White dolemite youtuber

avatar for rickmacrodong
This dude has prank videos, some of which consist of going up to mostly black people and referring to them as “boy” in a southern accent.

Unfortunately, a lot of those black peoples response to being called “boy” is to attack him like a violent zoo animal.

Youre looking at now at least three types of words which are enough to trigger a significant portion of African American people into attacking you.

You have the racist terms/N word/slave/blackie, insulting family members or partners, and now “boy”.

I dont think theres any other race right now where you have this level and proportion of violence in response to spoken words. I was surprised to see how many of these people started attacking the guy over being called boy. The YouTuber himself is half black btw, but he looks on the whiter side, wears a hat to cover up his curly hair, and uses a southern accent.

Which other words do you suspect, or know to be akin to the next N word? At this point, IMO, its safer to not interact at all and self segregate.


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avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I shed no tears for jackass prank videos that get someone's ass beat down.

You hear about the guy following another guy (white) in a mall and got shot? Or brandishing a weapon on the street and getting shot?
avatar for etsutwigg222
2 years ago
How about the dancer that gets violent because her lap grinding caused little ET to throw up on her ??? Such insensitivity on her part !!!!
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Fucked around, found out.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Couldnt they have undercover cops doing stuff like this to arrest people?

I have heard that story of the guy getting shot but didnt read the specifics on what he was saying or doing

Brandishing a weapon is a different scenario and much more justifiable imo
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
More than 150 years after the end of slavery, today’s racial wealth, educational, physical and mental health gap is the legacy of very different racial and economic conditions after emancipation.

“Seriously, I think we may need to have the civil war again...

I am not sure they got it...

I feel that is like beating a drunk in an alley, and they wake up and say ‘I am ready come back’...”

~ Kathleen Madigan
~ Born: September 30, 1965 Florissant, MO
~ “Civil War Again”
~ Bothering Jesus is Billboards #1 comedy album in the world,
~ Published on Mar 1, 2018
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“Let me be clear, by the way.





~ Louis Székely
~ White Privileged stand-up comedian
~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
avatar for FishHawk
2 years ago
I am an older white guy and I have known for at least 60 years that referring to black males as “boys” is very derogatory. Just think about our history to understand why.
avatar for 5footguy
2 years ago
It's disrespectful to call any adult male a "boy." I will never call a black adult male a "boy." Don't call me a "white boy." Let's respect each other enough to talk man to man, and let's stop caring about whether a person is a "black man" or a "white man."

Racism is perpetuated mostly by those who have made it part of their identity. This includes blacks and whites. They stand to lose their very identity if race relations improve, so, they ironically ensure racism never dies though they pretend to want it to end. People do not take steps to make themselves irrelevant, just as companies and organizations do not.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
avatar for SquareCastle
2 years ago
Congratulations sir, you win the moron/loser of the year award for your incessant idiotic posts about, well, nothing. May God help us all. It must be hard living in mommy’s subterranean basement.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Of course it’s disrespectful or offensive or derogatory. The more concerning part is the violence in response to those kinds of words. Its often also someone very poor or lower middle class, or very rich who’ll respond in that manner. You wont see someone working at a finance or tech firm going around attacking someone over being insulted. You’re not really supposed to be living in a country like the US if a derogatory word turns you into an animal.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Saw this last night on a Facebook sports group page

A group of NFL wide receivers were shown with the caption

Rank these “white boys”

Is this offensive?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
If youre in public you have to be careful using the term “boy”. You might be referring to your kids or friends or someone elses boys but if a zoo animal around the corner hears it, it could ambush you in response!

As far as the “fucked around, found out”, IMO the person attacking someone over an insult is doing that more so than the person being attacked. In this case it was just an unarmed youtube prankster, but someone whos actually violent could have just shot the person attacking. I’m sure theres been numerous cases where someone talked trash, got attacked, then used a weapon in response.

The “fighting words” doctrine is unclear, maybe if you actually use the N word you can legally be attacked in response? I doubt it would apply to someone saying the word “boy” in a southern accent.
avatar for deboinair
2 years ago
I'm surprised they actually do something. Seems like most black people fear white people especially in the deep south.

Miami is a different story. Racist white people catch the beats sometime fierce down here lol. It doesn't even have to be racist comment. For not minding their business or for just being rude. Probably the only city where white privilege is denied.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
I thought florida would be different than what you’re describing. In fact that michael drejka guy almost got off, it was a technicality that allowed him to get charged.

You wont see actual white privilege in most places. Nearly Half of the white population thinks whites are racist by default
avatar for deboinair
2 years ago
^@Moneyman00. Well I'm talking about Miami. South FL is a different world compared to other parts of FL and other states. There is a hilarious meme shows the state of Florida South is different country flags. The North is Confederate. lol

Drejka was in Clearwater. Zimmerman was in Sanford, FL. Black people are timid of whites outside of South FL and the rest of the USA for the most part. In fact when Zimmerman came to Miami to do a interview. He was chased off the beach and needed police guidance.

You don't hear about too many racist incidents in Miami because they are beat down or shot before anything can start. I remember as a teenager and people from Texas, GA, Boston, Tenn would come down talking to black people like they did where they were from. They learned quick not to do it. I actually broke a white guy's jaw from Boston when he was disrespectful. Miami is not the place for all that BS.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Sounds like violent zoo animals to me. You learn not to provoke the bear or toy with it- but that does that say about the bear compared to man?

How did you get away with breaking a guy’s jaw? I guarantee the people doing this are poor and ghetto or independently wealthy from some kind of self employment.
Anyone armed can be as disrespectful as they want especially in a place like florida. Zoo animals aren’t supposed to have rights to begin with
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Martin got owned badly by zimmerman; an out of shape middle aged latino man who some media outlets laughably referred to as white. I wonder why that case even went to trial considering martin was a certified zoo animal? He just somehow escaped his cage which can happen from time to time
avatar for deboinair
2 years ago
^^^Keyboard coward. LOL So pathetic. I love it when ya'll come to Miami and get fucked up. lol
avatar for booty_lover92
2 years ago
Self segregate lol Just respect all people regardless of their complexion it's not difficult you idiot
avatar for booty_lover92
2 years ago
And White dolomite isn't fully white lol he's either mixed or creole/cajun
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
It was the same deal when this white dolemite guy went up to people flirting with their girlfriends in front of them or offering his phone number. Many became violent
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