Broke off engagement/bareback sex

avatar for Clackport
If you remember a little over a month ago I told you about my engagement.…
Well after thinking about it and getting some advice from lots of people (including Corvus), I decided to break it off. I do love her deeply, and I could see myself spending the rest of my life with her ONE DAY. However, I've always been a player of sorts, I just love different pussy, at this point in my life it would be extremely hard not to slip up a few times and cheat on her. I couldn't stay in a relationship with her knowing that I cheated, even if she didn't know, she deserves so much better than that. My sex drive is at a 1000. She deserves someone that will treat her like a queen, and that's just not me at this point. I can definitely I rushed the engagement thing.

That being said, I guess I'm back on here with you motherfuckers fulltime lol. SJG can stop telling me to log off lol.

Now to my discussion. How do you all feel about bareback sex?

I realize it's not wise to do bareback with strippers. I've dated a few strippers and I did bareback with them. I've had a few fuckbuddy/one night stand things with some strippers and I stupidly didn't wrap up. I did do tests after, and thankfully I didn't catch anything. Even with civilians I never wrap up. It's not that I want a disease or a baby, it's just that it doesn't feel nearly as good with the condom. I used to use condoms years back, but I just got tired of it. I don't have any kids that I know of lol, I pull out and cum on their ass or on their tits. I have slipped up and came in the pussy a few times, but thankfully no kids have came out of it.

What are you thoughts on condom vs no condom?


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Per TUSCL glossary – BBFS -> “Bare Back Full Service (aka Russian Roulette)”

Unfortunately – not worth the risk *especially* at your age – yeah the odds are that you won’t catch anything; but obviously is not 100% safe and maybe not even close. Stick to BBBJ if that does it for you (much safer IMO).

Best way to bareback it is in a monogamous relationship (at least w.r.t. STDs but obviously there is the little pregnancy thing).

Again – not worth the risk – what was going thru your mind when you barebacked in the past and did not know if you got something – were you like “fuck it’” or were you sweating it – what were you thinking and how did you feel after BB (if you were worried; go w/ your conscience)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I don’t think a guy should get married b/f 30 – fuck all you can and “try” to get it out of your system and then settle down – you are only in your 20s once so do all you want to do b/f you get serious about life.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@Papi- I was only really sweating it when I did bareback with a few of the strippers, I wasn't really too worried about the civilians. When I fuck a girl, I want to give her all of me, and I want to feel all of her, the condom just restricts that for me. Recently I've been better in staying away from fucking the whores, so after the sex I ain't sweating it too much.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
I hate condoms and never wear them. Unless I'm fucking. Then I never go bare back. NEVER. You just don't know where that pussy has been. It's not worth the risk. And those young girls are not often reliable when it comes to birth control.

Yes, it feels different but Russian Roulette is an apt nickname for running bare back.

And sorry about the engagement man.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
Read some of the statistics on std's and then decide. I'm currently fucking 3 different strippers, all bareback; but I'm fucking 69 years old. If my dick falls off next week, I'll miss it, but no big loss. I've got more than 50 years of memories of beautiful women.
I've got an acquaintence who's 29 year old guy who's hung like a horse. He recently tested positive for HIV and he's now looking at a life of medications, safe sex ( if any at all), and he's convinced he got it from having bareback sex with a chick.
It's a big gamble at your age.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
What @gawker said.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
You crazy ass mofo ranukam... congratulations
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Yeah I know it's a little risky, maybe I should thank my blessings that I have don't have a disease and stop fucking bare back now?

I'm curious though, so I'm guessing for you guys, you basically fuck your wife or girlfriend bareback, but everyone else like a fuckbuddy or a one night stand you wrap up? Or maybe you also wrap up when fucking the wife or girlfriend?
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
"That being said, I guess I'm back on here with you motherfuckers fulltime lol"

Welcome back, dude. This forum will give you a more meaningful relationship than marriage!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
First off - welcome back, ranukam. It's so much better that you realized what you really wanted now, before you got in too deep and made a commitment that wouldn't work for you.
Second - I don't need no stinkin' condoms! :D
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I heard the PDX clubs are celebrating tonight. :) I'm with gawker. I'm coming up on 73 and when I do get the opportunity for BBFS I take it
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@shadowcat- yeah, I'm doing my best to boost the economy lol.

@jackslash- well said sir

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I never do bareback with a stripper, not even with my dream stripper. But if I was 65-70 I might. Still got a few years to go.... No condom with the wife, on those rare occasions that I get to fuck her that is.

I usually can't cum fucking with a condom, not enough friction, so a condition of me doing otc with a dancer is a bbbj with cim. That is every bit as good as fucking bearback for me. I almost never pay for a BJ if a cover is involved.

Sorry about the engagement but you've clearly thought it through and are making a mature decision. As a matter of principle I hate that you followed jerikson40's advice, but even a Stripperweb girl is right occasionally. Welcome back.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@ranukam -- Sorry to hear about the broken engagement but welcome back. But seriously dude, don't do bareback in the pussy or ass with anybody unless you're both 100% monogamous (well, you never know with anybody but yourself, so I'll say "unless you're 100% monogamous and you're virtually certain she's the same).
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
No condoms at home and no fucking at the club. I was in a talent show years ago and I said that I was sexually active at 16 and since then I had over fifty women and I never used protection and I never caught anything and never got anyone pregnant. If that's not fucking talent -what is?.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
@paipi about not marrying until 30 - that's pretty good advice. But I have to warn you, in what I have witnessed over the years, all the good girls are spoken for by the time they're 30.

Now I'm not talking about any strippers, they are all batshit crazy and not marriage material, but any hot girl that is rational will have a husband by the time she's 30 if not well before then. If you see a hot girl who is 30 or older that has never been married and seems normal... Run because she's crazy and just hasn't shown her true colors yet.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I only use condoms with professional sex workers, and there's been exceptions to that too. Most of my partners have been in the very low risk category and I've been lucky.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
@rankum: Since you know you'll be having sex with other women, instead of hiding it why not have her participate? If she loves you she'll be happy to have a threesome. Women hate lying more than their guy having sex with other women if they know about it. After all, most OTC adventures involve women fucking lots of other guys and we deal with it.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
"I hate that you followed jerikson40's advice, but even a Stripperweb girl is right occasionally."

Bahaha! Fucking priceless!

Welcome back, ranukam. Marriage sure ain't for everyone....I found that out after the fact.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I only do bareback if a stripper assures me she is clean

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
But seriously – one never knows what the have until they lose it – and losing one’s health may be the greatest loss of all b/c then one often can’t enjoy the things they used to b/c of their ill-health.

Also – if you def plan to marry some day – why the hell take the chance of getting STDs prior to your marriage.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@rockstar666- that would be nice, but she wouldn't want any part in that.

@shailynn- I agree with you that most women at age 30 are already married, but generally in society the husband is older than the wife, so I think Papi was thinking maybe the girl is 26 or 27 and the guy is 30.

@bvino- that is some talent my man

@JohnSmith- I feel you man, when I do use a condom, it's hard for me to cum, just not enough friction like you said.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
Lol my comment reminds me of my college days.

Asking girls "what are you majoring in?" And more than once the answer was "I don't give a shit what degree I graduate with, I'm just here in school to find a husband!"
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Ranukam, sorry to hear about your break-up, but it sounds like you thought it through, long and hard. It must've been a tough decision, but it was probably a good one, too. As for going bareback with a stripper, don't do it. I made that mistake once -- just once -- and she gave me a little gift, then my doctor gave me a little gift of a shot in the ass and a couple of pills. It's just not worth it.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
Unless she got hooves, I don't bareback. I'm too young and it's too risky. Once I'm a wee bit older, it's on.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago

Sorry to hear about your engagement being off. I didn't want to say anything negative while it was on. But as it is off, I think you will be the better off for it.

So welcome back to TUSCL.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I slept the night and thought specifically about the bare backing issue.

I am actually surprised Ranukam to hear the way you are talking about this. What we are all taught is that before engaging in sex you should have an open conversation with your partner. I guess this doesn't happen.

I am surprised that your girl friends go along with BB and with the withdrawal method. It is not reliable. Do they have other contraception in play? Do you even know?

I am not comfortable with the idea that you are intentionally setting them up to be sitting with the calendar in their laps wondering.

About disease transmission I wish there were better options.

Remember Starhawk? She worked with Matthew Fox at the Institute for Creation Spirituality. She says that those who have died of HIV are "martyrs for sex". I go along with this, given that the forces of social repression don't want there to be any medical advances. But that does not mean that I want to be one of those martyrs.

In one of William Gibson's novels, I think "Virtual Light", they do have a technical solution to the disease transmission and contraception issue.

But he also floats another idea too. There was one gay man who had a strain of benign HIV. Turns out that if someone contracts this it neutralizes the malevolent strains.

So of course this infuriated the religious right. The implication was that if you had sex with this man, then you would be immunized. What actually was done though was a vaccine was developed from his strain. But the religious right still murdered him anyway. So he became known as the "AIDS Saint".

I wish there were better things to say in this area. I assume you are thinking this way now as you are abandoning monogamy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I need to also say something else, about the issue of disease transmission. This TUSCL forum is peppered with posts betraying racial and social class based prejudice. Some of those on this thread are also this way. Most unfortunate and unwise if decisions about safe sex are being driven by such prejudice. Most unfortunate that such prejudice is still being perpetuated.

avatar for ime
10 years ago
SJG, Don't worry about Ranukam, that guy is full of more shit than Juice
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Ranukam is a good guy and I am always happy when he posts. I wanted him to stay away from TUSCL when he was getting married and I withheld any negative commentary I might have had about marriage. But not that his marriage is off, I am most happy that he is back.

avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Welcome back !
I even might say I knew you would be back. We have too much fun in the clubs to want to end it all by getting married. Find yourself a girl that enjoys going to strip clubs and that way you can enjoy the hobby together !
avatar for MrBater2010
10 years ago
Welcome back.
Condom always a Condom.. Take it from someone that has been taught a lesson. I dated a woman for 4 years. She always had me wear a condom and often cleaned me up right after sex. And I love it and thought is was the nicest thing ever. Only once did I got her bareback. I thought it was because she didn't want to get preg. I fell in love with her.. Thought, we were perfect for each other. we could even answer questions for each other. but she had other plans. First note of the story, Never leave the IT guy alone on your computer. I found out that she was seeing a few guys and was often talking about me to our friends behind my back. That one of our friends that got us together had a group play book of guys they were taking turns with.

So that lead me to the last point. I found that she has herpes. Never once told me and near the end of the relationship I was okay with it. but secretly would let her go the first chance she wanted too. I just didn't want to be the asshole and I loved her more than I should have, Hell I would of done the MFM 3 some with her if she would have talked about it. TOO ME! (Yeah, I am a push over, don't judge).

End the end She hooked up with a guy we were both friends with. They kept things secret for a few months and so did the group of friends. (fuck them all!, Yeah I judged them). They dated for about 4 months, he moved in with her and quit his job.. Karma.. She told him about the herpes and he still wanted to do it bareback.

And Yes I made it out without the gift..

Sorry, I am on edge this weekend..
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
Don't rush going in to marriage, but do keep GFs around (note the s after GF) that's how I played it and still playing.

When it is the right girl, you will know and it will be great for the both of you.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
According to stevie-girl we are all DOOMED anyway due to pending economic collapse. So yeah, ditch the condom, tune in, turn on, drop out. Wrack up the credit card. There is no future anyway. Because stevie-girl said so.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
alabegonz, I needed to hear what you are saying now, before I was married. I got ratcheted down to just one GF, and then to her being my wife. What happened after that was like being skinned alive and then cooked in oil.

What you say is right.

avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
damn was dougster on point or what. He predicted and it came true. Too funny. Man I have missed a lot. I am now finding out you just got of an engagement you went into 2 months ago. What am I doing with my life?
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I mean not even a month!
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Yeah Dougster is very wise.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
SJG, that is the worst thing, ever.

Man, women have this thing that in order for them to be the one they need to compete.

So I do not lie, I tell em I date other women.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I have been very slow to learn what you are saying. And the costs have been monumental.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I found myself in a marriage where my own inadequacy was just assumed, and so my spouse was determined to break me and to make me submit.

Now I always accepted monogamy as part of the bargain. I never challenged this. But my spouse wanted to try and make me conform to a whole host of other things, all based on promoting the status of being married instead of an actual partnership, and so she waged war.

There were no external controls in place to prevent this. So since she did not care how negative she made day to day existence and how much she destroyed our shared life together, this was completely bottomless. So the only recourse was to finally bring in outside authority to restrain her, and then to have her removed.

I had wanted a partner, but she had made herself an enemy. I feel myself lucky to even be alive.


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