have actually out right refused girls who asked for drinks or shots as a consultation for my refusal to take them for a dance. Pissed them off but fuck that I don't want to dance with you so why would I want to buy you a drink.
I’m a grind-and-bye type of PL – I don’t spend much time in convo with the dancers – I’m either getting dances or scoping out the scene.
I normally don’t buy drinks for dancers – I like variety and getting dances from as many dancers as I can and find attractive; so since I interact w/ many different dancers; I can’t be buying drinks for all of them especially since I don’t sit back and interact/talk with them for any extended period of time.
There are times where I’ll spend time talking with a dancer either b/c I’m in the mood to do so or the club is slow and not many dancers I want to get with; so in these rare times I don’t mind buying a dancer a drink or two if I’m chilling with them for a while – sometimes I also will buy a dancer a drink if she has given me multiple dances and put in some serious work into her dances.
But strip clubs are all about either the dancers, or the club, and pretty much always both; taking your $$$ and as much of it as possible - so if you don’t watch your $$$; they’ll surely watch it for you (to their advantage no doubt) – and this includes drinks.
I’ve had dancers order drinks when the bitch waitress comes around with the “wanna buy the lady a drink” bullshit and the dancer orders a $12 drink which they have left almost untouched after a couple of sips.
I’ve had dancers ask me for a drink and then just take off to do their thing after you buy them their drink.
A PL should never be, or feel, pressured to spend *his* money in a club with the “buy a lady a drink” shit (or anything else) – it’s business and although they (dancers) *are* females I would say not necessarily they are ladies LOL.
I think this is another remember-it's-a-fantasy situation. If you want her to drink with you, and she's drinking something that looks like liquor, you shouldn't be worried about what it really is. If she's an experienced dancer, she'll pick up on it if you're disappointed she's not drunk enough, and pretend to be drunker. Except she probably won't pretend to pass out and let you fuck her in non-standard orifices.
This is a standard scam to separate PLs from their money.
I do buy dancers drinks, but I never buy shots from the shot girls. Dancer friends in my favorite, upscale Detroit clubs told 2 things years ago: (1) If the shot girl asks the dancer if she wants a shot, the dancer is required to say yes, and (2) some of the shots are water. The dancer, of course, gets a kick back.
I don't often buy dancers a drink. When I do they'll often order a chaser with it so they can spit back all or most of the drink into the chaser. They are rarely as clever about doing this as they think they are.
One of the reasons I don't often buy dancers a drink.
I will almost always buy dancers a drink. At least in the clubs I visit, there is no difference in price or quality of dancer vs customer drinks. I've taken a sip of dancer's drinks and they are always what has been ordered, at least alcohol wise. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the brand, but I have seen bartenders bring out a new bottle and open it so I'm guessing it's all on the up and least in my favorite clubs.
I only buy a drink for a dancer who really wants to drink it. At clubs I go to, there's no other incentive for them to get me to buy one. And I'm kind of baffled by guys who try to push dancers to drink when they don't want to.
A few months ago, I was sitting across a table from an new underage girl whose customer had just left the table. She asked me if I was using a nearly empty glass on the table. I wasn't. So she poured half of her drink into it. She said the guy had pushed her to have a drink. She didn't like drinking at work, but she had finally agreed. He made it a double, which must have cost close to $20. After he came back to the table, she kept pouring bits of it into the used glass when he wasn't looking, and we both laughed each time at his expense.
So, even if it passes the smell test, it's dumb to buy a drink for the wrong reasons.
Totally understand some of you just don't like buying drinks. For me, that's one of the highlights, to the point that I won't sit with a girl who doesn't drink. Aside from how fun it is to get blasted with a stripper, even a cheap drink can buy me a lot of talking & table-groping time, and as she gets drunker, that $7 drink often buys me more intimate contact surreptitiously under the table than an actual lap dance or VIP dance would get me. Hate to admit it, but even if my stripper is underage, I'll just order her redbulls, and the two of us will take turns drinking half of the shot I ordered. Which probably makes me a scumbag, but there it is; I rationalize it by knowing that all the girls bring bottles and drink in the back anyway
Out here in the Philippines, there's scarcely any pretence that the "lady drinks" are real drinks. It is clear that what you are buying is the girl's time. It is however, usually worth the money.
It could also be that the dancer and bartender are scamming the club. Assuming that the club has standards of money per bottle sold a "clever" (read dishonest) bartender can raid the till with relative ease, especially with collusion from a dancer or dancers. Watering dancer drinks increases revenue per bottle and the bartender can pocket the difference between that and the standard per bottle rate.
last commentNow I do not buy them drinks often. Those that I've bought for many times, well one drank water (ATF) and the other beer. No problems there.
For the rare first timer, I ask what they what, then I order it (I hope it isn't some lady drink!) and never mention the dancer. You can watch and listen to the barmaid/tender and dancer facial/verbal "conversation". Usually easy to tell it they are playing games, so never had a problem.
At a lot of places dancers get commissions on drinks. But many don't want to do 8 or 10 shots a night. It's not your problem. If you want to pay her to talk, pay her directly.
I have zero problem with a dancer not wanting a drink, but I have a problem paying for one thing and getting another.
I also don't often buy drinks unless it is an existing girl I like.
I am pretty tight with the host at my go to club so I would approach him and get it taken care of but if you are not familiar with the staff then giving the bar tender a chance to rectify it is the best option. I am sure he would not want to draw attention to the scam.
For sure I would never fuck with that girl again. I do agree with buying drinks for a select few girls and have actually out right refused girls who asked for drinks or shots as a consultation for my refusal to take them for a dance. Pissed them off but fuck that I don't want to dance with you so why would I want to buy you a drink.
I normally don’t buy drinks for dancers – I like variety and getting dances from as many dancers as I can and find attractive; so since I interact w/ many different dancers; I can’t be buying drinks for all of them especially since I don’t sit back and interact/talk with them for any extended period of time.
There are times where I’ll spend time talking with a dancer either b/c I’m in the mood to do so or the club is slow and not many dancers I want to get with; so in these rare times I don’t mind buying a dancer a drink or two if I’m chilling with them for a while – sometimes I also will buy a dancer a drink if she has given me multiple dances and put in some serious work into her dances.
But strip clubs are all about either the dancers, or the club, and pretty much always both; taking your $$$ and as much of it as possible - so if you don’t watch your $$$; they’ll surely watch it for you (to their advantage no doubt) – and this includes drinks.
I’ve had dancers order drinks when the bitch waitress comes around with the “wanna buy the lady a drink” bullshit and the dancer orders a $12 drink which they have left almost untouched after a couple of sips.
I’ve had dancers ask me for a drink and then just take off to do their thing after you buy them their drink.
A PL should never be, or feel, pressured to spend *his* money in a club with the “buy a lady a drink” shit (or anything else) – it’s business and although they (dancers) *are* females I would say not necessarily they are ladies LOL.
I do buy dancers drinks, but I never buy shots from the shot girls. Dancer friends in my favorite, upscale Detroit clubs told 2 things years ago: (1) If the shot girl asks the dancer if she wants a shot, the dancer is required to say yes, and (2) some of the shots are water. The dancer, of course, gets a kick back.
One of the reasons I don't often buy dancers a drink.
A few months ago, I was sitting across a table from an new underage girl whose customer had just left the table. She asked me if I was using a nearly empty glass on the table. I wasn't. So she poured half of her drink into it. She said the guy had pushed her to have a drink. She didn't like drinking at work, but she had finally agreed. He made it a double, which must have cost close to $20. After he came back to the table, she kept pouring bits of it into the used glass when he wasn't looking, and we both laughed each time at his expense.
So, even if it passes the smell test, it's dumb to buy a drink for the wrong reasons.