
Thug Niggerism strikes again - Two NYPD officers dead.

avatar for nickifree

I guess another rapper popped a few caps in a couple of cops. Thank you for supporting this thug mentality America.


last comment
avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Nikkifree in post-racial America even the black man doesn't get a pass with the N word anymore. can only use the N word when you're paying props to peeps.

Like when I say juice is my nigga...

so cut out the self hate it's actually very unbecoming. Makes you look like a bigger nigger than anybody else.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

That said, these fools really need to get their shit together, I can't stand the lower class...yuck.

#Classism --keeping it real since civil society

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

En Español:

Mono, aunque se viste de seda, mono se queda

avatar for nickifree
10 yrs ago

GACAclub you are certainly the problem and not the solution. And so how is calling out thug behavior somehow self-hate. You must be someone who can only see black people in only one shade- thugs and niggas.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

Ironically....when I look at myself in the mirror Nikki I sometimes see more than a thug nigga :)

I like the fancy myself a thug but parents raised me better than that. Calling somebody else a nigger doesn't make you less of a nigger. You're obviously that's old school black man who tried to separate himself from other black people by calling them niggers but guess what we're all niggers, or none of us are.

There are ghetto people of every race and color and they are disgusting but we don't have to call them niggers because niggas is specific to black people. post racial America my friend I'm trying to keep you from getting out of trouble use the words like ghetto you weird like thug stay away from the word nigger and you'll actually be more classy that way -- you wanna be uppity bougie ass nigga :p

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

I will apologize to my fellow white members for the real conversation I'm having with my fellow black member. But his head isn't right. Back in the 60's and 70's it was cool to do shit like that with Richard Pryor and all that shit, but nowadays we're trying to equalize the playing field and black people aren't allowed to say anything that white people aren't allowed to say and vice versa. it's a new world and I'm just trying to get him up to speed.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Nikkifree unfortunately Obama won and we gave up one of the best card we had in the deck :)

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

Little disappointed @Nikkifree -- no retort?

Well then allow me to retort. I appreciate that you have a better vision for people, and you want to set a higher standard/expectation for them. But we are really trying to get to the point where race doesn't matter and we focus on the real socioeconomic issues driving the repulsive behavior of the under class.

So sorry to put you on blast my friend, but I don't see any one else on the board blasting race -- and calling it black club don't count, that is more of a designation to the culture not just an observation of the clientel, because white people go/work there too -- even though I'm thinking we should just call it a Hood club or Club Ratchet.

avatar for nickifree
10 yrs ago

Thuggish is to the black community what the Taliban and ISIS are to Islam. You're one of those people who can't or are unwilling to differentiate between the two.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

^^^ I appreciate that.

I'm just saying "black" should not be synonymous with ghetto. When you drop the N-word that's what you're doing.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

And you being an older gent from a southern state should know better than anyone that N-word doesn't discern class or character it really is just about color

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

One of the more worrying thing is how many of these high profile lone wolf attacks have been pulled off "successfully" in the last few months. Canada, Australia, and now NYC. And the "success" of one and surronding media attention encourages others.

In a similar way, the successful cyber attacks this year are going to rouse the interest of more and more psycho and sociopaths.

Unfortunately is looking likely to be a major works theme in 2015.

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

I also shudder to think what ideas those who just love a police state will come with to protect us from increasing terrorism next year.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Dougster Airport style security checks just to leave the house :)

avatar for jackslash
10 yrs ago

"Niggerism"? Don't you have a Klan rally you be attending?

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

"can only use the N word when you're paying props to peeps."

Is even that ok? I hate it when my black friends on Facebook post things like "wat up nigga". And one friend posted a picture of his 2-year old baby and wrote "my little nigga".

avatar for Mate27
10 yrs ago

GACA, I'd like to comment about what you wrote about " leveling the playing field" as I think the playing ground has already been leveled. Today's focus, especially with the current administration and liberal media, wants to level the results.

We know not everyone puts in the same efforts. Some people work harder and educate themselves for a better future, yet somehow that is being overlooked for the view of "this person is less fortunate than others so let's make sure the outcome is the same", even though many less fortunate don't try to make their lives better.

There's a working class out there, no matter what background that is pissed off at the polarity of our government and/or media simply for the means of pushing a certain agenda without any common sense to it. Where was Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson when all the looting was going on in Ferguson? That's right, on TV, but not in Ferguson during the violence(pussies). Will they show up for the funeral of these cops? Will any member of the Obama administration pay their respects ? No, and the reason why they won't show up is because it doesn't help them level the outcomes which is what their agenda is all about, even though if Obama and his activist friends know paying their respects is the right thing to do. Mayor De Blasio has been told to not even bother showing up to photo op his presence by the police department because of his liberal view on this subject since he never backed law enforcement in the beginning.

This really is a thug issue being misdiagnosed by the liberal agenda, and the working class are pissed off. At least I am pissed about all this mischaracterization. I'm glad i work in a position where I don't have to face it that much, so all I have to do is not watch or read the media and get to work.

avatar for deogol
10 yrs ago

Long enough there is money to be gained, whether Jessie Jackson types, rapper types, etc., there will be this divide.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Meat I don't know what to tell you. I heard on the radio The baby boom generation is something like 75% white 25% others, or something close. Well in 2012 there was more minority born babies 51% to whites 49%.

"So fuck Al Sharpton and people like him" --quoting Lil'Wayne. But it's true, he's playing an old game.

Now that said the playing field is NOT leveled. Realistically kids in the inner city do not get the same education as kids in the suburbs. People who are poor do not get the same education as people who are rich, so let's not go there with the level playing field because its not.

Poor people are seriously disadvantaged.

Poor people are not just "rich people" who don't have money, there's an entire concept of what it really takes to be successful in this country that poor people don't understand and have had it kept away from them for centuries

Poor people are going to call a friend who has a "corporate job" to hook their niece newphew son or daughter up with a great entry level position. Poor people don't get hired into good position because the pronunciation and annunciation still wreaks of ghetto, even after getting a college education.

The playing field is NOT leveled. Culturally and economically poor people are disadvantaged. Don't get me wrong the ones who hang out with the right people an early age can probably jump into the next class, but unless they are a baller/ entertainer, poor peole are not going to get out of poverty because it's not all about hard work it's not about education -- it's about behaving the way the ruling class does, which most poor people do not.

avatar for rattdog
10 yrs ago

all of these people that use the word nigga should hang out with the ex-nfl football player chris carter(cc)

at a locker room for teen kids playing football where cc was coaching:

one kid says to another "nigga pass me that towel over there" in front of cc.

cc then whacked that kid in the back of the head and said to never ever use that word again and gave that kid reasons why. I don't think that kid ever used that word again, especially when cc is around.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Motor you have ghetto friends, that why the over use of the N-word.

avatar for rattdog
10 yrs ago

here's what I'm wondering regarding protests and the recent nypd shootings:

  1. I see that people want to be heard voicing their displeasure regarding the "I can't breathe" case and all that. but don't these people know that those types of demonstrations don't solve anything and usually the outcome is that of a bunch of people pissing off cops even more, cops which probably more than half of them are already pissed off to begin with.

  2. that piece of shit gunman said that hey if they take one of ours i'll take out 2 of them. ok so the cops took out one who was black. one would think that if you're going to take two of them the 2 would be 2 white cops instead of one Asian and 1 Hispanic for a more impactful effect.

  1. I see white people in these protests. I sometimes wonder if the blacks in the protests appreciate whites coming out and supporting them in these protests, or do the blacks think what the fuck are they doing here? it's not their battle.
avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago


if it weren't for white people protesting, slavery would still be in effect, civil rights movement would not have happened. Black people know they need white people to effect change. that's why they invite their white friends to rallies.

avatar for Mate27
10 yrs ago

GACA I don't know what to tell you when it comes to poor people other than the reason why they are poor is mostly because they don't want to accept responsibility. No other place in the world gives you as much opportunity to succeed than the USA, yet this theory that Poor people don't have the same advantages as those who are more fortunate is absolutely wrong. There are way too many examples of how people who were disadvantaged got the motivation. To succeed, an there is one overwhelming commonality, which is motivation and taking responsibility for their own path in life.

I can't accept that excuse, because that is exactly what it is, an excuse, for the reason why poor people can't make it. If they can't make it in the USA, they can't make it anywhere in the world with all the opportunity. Poor people have to get out there an make it happen, it just doesn't come knocking at your door and say "Here's opportunity! Come with me and have a great life!" But that is where poorly people go wrong, they play the card that the cards are stacked against them which is why it's easier to give up and quit and blame others for their problems.

With free education, lunches for poor children, there's no reason for the poor parents out their to encourage their offspring to get educated and make a better life than the parents, but the parents teach the poor(which are having more children than those with money) children to play the card "the playing field is not equal". Guess what, it never has or will be equal/level. It never was for me either. I grew up where education wasn't a value an neither was advancing in a career or planning for a future, yet me and other successful people from a disadvantaged background persevere regardless. This opportunity I credit living in the best country available, so lets play that side of the coin instead of the "world is against me" mentality.

"The world will not devote itself to making you happy. The being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy"- George Bernard Shaw

Most of the poor believe the world owes something to them. That's not the case. If you want something, go get it because the excuse that the world isn't fair does not fly in our country!

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

here you go, Sanford and Son on 70's TV........

Fred Sanford: Hey, what do you have against black drivers? Why don't you ever arrest any white drivers?

Policeman: I do.

Fred Sanford: Well, where are they? I don't see any. Look at all these niggers up in here. There's enough niggers in here to make a Tarzan movie

Pretty funny

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Meat. What you are not considering is IQ/EQ

Most people will buy a smartphone or computer and not use it to its full potential because they have no clue what it is capable of doing. Opportunity in the US is the same. Poor people don't understand business/commerce. The only way to get out of poverty is to understand these concepts.

Poor people don't have the same network of friends and family middle income people do. Their mother father's in jail or working the system they know. And taking responsibility? Sorry but children aren't responsible for their own births, children are not responsible for an economic system that favors people who have capital, or access to capital. Children didn't a system of class stratification in place. So what responsibility? Actually we are asking poor kids to go above and beyond being responsible, we are asking them to be visionaries that most rich kids aren't. Poor kids would have to be more creative and more entrepreneurial than Steve Jobs to get out of a system that needs low wage earners.

Responsible? Very few people are going to actually make it out of the lower class following "the rules". They might as well start buying lottery tickets. That's what offends me about this American Myth of anyone can succeed. It easier to get a camel through an eye of a needle.

But that said. The Negativity and violence that the American underclass exudes is disgusting. there are impoverished people in China who behave themselves with more dignity and these people are worse off than the poorest person in the United States.

avatar for gatorfan
10 yrs ago

I'm waiting for when smartphones can pay for lap dances, too much swiping the credit card up her pussy.

avatar for alcrutch
10 yrs ago

I wouldn't call this one niggerism. Niggerism would be if he shot them and then went on bragging about how he killed some pigs for the streets.

This guy shot and wounded his girlfriend first in MD, traveled from Baltimore to NY, shot 2 NY police officers, and then ran away to the nearby train station and shot himself in the head and his name was Ismaaiyl Abdula Brinsley (not a very niggerish or thug name). This one seems like he either had mental problems or was muslim/possible act of terrorism.

Thugs wouldn't travel from Bmore to NY just to shoot some police officers unless the NYPD killed someone that specifically knew and they wanted revenge. Even then, that wouldn't be the act of a thug but just an act of revenge that any race would possibly do. Thugs would have shot some Baltimore cops or drove down to Prince George's county (where the most crooked cops in the state are) and shot them and then bragged about it on facebook or to one of the homies. They aren't going to shoot themselves right after the crime.

Now, I'm black but I'm not a thug or nigga, but I do know how the average thug thinks

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

^^^^ Dude bragged about it before he shot them. Said he was gunna put wings on pigs on facebook. A real ass-wipe

avatar for deogol
10 yrs ago

"Most of the poor believe the world owes something to them."

That is my brother. And yes, he is poor. And living off his kids. It should be his kids are living off him, but he does nothing. Gets aid off the kids and both parents do nothing but call the police on their neighbors. The whole bunch of them. Except watch TV. And play video games. And play with their social networks on their phones. Can't afford gas, but gets cable. And ya know what? Teaching his kids the exact same thing.

Meanwhile he has four brothers and sisters who are out making something for their lives. And yes, I grew up hellavah poor. On my knees digging potatoes out of the ground with a spoon (seriously). Only once I looked up and wondered what all those people are doing in that plane flying overhead practically invisible but for it's vapor trail. And that is when I started reading.

Brother? Dropped out of school when he was fifteen. And it's been downhill since then.

The poor seem exceptionally greedy, "gonna get mine." They will be truly clueless about how to make money and yet will want to be a consumer of every trend out there. Duh. The two are intertwined.

To much fascination with the dollar and not enough with skills (you don't need money, you need books, and with the internet it is so much grander) needed to get the dollar. After all, that would entail work, and he don't want any work. Then when he gets a dollar (and I mean that for his friends too) - no idea what to do with that dollar.

I've come in the afternoon, his kids watching TV or busting something, as is usual, and he will have some internet porn running in a window. Yup, he's going somewhere.

And while I worked the "blue collar" jobs to get where I am, I noticed many blue collar workers have some pride, so much so they won't even learn from their younger workers - it's this way or the highway - get another job. And thankfully, I did.

My family are some of the most critical of "poor" people, because we did lift ourselves up. We didn't "drank" and we didn't mope around, we did something.

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago

This lays right at the feet of that idiot "mayor"!!!

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

ALcrutch said:

"I wouldn't call this one niggerism. Niggerism would be if he shot them and then went on bragging about how he killed some pigs for the streets"

When a white kid shoots up a school do we call it a "honkey-ism" or

when an Asian scams people out of their money do we call it a "chink-ism"

so why use niggerism when last I checked there isn't another ism to describe anyone else --except maybe the jews

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

I do belives the FDR New Deal and LBJ Great Society programs have ended up doing more harm than good. Well intentioned - no doubt. But a sense of entitlement certainly has been installed in our society. And is not just a black issue.

I told this story earlier. I unsuccessfully tried to hire any teenager to help me out with lawn care this past summer. Yet, in this same neighborhood, the school system provides free summer lunches for anyone up to 18 and for adults at a nominal charge.

Why should the kids come earn money mowing my lawn when they get a free lunch.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

The Great Society Programs did not go far enough. They were always compromised on behalf of upholding middle class values. In the case of Medicare, this meant a deal which was cut, instead of board determined fees, it was to be the customary physician's fees. It was this, the compromise with the doctors, which made Medicare into something which would prove to be unworkable.

The New Deal legislation brought us some of the best structural changes this country has ever seen. It's just that that was so long ago.

If we want working people to be able to earn a living and to be able to stay afloat, and I say that we have to want this, then we still need much deeper economic system reforms today than what we got with LBJ and The Great Society.


Rolling Stones, 2nd Album


avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

When I read this thread it's a great reminder of why I gave up on politics and arguing what is right and wrong and just focused on making some money.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

^^^@Dougster... Touche'

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

And for the sake if everyone else I'll just "ignore" @Nikkifree aka Clayton Bigsby (Chapelle Show Classic)


avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago

"...FDR New Deal and LBJ Great Society programs have ended up doing more harm than good."

motor is spot on. To think otherwise, one must completely suspend reality!

avatar for PhantomGeek
10 yrs ago

I agree with Motor, too. If they had put some limitations on those programs, maybe things like welfare wouldn't have become a generational problem.

Motor, my insurance agent's done a similar thing with some of the local homeless people. He saw one standing by the street, holding up a sign asking for money. The agent offered to give the guy a meal if he'd do some work around the agent's house -- just some raking, nothing major. The homeless guy told him to fuck off.

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


Has happened to me a few of times. One time I did give a guy a couple of bucks. His sign read, "Need beer! I am honest."

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

The lack of empathy in the case and not understanding the human condition is disappointing to say the least. I know people have to be strong but I think when there are millions of people going about similar behavior we have to look at the root cause.

It's not like poor people who door poorly in life are outliers. The outlier is the poor person who succeeds, who finds hope in a hopeless situation, who musters the will to thrive where others cannot that's why they are exceptional people but they are the exception and not the rule.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

...and please don't get me wrong, I don't like for people myself. I think they have really bad habits that disgusts me personally but I think the only way to fix that is to fix poverty.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

the irony of people complaining about strippers not being classy enough, well class isn't cheap. And cheap isn't class. If we want low cost "classy" struppers you have to class up the community from which they are spawned.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

Dougster, "just making money" is an extremely political position to take. You are making that money off of other people. And you are using the existing rules of our society to do it, and those rules might not be fair. You are also using our existing infrastructure of transportation, banking, and courts too. You are using structures which already exist in order to keep many people down, and seem to be taking us in the direction of a two tier society.

Most all sorts of social programs are designed at least in part in order to humiliate the poor, and to turn them into a public spectacle. They almost have to be designed so, otherwise they would be giving out more money and benefit. What they give out is not enough to lift people out of poverty. But they most certainly do impose order in the working rank and file just above the welfare clients.

We have this going on here in San Jose. A big backer of these programs is the new Mayor of San Jose, Sam Liccardo. He sports all sorts of secular and religious charities aimed at the downtown homeless. They give out some benefits. But what they also do is make people submit to case management. So their affairs will now be open to interpretation by persons interested in breaking their spirit. If someone has grown up in an abusive environment, then letting others take the shattered factoids of their life and try to weave it into a story, will be the final act which guarantees that their abuses win. It is just like subjecting a rape victim to a second rape by telling her that you don't believer her, or that she caused it herself.

Liccardo supports these sorts of things, programs which pay far less than the minimum wage, first of all because he is part of a City Hall contingent committed to breaking the Public Employee Unions, particularly Police and Fire. He is also committed to making San Jose into an Urban Yuppie Utopia. This is what he believes in, and he is in bed with the big high rise developers. He is also a champion of charter schools, places which hire unqualified teachers and put kids on computerized drilling machines for much of the day. He wants to close the "achievement gap" by sending kids to schools that he would never dream of sending any kids of his own to.


That most social programs are primarily intended to humiliate and regulate the poor, and turn them into a public spectacle in order to weaken the Labor Movement is demonstrated over and over in:

Francis Fox-Piven and Richard Cloward


The first attempts to provide welfare in order to restrict pan-handling came about during the 1500's, at the very beginnings of Capitalism. The pan handling was socially disruptive. It was interfering with the wheels of progress. People were pan handling because they needed to be able to eat, and Capitalism causes dislocation. Less and less workers are actually needed, and they need to impose order and discipline in their existing labor force or it won't be willing to work at starvation wages anymore.

The idea of welfare goes back to the Roman Empire. It was simply a practical solution to a pressing need. It avoided revolution and kept the empire together. Welfare in the US started as AFDC with the 1935 Social Security Act. Although it is never been more than a few percent of the total budget of public expenditure, it has always been highly controversial. Many people seem to find the idea offensive.

What NY's Daniel Patrick Moynihan concluded was that welfare is simply the cheapest way to address poverty. Any more complex solution ends up costing more money. I think this is obvious.

But for myself, I know that the weakness of welfare is that people are letting themselves be made into objects of pity, instead of organizing and fighting back. Alcohol, drugs, born again Christianity, and psychiatric medication are also all used to keep the poor from organizing and fighting back.

I mean this insurance agent, if he really wanted to hire someone at low but fair wages to rake is leaves, I'm sure he could have found someone. But it sounds like he just wanted to rebuke the homeless man for panhandling. So of course the man was right to tell him where to stick it.

Those at the bottom are often forced to take itinerant forms of employment with pay less than a living wage, and even less than minimum wage. Often those at the bottom end up having to try and get income from people who don't even pay as agreed.

For myself, I am involved in various matters of public and community interest. I learned of one group which was feeding the homeless in a public park, but they make it part of a kind of a church service. The message they put out in this tax payer funded church service is that the homeless and the poor are responsible for their own plight because they don't accept Jesus and because instead of practicing forgiveness, they are "carrying stuff around with them." I also soon learned that most all of these church volunteers have designated scape goats within their own families. Usually it is one of their children. Sometimes it is a sibling. In this later case, what this means is that they side with the parents in their evaluation of this person. I also unearthed a man who had a huge emotional investment in blacksheeping his eldest daughter. He was currently charged with 6 felonies all pertaining to the sexual fondling of his daughters, and his whole church was standing with him and calling the girls liars.

Over the next two years I got heavily involved in this and played a large roll in getting this man convicted and put in San Quentin to serve a sentence which exceeds his life expectancy. And I am continuing to work to try and educate multiple city governments that it is wrong to trample on separation of church and state and to allow these religious pity and condemnation programs access to tax payer funded property. I am making progress.

I think GACAclub has the right way of seeing this. We have created an underclass. Moralizing at such persons solves nothing. We have to undo what we have done. And I am also saying that unredressed religious child abuse is a huge part of this.

And of course shortly after I joined TUSCL I too noticed right away how this condemnation of the underclass is reflected in the attitudes TUSCLer's show towards the very women they are paying money to for sex acts.


Spill the Wine


avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@SJG unfortunately your post was too long for most people to read, but excellent point nonetheless. ..

avatar for nickifree
10 yrs ago

GACAclub- You're an example of why so many black people are still "in poverty". Your message is to simply tell people that they are "victims of the system", rather than encouraging them to work out of poverty. Once they believe they are suppressed victims, they no longer feel its possible to escape their life of poverty. They simply give up.

That's why I said at the beginning that you're part of the problem and not the solution.

avatar for ime
10 yrs ago

Hey SJG pushing the same agenda another way what a cock smoocher.

avatar for slaux.pas
10 yrs ago

Dont be a retard ime San Jose Guy does smart talk

avatar for slaux.pas
10 yrs ago

And your a retard if you say nigger unless you use it to critixize Juice cuz he is a white retard that trolls by doing nigger talk

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

Back to the OP's opening statement.

I hadn't kept up on this cop killer story. I just heard the shooter had 19 prior arrests. Maybe petty crimes -- I dunno. But how is on the street with 19 anything ?

avatar for Mate27
10 yrs ago

Nickifree, well stated on GACA comments. That is what I wanted to state but did so in a much lengthier way. Victim mentality will never advance a member of society, yet it seems to be the activists preferred method these days. Sharpton and Jackson are two guys stuck in the '60's an still deliver their messages that way.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

Right...work their way out of poverty? Let's see if everyone worked their way out of poverty we'd be paying $100 a plate at Denny's.

I'm not excusing poor behavior. But the idea that the economic system was built to sustain a non existing underclass is laughable

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

...and let's not forget to mention the biggest welfare system that is capital gains, talk abut money not worked for

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

Lastly...I'm not nieve enough to believe that if we gave everyone an equal start that the USA would not have an underclass. People will be lazy others are just stupid. But I still think we need to do a better job at giving everyone an equal shot a success. Starts withis having an equal education. Safe neighborhoods. And then the rest is up to the individual.

And for god sakes, can we force some fckn birth control. Having children should require a licence. We need a license permit for goddamn everything else.

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


Work alone won't do it. I look at myself. I started with nothing! ZERO! BUT, I had responsible parents that taught me respect, responsibility, values, and especially the value of a good education. Guess what, I then worked myself from the big ZERO to what I have today.

Those that flip burgers and such today for a "living", likely were not raised by responsible parents, or just to lazy and stupid to accept their "training". So it is either shame on the parents or shame on the kids, but it DAMN sure isn't my responsibility.

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


RE: "...had 19 prior arrests...".

The guy in NY had like 31 I believe. And I understand that was for selling un-taxed cigarettes. In the liberal word cigarettes and no taxes, well damn!

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@clubber^^^ I totally agree. I was lucky enough to have parents who wanted a different life for their children a moved us out to a neighborhood where we definitely stuck out.

Which is why I believe that it is a village that raises a child. I have first cousins who are in and out of jail. Why? The only difference I know isthe zip code.

avatar for Clackport
10 yrs ago

I agree with Jackslash.

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


A quick story. There is more to it than that. I was a foreman on a jury one time and one of the ladies on the jury, a black woman, was excellent. Her life story included two sons raised in the same family and environment. One was in college and the other, she had him arrested for dealing. Go figure that out!

avatar for nickifree
10 yrs ago

GACAclub said "Which is why I believe that it is a village that raises a child"

I think you mean it takes another village to raise the child of another village. Look, yes there's poverty. And that's where social programs (Food Stamps, Tax Breaks, Housing Assistance, etc) comes in. But in any case you're typically trying to divert from the original message. I said nothing about poverty or being poor. Instead I addressed behavior and attitude- which you, as typically done, are trying to tie it to race and economic status.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Nikkifree ...You said "Niggerism". How is that not tying it into race?

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


I guess you've never heard of one being referred to as a white nigger? It isn't because of race, rather their actions and lifestyle. Perhaps the white equivalent of Uncle Tom?

avatar for Estafador
10 yrs ago

why is ignorance still entertained here

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

^^^Estafador... no it's not like that Nikkiefree is a Clayton Bigsby or Grandpa from the Boondocks

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

It's pretty interesting that none of this hoopla was raised when two white people killed cops in Las Vegas while they were eating pizza.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

...and Al Sharpton doesn't show up when a white person gets killed by cop either, that's the problem with the "race" game

I'm for human rights equal human rights that includes women... i wouldn't talk to strippers the way LDK does (but then again I've never had OTC -- and I'm sure I overpay for all my lap dances)

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

No one who really had a choice would want to live in the gutter. Part of the problem is that living wage work is not available to many people. There is just no way that some people would be the ones to get it. So they have to try and function with sub living wage off the books work, and maybe 50% of the time that means dealing with people who don't pay.

Lots of people will talk about having started with nothing. But why should that be a standard we try to hold people to? And also, the simple fact is that how well things go for people do depend entirely on their background, social background, economic background, and family background. So a young person may have "nothing", or this is what they say. But actually they have a lot going for them.

It is different for people when they are in middle age. They are looked at differently. Their social standing is different.

No one is going to want to throw their life into the garbage dumpster. I am convinced that anyone who lives in the gutter is there because somewhere along the way their social and civil standing were neutralized. So after that the pain of getting through even one day is just unbearable.

Problem is though, that most such people cannot obtain political consioucness. The pain is too great. Then you have local gov't in league with religious groups, you have the gov't funded mental health system and the probations system, and then you have motivationalists. All of these things work to tell people that they are the ones responsible for their dysfunctional lives. So there is no justice. And further, many of these same things are further propagated via child abuse.

The only remedy is always going to be political consciousness raising.

We have an underclass, but it is not created by social programs, it is created by Capitalism and by the institutions which protect Capitalism, like familyism.


avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

I've gone ahead and preserved my own three posts on my profile.

I say that this entire thread should be deleted, on account of the title.


avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

I vote we don't delete it, freedom of speech... and Nikkifree is black even though he's a "Clayton Bigsby" this is perfect example of how diverse cultural views are among diverse groups. at least we all have the little strip clubs in common :)

avatar for nickifree
10 yrs ago

This thread is criticizing-

Me: Individual attitude and behavior (Actions).

GACAclub: Race and Poverty (Excuses).

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

This thread is ....

Making one guy feel like he's better than anothers from his same heritage.

"Thank you for supporting this thug mentality America."

Where is the call to action? Individual or otherwise?

At least my perspective offer some policy changes that can take place, and the next time people vote either and nationally or locally they can take my perspective into consideration.

the only thing we can do with the point you made is hate on black people even more than we do now.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

@Nikkifree no offense but your "game" is older than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson combine.

The whole "house slave" we better off than dem field niggas and massa likes us better....It's old.

and I'm not making excuses for poor black,white,latino,Asian people. I personally abhor poor people, their behaviour disgust me said it over and over again.

But the only solution is to bring some class into the lower classes, they obviously are not capable of understanding what classy behavior is themselves. the behavior of the upper middle class is not natural, it actually has to be taught and poor people can learn why it would benefit them to follow suit.

avatar for nickifree
10 yrs ago

One last time, and it's my final input on this thread. Individual attitude and behavior vs. Race and Poverty/Class. I'm for self improvement via attitude and behavior. And btw, the field and house slave analogy is a non-sequitur. House slaves were strictly selected by skin color and beauty.

The simple fact is you like thug culture. But hate the negative implications that culture breeds. So you pretend the implications are due to "other" factors. Unfortunately a large but silent polarity of black folks hate your rhetoric and excuses, but are never the less, silent.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

Ya...we can let this thread die.

My final point: using rhetoric like "thug" or "ghetto" helps put your opinion in clear perspective vs the race baiting words like "niggerism" . That was my point. Why make it about race make it about behavior (which you have managed to do after the faux pas that is your topic title)

I think we're on the same side just different ways of solving the issue.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

It sounds like this guy who killed the two NYPD officers was a lone nut. The first black lone nut? Maybe. So far the lone nuts who go off and kill people have always been angry white guys.


avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

SJG ... We agreed to kill this thread. It was pretty circular, think our points were made with ghetto-ism being the issue. Nobody likes ghetto people. The end.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the classy acts out there :)

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

I don't have any particular dislike for ghetto people. I don't even classify people that way.


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