
Comments by deboinair (page 2)

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    a year ago
    Deez Nutz
    blahblahblah23 posted $300 is not a whale
    $100. That's only if she is super hot. I would never spend $300 on a dancer without clapping them cheeks.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    3 men sentenced for smuggling women from Cuba into the US
    Definitely don't need MORE Cuban strippers
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    a year ago
    Does anyone know when mileage in South Florida became the way it is now?
    Wow, You haven't experienced South FL much huh? lol Oh grasshopper, Cheetah is about the mildest club down there. Just down the street is Diamond Dolls and Booby Trap. Definitely more than mileage going on there. I'm from Miami and I'm not sure when all the extras started. As I just started doing the strip club thing 10 years ago. But I know it was going back since the early 2000's. A friend of mine said I missed out and said El Centro was king of strip clubs with amount of cheap fucking that was going on in there. And all races fuck down there. Not just Latinas.
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    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    Dance Prices
    ^ Yeah I don't want to do that. I personally only go to clubs that have a standard dance price.
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    a year ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    What’s the least you’re happy with?
    It's amazing how strip clubs are different from each state. Being from Miami, any dance without at least a HJ is a disappointment. lol It wasn't until I visited other states that you can actually get kicked out for even asking for any type of extras. lol If you are a getting like two dances no big deal. I just personally couldn't get 5 or more dances without any type of action. It's a waste of money IMO.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Are there just an infinite amount of Cuban strippers?
    There are way too many Cubans in the strip clubs. I'm from Miami and when travelling I've been to areas where they dominated the club. Its like all the other Latinas said fuck it. We not dancing anymore. LOL
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Phx mongers weigh in?
    I lived in Phoenix a few years. Jags is a wannabe make it rain type of club. I avoided it at night. I would go during the day but it would be very slow, but they would have at least two girls I'd be interested in. Phoenix isn't a great strip club place IMO. Full disclaimer, I'm from Miami and I'm about extras. Phoenix isn't really the place for that. Not saying it couldn't happen, but I passed on the ones for OTC. All of them wanted it to be like a "date" where you took them out to dinner. Pay for it and then you pay for the sex. Tuscon is your best bet for high mileage and extras.
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    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    ^^^Keyboard coward. LOL So pathetic. I love it when ya'll come to Miami and get fucked up. lol
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    a year ago
    Orlando Strip Clubs
    @Rob. Tampa is your best bet. The clubs in Cocoa Beach are hit or miss. Cheaters is the best one for action. The club in W. Melbourne Bare Assets is ass . If you have extra time to kill you can check them out but just temper your expectations.
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    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    ^@Moneyman00. Well I'm talking about Miami. South FL is a different world compared to other parts of FL and other states. There is a hilarious meme shows the state of Florida South is different country flags. The North is Confederate. lol Drejka was in Clearwater. Zimmerman was in Sanford, FL. Black people are timid of whites outside of South FL and the rest of the USA for the most part. In fact when Zimmerman came to Miami to do a interview. He was chased off the beach and needed police guidance. You don't hear about too many racist incidents in Miami because they are beat down or shot before anything can start. I remember as a teenager and people from Texas, GA, Boston, Tenn would come down talking to black people like they did where they were from. They learned quick not to do it. I actually broke a white guy's jaw from Boston when he was disrespectful. Miami is not the place for all that BS.
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    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    I'm surprised they actually do something. Seems like most black people fear white people especially in the deep south. Miami is a different story. Racist white people catch the beats sometime fierce down here lol. It doesn't even have to be racist comment. For not minding their business or for just being rude. Probably the only city where white privilege is denied.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How important is liquor in a strip club to you?
    Where do you guys live? In Florida it's an abomination to not have alcohol in the strip club. Ironically I don't drink alcohol anymore and it's sucks because the isn't much variety of non alcoholic drinks to choose from. I actually wouldn't mind a club that didn't sell it. I'm sure there are lots of water and juice choices
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    a year ago
    Thinking of quitting
    You got to do what's best for you. If it ain't getting you hyped anymore then it's best to quit. I actually understand where you are coming from. But for me in my mid 40s you're looked at as an ATM where you go to strip clubs or not. For me it's more then strippers. I like watching sports there then a sports bar. I have a budget. I'm definitely got the spending under control. I never feel like shit afterwards because it a transactional thing not emotional
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    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    I won't beg for a dance
    @skibum609. That is the most accurate post regarding stripper logic. It's so fucking true LOL I'm like what is going through their heads? I swear some are dumb as a box of rocks at getting money. What's even more crazier is they are so mad when other dancers make more money than them because they aren't stupid. If I want a dancers attention I wait for her to pass by and slide my finger down her arm and smile. Never had a problem doing that. Either she is coming or she tells me she is with some one atm and will come back.
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    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    I won't beg for a dance
    I'm glad you wrote this. This is the reason why I never tip girls on stage. Most don't come by and will go back to a customer they were sitting with before they got on stage. Not saying they shouldn't do that, but at least say thank you and see if they guy wants company after they are done with said customer. Also it seems like the Cuban girls are everywhere now and pretty much the main Latina you will find outside of Florida. I often don't dance with them because they don't speak English except "Want dance?"
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    a year ago
    Orlando Strip Clubs
    Full Disclaimer: I've never set foot in a strip club in Orlando. But tons of guys from Orlando who go to Cheaters in Cocoa Beach, say don't waste your time. You can't even touch the girls. They wear pasties on their tits. From what I understand some how Disney is involved in the crazy strip club practices in Orlando. Too bad they don't move like they threatened to do, so Orlando could turn into the next Las Vegas.
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    a year ago
    South Florida
    $600k Bar Hookup
    Yeah. A lot of men don't report this, but this is normal in South, FL. So many goofy tourists men get bamboozled by these "Build a Body" women. I'm not sure if this one is a woman or a tranny tbh.
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    a year ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Smelly Pussy - Does It Exist?
    Maybe you haven't been around a lot of women, because smelly pussy definitely exists. I must say I haven't encountered a ton of it in the strip clubs. But I have encountered fishy funky pussy a few times. Definitely more with civilian women.
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    a year ago
    New York
    I would put her down like the dog that she is. *Shrugs shoulders* I'm in Florida, so I'm standing my ground.
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    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    An Argument Against Naming Dancers in Reviews
    As long as it's truthful information. You ALWAYS NAME DANCER NAMES. This place is to help people out. I've saved tons of money not going with dancers that are scammers or just do the bare minimum.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customer slashes bouncer...Dancer Royal Cocoa Beach FL
    Ah good ol Inner Room. This club had the extras like South FL until that idiot owner ruined it by making it Dancer's Royale. He said it was too "urban" and was going to change the image. Funny thing nothing like this ever happened when it was Inner Room. The worse I saw was people smoking weed in the club. When it was Inner Room, it could be a dry ass Tuesday and you could see at least 20 girls in that small ass club. No you are lucky if you see six. I wish that dumb bastard would sell it and a new owner buys it to make it Inner Room again. I don't see how Dancers Royale stays open. Shit is empty all the time. I guess the owner is using it as a tax shelter because he owns other lame ass clubs.
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    a year ago
    Buyign Bud Lights at the titty bar
    When I did drink beer. I drank Coors light. Funny thing years ago the faggots were mad at Coors light for not supporting fruity booties lol
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    a year ago
    Familiar face in a not so common place
    Funny I only had this happened to me once with a guy a worked with. It was a younger kid. I didn't act like I didn't know him. Said what's up. I don't like seeing people I work with though, because they talk too much. I got a few stupid "so what did you do this weekend" from others at work. Awesome that I work remote in another state. I'll never see them in the strip club.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    How do you all deal with Annoying Strippers?
    ^It's not confusing to them. The reason why they still hang around because: 1. Women loathe rejection. It's a huge ego blow. 2. They are banking that you are going to give them something so they go away. A lot of goofy customers do this, so they try it on all customers.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    How do you all deal with Annoying Strippers?
    This is a very interesting topic because it correlates somewhat to the double standard. If a man is rejected. No big deal. Suck it up. If you reject a woman regardless of profession, it's rude. "Oh she is just a woman, a delicate flower"(insert eye roll). Men perpetuate this double standard by encouraging it. These are the same goofies that get their pockets emptied with nothing in return or very little. Strippers are hustlers. If you treat them like girlfriends they love it. They see a sucker. I've had like one problem saying my same speech for years. I don't even give them a chance to sit down. After they say Hi. I say Hi. I'm not interested in any dances or company. I'll be damn if I spend money on a stripper I don't want. lol